Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2790 Actual Combat Devil Pig

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Zhang Fan gave Lu Chen a disdainful look, stepped forward to catch him, and curled his lips: "A coward is a coward, even if you don't dare to catch fireflies, I think you'd better go back as soon as possible! Bamboo Spirit , if you like it, I'll catch it for you!"

Watching Zhang Fan walk into the fluorescent light unsuspectingly, a slight coldness appeared on the corner of Lu Chen's mouth, but he didn't say anything.

Pang Hai looked at it and shook his head aside, he was really ignorant, he didn't believe anyone's words, and he had to believe Brother Lu's words, he was a genius in crafting, he also got the inheritance of the Extraordinary Master, the inheritance of Suzaku's Gate, and now he joined the Ksitigarbha Academy— —He is simply a perverted genius among geniuses.

Immediately, Pang Hai also took a step back, imitating Lu Chen, picked up a weapon and protected the carriage behind him: "If you want me to say that no one believes what my brother Lu said, then you are really stupid."

Zhang Fan stretched out his hand to catch the fireflies that were close in front of him, but suddenly felt that something was wrong with the black area in front of him.

gloomy!It was extremely gloomy, not even a ray of moonlight was reflected.

Suddenly, the surrounding vines trembled slightly, and a big mouth full of sharp thorns suddenly opened from the darkness!


Zhang Fan was startled by the sudden appearance of the big mouth, screamed loudly, and tried to crawl out of the pile of grass in panic, but his feet stumbled.In such an instant of falling, Zhang Fan's heels were quickly entangled by powerful vines.Like an iron shackle, Zhang Fan was instantly pulled towards the place where those two big mouths were!

"Ah! Ah!"

Three exclamations sounded one after the other, Zhang Fan saw the terrifying mouth getting closer, almost peed his pants in fright.


At this moment, an epee pierced into the bloody mouth behind him, and black sticky juice flowed out from the strangely shaped vine, and soon the vine wilted and lay motionless on the ground.

Of course, Lu Chen didn't have the kindness to save Zhang Fan. At the critical moment, Pang Hai finally made a move.

"Uncle Pang Hai, it's a good thing you're here." Zhu Ling patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief: "What is that? It's so scary?"

"I don't know, I have never seen this kind of magic plant." Pang Hai stepped forward and pulled out his heavy sword, cut off a few vines that were entangled with Zhang Fan, and lifted him out with a pale face, saying, "Brother Lu and I are friends." , is also a brother, you can just call me Brother Pang. Dangers are everywhere here, and my brother Lu has always been very powerful, so everyone better listen to him."

After being frightened just now, Zhu Ling nodded obediently, but Zhang Fan didn't speak, but had a frightened expression.

"Don't be afraid, in fact, you just didn't notice it in the chaos. The magic pressure emitted by this kind of vines is about the fifth level of ordinary magic soldiers." Lu Chen smiled calmly, patted Zhuqing on the shoulder comfortingly, and walked over , Cut off the pouch in the center of the dead vine, the green juice inside has flowed out.

"Brother Lu Chen, what are you doing with this?" Zhu Ling asked curiously.

"I think this magic plant is strange, so take it back and study it." Lu Chen casually threw away the shrunken pouch in his hand, and showed it to Zhuqing.

In fact, he knew this kind of magic plant, the bloodthirsty vine, which could devour passing creatures and suck blood.The pouch of this vine can assist in the refining of Bloodthirsty Pill, a magic pill that can charm the mind.

Zhu Qing didn't know what was going on in Lu Chen's mind, but he was just happy that he showed her the pouch, her face was a little hot, and she secretly thought happily: I was the first person he gave it to!Not even Linger!

"Brother Lu, you are brave and careful." Pang Hai admired Lu Chen more and more, he knew that Lu Chen was very powerful, and with Lu Chen around, he was right.

Zhang Fan managed to calm down, but his face in the dark night was terrifying. Lu Chen wanted to give him a hard time, and even showed it off in front of everyone. He would never let Lu Chen go!

"Okay, everything, it's time to officially start." Pang Hai raised his epee and jumped into the carriage, "My wife and I will accompany us all the way in the carriage. Now, it's mainly up to you."

This is a trial, and everything depends on a few young people to find out by themselves, the elders and guards, as long as they are responsible for guarding it.

There are a lot of this kind of vines on the edge of the forest. Except for Lu Chen, the other three people have an extra sharp blade in their hands to cut off those annoying tentacles. There were a few scratches and holes, which made everyone miserable.

No, except for Lu Chen, he didn't use any weapons, as if he had the ability of a prophet. There were almost no man-eating vines in the places he passed. Even if there were, he could easily avoid them with his extremely light and weird footwork, and left For a while, Chase Lu's exquisite black magician robe remained perfectly intact without any damage, which amazed several people.

So, the dizang academy recruited all geniuses. No wonder Chu Yu agreed to accept Lu Chen as his apprentice just after seeing Lu Chen.Zhu Qing nodded secretly, and it was right to decide to show love to Lu Chen together with his mother, and he himself is a very attractive man.

Later, what surprised the three of Zhuqing even more was that no matter how much they increased their speed, they still couldn't surpass Chase Lu who was far ahead. Chase Lu's ghostly speed seemed to change with their speed. He walked fast, and when they were slow, he also slowed down, always appearing to be able to do a job with ease.

"Damn! Why can't I catch up with this country bumpkin! I'm obviously better than him!" Zhang Fan almost vomited to death when he realized that he couldn't catch up with Chase Lu.

Zhuqing looked at Lu Chen, and felt that Lu Chenjun's face was heroic, and the silver moonlight sprinkled on him, which was natural and harmonious.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

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At this time, Chase Lu in front suddenly stopped. They were taken aback, and came to Chase Lu one after another. Pang Hai on the side also frowned slightly, and stopped the carriage.

"Brother Lu, what's the problem?" Pang Hai directly regarded Lu Chen as the backbone.

"There are monsters coming!" Lu Chen listened for a while, his face became a little dignified: "And, it's a group!"

Hearing the rumbling sound in the distance, Lu Chen closed his eyes and used his demon soul to sense it, only to see a group of giant demon pigs rushing towards this side not far away.

"It's a demon pig, extremely ferocious." Lu Chen said calmly, "Besides, the leading demon pig's cultivation base is around the demon's rank, and the other demon pigs are on average equal to the demon general's strength."

Hearing this, Pang Hai immediately drew out his epee, and thrust it into the ground in front of him with a loud "Clang!", a strong sword energy poured into the sword from his hand, using the sword as a guide, a barrier of devilish energy appeared , wrapping the entire carriage in it.

"Blow it, it's just you, now you know what kind of monster it is, and what kind of cultivation it is?"

Zhang Fan said disdainfully: "Warcraft? Why didn't I feel it?"

"Shut up, don't be rude! Everyone defend themselves!"

As soon as the words fell, Mrs. Wen Ya in the carriage spoke, "Lu Chen is right, there are indeed a large number of monsters coming!"

Mrs. Wen Ya is at the fifth level of Demonic Aspect, so she can easily identify the objects ahead.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and took out a newly refined eighth-level middle-grade magic knife from the ring, which he named Chi Yan.

The blade draws an arc in the void, leaving a few afterimages. This magic knife, Lu Chen is made of rare red-faced gold. It is sharp and hard to cut gold and jade. It is really a rare top quality weapon.

Moreover, this knife also has a hidden function, if it is activated by the magic element, a raging fire will appear.

"Good knife!" Pang Hai's eyes lit up, this is Master Lu Chen's latest creation!He could vaguely feel that his rank had risen to the eighth rank!

In a dazed effort, the rumbling voice has quickly come to the front.

Soon, a tall adult figure with huge horns appeared in front of everyone.

A large group of demon pigs emerged from the forest in all directions, forming a dense circle!

The long and sharp horn on the top of the devil pig's head is extremely powerful. If it is hit head-on, most people will be gutted on the spot.


A few wisps of murderous aura emanated from Lu Chen's body, but seeing a black shadow flash, he rushed out like a ghost first!

He hasn't really fought for a long time. He can't always rely on the demon soul to defeat the enemy. His strength should be improved in all aspects!

"Lu Chen!" Zhuqing exclaimed. He didn't expect Lu Chen to have no sense of defense at all, but rushed directly into the wild boar herd, his handsome face flushed red with anxiety, and he stomped his feet repeatedly. The devil pig in the future, isn't he looking for death?

"Idiot!" Zhang Fan also cursed angrily, but his eyes looked around for Lu Chen's figure, but as far as he could see, the wild boar's sharp and huge horns had already pierced him!

At this time, Lu Chen turned around and swung his knife with a backhand, directly chopping off the entire head of the demon pig, and blood sprayed both of them!

After one blow, Lu Chen turned around and left.

"Hold yourselves, Brother Lu, you don't need to worry!" Pang Hai's voice transmission sounded in the ears of several people, the three of them were slightly taken aback, and quickly leaned back to back, forming a small circle, and each deployed its means to defend against the people around them. magic pig.

At the beginning of hunting the demon pigs, because of the large number, they could only barely hold on to prevent it from harming the companions behind them. Take a breather.

"It's really great, actual combat really needs training!" Lu Chen felt really hearty in this battle, and faintly felt that his magic energy was showing signs of breakthrough again.

Lu Chen paused, stopped and looked at the devil pig king who had retreated back from the beginning.

Sure enough, it was full of the pressure of the middle stage of the devil, and its eyes were faintly red in the dark night.

It seems that if the Demon Pig King is not captured, it will be difficult to win the final victory.

While Lu Chen was looking at the Demon Pig King, the Demon Pig was also looking at Lu Chen.

It noticed that this human race has always been the most powerful, and rushing to the front is really getting in the way.

So one person and one pig looked at each other miraculously.



Both parties rushed towards each other in a flash!

The Demon Pig King used the magic element to infuse his four hooves, and rushed towards Lu Chen like lightning.

In the process of rushing out, Lu Chen focused on two purposes, separated his own demon, charged at the demon pig behind him with a long sword, and protected the main body, Lu Chen.

Lu Chen remembered that he had learned a skill of transforming a thousand with one thought, which is common to soul skills everywhere.He had tried it himself after he had advanced to the Demon Separation Stage, so controlling the Demon Separation now was simply a piece of cake.


Almost at the moment when the Demon Pig King jumped up, Lu Chen took the first step. He slashed the magic knife from the top, poured the magic energy into his whole body, and the magic knife ignited a raging fire. burn away.

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