Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2765 Spreading food in public

At this time, Chen Wuyi's face was gloomy, and his eyes were full of murderous intent.

And this murderous intent was not only aimed at Lu Chen, but also included Li Yulong, who had never been masked.This is a narrow-minded person who cannot tolerate the existence of people who are better than him.

Leaving Dao Xin aside, it's just this kind of heart.It won't be a big climate, let alone ascend to the devil world.It is still unknown whether he can survive the inner demon tribulation in the demon tribulation!

And this kind of heart that has no room for others is also the most short-lived.If you are not careful, you will end up dead!

The winner of No.4 was won by the second senior brother of Donghuamen, and the winners of No.5 to No.10 all came from the Qi Dao Tianjiao in the four realms of Donglaijing.

Because of the existence of the Artifact Refining Alliance in the Western Territory, the level of Artifact Refining is high.Compared with the other three realms, it is a bit higher, and the four arts levels of the other realms also have their own characteristics and advantages.

As for the middle realm, it is more mysterious.There are very few people who come to the four realms to walk, and people from the four realms are not easily allowed to enter.That is the sphere of influence of the five super demon sects, and it is also the most fertile area in Donglaijie.

Belonging to the center of the Donglai Realm, the four realms are just like the wild and desolate regions.Guarding the middle realm, he was also looked down upon by the people in the middle realm.

The five super demon sects all have ways to communicate with the demon world.This is also the reason why Lu Chen didn't go there, after all, it was too close to the Demon Realm.

If you appear there, you only need to spread a little news to the Demon Realm.There would be a danger of being discovered, and Chase Lu would naturally not take the risk.

In fact, there are super demon gates like Zhongjing, which are detached from the outside world, in every demon world.The main source of the resources of the Demon Realm mastered by the Demon Emperor in the Demon Realm is the Central Realm,

The center of every demon world.It is also the most fertile place in every demon world. As for the barren areas like the Four Realms, there is no rich place.Naturally, no rare natural materials and earthly treasures could be produced, and they would not be looked down upon by the Devil Emperor.

And in terms of the number of people ascending to the Demon Realm, it is also the largest in the Middle Realm.The number of people ascending in the other four realms is only one-tenth of that in the middle realm.

Lu Chen walked off the stage with three rewards for the top [-], top ten, and champion.Once again greeted with a round of applause,

Next, the once-in-a-millennium auction will be held here.Not only the excellent magical weapons refined in this competition will be auctioned, but also many natural materials and earthly treasures collected by Donghuamen will also be auctioned.

If the guests who come here have any treasures with clear origins that they want to sell.It is also possible to use the light of the auction conference to entrust Donghua Gate to be listed for auction.It's just that Donghuamen will take half of the proceeds from the auction.

Seven days later, the auction conference ended successfully, and Chase Lu also spent seven days meditating in a luxurious courtyard.In the past seven days, Lu Chen was tortured by Wang Qimeng and Su Yurong. No matter what Lu Chen said, these two aunts always acted as if they were not married.

Once Lu Chen's tone became a bit serious, he would cry for Lu Chen every minute.It was real crying, and the tears fell to the ground and broke into eight petals.The appearance of pear blossoms with rain makes people feel distressed.

Later, Lu Chen had no choice but to let it go.However, Chase Lu did not agree to their feelings.Until he was so entangled that he couldn't help it, Lu Chen never told some of the truth.

From Lu Chen's words, they learned that Lu Chen had a sweetheart on the other side.He also made an agreement with her to return within a thousand years. This news did not surprise the two girls.

After all, the appearance and background of the two of us, unless Lu Chen has a physical problem.Otherwise, it would be impossible to look down on the two of us, so why Lu Chen didn't let go.There is only one possibility, and that is that Chase Lu had a family in the first place.

After hearing that Lu Chen had a sweetheart, the two girls not only did not leave sadly.Instead, he was relieved because both women knew about it.

If a man only loves one woman, then even if he meets another excellent woman.This man will stick to love, but not fraternity.

But if this perfect man has multiple wives.Then there will be no rejection of a few more, hindering newcomers from joining.It is no longer a man's decision, but the family's opinion.

Harmony is on the mind of all responsible men unless they are lower body animals.Then the decision of the two women is in the millennium.

Accompanying Lu Chen well is a thousand years for a demon cultivator.It wasn't too long, and when Chase Lu returned to his hometown, they would follow.

With the company of thousands of years, even if it is a piece of iron.I was also warmed up by them, and then I will go to the earth to get along with Lu Chen's family.Believe that you can really be with Chase Lu.

The decision of the two women has also been approved by the elders of the family.Such as Lu Chen, who is highly talented and has unlimited potential.Tianjiao who worked so hard, of course, he must be firmly grasped.

Don't say there are only sweethearts, no matter how many there are.As long as you like it, don't back down, and once you succeed, it can be regarded as adding a strong person to the magic gate.

When Lu Chen heard the decision of the two women, he was actually very confused.It is also very touching, women's possessiveness is actually much greater than men's.

And a woman can allow you when you have a wife.I will still love you sincerely, I believe unless conditions do not allow it.Otherwise, every man would accept this love, and so would Lu Chen.

In the past, I didn't want to hurt Liu Jiaqi and their hearts, but their love for themselves.After paying so much, if Chase Lu was just a person who grew up in the new era of the earth.

It may not be possible to change the concept, but Lu Chen is an existence rebuilt from the devil emperor.

Having lived for 3 years, Chase Lu has seen too much.Which of the ancient emperors, generals and ministers did not have a group of wives and concubines.Compared with these ordinary people, Lu Chen's status is not much higher than them.They can all do this, why can't Lu Chen himself?

What is a demon?The devil is free and unrestrained, in order to transcend the shackles of heaven.To become a true master, since you want to cultivate demons, since you want to transcend yourself.Why set limits on yourself?Isn't that putting the cart before the horse?

If you didn't accept it before, there was also a threat from the demon world.But Lu Chen had already thought about it, and after a thousand years, the cold jade small world was successfully conceived.Let the family members practice and live in it first,

And Lu Chen, the Hanyu Small World, is the master of the world.Naturally, they can be well protected, as for if after death.

Who would think about things after death? Isn't that unfounded worrying? !

With this realization, Lu Chen no longer suppressed his feelings for the two women.However, Lu Chen told them that he would work hard to cultivate within a thousand years.So there is no way to stay with the two girls,

If the two women don't change their minds.Then just wait a thousand years for me, and as long as I get the consent of my family, I will marry them late.

The two women also naturally promised that they would not change their minds, and at the same time acquiesced to Lu Chen's decision.

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After all, the light of a thousand years is for the huge longevity of the demon cultivator.

It's just a few times of retreat, but they also agreed with Lu Chen.They would come every hundred years, and Qian Huanzong would meet them once.

After the three of them agreed by high-fiving, Su Yurong followed the elders of the Thousand Illusion Sect back to the Thousand Illusion Sect.At the same time, he informed the elder of the agreement of the three of them.The Great Elder naturally readily agreed, even if the eldest brother Su Yutian objected, there was nothing he could do.

The Great Elder is not only the strongest of the Thousand Illusions Sect, but also the Patriarch of the Su Family.His words are the imperial decree of the Su family, as long as he makes a decision, the juniors of the Su family can only implement it and dare not disobey it.

What's more, this matter was not decided by him unilaterally.It was the decision of the person involved, Su Yurong, who was just a supporter.

What's more, in the entire Su family, there are only two people who really disagree.One is Su Yurong's elder brother Su Yutian, and the other is Su Yurong's mother.

Wang Qimeng also returned to his residence, because Wang Zhi took the reward obtained by Lu Chen.It has been officially closed in the mountain behind the magic gate,

Therefore, there was no way to discuss Wang Qimeng's matter with Wang Zhi.But I believe that the master will not object, after all, it was the master who supported him to pursue Lu Chen.

There is no longer the entanglement between the two women all day long, and because of the confusion in his heart.Lu Chen's retreat for the past few days has been surprisingly effective.

From it, Chase Lu reflected that he should not suppress his heart too much.If you like it, you like it, if you don't like it, you don't like it.Don't suppress your inner feelings, and don't provoke women you don't like at will.

"I am the devil emperor, and I will ascend to the heavens in the future! What's wrong with having more women? I'm flirtatious and not dirty! There's nothing to worry about!"

With this cognition, Lu Chen's Dao heart is transparent and his thoughts are clear.The mood also became better, because in three more days, it would be the day when the Suzaku Gate would open.

Now one of the two goals has been accomplished, and the favor owed to Wang Zhi has been ended.Now there is only one goal left, and that is to capture the Suzaku fire!

Then, taking the map Wang Zhi gave him, he went to Qinglong Realm to look for the flame of the green sun.Then, while cultivating, he looked for the Heaven, Earth and Fire with the two attributes of wind and thunder.

As long as there are enough heaven, earth and different fires with nine attributes, the holy fire of nirvana can evolve.It can also evolve the demon soul, Lu Chen wanted to know.How can one's own chaotic demon soul evolve into?

Three days passed in a flash, and it was early in the morning.Lu Chen walked out of the courtyard, and at the same time other courtyards also opened their doors.Many top [-] contestants gathered in the central square one after another.

Among the top 83, Donghua Gate has [-] people.The remaining [-] people are all from the four realms of Donglaijie.

However, there are six people in the Artifact Refining Alliance, and Chen Wuyi is bringing four people with him at this time.Standing aside with a smile on his face, even if he saw Lu Chen coming over, he didn't say hello.

Lu Chen could feel Chen Wu's killing intent towards him.Lu Chen didn't show it, but his heart was full of coldness.If he meets Chen Wuyi inside the Suzaku Gate, Lu Chen doesn't mind letting him disappear.

Thousands of years are the cultivation time that Lu Chen pays more attention to, and Lu Chen doesn't want to be because of the existence of these flies.And disrupted his cultivation plan,

Lu Chen is not the kind to let the enemy grow slowly.Then when the enemy is the strongest, go to the arrogant people who harvest their lives.

There are too many such things, and it is inevitable that things will capsize in the gutter.

Since it is definitely an enemy, it is best to kill it when it is young.To save yourself from killing yourself when you grow up.

There are countless such examples in the magic world.Although Lu Chen values ​​karma and virtue, he also cherishes his own life.There is only one life, this is not a game.You can come back from the dead, this is the real world!

People who are too pedantic, people who are too indecisive, people who are too soft-hearted.These three kinds of people are not suitable for living in the magic way.Because these three kinds of people are the first to die!

"Brother Lu, you are here."

Among the Donghua Gate team, Wang Qimeng ran over with a happy face.It's just that following her actions, many disciples of Donghuamen were also attracted.His complexion changed,

Now there are hundreds of disciples in the inner sect of Donghuamen.Among the female disciples, only Wang Qimeng became one of the top [-] contestants, and naturally all the inner disciples were also accepted.Recognized as the number one female devil in Donghuamen!

But now their female devil has no good looks towards them.On the contrary, he looked sincere towards Lu Chen, but it would be strange for any inner disciple who had thoughts about Wang Qimeng to have a good face towards Lu Chen.

Lu Chen directly ignored these envious and jealous eyes, but spoke to Wang Qimeng in a low voice.In fact, Lu Chen's original intention was not to let Wang Qimeng enter the gate of Suzaku.

After all, the death rate of [-]% is too high, and now it is only Wang Qimeng in the middle stage of Yuan Demon Realm.At least [-]% of them will die if they enter it, even Lu Chen can't protect her.

Because every time they enter the Suzaku Gate, 100 people will be teleported to different places.It is actually very difficult to meet in the huge Suzaku Gate.

But Lu Chen also knew that he was qualified for the top [-].It was Wang Qimeng's own efforts, and there are a lot of treasures in the Suzaku Gate,

There are various opportunities.In the past, there were also players with poor strength and low level, who survived and gained huge gains.

In a word, getting into the Suzaku Gate is all about luck.It all depends on choice, because there are some places with natural treasures.Naturally there will be powerful accompanying monsters,

If you don't covet these treasures of heaven, material and earth that are being guarded.Naturally, safety can be guaranteed, if there is no threat from monsters.If there is no man-made crisis, then it is safe at Suzaku's Gate.

Wang Qimeng herself didn't want to give up, and the Great Elder of the Demon Sect had also asked her about it before.It's just that she wants to give it a go, the main reason is because Lu Chen's talent is too strong.If you don't work hard, you will be thrown away by Chase Lu.

Even after a thousand years, they can come together with Chase Lu.Wang Qimeng was not reconciled either, and just made a vase that was not useful.

She wants to be a woman who can help Lu Chen, just like Su Yurong.Now her realm is two levels lower than Lu Chen's, and both of them belong to the realm of demon cultivators.

Moreover, Master Wang Zhi also left some life-saving talismans and magic weapons for her before retreating.Trust me with these, just be careful.There is no problem with safety, she was afraid that Lu Chen would also persuade her.

Unexpectedly, instead of persuading, Lu Chen gave her a bunch of high-grade talismans and formation flags.These talismans were all refined by Lu Chen in his spare time these days. In order to deceive people, Lu Chen did not leave a unique mark on the talismans.

There are nine formation flags in total, all of which are of the sixth-level top grade.It can be successfully deployed within one second, and the array has three functions.

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