Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2766 Magic Weapon Conjecture

The first is defense, the second is to hide the breath, and the third is to hide from the ground.These three functions are all tailor-made for Wang Qimeng.As long as you encounter danger, you can use formations to escape.

The formations engraved on the sixth-level magic weapon are all sixth-level formations.Not to mention the realm of the demon general, even the existence of the sub-devil realm.It also takes one hour and three quarters to break through.After watching Wang Qimeng bleed and recognize the master, Lu Chen was completely relieved.

Wang Qimeng is also full of sweetness at this time, and Lu Chen can do it in such a short time.I found more than 100 six-level talismans with various functions for myself, and refined a set of nine-sided formation flags for myself.

It is enough to show that Lu Chen has his own in his heart, which makes her happier than giving her anything.

Seeing the loving wife and lover here, and a group of single dogs in the distance.Immediately, he became indignant, and even Li Yulong, the eldest brother of Donghuamen, was a little envious.There are quite a few female disciples from inner and outer sects who like him, but his appearance is really not flattering.

Now that such a female devil finally came out, I waited for others before I waited for the heat.He was robbed by Lu Chen, even if Li Yulong was not jealous or hated.I am also very envious of Lu Chen!

However, Li Yulong is more concerned about surpassing Lu Chen's physical skills than being a woman.That is his lifelong pursuit, and it is also the field he really likes.

Among the top 96, only Wang Qimeng and another female disciple from the Four Realms Demon Sect were by their side.Now all have companions, which makes the remaining [-] players.After eating a mouthful of dog food, my heart was naturally full of resentment towards Lu Chen.

The main reason is the appearance of that female player except Wang Qimeng.The five big and three thick ones are really worthless to watch.As a result, Chase Lu became the target of public criticism.

Many people had the idea of ​​teaching Lu Chen a lesson, but none of them were as full of killing intent as Chen Wuyi.This is because the working style of weapon masters is not as aggressive as pure force demon cultivators.

Weapon masters are just like technical geeks on earth, with average force value.Just technically powerful, what they like.He will only pursue it stupidly, instead of driving like some gangsters.

According to the words of the earth, the emotional intelligence of these tool masters.Heinously low, if living on Earth.They are all a group of ten thousand year old single dogs!You can't talk about love, and you can't play with waste.Women don't understand their hearts, and they can't play handsome in the right place.

In other words, their status as weapon masters would allow them to receive some extra respect.If one of the equipment masters has a high emotional intelligence, he will flirt with girls.That's nothing to them!

After all 100 people gathered, the Great Elder of Donghuamen and many elders of inner and outer sects.Many elders of the top [-] players also came together.The elders of Donghua Gate stood on the presiding stage, and the guests sat in the viewing seats.

Lu Chen and other top [-] players also stood in a row according to their respective rankings.

"The Suzaku's Gate is actually right under your feet. It's just below the platform, but it's an independent space.

It is usually hidden in any corner of the mountains, and it will only be opened once every thousand years.The platform formation under your feet can be connected to this space.Then you can enter the Suzaku Gate. "

"I think you all know about the situation inside the Vermilion Bird's Gate. What I want to say here is that you all have the potential to become seventh-level weapon masters.

Don't be red-eyed when you see a baby like a warrior just because of a little petty profit.The original intention of our Donghua Gate is to let you pass through the three outer barriers safely, and then go through the third barrier. "

"As for whether you can pass the test, how many levels can you pass? That is your own good fortune, and there are many life-and-death crises in these three levels. I hope you can all come back safely. Well, the Vermilion Bird Gate has appeared and opened. You go in Bar!"

When the great elder was speaking, Lu Chen sensed the void behind him.There were bursts of fluctuations, and when I went back to look.

Immediately, he saw a huge fiery red portal, with patterns of phoenix and phoenix on the two doors.A stream of flames came from the gate, carrying the aura of yin and yang.

Lu Chen's eyes turned hot, this is the yin and yang heaven and earth strange fire he needs.Looking inside the gate, it was covered by a fiery red mist.

"According to the order of ranking, enter the gate of Suzaku. Remember not to resist when teleporting, once you resist, you will be thrown out. You will never be able to enter again in this life, so don't waste the opportunity."

Hearing this, Lu Chen strode forward.Entering the Suzaku Gate, Lu Chen felt a warm mask.Wrap yourself in and enter into the teleportation.

There were bursts of golden light shining during the teleportation, which made Lu Chen's eyes hurt.So he simply closed his eyes and waited quietly.

Lu Chen didn't resist, nor did he use the demon soul to investigate.Ten seconds later, Chen Lu got his feet on the ground, and the mask disappeared.Lu Chen opened his eyes and saw the scene in front of him.

This should be a forest, and all the trees in it need ten hugs.Moreover, there were bursts of animal roars in the ears, and bursts of fragrance of fragrant grass came from the breath.

Before entering Suzaku's gate, Lu Chen had already learned from Nalan Cheng.Enter the Suzaku space, no matter where you are.As long as you go east, you can pass through the three outer barriers.

It is said to be three barriers, but it is actually three barriers.The environment of each barrier is different, and the further you go, the more desolate it is.

The outermost part is the forest, rivers and mountains full of vitality, and the second pass is that there are several oases in the next door.The third level is yellow sand everywhere, and life is forbidden.

There are endless monsters living in these three barriers.However, the strongest monsters are no more than the strength of the Great Perfection of the Demon General, so Lu Chen is not very worried.As long as it is not unlucky to encounter a group of monsters, Lu Chen has the confidence to survive here well.

As long as the Suzaku Gate completes a hundred teleportations, it will automatically close, and there is only one way for people inside to get out.That is to break through the barriers, first of all, to break through the three outer barriers.

Just enter the inner circle and go to the test left by Suzaku.And only those who have passed the first level can choose to leave.

If you continue to participate in the assessment, you will be threatened with death.In the past, when the Suzaku Gate opened, many contestants died in the second round.

Up to now, hundreds of times the Vermilion Bird Gate has been opened, and hundreds of people have broken into the third gate.But no one survived,

So few people try it again.This has led to many people breaking through two barriers.After getting some treasures, they automatically choose to leave.

Every time you pass a level successfully, there will be an option.Whether to continue to break through, or choose to quit.If you choose to quit, then Suzaku's Gate will send it out.

Teleportation is random and does not go beyond the range of Hammer Mountains.

Chase Lu looked for the east and walked quickly in the forest.As for the treasures hidden in the forest, Lu Chen didn't stop at all.Unless he met him on the way, Lu Chen would not make a move.

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This forest is huge, at least Lu Chen's demon soul searched it with all his strength.No humans were seen within a radius of three thousand miles, but many monsters hidden in it were disturbed.

These monsters vary in strength, but there are still many groups of them.Lu Chen carefully avoided one by one, and attacked directly if he couldn't avoid it.A top-grade sixth-level magic sword was brought out to its full power by Chase Lu.

Even monsters in the realm of demon generals are just a matter of three swords.After killing the monster, take the body of the beast and the treasures of heaven and earth.Swipe to the space-time mirror of Qiankun and move on.

Chase Lu walked in this forest for at least three days.After traveling 30 miles, they got out of the forest.Chase Lu stayed by a wide river and looked back at the forest behind him.

There is an idea in my heart, this Suzaku space is not a simple space formation.What can be formed, on the contrary, belongs to the magic weapon space like the universe space-time mirror.

As for whether it is a small world, Lu Chen didn't dare to think about it.Because small world seeds are too rare, and it is too difficult to breed them.

If this space is the inner space of a magic weapon.Then the carrier of this space is likely to be the legendary giant hammer.

Each of the ancient Suzakus was born as a monster or higher.Then it is not so difficult for them to have magic weapons, as long as there is a complete avenue, they can condense magic weapons.

As for the demons who don't have magic weapons, they all use magic treasures.It belongs to the artifact above the magic weapon and below the magic weapon.It is also a treasure that can only be refined by the devil world, so it is called magic treasure!

The 99 formation flags left by Lu Chen on the earth are top-grade magic treasures.And now the 99 array flags in the space-time mirror of Qiankun are top-grade magic treasures.

Lu Chen arranged a formation by the river, and then took out a large amount of magic stones to restore the depleted magic soul and magic energy.

I got up and left after a day, and this space also has day and night.The fire of Suzaku replaced Yin and Yang.Light and darkness alternate every twelve hours.

This big river is very wide, when Chase Lu was flying on it.From time to time, they are attacked by water monsters, possibly in their sense organs.Chase Lu is no different from the birds they usually prey on.

The Suzaku Gate only opens once every thousand years.Therefore, many monsters born within a thousand years have never seen humans at all.

Only monsters above the realm of sorcerers know the existence of humans.However, there are not many people who have seen the appearance of human beings. One hundred people enter every thousand years.

For such a vast space world.There are still too few, which also makes many monsters still act according to the law of the jungle before.

Lu Chen would not waste time killing monsters, but just pounce on every monster.Only then will he take action to kill, the monsters here are all kinds of fish and shrimp.

The monsters Lu Chen killed every time were collected into the space-time mirror of Qiankun.It will be eaten by two young dragons, one white and one black,

Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai were trained by Lu Chen.Now they only have the strength of the late stage of the Mage Realm, so Lu Chen usually doesn't let them come out.In order not to be killed by others, they usually wander around in the space.

In addition to the place where the small world of cold jade was bred, there is also a place where heaven, earth and strange fire are hidden.They can't go outside, the rest of the place, let them wander.

In the past few days, the two of them have been guarding in one place all the time.Because just a few days ago, many monster corpses appeared here.

Both of them are rapidly improving in strength after eating, so they both ate and drank here.Then sleep to digest, and the strength has also broken through to the great perfection of the magician realm.

Regarding Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai, Chase Lu did not leave them on the earth.After all, the wildness of these two flood dragons is still there, and if they are placed on the earth, they will not be suppressed by themselves.It's bound to cause trouble.

If it hurts ordinary people.Then half of their own sinful light will be recorded on Lu Chen.Who made Chase Lu their master!

So I had to bring them with me, but Lu Chen's improvement speed was too fast.The two of them have no effect at all, and Lu Chen has been in Donglaijie for so long.I have been practicing or refining weapons all the time, so I have no time to catch rations for them.

The evolution path of monsters is different from that of humans.Before becoming a monster, the evolution of monsters did not rely on cultivation.Instead, it devours monsters or a large amount of blood food, absorbing nutrients from it to promote its own evolution.

Their practice is to eat and sleep when they are full.Continue to eat as soon as you wake up, and then go back to sleep.Week after week!

If there are a large number of various monsters, feed them.Then they can quickly improve their realm, only after they ascend to become Warcraft.Only then will I start to get in touch with Dao, so I am in the devil world.Often the body of the monster is stronger, but the Dao domain is very slow.

As for using magic stones, or treasures of heaven and earth, let them devour and absorb them.In fact, it is also possible, but the amount consumed is larger than that of Chase Lu.The effect is not as good as Lu Chen's, which is why Lu Chen didn't provide them.

After all, one's own cultivation resources are not enough, and it would be a waste to feed them.It's better to collect a large number of monsters for them at this time.

Big rivers are hundreds of miles wide, even in the real world.It can be regarded as a big river, and there are countless monsters in the water.Because there is no place to rest, Chase Lu can only fly in the air all the time.

This also caused many monsters to start rioting.They attacked Lu Chen collectively, and Lu Chen held a sword in his right hand.The sword is full of sword energy, and there is no fixed move.

However, every monster that pounces will be killed in the air.Before the corpse falls, it will be put away by Chase Lu.

All the way to kill, all the way to collect.After Chase Lu crossed the river several hundred miles away, there were at least a thousand corpses of monsters in the space-time mirror of Qiankun.

At this time, Xiaobai and Xiaohei have already formed a thick cocoon on their bodies.There were bursts of fluctuations coming from his body, which was the fluctuating breath of the evolution magician.

Lu Chen smiled with satisfaction, and went to the rocks far away by the river.Arrange the formation, then sit inside and take out the magic stone to recover the consumed magic energy.It took a day to cross this big river, but [-]% of the magic yuan was consumed.

None of the monsters that attacked Lu Chen was below the magician level.None of the monsters at the level of a general appeared, nor did any monsters above the level of a general appear.

Demon beasts at the level of a magician do not know the situation, and monsters above the level of a magician.When Lu Chen passed through the forest and the big river, dozens of demon souls were sensed.It's just that these monsters didn't do anything, they just observed from a distance.

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