Entering it is ten deaths and no life, let alone them! "

"Although Lu Chen is only in the realm of dividing the demon realm, but with the wing formation, he is comparable to a strong man in the realm of the devil!"

"Isn't this a bit invincible?"

"Bullshit, magic weapon is also a part of one's own strength. The battle of magic way not only depends on the level of strength, but also depends on their respective equipment.

Lu Chen was able to have the wing formation, which was also obtained from the Suzaku Gate.In the past, so many people didn't get it, but Lu Chen got it.This shows that Chase Lu is better than those who entered in the past! "

The audience in the stands were discussing intensely at this time.At the same time, in my heart, I also put Lu Chen in the position of the realm of the devil.With this formation in hand, most people would no longer threaten Chase Lu's safety.

This wing formation, at first glance, is the kind of formation that can be opened at any time.Just like the formation flags and disks, the formations have already been engraved on the utensils.As long as there is a short excitation time, the arrangement can be successful.

This is what Lu Chen wanted them to see, so that they would not guess what they had gained from Suzaku's Gate.Conceal the Lingtian world to the greatest extent.

At the same time, they are issuing warnings and trying to make their own minds.Don't even think about below the realm of the devil king, as for the dare to come to the realm of the devil king.Lu Chen naturally has a corresponding method, don't forget that there is a little Suzaku in Lingtian's world.

That was just born, a powerful existence at the level of a demon.And it is also within the range of the demon world, as long as it is not wanton destruction.There is nothing to worry about, so Lu Chen is full of confidence now.

The world of Suzaku is integrated into the world of Ling Tian, ​​the carrier of the world of Suzaku.That is, the pair of wings were naturally left idle.Lu Chen deliberately taught the little Suzaku the method of depicting a nine-level formation, and then asked the little Suzaku to help him portray it on the wings.

If he drips blood and refines, he can naturally control the wings to form formations in an instant.This nine-level formation has three functions, one is to trap the enemy, the other is to kill the enemy, and the third is to defend.Three uses in one burst, and they are all extremely powerful.

As for the current Zhu Wu, the demon soul is still seriously injured.It is not appropriate to consume the demon soul, and now it is mainly rest.At this time, he had returned his demon soul to his body and fell into a deep sleep.Occasionally waking up is basically teaching little Suzaku.

Little Suzaku usually goes to Lu Chen's residence when he is not practicing.Playing with the clone and Cai'er, the huge Lingtian world.According to what Chase Lu saw and heard on Earth, Caier has transformed it into a huge playground.

Chase Lu did not cover the situation in the formation, so the audience in the stands.It was watching the Luo family being wiped out in a crushing posture by the nine-level formation.The 46 members of the Luo family who fled to Donglaijie all died within the formation in less than a quarter of an hour.

Their flesh and blood and demon souls were all turned into fly ash.For their begging for mercy, there is also a curse before death.Lu Chen didn't even pay attention to those who dared to provoke him.No matter who it is, Chase Lu will not show mercy.

After they all disappeared, Chase Lu rolled up their belongings.Then put away the formation, Lu Chen was still standing on the high platform.Under the high platform, only a handful of fly ash dissipated.

A huge amount of merit descended on Lu Chen.Lu Chen did not reveal the golden light of merit, but silently absorbed it.Directly let Lu Chen's own golden light of merit spread to his waist.Sixty percent has been completed!

"What a powerful formation!"

This is the first feeling in the heart of everyone present.At the same time, he was also envious of Lu Chen's luck.You must know that there are nine-level formations that can be carried with you. This kind of treasure is extremely rare in the devil world.

Even if there is a ninth-level formation mage who can describe it, it needs the cooperation of a ninth-level weapon master.can be refined,

The most important thing is to refine the nine-level magic weapon, which is even rarer in the devil world.Of all the powerful demon kings in the Donglai Realm, there are still many who do not have a ninth-level magic weapon.

But Lu Chen, a person who divides the magic realm, has a ninth-level magic weapon by his side.Not to mention them, even Wang Wukui and the twelve elders.They are all very envious, but they are not jealous.

The stronger Lu Chen is, the stronger the future refining alliance will be.This is a good thing!And they also know that since this is the inheritance Lu Chen obtained from the Suzaku Gate, then this ninth-level magic weapon.Not everyone can use it, after all, it is the inheritance of the magic sparrow.

As we all know, what level of magic weapon is used for what kind of realm.Once super used, not only will it not be able to exert its power.It will also damage itself, but Lu Chen's super use is fine.It can only be explained that this ninth-level magic weapon is exclusively used by Lu Chen.

Even if others get it, it is of no use.This is also the fundamental reason why Chase Lu revealed it.I can use it, but you can't.Even if it is missed by the strong, the possibility of snatching it is not great.

Grab a magic weapon that is useless to him, and offend Lu Chen, a person with unlimited potential.No one would be stupid to snatch it, and no one would doubt that Lu Chen could not cultivate to the realm of the devil king.

"Thank you for coming all the way to watch the ceremony, although this test conference is just a cover. It's just a private matter for someone Lu to clean up the house.

But I can't let everyone make a trip in vain, the next time.I will draw one hundred lucky viewers here, and as long as they show the corresponding materials, I will tailor a magic weapon for them.

If you do not have the materials, you can also transfer this qualification to others.No matter who it is, strong buying and strong selling are not allowed! "

"Now I can only guarantee to refine a seventh-level top-grade magic weapon. So if the seniors of the Demon Lord Realm get it, please forgive the junior for being helpless! If the lucky audience has any special requirements, I will try my best to meet them."

Originally, some of the audience in the stands were somewhat unhappy.

After all, the reason why I came here all the way is to be invited.The second is to get acquainted with Luo Renjie, and the third is to watch the ceremony.But I didn't expect that Chase Lu would make a scene to clean up the house,

Thus.Apart from watching a farce, I got nothing left.

Now hearing Lu Chen's words, those dissatisfied audiences were naturally satisfied.Those who love to collect are even happier.It's just a random lucky qualification, this rule is a bit deceptive.

The most excited is the casual cultivator who occupies half of the stands, calculated according to the probability.Loose cultivators accounted for half of the people, so there were almost fifty of the one hundred places here.Even if there is a discrepancy, it is not too much difference.

Loose cultivators seem to be free and unrestricted, but they are actually living a miserable life.There are no cultivation resources, no first-class magical weapons.Get everything by yourself, looking at some of the best magic weapons in the store.

It's a pity that I can't afford it because I'm too shy to afford it, so I finally got some good natural materials and earthly treasures.But they can't afford to invite famous masters to make it, and they are afraid of failure in refining if they are made by ordinary weapon masters.

Now Chase Lu promised to refine it for free, which caused the casual practitioners to burst into cheers.If you want to know whether Lu Chen's status is still the inheritance of skills, I want to ask Lu Chen to tailor it for him alone.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The price is self-evident, just like the people on earth.It's like asking a donkey pie designer to design a piece of clothing just for him.This requirement requires more than money.You also need to have a high status, which is not something that casual cultivators like hanging silk can afford.

Wang Wukui took out a square box and shook it.There was a rushing sound from inside, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"This is the lottery box of our Refining Alliance. It is made of bright moon gold that can isolate the detection of demon souls. There are 50 number plates in it, which are compared with you as the numbers below. Now please Lu Chen to draw lots! "

"pick me, puff me"

There was a huge figure with a fat body on the stand, standing on the seat, jumping and shouting.The fat meat trembled with the beating, and there were a pair of small eyes on the face of the pie.

Excitement on his face at this time.He didn't care about the tugging from the same door, and the simmering smiles on the faces of the people nearby.

"Ha ha"

Although everyone is a competitor, the people in the distance are still caught by this scene.It was so funny that even Lu Chen couldn't help but smile.

Taking a look, I found that the fat man was an acquaintance.It is Pang Hai who is digging pits and doing business without money,

As if he noticed Lu Chen's gaze, Pang Hai became even more excited.Shouting: "Brother Lu is me, beat me!"

"Ha ha"

Now everyone burst out laughing, it was really the appearance of this fat man.They were all full of joy, and at the same time, everyone knew that Lu Chen and this fat man should know each other, and this fat man was just enlivening the atmosphere.

"Okay, I hope to get Brother Pang!"

Lu Chen's words surprised everyone around Pang Hai.When Pang Hai said that he knew Lu Chen, they really didn't believe it.Unexpectedly, Pang Hai jumped wildly for a while, which seemed extremely embarrassing.However, the atmosphere was invisibly active, and it also attracted Lu Chen's attention.

So these fellow disciples, at this time, all talked to Pang Hai flatteringly.They are all the same in their hearts, they just hope to get to know Lu Chen through Pang Hai.

Even if you don't look for Lu Chen's refiner, you can still get acquainted.No one can see now that Lu Chen is expected to ascend.In the future, he will definitely be the director of the Artifact Refining Alliance, and a big shot in the West in the future.

Pang Hai agreed with a smile, his face seemed harmless to humans and animals.But the heart is extremely calm, if someone treats him as a fool and makes fun of him.So whoever thinks this way will suffer a lot.

Lu Chen walked down the high platform and came to Wang Wukui's side.Reaching out from the box, he pulled out a hundred pieces of paper in succession.Then hand it to the guard next to him, and the guard took it.Some demon souls from the Yuan Demon Realm had landed on the note.

Then all the people in the audience followed the guards' votes.And one after another compared their own actions, the people who were drawn were naturally very happy.Those who were not drawn were not overly upset.

After all, there were a total of 50 spectators, and only 100 people were drawn.There are 900 people who have not been drawn, such a chance.

It's normal if you can't draw it, and it's obviously a stroke of luck if you get it.Soon the voting ended, and everyone in the audience was happy and worried.One hundred lucky people were born, and only 35 people were born in the casual practice.It accounted for [-]% of the votes, and the rest came from the major demon forces.

When the hundred lucky ones lined up in the order they were drawn.Lu Chen came over, and the first person was a casual cultivator.Only the strength of the magician realm,

At this time, his face was full of excitement.He was also somewhat uneasy, because just now, many people sent him voice transmissions.He was a bit reluctant to buy his quota, and he didn't want to offend these strong men.

Lu Chen knew what he was struggling with just by looking at it.

"If I were you, I would request the Artifact Refining Alliance. Publicly auction your number plate, and the highest bidder will get it. Then get the proceeds and digest them in the giant city.

In this way, firstly, it will not offend people, secondly, it will not waste opportunities, thirdly, it will dispel the thoughts of jealous people, and fourthly, it can improve one's own strength.Multi-tasking! "

It's not easy to practice casually, and Chase Lu will also be able to do it flexibly.Help, Chase Lu doesn't want these casual practitioners to be ignorant.He got the magic weapon he refined for him, but was robbed as soon as he left the city.

"Thank you Master Lu for reminding me!"

The casual cultivator's eyes were full of gratitude, he was indeed knocked out by the sudden luck just now.And forgetting the cautiousness in the past, the opportunity for Lu Chen to refine it for free is rare and precious.

But it's more expensive than your own life.And as long as you transfer your quota, at most it will make people jealous but it won't make the big shots hold grudges.

Just hide in the giant city, the headquarters of the Artifact Refining Alliance, and digest all the harvest this time.It can not only increase the limit of life, but also minimize the danger.

So the casual cultivator cupped his fists and saluted Lu Chen.Respectfully said: "Master Lu, I would like to ask the Artifact Refining Alliance to help me auction this quota."

Lu Chen nodded with a smile, and said: "Okay, the people behind you can also listen. Anyone who doesn't want to refine magic weapons can find me.

I will auction off your qualifications uniformly, and while you are at the headquarters of the Refining Alliance.I will also guarantee your personal safety! "

Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders were taken aback when they heard this.Then, seeing the excited casual cultivators in the crowd, he also understood Lu Chen's approach.

At the same time, I also lamented that Lu Chen thought comprehensively, although these casual cultivators were lucky.But it was also exposed in full view, and everyone was innocent and conceived the crime.

The best way is to auction the lucky qualifications.Then exchange for cultivation resources, and leave after all are digested.In this way, the casual cultivators got benefits, but the Artifact Refining Alliance gained fame.Kill two birds with one stone!

"Look at the overall situation, right and wrong, and a sense of justice! The three elements are gathered together. It seems that our Artifact Refining Alliance should be able to take off in Lu Chen's hands."

Hearing Nalan Cheng's exclamation, Wang Wukui and others also nodded in agreement.When he looked at Lu Chen again, his eyes were softer.

There are 35 casual cultivators, and 25 lucky ones from small and medium-sized magic sect forces.All the places were handed over to Lu Chen for auction, and the rest were all from the top magic sect forces.

There are sixty places to be auctioned, which makes many people who are planning to leave.He sat down again, and at the same time Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders also made a calculation.It is planned to take out all the magic weapons that Lu Chen once refined and auction them off during this time period.

At the beginning, Lu Chen refined a large number of magic weapons in order to accumulate magic stones for cultivation.Although the grades are all five or six.But the victory lies in the high quality, and each piece is a boutique.Taking advantage of Lu Chen's soaring value.It's a great opportunity to make a fortune!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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