The wisdom of these monsters in the realm of demon generals is already similar to that of human adults.Knowing how to think naturally also knows how to analyze the pros and cons, and you can sense whether there is a threat at a glance.

A monster in the realm of a magician is only equivalent to a child of seven or eight years old in the human race.Still in a greedy and playful mind, naturally I can't tell the difference between good and bad.

Seeing other monsters attacking Lu Chen, even if none of them succeeded.It still attracted a lot of monsters and participated in it.

This is the wisdom gap brought about by the realm of monsters, and it is also different from the human race.

A day later, Chase Lu returned to his heyday.At the same time, his cultivation strength has also improved, and he is one step closer to Dzogchen.

Across the river, there is a mountain range ahead.The top is bare and there is no vegetation.But there are a lot of metal reflections, and there are many holes.

Chase Lu continued to set off, and there was no such thing in this vast space.That is Lu Chen, who lived for 3 years.If you have endured the loneliness of being alone, if you are a person who likes to be lively.If you stay in this loneliness for a long time, you will go crazy.

Stepping onto the mountains, Chase Lu headed east all the way.In Demon Soul Exploration, many caves have a lot of metal ore.Of course, the existence of monsters is also indispensable.

These monsters feed on metal ore.The whole body is full of metallic luster, if it is not under the detection of the demon soul.

It can be clearly seen that they are also breathing.From a distance, I thought it was a metal sculpture.

Lu Chen passed by a cave, but was stopped by three late-stage magician monsters rushing out of it.The attack and defense of these three monsters are extremely strong, Lu Chen's sixth-level top-quality magic sword.Stabbing on their bodies can only leave a mark.

It's just this, which can't trouble Chase Lu who has rich combat experience.Lu Chen changed stabbing to shooting, and then compressed the magic element.directly into the body of the monster,

Let the magic element explode in their bodies.Since the appearance is as hard as iron, Chase Lu does not believe that their internal organs are also as hard.

Soon the three monsters died of crushing their internal organs.Looking at the appearance of the three monsters, there were no injuries on the surface, so Lu Chen collected the bodies of the three monsters.Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly sensed a familiar aura in the depths of the cave.

This shocked Lu Chen, and then he dodged into the cave.This cave is very deep, and there are reflections in it that are not too dark.

After twisting and turning, he came to the mountain, and then saw a huge cave.

Lu Chen entered the cave and saw groups of monsters.The lowest realm of a magician, the highest realm of a magician is Dzogchen.In the thousands of feet of mountain, there are at least hundreds of monsters.

And at the center of the mountain, there is a huge piece of transparent metal.When they were all guarded, Chase Lu sensed a familiar atmosphere, which was this huge piece of transparent metal.

"Kongmingjin! What a big piece!"

Lu Chen was extremely shocked. Kongming Gold is the main ingredient for refining the space storage magic weapon.When Lu Chen refined the Qiankun Time-Space Mirror, he used only two-thirds of the Kongming Gold.Created the space-time mirror of heaven and earth,

An area of ​​one hundred thousand miles.If this piece of Kongming Gold is added, Chase Lu is confident that the space area will be tripled.

Seeing this piece of empty gold, Lu Chen also thought of one thing.That was the magic weapon conjecture before, and it was probably wrong.It might be a small world inside the Vermillion Bird's Gate, otherwise such a large piece of Kongming Gold would not be bred at all.

If it was Suzaku's collection, it would not be placed here.

With the appearance of Lu Chen, all the monsters in the cave should arrive soon.A few monsters in the realm of demon generals roared again and again.

But he didn't do it the first time, in Lu Chen's magic soul induction.Once you understand what they want to express, that is to let yourself quit.

It's just that seeing such a good baby, Lu Chen was naturally unwilling to retreat like this.However, he did not attack immediately, but was observing the surrounding terrain.Looking around, I also have a conspiracy in my heart.


A roar sounded, the monsters in the cave.An attack was also launched, but Chase Lu didn't directly go up to fight recklessly.This is not a few heads, but hundreds.Even if Lu Chen could kill them one by one, he would put himself in danger and might die from exhaustion.

Fighting is not just so reckless, I saw Lu Chen's body like a willow branch.Dodging and moving among the galloping monsters, every time a critical point is reached, a top-grade magic treasure array flag will be thrown casually.

After a circle, Lu Chen was only attacked by monsters in the realm of six-headed demon generals.Even so, Lu Chen vomited blood and was injured.

Although the injury is not serious, it is also dangerous.It's just that the space here is too small, and there are too many monsters.No matter how exquisite Lu Chen's body skills are, there is a feeling that he can't use them well.

It took half an hour before the 99 top-grade magic treasure array flags were placed.Put it at the designated position, and then the demon soul raised the formation flag.A trapping and killing formation appeared again, and the space of the formation just covered the entire cave.

Naturally, hundreds of monsters were also included, and Lu Chen didn't kill the monsters immediately.Instead, he immediately put away the huge Kongmingjin, and then launched an attack to kill the monsters.

Every time a monster was killed, Lu Chen put away a corpse.After all the monsters were killed, Lu Chen also withdrew the formation.Then I searched carefully in the cave,

And did not see the shadow of Kong Mingjin.On the contrary, they found a lot of rare ores, many of which are the main materials for refining seventh-level magic weapons.

Chase Lu searched the cave, exited the cave and walked out.Instead of exploring in other caves, if this space is a small world.Then there must be a World Guardian Demon,

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The reason this mountain exists.It should be to produce all kinds of metals, so that the metallicity of this world will be filled.

If too many attributes of the same species are missing, it will lead to ecological imbalance.The world will also become unstable. This is not a complete world like the earth.This is just an unhealthy small world, like a child compared with the earth.

It is equivalent to a cave that can be moved.

This kind of small world is the most fragile, and ecological imbalance will occur if you are not careful.The danger of causing the world to collapse, so the guardian demon of every small world.

Although it is usually hidden, once a certain attribute is missing too much, there will be intervention.Even punish creatures that destroy the ecological balance of the small world.

The guardian demon of the small world is not necessarily strong, but it can control everything in the small world.Then the alien creatures in the small world live or die at the whim of the guardian demon!

Everything cannot be done absolutely, such as people on the earth who rely on collecting herbs for a living.The seedlings are kept and only the mature ones are taken.Like hunters, they will let go of young beasts and hunt adult beasts.

This is a way to protect the ecological balance, if the medicinal materials are harvested.If there are no seedlings left, then this kind of medicinal material is not far from extinction.

Similarly, if the wolves are killed.And if there are no wild animals to eat the goats, then the goats will be overrun.First, all the grasslands will be turned into deserts next door, and then the creatures living on the grasslands will gradually become extinct.

Walking out of the cave, Chase Lu started on the road again.Maybe it was because they had killed too many people just now, and they didn't encounter monster beast attacks during the rest of the journey.Instead, when he was about to walk out of the mountain range, Chase Lu saw a figure in the distance.

This was Lu Chen's first time seeing the same kind after entering the Suzaku's gate six days later.

After getting a little closer, Lu Chen's expression changed.Because this figure is not human.It is a humanoid creature, which can also be called a monster.

It's just that the body of this monster is transparent, and it is attached to a human corpse at this time.Controlled him to bounce in the mountains instead of walking.

Lu Chen recognized this person, who was a fifth-level weapon master ranked in the middle of the top [-].It seems to come from the Feitianmen in the western region, and he is the only fifth-level weapon master who participated in the refining ceremony.

Under the shadow of the demon soul, Lu Chen saw that his face was pale at this moment.The eyes are empty and empty, like a walking dead.And every time he advances, he uses the way of bouncing.It seems that the zombies in movies and TV shows on the earth are actually controlled by that monster.

"Heart Eater!"

This is the name of the monster, a transparent monster.Usually like to attach to various creatures, like to eat the hearts of creatures.

Then take control of the creature's corpse and enter that creature's race.Keep devouring the heart of this race until the devouring is finished.It will cling to the sound of the creature, looking for other places of the same kind to devour again.

This kind of monster is very evil and is not accepted by all races.But this kind of monster has a very heaven-defying ability, and this ability was also discovered by a genius of the human race.

When that genius broke through the demon realm, it was because there was no suitable carrier.The separated demon soul can only survive in the main body.

The existence of this kind of one body and two souls will keep the body in a state of overload all the time.After a long time, not only will the body collapse, but even the mind will become confused due to the existence of the two demon souls.

In severe cases, demons and souls may fight each other and become idiots.So this genius, when looking for a suitable carrier.Was attacked by a heart-swallowing beast, but was killed by this genius.

Then this genius began to study the body of the Heart Swallowing Beast, and even took out its heart.But found that this heart is very suitable as a carrier for dividing demons.And it's not only suitable for him, but also suitable for every existence in the sub-demon realm.

Use the heart of the heart-swallowing beast to refine it into a carrier of demons.Such a clone would not only have a transparent body like the Heart Swallowing Beast.

The most important thing is, when you break through to the level of a magic general.After the fusion of the two, the heart of the heart-swallowing beast will also bring a qualitative transformation to the body.It can promote one's seven-aperture heart to become a nine-aperture exquisite heart.

As we all know, people with nine orifices and exquisite hearts.They are all people of great wisdom, with a nine-orifice exquisite heart.It will increase savvy by 50.00%,

It's like if the brain development of the magic general realm is 60.00%.With this Nine-Aperture Exquisite Heart, it will be developed by another 30.00%!

This kind of existence can allow the evolution of one's own heart and promote the development of understanding.Naturally worthy of the word against the sky!

After this matter was reported by the human genius, the Heart-Swallowing Beast in the Three Realms was almost wiped out.Naturally, there were also a large number of lucky ones among the demon cultivators in the demon realm during that period.

When Lu Chen was in the power of the Devil Emperor, there was a lucky one.That subordinate has only ascended to the Demon Realm for a short period of 300 years.

You have comprehended and mastered a complete avenue, and you only need to step by step to control the body of the demon.Cultivate to the Devil Emperor level, that is a brand new Devil Emperor.

Therefore, in today's Three Realms, heart-swallowing beasts are extremely rare.Moreover, it is difficult to breed in captivity, because the growth of each heart-swallowing beast requires a large number of biological hearts to be cultivated.

I want to ripen a heart-swallowing beast so that it can reach the realm of a magician.The realm that can be used to evolve the Nine-Aperture Exquisite Heart requires at least [-] biological hearts.

Even the Devil Emperor would not dare to do such an evil thing.Because the cause and effect in this is too great, and it will lead to the light of sin directly on the body.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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