Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2780 Spiritual Race

The night is like water, filling the earth, and the cool moonlight pours down from the sky, covering the whole world with a layer of light silver gauze.

In the middle of the mountains, groups of palaces of the giant city of the Artifact Refining Alliance stand one after another under the moonlight, like an ancient beast, exuding a trace of ancient atmosphere. At this moment, most of these palaces are brightly lit .

After Chase Lu finished refining, the Artifact Refining League held a grand banquet, which was not only to celebrate Chase Lu, but also to entertain those casual practitioners who gathered in the Artifact Refining League.

The past few days can be regarded as the festive days of the Artifact Refining Alliance, so many places are filled with festive atmosphere.

"Haha, with Master Lu Chen, it will be just around the corner for us to become the top power in the Donglai Realm, or even the entire Demon God Continent!"

"If you want me to say, Master Lu Chen is the hope of the entire human race."

"Master Lu Chen is the top genius among geniuses, the entire hope of our continent!"

Pang Hai was even more cheerful: "That's right, this is my brother Lu, can you not be amazing!"

The faces of a group of casual cultivators were full of glory, and they were very happy.

Each of them has gained a lot, and most of them have harvested seventh-level magic weapons. Although many of them are low-grade, this is already very remarkable.In normal times, these casual cultivators would spend their whole lives, and they would never even dare to think about owning a seventh-grade magic weapon!

Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders congratulated Lu Chen on his lean cultivation, and couldn't help but drink to his heart's content.

They haven't been this happy in many years. Although their Artifact Refining Alliance is powerful, it is relatively speaking.The human race is a low-level existence among the more than 100 races in the Demon God Continent. Those who have ascended to the upper realm after so many years are also the least among the human race.

According to Lu Chen's current potential, Lu Chen will lead the human race to the light. By then, will the Artifact Refining League not be the most high-end existence!Who wouldn't be excited!

Wang Qimeng and Su Yurong looked at Lu Chen with beautiful eyes, and their hearts were full of admiration and admiration.

Lu Chen was also very happy in his heart. After several months of refining weapons, his methods and skills have been continuously improved. Now, he can forge seventh-grade middle-grade magic weapons at will.If he were to build it with all his heart, the seventh-rank top-grade magic weapon would have an 80.00% success rate.

Now he has a faint feeling that he can work hard to create a magic weapon of the eighth rank.

Sure enough, you still have to improve in practice, whether it is cultivation or skill, you must rely on continuous practice.

Looking at Wang Qimeng and Su Yurong, Lu Chen felt a warm feeling in his heart. The feeling that someone really likes it is really beautiful.

Although the preliminary structure of his small world has been completed, it is still in the stage of evolution and transformation. It is not suitable for the two girls to live in. When the complete evolution is successful, they will be taken in early.

Laughing all night, on the second day, the casual cultivators had already left in disorder under the arrangement of the Artifact Refining League.

Lu Chen got up from the bed and stretched. He hadn't slept so soundly for a long time. He basically used practice instead of rest. Occasionally, he felt extremely comfortable when he fell asleep.

"Bang! Boom!"

He was about to go to Lingtian World to see Xiaotian and Cai'er, and by the way, see how the world's evolution progressed.Suddenly there was a loud noise outside the house.

"Who is Chase Lu, get out!"

Before Lu Chen went out to look, his spiritual sense had already seen the situation outside.

In mid-air, a young man with white hair stood in the air, and under his feet was the central square of the giant city that was half destroyed by him.

That is him, who is yelling coldly: "Human Lu Chen, get out."

This time, Chase Lu didn't seem to hear it, and he still sat on the bed motionless.

However, when other people in the giant city saw this white-haired man, they began to discuss it.

"I'm going, this is, the legendary Spirit Race?"

"It's really a spirit race! Silver-haired and childlike, who else is there besides them! This is a high-level race in our mainland. They are born with the level of a demon general, and their talents are inherently powerful. How did they come to this place? Come here, and come to find Lu Chen!"

"Who knows, the Spirit Race mainly stays in the mysterious Middle Realm! Don't they disdain coming to our place!"

Everyone's discussion has long been heard by Lu Chen, who has a strong spiritual sense.He couldn't help but feel moved, Spirit Race?One of the humanoids mentioned in the classics seems to be somewhat similar to the elves in his memory. He has white hair and a childlike face. He is born powerful and has a mind. He is one of the top ten races in the mainland.

What is he doing here?

Demon soldiers, magic masters, demon generals, demon dividers, demon masters, demon commanders, demon phases, demon kings, demon kings, crossing the tribulation realm.

Feeling the thick demon soul breath emanating from the person outside, Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little creepy. It seems that this spirit clan's cultivation base is actually in the late stage of demon appearance, and he will soon break through to the demon king.

The visitor is not kind, what on earth is this person going to do.

"Isn't Lu Chen arrogant? Let's see how Lu Chen will deal with it!"

"Of course, I'll wait to see him get beaten!"

There were also many people who sneered and said that they wanted to see Lu Chen make a fool of himself. You must know that Lu Chen's behavior of refining weapons against casual cultivators made some forces very unhappy, not to mention Lu Chen's last night on weekdays. Extremely arrogant.

Not everyone has the consciousness of being united as a human race, more of them like to see the powerful human race get unlucky, fall to the mortal world, and even be stepped on by them, that would be great.

"Lu Chen, are you a coward? Get out, do you hear me? Otherwise, I will level the Artifact Alliance first, and then the giant city!"

The people in mid-air waited very unhappy,

"You have a big air?" Lu Chen walked out of the room slowly, and glanced indifferently at the spirit man in the air.

This person's cultivation base is very powerful, yes, but his demon soul cultivation base of Lu Chen has reached the level of the Demon Emperor. Lu Chen has never been afraid of any existence.

Because of Lu Chen's glance, the man in the air was furious.

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He is a member of the Spirit Clan. Although his cultivation is not at the top level, he is also a little transparent in the Clan. However, in Zhongzhou, no one dares not to give him face. Now this little low-level human race Lu Chen is so ignoring him. , Let him lose face.

"Okay, great! Originally, I just wanted you to come to Zhongzhou to be a craftsman for my Spirit Race, but now, I want you to be a slave to my Spirit Race!"

After all, the spirit clan man raised his fist violently and hit Lu Chen hard on the head.

"Today, I'm going to teach you a lesson, to let you know that in the entire Demon God Continent, you're a fucking piece of trash!"

The thick devilish energy burst out from the fist of the spirit clan man like a huge wave, and he exuded the powerful breath of the devil's appearance all over his body.

All the people in Jucheng who watched this scene couldn't help but be shocked, it turned out to be a strong man in the realm of demons!

No one in the entire giant city can shake the existence of the Demonic Realm!

Now Lu Chen is over!

Except for a few people with bad intentions who were secretly excited, Wang Qimeng, Su Yurong, Wang Wukui and other people who supported Lu Chen were going crazy.

Twenty centimeters!

Ten centimeters!

Five centimeters!

Seeing that the fist of the visitor was about to hit Lu Chen on the head, but suddenly, Lu Chen's head tilted slightly.

Everyone saw Lu Chen make a move, his left hand directly held the comer's arm, and his right fist hit him in the stomach.


With one punch, Lu Chen sent the spirit clan, one of the top ten races, flying out of the demon realm.

Everyone stared at this scene dumbfounded, unable to say anything.

How can it be!

Defeated the demon phase with one move!

What a concept!

There were golden flowers in the eyes of countless women in the giant city, and they looked at Lu Chen's cool figure with admiration.

And the rest of the men also looked at all this with envy and admiration!

Only Lu Chen was secretly startled. He just punched, but he had an idea, wrapped his hands with his spiritual sense, and directly hit the consequences caused by the other party's spiritual sense.

If he really used his cultivation to fight, he knew very well that he was just a punch.

Forget it, just hit him, no matter what method he uses, everyone can see that he is indeed knocked away by someone from the future.The play will continue.

"who are you?"

Walking up to that person, Lu Chen asked in a cold voice.


The silver-haired man on the ground gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain, snorted coldly, and did not answer Chase Lu.

His current demon soul was locked by Lu Chen with his divine sense, and he couldn't move except for talking.

What the hell, this Lu Chen is just a low-level practitioner in a small broken place on the [-]th line, but he can have such unfathomable demonic power to imprison him!

"who are you!"

Su Yurong and Wang Qimeng also hurried forward. They looked at the silver-haired man on the ground with righteous indignation, and asked in unison, "Why did you come to hurt brother Lu Chen for no reason?"

The Spirit Race people on the ground didn't say a word, they were still using their spiritual sense to charge hard, trying to break free from Chase Lu's control.

However, to Lu Chen, his consciousness is like a big ship in the sea, which cannot be shaken at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to say it here, take your time."

Lu Chen's voice was cold, and he said without a doubt.

The people in Jucheng looked at Lu Chen dumbfounded, and he carried the spirit clan visitor to his room like a chicken.

At the same time, Wang Qimeng's second daughter and Wang Wukui also followed up.

"My mother, did I not wake up, and I saw Lu Chen defeating a demon realm!"

"how can that be?"

"Could it be Lu Chen's harvest at Suzaku's Gate?"

"Before cleaning up the Luo family, Lu Chen was not so awesome. At that time, he had just returned from the inheritance of Suzaku's Gate! I think Lu Chen has some miracles in the past two months!"

"Fuck off, what kind of miracle can allow a person to break through so many realms in just a few months and defeat a person who is in the realm of the devil."

"Are your arguments wrong - the person Lu Chen beat was still a Spirit Race, is Lu Chen crazy? He doesn't want to live anymore!"

"That's right, our Demon God Continent has regulations! Attacking high-level noble races is a crime!"


Chase Lu didn't hear all the commotion outside.

Because he focused all his attention on this Spiritual Race in front of him, all his consciousness was used to bind this person.

The divine consciousness comparable to the devil emperor is his only powerful trump card now, and the only magic weapon that can subdue this spirit clansman.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for me?"

Chase Lu asked again.

"Hmph!" The face of the spirit race on the ground was purple, and the veins on the neck and forehead were all bulging, "Who am I, you don't deserve to know. If you offend the spirit race, you will die!"

Frowning unhappily, a flash of light flashed in Lu Chen's mind, and he suddenly thought of his Lingtian world.

There, Little Suzaku is a real devil emperor.Moreover, there is also a world that really belongs to him, Chase Lu, and he is the master.

What are you afraid of this person?

Lu Chen looked at this person, suddenly smiled, and directly asked Wang Qimeng and the three to go out and guard.

"I'm using the secret method to fight him now, and it won't take too long. You go out and guard. I will use the secret method to fight him now. If you don't believe me, this guy won't open his mouth."

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