Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2778 Level 9 Formation

"Before, there was the inheritance of the Extraordinary Grandmaster, and later, there was the inheritance of Suzaku. It is not surprising to have such an achievement!"

Chase Lu looked down, and quickly got out of the huge crowd.After finding the location of Wang Qimeng and Su Yurong, he gave them a reassuring smile.

Then he looked at the Luo family at his feet with a cold face, and said in a cold tone: "Although you didn't kill me, you framed my reputation. And you even slandered me as a servant of your family, thus elevating your Luo family status."

Lu Chen's eyes became murderous, and he said in a deep voice: "You guys also faked the illusion that you have cleaned up the door, if it's just these, I can bypass you.

But you are so immortal that you are trying to get my woman involved.Dare to seek the position of my candidate, this is already an endless hatred! "

"Apology, apology. I just want to take it all away. There is no such a good thing in the world. Since you have done it, you have to bear the corresponding responsibility. You are so deceiving the world for your own benefit, you all deserve to die!"

Lu Chen's words won the approval of many people.It also made many people sneer, the world of magic is plain.That is, whoever has the biggest fist has the biggest right to speak.Now the Artifact Refining Alliance has big fists, so the Artifact Refining Alliance has the final say.

Of course, both Chen Lu and the Artifact Refining Alliance stood on the moral high ground for killing the Luo family.With this, you can kill the opponent with peace of mind.And it won't increase the sins, maybe you can get some merit!

After all, the Luo family is abandoning the city and fleeing, and they will disregard the life and death of the people within their sphere of influence.Such a family of the city lord, once the people are killed or injured.The resulting resentment would naturally be the responsibility of the fleeing city lord's family.

A demon disaster broke out in the Beifeng Realm, and the cities controlled by the Luo family were slaughtered.More than a million people were killed or injured, such a big karmic sin.

As long as it is within the scope of the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms, whoever kills the Luo family is equivalent to fulfilling the grievances of more than a million people.Then it will naturally be appreciated by more than a million people, and thus huge merits will be obtained.

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, Wang Wukui and other thirteen strong men in the realm of demon generals also stood up together.Thousands of guards also entered the entrance and exit, forming dozens of battle formations!

Surrounding the Luo family, many Luo family juniors who were still arrogant just now.At this time, he was already scared out of his wits, and even Luo Renjie's back was soaked in cold sweat.

An old man stepped out of the Luo family's juniors and followed him forward.His aura also increased like a wild wave, only three steps away.

It showed the aura of the peak of the late stage of the Demon General's realm, from a hunchbacked old man to a tall and mighty appearance.

"The old man's name is Luo Zhiquan, and he is the main emissary of the Luo family. The old man is willing to apologize to the Artifact Refining Alliance for the wrong things he has done on behalf of the Luo family. I will also offer [-] million low-grade magic stones as compensation. I also ask all demon friends to forgive me." .”

Luo Zhiquan did not talk to Lu Chen, but to Wang Wukui and 13 other people.He thought Lu Chen was just a cover for the Artifact Refining Alliance, an excuse to kill people and stand up.

"You may have made a mistake! It is not us who you want to apologize, but Lu Chen, our candidate for the leader of the alliance.

And to be honest, [-] million low-grade magic stones.For our Refining Alliance, it's just a drop in the bucket.So whether you live or die depends entirely on Chase Lu's attitude. "

If such a thing had happened before, Wang Wukui might still make the decision for Lu Chen.The twelve Supreme Elders can also make their own decisions,

It's just the talent shown by Lu Chen now.It is no longer possible for Wang Wukui and others to ignore Lu Chen's growth rate.

Now the 13 people have unified their thinking, as long as it involves Lu Chen.Let Chase Lu make up his own mind, as long as it does not harm the interests of the alliance.

The 13 people will cooperate with all their strength, so Luo Zhiquan showed his peak strength in the late stage of the Demon Lord Realm. The 13 people didn't intervene, but let Lu Chen make up his mind.

Luo Zhiquan did not expect that things would turn out like this.In his thinking, it is normal for the weak to obey the strong.

If it's in their North Peak world, don't say that Chase Lu is just a candidate.Even if it is the leader of an alliance, as long as there is someone stronger than him in this alliance, then he has no right to be the leader.

Lu Chen felt the hearts of Wang Wukui's 13 people, and his heart became more and more moved and warm.What is real importance?It is only when encountering such major events that the true and false importance can be revealed.

No matter how good the usual saying is, no matter how much you value you.How to train you, but as soon as you get to the real chapter, you will be exposed.This is hypocrisy and should not be taken seriously!

There are only forces that encounter similar things and let Chase Lu make up his own mind.It is the real attention, and it will make the people who are valued return to their hearts.

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads!

Luo Zhiquan clasped his fists and said: "Little friend Lu Chen, please also consider that we are both descendants of extraordinary masters. Forgive us once, our Luo family will live in seclusion in peace from now on.

Also as compensation, we will add another 1000 million to your personal compensation on top of the [-] million low-grade magic stones! "

Lu Chen sneered: "Put away your generous face, I am short of your little magic stone in the Artifact Refining Alliance? I can refine a seventh-level magic weapon by myself, and it can be sold for tens of millions! Do you really think you Rich?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"As for the fellowship you mentioned, please forgive me for disagreeing. When you framed and slandered me, why didn't you think about the fellowship.

When you want to snatch my woman and replace me as a candidate, why don't you think about the love of the same family.It's only after the Dong Chuang incident happened that I remembered the love of the same family, so wouldn't the love of the same family be too cheap? "

"If it is really based on the same sect, then I am also the same sect as your ancestors.

You are my juniors, but you commit the following offenses.If I do such a bastard thing as deceiving the master and exterminating the ancestors, then it is not too much for me to take action to clean up the sect.Even after ascension to the Demon Realm, I still have something to say to my mentor. "

Lu Chen's three paragraphs made the Luo family bow their heads in shame.It also made many people present nod in approval.Even people with darkest minds will admit that Lu Chen's words are correct.

Especially some people who like to play tricks, what they hate the most is people who eat inside and outside.People who bully their masters and destroy their ancestors are also the most taboo. The Luo family slandered and framed Lu Chen, or they really deceived their teachers and destroyed their ancestors!

"Are you really going to kill them all? Although my Luo family is weak, it's not a coward waiting to die." Luo Zhiquan's eyes were already red, and a sharp murderous intent locked Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled disdainfully: "Has the poor picture appeared? First admit your mistake and then apologize, then pretend to be pitiful and innocent. Finally put down the disguise and try to catch me out of trouble.

Your idea is very good, but it is used in the wrong place.I'm standing here today, and I don't need the Alliance to help.If you can walk out of the distant exit, our grievances will be written off! "

"Isn't it too big?"

"Is it difficult for people to get flustered once they break through too quickly?"

"Yeah, even if Lu Chen practiced very fast, he would break through to the demon-dividing realm. After all, he was facing the existence of two demon princes.

There are three sub-devil realms, thirteen demon general realms, and more than 20 magician realm people.It is undoubtedly a fool's dream to rely on Lu Chen to take them down! "

"Did you forget that every weapon master is also equivalent to a formation master. After all, the magic weapon refined must depict the formation of the corresponding level in order to show the power of that level. Since Lu Chen said this, let's It should have been arranged on the high platform."

"Even if Lu Chen has arranged a formation, there are two Demon Lords in the Luo family. It seems that the seventh-level formation cannot be stopped?"

"Whether you can stop it or not, it's not something you and I can tell. Let's wait and see!"

"Wait and see!"

Wang Wukui and the twelve Supreme Elders sat back on their chairs with relaxed faces.There was no intervention in Chase Lu's decision.Not to mention doubting Lu Chen's actions,

Getting along for so long.Let everyone know that Lu Chen is not a person who talks nonsense.Since Lu Chen said it, he can definitely do it.

"Is this true?"

Luo Zhiquan and Luo Zhiyong asked at the same time, if they were to face the power of the entire refining alliance.They have no chance of surviving,

But to break into a formation arranged by a seventh-level weapon master, the two of them are full of confidence.Even if dozens of Luo family members will be injured, they will not be wiped out.

Lu Chen smiled proudly: "I, Lu Chen, naturally mean what I say!"

"Okay, please activate the formation. I hope you can abide by the agreement. After all, so many demon friends are watching."

Luo Zhiquan was afraid that Lu Chen would repent, so he shouted hastily.At the same time, he also protects the clansmen behind him.

Lu Chen knew Luo Zhiquan and Luo Zhiyong's thoughts well.They really thought that a seventh-level weapon master could only arrange a seventh-level formation?

Lu Chen smiled disdainfully, this is a group of frogs in a well.I don't know what is the existence of a magician, that is to turn some impossible into possible.This is the creative ability of the four-art magician!

"Enjoy the rest of your life, come and experience the array I arranged for you! Let me open it!"

As soon as the voice fell, from the high platform to the middle.When reaching the inner area of ​​the stands, a hazy clear light lit up at the same time.Quickly wrapped Chase Lu and all the Luo family members, and at the same time gently pushed all the guards out.

People in the stands can see the scene inside the formation from their seats.At this time, most of them are attracted by the scene inside the formation, and only a few people are attracted by the aura emanating from the formation.

"Why does this breath give me a feeling of fright?"

"This turned out to be a level nine formation! How is it possible?"

"Look, it's Suzaku, right? It's so powerful, the power of its wings is almost as powerful as a demon king!"

"Wow, look quickly, isn't that the Suzaku Gate of the Donghua Gate? It turns out that the pair of gates are formed by a pair of wings. They even claim to be a ninth-level formation, so powerful!"

"Now it seems that this pair should be what Lu Chen got from the Suzaku Gate. The formation has wings, and it is indeed a magic bird! A pair of wings can arrange a nine-level formation!"

"It's cold! The Luo family is completely cold, not to mention that they are even strong who have just broken through the realm of the devil king.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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