Cai'er's eyes were full of attachment and admiration, and she said with a look of enjoyment: "Understood, young master!"

"Brother, since this world of yours is called the acquired world, why don't you give it a name? Only with a name can a world have the will of heaven!"

Lu Chen nodded kindly, and said: "In this case, then this Houtian World. From now on, it will be called Lingtian World! Take a word from my name, and take a word from my nephew's name."

"Ling Tian! Surpassing the Heavens, this name is good. It is very meaningful and extraordinary!" Zhu Wu admired, and at the same time Zhu Yaotian was also very happy.As for Cai'er, she didn't object, as long as the young master took it, it doesn't matter what it is called.

Wang Wukui got up suddenly, and shouted angrily: "What do you mean? Don't you have any idea? Your Luo family is so brave! How dare you bully my Weapon Refining Alliance."

Wang Wukui's words immediately silenced the chaotic stands.All eyes were on the rostrum.Most people felt puzzled in their hearts, only the beautiful woman in the southeast corner had a look of satisfaction and anticipation at this moment.

Both Wang Qimeng and Su Yurong arrived at the giant city together three days ago.After the two met, they ate and lived together.At the same time, I am also looking forward to today's big show and the meeting with Lu Chen.

Some hostile people from the Artifact Refining Alliance in the stands also looked puzzled at this time.I don't even understand why the Luo family was invited to test.But before the meeting even started, it made the Luo family look bad.And it looks like a life and death enemy, this script is wrong!

They have been connected in series for the past few days, intending to embarrass the Artifact Refining Alliance during the conference.But before the conference officially started, things went beyond their planned script.

"Luo really doesn't know how he has offended the Guimeng here. Please make it clear that as long as it is my Luo family's fault, the old man must kowtow to apologize, but if the Guimeng has no evidence, then he is insulting the descendants of the Extraordinary Grandmaster."

Wang Wukui had the bottom line in his heart, so he was naturally full of confidence.At the same time, he also grasped the relevant evidence, looking at Luo Zhiyong who was trying to be calm, his eyes were full of disdain.

He shouted loudly: "Don't use the name of Extraordinary Grandmaster to bluff outside! If everyone surnamed Luo is a descendant of Extraordinary Grandmaster, then the Sixth Elder of our Artifact Refining Alliance is not your grandpa!"

Those who heard this suddenly burst into laughter.The sixth elder of the Artifact Refining Alliance, named Luo Anran, was an outstanding artisan 3000 years ago.

In terms of age, he can indeed be Luo Zhiyong's grandfather.Because he once said at a gathering that he had just practiced for 2000 years.

In fact, most people who heard Wang Wukui's words knew it.That's something big happened, and this time around the Test Assembly.It should also be a pretense, so some people like to watch the excitement.They all held their breath and stared at the rostrum intently.

Since Wang Wukui dared to say this, there is evidence.It proves that this Luo family is definitely not a descendant of the Extraordinary Grandmaster.Otherwise, it would be slapping the face of the Extraordinary Grandmaster.

The Extraordinary Grandmaster's ascension to the Demon Realm may not be known, but in other Demon Realms, there are several descendants of the Extraordinary Grandmaster who are strong in the realm of the Demon King.Once these powerhouses know about it, the Artifact Refining Alliance will definitely be unlucky.

Wang Wukui, as the general leader of the Artifact Refining Alliance, can't be the kind of fool who bites people without thinking.Since you dare to say that, it means that there is sufficient evidence.

"Since your Artifact Refining Alliance suspects our Luo family, why invite us to participate in some kind of test conference! Jieer, let's go, I really don't know what to say!"

Luo Zhiyong's heart was filled with uneasiness.He didn't know where Wang Wukui's self-confidence came from, and he didn't know how the Luo family showed their feet.Therefore, I plan to take my family and leave as soon as possible, and send someone to investigate afterward.

"Yes, Grandpa!"

Luo Renjie responded, with a hint of panic and tremor in his voice.

Seeing the grandpa and grandson in front of him pretending to be calm, the disdain in Wang Wukui's eyes almost turned into substance.The tone became even more hostile: "Come when you want, leave when you want. What do you think of me as the Artifact Refining Alliance?"

After Wang Wukui finished speaking, he stood up, and the twelve elders behind him also stood up together.Thirteen huge coercions shocked the audience.Immediately, the hearts of more than 30 members of the Luo family jumped wildly.Some beholders of the junior generation even showed panicked expressions.

"My Luo family believes that I have never offended the Guimeng, but it is because my Luo family killed Lu Chen, that despicable and shameless villain. Are you so? If so, I am extremely disappointed in the Guimeng's actions! "

Luo Zhiyong held back the warning signs in his heart, and spoke sharply.

The murderous intent in Wang Wukui's eyes was even worse, and he said loudly: "You unrepentant bastard, just because he got the successor of the extraordinary master in the Beifeng world, he treats himself as a dish?

If you are so awesome, why did you run to our Donglai Realm to take refuge in fright when the demon disaster happened in the Beifeng Realm.You said you took refuge, so why did you frame and slander Lu Chen, the candidate of my Refining Alliance? "

"Do you really think that everyone in my Donglai Realm is a fool? Just based on your few words, let us believe that you are a hidden family in the Donglai Realm?"

Wang Wukui's words immediately made many people puzzled.With a clear look, no wonder this Luo family has never heard of it before.Even if it is a hermit family, they will actually keep in touch with the outside world.

After all, everything to eat, drink, and scatter must be purchased from the outside world.There are still many cultivation resources that need to be exchanged with the outside world.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But this Luo family has never been known before.It popped up suddenly, and he insisted that he was a descendant of the Extraordinary Grandmaster.It was Lu Chen who stole their family's inheritance,

There were still a lot of people who didn't believe it.However, the jade slips that Lu Chen was suspected of being killed were circulated, and the three people became tigers.

A little bit of fermentation turned into what it is today.Now that I think about it carefully, there are actually too many loopholes in these rumors.

In the past, the sky was on each side, and people followed suit.Now all the well-known people in the Donglai world and the magic sect forces are invited to come.

Everyone passed on their rumors to each other in the stands, and let some keen people.From these mixed information, many loopholes were found.

With more and more doubters, the Luo family and his party became more and more flustered.Especially when they heard the words Beifengjie, the faces of some juniors were already pale and bloodless!

"Don't you admit it?" Wang Wukui looked at the Luo family surrounded by many guards.The demon soul has locked Luo Zhiyong and a late-stage demon hidden in the crowd.

Luo Zhiyong stiffened his neck and said loudly: "If you want to commit a crime, there is nothing wrong with it! My Luo family walks upright and sits upright. The eyes of the world are like a torch, it's not just that your Artifact Alliance can turn black and white.

And if you dare to touch us, then the successors of my family's ancestor in the future.Nature will avenge us!If Patriarch finds out about it in the Demon Realm, he will also kill you through the Middle Realm and the Lower Realm! "

"You don't know how to live or die, I think you won't cry until you see the coffin!" Wang Wukui laughed back angrily, then waved his hands.The guard in the distance was protecting a pedestrian and came over.

Luo Zhiyong saw this group of people, especially one of them.Suddenly his complexion changed drastically, and the beholder became as firm as iron.Become a group of panic.

"You all swear with the Demon Soul Oath, and then tell what you know. I can protect the Artifact Refining Alliance, and everyone in the North Peak Realm is safe!"

At this point, the people in the stands know.These people were all demon cultivators who had escaped from the Beifeng Realm. These refugees were also unambiguous when they heard Wang Wukui's promise, and they rushed to make the demon soul oath one by one.

"I, Liu Zitao, swear by the demon soul that Luo Zhiyong's family all escaped from the Beifeng Realm. And they are not descendants of the extraordinary master,

Their ancestors received the inheritance from the Extraordinary Grandmaster and established the Luo Family.When a demon disaster broke out, his family's ancestor died in battle, and he fled with his family lineage. "

"For this reason, many members of the Luo family were left behind, and the Yaozu occupied their main city. He is the sinner of the Beifeng Realm who contributed to the tragedy of the Yaozu slaughtering the city! Destroy!"

"I, Zhang Haitian, swear by the demon soul"

"I am Chen Ye"

Everyone swears with the Demon Soul Oath, and the content is similar.Such an oath will automatically take effect when it is issued.And these people were standing there well, and were not annihilated by the demon soul because of lying.

This shows that he is not lying, so the descendants of the so-called extraordinary masters who have been active for the past two years.The Luo family, a hermit family, is deceiving the world.This made many Demon Sect forces present feel as disgusted as eating fly droppings.

You know, just last night, there were many people in the stands.It also has close contacts with the Luo family, and some small and medium-sized magic sect forces who have given Luo family valuable gifts.At this time, I also regretted my intestines.

In fact, if they were not in the hands of the Artifact Refining Alliance, it would be fine even if someone exposed their lies.In the world of magic, big fists are the last word.The Luo family has two strong men in the realm of Demon Lords sitting in the town, and the younger generation also has a sixth-level double master.

As long as you develop with peace of mind, it is also a new force worth investing in.

But this Luo family first framed and slandered Lu Chen, and then in the name of cleaning up the family.Kill Lu Chen, and this hatred will be forged.

Is the Refining Alliance easy to mess with?A force comparable to the top top magic sect.Make friends all over the world, and the candidate for the leader of such a force is assassinated.

If the refining alliance does not destroy the Luo family.Everyone will be looked down upon, so I invested in gifts from the Luo family before.No matter how expensive it is, it's all meat buns beating dogs.never come back!

And I don't even have the face to ask for it from the Artifact Refining Alliance, after all, this matter is really embarrassing.

"Let's see clearly. I didn't frame Lu Chen of your alliance. I just made a fuss about his reputation. Please let my Luo family live!"

Luo Zhiyong bowed his head decadently and confessed, and the juniors of the Luo family also fell to their knees and begged for mercy.At this time, Luo Renjie didn't have the arrogance of the nobles before him, nor did he have the aura of being invincible.At this moment, there was panic in his eyes, and his body trembled as if suppressed by a powerful demon soul.

Right now!

The light flickered on the high platform in the center, and then a figure appeared.This is a man, a man of both sexes and children.A handsome man who will give a thumbs up.He was wearing a purple robe representing a seventh-level weapon master, with a face like a crown jade, sword eyebrows and star eyes.

"Lu Chen? He's still alive!"

"Nonsense, didn't Luo Zhiyong say that just now? They didn't kill Lu Chen at all!"

"You look at Lu Chen's chest, he is actually a seventh-level weapon master!"

"Isn't that breaking through to the Demon Separating Realm! What a fast cultivation speed!"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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