Of course, the guests either have invitations or referrals from the elders of the inner and outer sects.Otherwise, you would not be able to enter the mountain gate at all, because of the Artifact Refining Ceremony once every thousand years.It is one of the grand events in the East World, and all the top magic sects have sent teams to watch the ceremony.

Moreover, many instrument masters who are confident in themselves will also participate under the recommendation of the elders of the inner and outer sects.This has led to many people who come here admiringly,

These people because there are no invitations and referrals.They can only gather outside the mountain gate of Donghua Gate, whenever they see a strong man.Or a team from a powerful Demon Sect will cause a lot of exclamations when they enter Donghua Sect.

Not only did Donghuamen not stop it, but they also provided delicious food and drink every day.Only those who understand know that this is a group of free fans.

Cheering when you see the strong is giving the strong face.It also made the strong feel the goodwill of Donghuamen, killing two birds with one stone.

According to what Lu Chen saw, he thought of the navy on the earth.Spending money to ask them to boo and create an atmosphere, compared with the earth's navy, these navy are too useless, and even a meal is dismissed.

In fact, Chase Lu thought a little bit worse, this is not the earth.First of all, communication is underdeveloped, and the transmission of messages is still the oldest way.

The news is conveyed through the raids between people, which leads to some places where the news is blocked.It is difficult to know the world affairs in real time, so organizations that sell news were born.

Once these organizations encounter any major events.They will send people to come, on the one hand to act as the creator of the atmosphere.While collecting information, and then sell it to others.Creating an atmosphere takes care of food, but news can sell a lot of money.

And it can also be sold to different forces, so this kind of people are in a certain demon world.The news is very magical, as long as you are willing to spend money.

You just want to know what color socks a certain witch from the Super Demon Sect is wearing today.They all have ways to get accurate information, as long as the money is in place, everything is not a problem!

Lu Chen fell from a distance, and then found a shady place.He changed into a purple brocade robe with six magic hammers on it, proving Lu Chen's weapon master grade.Then, from the shade, he walked towards the mountain gate in the distance.

Along the way, everyone who saw Chase Lu.They all moved out of the way one after another, sixth-level weapon master robes.Being able to wear it on the body proves that you are at least a sixth-level weapon master.As for whether it is a low-level sixth-level or a top-level sixth-level, it is impossible to tell.

But no matter what, it was a grand event of the Artifact Refining Ceremony.It attracted all the young instrument masters from all over the east to participate, among which the sixth level is the respect.Because Donghuamen, where the Artifact Refining Ceremony is held, has clear regulations that only artisans of level six or below are allowed to participate.

Therefore, every sixth-level weapon master who appeared in Donghuamen was a favorite of those information-gathering organizations.Especially Lu Chen's unfamiliar face attracted their attention even more.

These are all white magic stones!

It's just that while they were recording Lu Chen's images, they couldn't help but mutter in their hearts.It is said that all the instrument masters above the sixth level are actually well-known in the Donglai world.Especially the young sixth-level instrument masters, who are basically the focus of observation.

But now, one suddenly appeared.But they were collectively stunned by the handsome and extraordinary sixth-level weapon master in front of them.Where did it come from?What kind of faction?Who is the last name?After rummaging through the records in his mind and the jade slips, none of them could be matched.

As for Lu Chen being a fake sixth-level weapon master, these information collectors.But he didn't believe Lu Chen would be so stupid, if it was possible elsewhere.where is thisThis is where Donghua Gate is located, the main venue where the Artifact Refining Ceremony will be held soon.

If you dare to pretend to be a sixth-level weapon master, come and make trouble.This is a slap in the face of Donghuamen in front of all the people from Donglaijie.I believe that Donghuamen will be furious,

A top-level magic gate, and a top-level magic gate with a wide range of friends because of its reputation for refining weapons.This kind of existential anger, even the forces that are also top demon sects, cannot bear it.

But Chase Lu didn't have any information in their records.And even the name and origin are unknown.This makes them a little uncomfortable, but they have the title of inquiring and know-it-all.

Is it difficult for this elegant name to be folded in Lu Chen's hands today?

At this moment, a beautiful figure ran out from the mountain gate.The fragrance is so strong that it attracts the attention of many young talents.I saw that this was a pretty woman, dressed in a purple brocade robe.There are four magic hammers on it, which proves that she is a fourth-level weapon master.

This beautiful figure ran up to Lu Chen.Smile like a flower, a pair of beautiful big eyes.It seems that there is a spring water rippling, full of affection.

"I recognize this woman. She is a new inner disciple of the Donghua Sect. She is also a direct disciple of the elder Wang Zhi of the Outer Sect. Her name is Wang Qimeng.

It is said that as soon as she entered the inner sect, she aroused the fanatical pursuit of the inner sect disciples, but she never smiled at anyone.Also known as the Ice Beauty, but today the Ice Beauty was thawed out by this mysterious man! "

"I also know one more thing. The elder of the outer sect, Wang Zhi, gave his three places. One to the disciple in front of him, and he sold one to the Zhu family. The remaining place said he had already given it away. See This mysterious man is the one Wang Zhi sent out."

"It's possible, it's just this handsome and extraordinary man. Why don't I have any memory, and I haven't seen him in many refining competitions or gatherings of weapon masters. Could it be that he jumped out of a crack in the rock?"

"I guess, this handsome and extraordinary man should be the secret successor of a certain sect. You should remember that among the true disciples of the five super demon sects. Many of them will leave the sect to travel after they have cultivated to a certain level."

"You mean to say that this mysterious man in front of you is the descendant of the Super Demon Sect, and he was invited by Wang Zhi when he was traveling. Why does it feel a little nonsense!"

Lu Chen looked at Wang Qimeng in front of him, and still had affection for him.It can't help being a bit big-headed, and it's hardest to bear the grace of a beauty.Those words at the beginning have been said very thoroughly, but why is this girl still so infatuated.

Lu Chen's handsome face was a little stiff, and he said with a dry smile: "Little girl, you are here. Where is your master!"

"Don't call me a little girl, you can call me by my name, you can also call me Mengmeng, don't be a little kid and take advantage of me!" Wang Qimeng gave Lu Chen a white look, with the attitude of a little girl.

When Wang Qimeng was waiting inside the mountain gate, many inner disciples received the news.The male to female ratio of the strong in the magic world is seriously out of balance.It has reached the level of seven to three, and the ratio of refining equipment and alchemy has reached [-] to [-].

It is said that rare things are valuable, female tool masters and female alchemists.They are rare species at all, and those who are beautiful are regarded as female witches.The so-called more wolves and less meat, just like the inner disciples of Donghuamen.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

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North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Among the more than 800 people, there were only six girls, and five of them were of average appearance.Only Wang Qimeng is beautiful, young and energetic.

Naturally, it attracted many single inner disciples, so she just entered the inner sect.She became a recognized female devil, and has countless suitors.Every day, there are different inner disciples giving gifts in different ways.

For these inner disciples who are so courteous, Wang Qimeng does not use words.It made these inner disciples who are proud in heart have an ambition to conquer.

It's just today, the Ice and Snow Demoness in their minds.But she was smiling like a flower in front of a man, and there were spring water in her eyes.Even these single dogs can tell.Their witches, their friendship with that man.

Looking at that man again, the inner disciples in the mountain gate were instantly driven mad with jealousy.Not only is it far superior to them in appearance, but even the level of the weapon master has reached level six.Looking at more than 800 inner sect disciples, only the top three senior brothers can compare with them.

So, when Lu Chen came to the mountain gate under the leadership of Wang Qimeng.He saw a group of young people wearing the costumes of inner disciples, looking at him with red eyes.It looked as if he had met someone who killed his father and hated his wife.

Wang Qimeng also noticed their eyes, but not only did not explain.On the contrary, as if he was afraid, he got closer to Chase Lu.

The cute and cute appearance of the little bird made the inner disciples envious.My heart is full of envy, jealousy and hatred, and there is also a kind of anger of sharing the same hatred.

The welcome office is in charge of two elders from the inner sect and two elders from the outer sect.Those who come to participate in the Artifact Refining Hall must first come here to deliver the invitation letter.

Then the four elders will, according to the status of the comer.There is a big difference between arranging for inner disciples or outer disciples to receive them.

For example, when disciples from the outer sect receive reception, they will live in a single room and eat a large pot of rice.If it is received by inner disciples, then the place to live is the courtyard, and there are dedicated staff to serve the food and drink.

So whenever a guest comes, it is something that the onlookers look forward to.Because the identity and status can be seen from the reception specifications.Watching Lu Chen and Wang Qimeng come forward, those who make a living by intelligence.They also stepped forward one after another, intending to collect some information.

At the same time, all the inner disciples were also looking forward to it.If Lu Chen's identity is similar to that of himself and others, then it is natural to continue to pursue Wang Qimeng without saying anything.

If Lu Chen's status is equal to that of the three inner sect seniors, then he and others have to think about it.

After all, there is too much difference in status and status, so go to compete with such a person.Innately, half of the loss is lost, if the pursuer has already fallen in love with such a high-status person.Then just admit defeat, because there is no chance!

It's like finding a beautiful girlfriend, so you won't be blind in the future.Nor will I lower my standards to find an ugly girl.In the same way, if you like a man with a high status and strong strength, you will definitely look down on a man with a low status and poor strength.

This is a law that never changes!

"Little brother, you are so nervous! Which family's true disciple are you?" Sun Wei, the elder of the inner sect, asked.

"I'm a casual cultivator!" Lu Chen said indifferently, and he didn't show off the successor of the extraordinary master in public.That was just Lu Chen's expedient measure. Even if Luo Feifan did not die, he would not be able to reach the height of Lu Chen's four-art magician!

"Wow? When will a casual cultivator be able to reach a sixth-level weapon master at such a young age?"

"What's so strange about this, can't casual cultivators meet strong people?"

"It turned out to be a casual cultivator, but this can't scare me. The female devil is mine!"

"That's right, casual cultivators are not worthy of Junior Sister Wang at all! But it's not yours, I will definitely embrace the beauty!"

"Report a fart, just don't be ashamed of the honor of the two of you, okay?"

"A casual cultivator? It shouldn't be! We have a record for a sixth-level weapon master in a casual cultivator! Is it a newcomer? But even a fifth-level casual weapon master, we have a record!"

Lu Chen's words made everyone's beholders.It became a little contemptuous, it is true that there are strong ones among casual cultivators.It's just that the ratio is very low.

Most casual cultivators have no good inheritance.And random practice and exploration, even if the strength has improved.However, the disadvantages of background and skills are that there is only a high level in the sky, but they cannot exert their full strength.

This is also the basis for many demon disciples to leapfrog challenges when traveling abroad.If the same disciples of the Demon Sect confront each other, then those who can leapfrog the challenge are all geniuses.If it's just a leapfrog challenge to casual cultivators, then it can only be regarded as a genius!

Originally thought that disciple Wang Zhi'ai was leading some important person, but unexpectedly it was a handsome casual cultivator.This made Sun Wei, who was asking the question just now, suddenly lose interest in Lu Chen,

With another inner sect elder.The old devil was sitting on the chair, and no one received Chase Lu for a while.

This scene immediately made some inner disciples gloating.Laughing, even on the faces of the onlookers.It was also full of ridicule, only those few people who collected information knew about it.

All this is because of Wang Qimeng, if not for Wang Qimeng's guidance.Whether it is a casual cultivator or a magic cultivator, as long as he reaches the sixth-level weapon master, he can become a guest of any magic sect.

But before, there was Wang Qimeng's attention, and later, there was the impact of the casual weapon repairer.The expectations before and after this, the contrast is too great.This led to the current situation, everyone was watching Lu Chen's jokes, which made Wang Qimeng who was standing aside extremely dissatisfied.

"There are eyes but no pearls!" This is Wang Qimeng's thoughts at this time, and she also hastily sent a message to the master.She didn't want Lu Chen to feel bad for Donghuamen because of this incident.

The most important thing is that once Lu Chen has a bad feeling for Donghuamen, wouldn't his feelings be destroyed!

If it wasn't for thinking about entering the Suzaku Gate, it would be with these few elders who look down on people with dog eyes.Chase Lu will definitely walk away, the little top magic door.He dared to show his face, and now he was bullied by a dog as if he had fallen into Pingyang.

Holding back his breath, Lu Chen took out an invitation letter.There was also a jade talisman thrown on the table, and he glanced coldly at the four elders.

It was this glance that immediately made the heart of the elders who were present with the four old devils jump.It was as if they were being targeted by a fierce tiger that chose to devour people, making the four of them feel cold all over.

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Dragon's son-in-law

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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