Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2757 Dragon Blood Fortune Fruit

The most important thing is that his sword skills are very sharp, but people can't find them.Every time I thought it was attacking the chest, it was actually attacking the head.Every time I thought it was attacking the head, it was actually attacking the chest.

When you think you are feigning to attack your chest, you are actually attacking your head.When they defended their heads, they were cut by Lu Chen from the chest again.

This change of moves between false and real made the three of them busy and exhausted.And as the battle continued, the number of wounds on his body increased.The body's reaction, attack and defense strength are gradually weakening.

In Lu Chen's eyes, these three people are now fighting like three trapped beasts.Every slow movement and move was full of flaws for Lu Chen.However, Lu Chen did not kill one person, but continued to wear down the bodies of the three.

In fact, Lu Chen knew that once he killed a person.It will cause the other two people to collapse and escape, and Chase Lu is confident in chasing them to death.But he didn't have the confidence to catch and execute all the more than 20 people below, so Lu Chen fought on the side.

On the one hand, they use array flags, array flags at the level of top-grade magic treasures.It can be fictitious or real, and now the three of them can't protect themselves.Naturally, the appearance and disappearance of the illusory banner cannot be found,

Now they only think about when Lu Chen's magic yuan will be exhausted.When is the time when Lu Chen died, and this is also the belief of the three of them.

It's a pity that they don't know Chase Lu.I don't even understand the power of Daoji exercises.If they knew it, the three of them would attack in turn.

Already consumed [-]% of their respective magic energy reserves, Lu Chen only consumed [-]% of his own magic energy.I believe it will collapse directly, let alone half an hour of fighting.Even if he fought for another day, Lu Chen would have nothing to fear.

Practicing Dao-based skills, whether it is the storage of magic yuan or the speed of recovery.It is the number one existence among all exercises!

What Lu Chen is not afraid of the most is the war of attrition, and the magic power of the three of them has been consumed by [-]%.But after discovering that Lu Chen was still looking lively, the three of them immediately knew that they had been tricked.

It's just that his body is full of scars now, and the magic energy in his body has been consumed too much.Even if he wanted to run, he didn't have the strength to run, if it wasn't for the punishment of the traitors by the Hundred Demon Hall was too vicious.

The three of them wanted to surrender directly, the little boy in front of them.In the eyes of the three of them, it was no longer a big fat sheep that was harmless to humans and animals, but a fierce tiger in sheep's clothing.

With this realization, the three of them were beheaded by Lu Chen and then the demon soul.After accepting the space rings from the three of them, Chase Lu saw the men in black fleeing in all directions below.The corners of the mouth were raised, revealing a dismissive smile.


With a soft drink, I saw the mountain below.A mask of fog appeared in the city.Enveloping the entire area within a radius of ten miles, it also trapped all the men in black below.

Chase Lu controlled the formation to shrink into a range of 500 meters.Then he unleashed the late stage power of the Demon General and killed all the men in black in the formation in one fell swoop.

Except for the storage bag and space ring specially reserved by Lu Chen on the ground, everything else is integrated with the earth.

In one step, Lu Chen came to the courtyard below.Untie the bound old and weak women and children, and don't ask why they were intercepted and killed.Not to mention their cries and thanks, there are various vendettas staged every day in the magic world.

Lu Chen wasn't in a panic, so he didn't ask them one by one.If you encounter one, just find someone who is riddled with great sins.Or someone who is a demon, then Lu Chen will not let it go softly.

Lu Chen soared into the sky, and flew the flying boat into the distance.

Before leaving, he looked back at the void.But he didn't stop, but continued to fly after nodding his head.

Na Lancheng and Dong Feihong, who were hiding in the void, looked at each other.They all saw the surprise in their eyes, Lu Chen's look just now.

It happened to be the hiding place of the two of them, if it was an ordinary glance, it would be nothing.The key point is that Lu Chen nodded towards the void, which made the two of them dare not continue to deceive themselves that Lu Chen did it unintentionally.

It's just that the two of them were curious about how Lu Chen found them.The two of them didn't show their flaws from the beginning to the end, and they kept within ten miles of Lu Chen from beginning to end.

Thinking of the formation controlled by Lu Chen to trap and kill the man in black just now, the two of them were shocked.It was difficult for Lu Chen to discover the two people hiding in the void when he was arranging the formation.The more they thought about it, the more they felt this was the case, but they were also amazed at Lu Chen's insight.

You must know that one of the two is the Great Perfection of the Demon General realm, and the other is the late stage of the Demon General realm.They are all higher than Chase Lu, but they can be discovered by Chase Lu while deliberately hiding them.This insight is really terrifying!

Even with the help of formations, it is not something ordinary people can do.

The two also agreed with Lu Chen's actions.When you see a hostile villain, you will kill them without asking where they came from.Clean and tidy, but for irrelevant people.He doesn't stay there even after being rescued, let alone chat with others.

This is a common problem of many chivalrous people. When they see the weak or the bullied, they help them.This was right, the mistake was to stop for these people.There is no love without reason in the world, and there is no hate without reason.

Life and death vendettas are originally a matter between the two parties, and you can lend a helping hand when you encounter them.Kill the side you think is the evil force, and then you should retreat.

But there are many enthusiastic chivalrous fighters who have failed to do this.Instead, he stopped, and then got involved in right and wrong that didn't belong to him originally.

In the end, he either dies in a foreign country, or becomes someone else's fighting tool for no reason.There are not many wise chivalrous men like Lu Chen in this world.

So everyone is living very well, just like Lu Chen now.Sitting on the flying boat, checking the harvest of this chivalrous action.

There are 24 people, each of whom is above the realm of a magician.Lu Chen was very satisfied with the power of merit alone.

Moreover, he also provided himself with eighteen storage bags and six space rings.After checking the items inside, I vaguely calculated a total value in my heart.

"This group of people is fat enough to contribute 1000 million low-grade magic stone resources to my young master. Huh? What is this?"

Chase Lu swept away the storage bags and space rings one by one, constantly estimating the total price in his mind.But in a space ring, a sealed stone box was found.

As soon as Lu Chen's demon soul moved, the stone box appeared in his hand.Lu Chen sized it up, under the observation of the demon soul.This seal is very simple, just a five-level formation seal.

Lu Chen broke it open very simply, and then felt a strange fragrance coming from the stone box.

Curiously, he opened the stone box and saw the items inside.Even Lu Chen, who was worth more than [-] million yuan, was breathing quickly at this moment.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"It turned out to be a dragon's blood good luck fruit that ranked third on the world's rare treasure list. Luck, luck!"

Looking inside the stone box, there is a round and shiny stone.There seemed to be a fruit with a dragon flying in the peel, and Chase Lu was shocked and excited.

This is a magic fruit comparable to a ninth-level heaven, material and earth treasure, and its value is immeasurable.If you buy it with magic stones, you can sell it for at least 50 billion!

This rare magic fruit is nourished by the heaven and earth from the blood of the magic dragon.It takes tens of thousands of years to bloom and bear fruit, this is the magic dragon.It is an existence living in the heavens, not a real dragon in the demon world, let alone a dragon in the demon world.

This magic fruit has three functions, the first one is suitable for Yaozu.If it is a descendant of the bloodline of the dragon, it can be prompted to evolve bloodline power.

Step directly into an evolutionary realm.If it is taken by Jiaolong, it can evolve into a real dragon.If it is taken by a real dragon, it can evolve into a magic dragon.

Of course, this is the bloodline of evolution.Instead of directly upgrading to the corresponding realm, it belongs to the magic fruit that changes one's own limit.It is said to be a magic fruit, but it is extremely rare in the Three Realms.Belongs to the legendary existence!

The second effect, if the human race takes it.Then it will become a dragon man, that is, a human body and a dragon blood.With a strong body, his own potential will be like a real dragon.

You must know the ten thousand races in the Three Realms, although the human race is the weakest.Most of the people who were born were ordinary people, not as powerful as the monsters and aliens.One is born with a profound state, but the advantage of the human race is the strong learning ability.

Once one's own potential is strong, then coupled with the ability to learn and comprehend.The dragon people are also the strongest group of people in the Three Realms, and it is also because of the existence of the dragon people.Let the Demon Dragon Clan break away from the rule of the Monster Clan and become the alien race with the best relationship with the Human Clan.

The third function is to fuse the magic weapon or magic weapon, so that the magic weapon or magic weapon can have a growable magic weapon.The shape of the weapon demon is a dragon, and it is also called a dragon demon.Once it becomes a mature body, it can become the body of a dragon demon.

The body of the dragon demon and the body of the demon are both of the same level.Therefore, the three major functions of the Dragon Blood Creation Fruit are all very heaven-defying.

It's just classified according to where it grows, if it grows in the devil world.If it is consumed by creatures from the devil world, it is naturally called a magic fruit.If it grows in the devil world, it is called a magic fruit, and if it grows in the heaven world, it is called a magic fruit.

The effect is against the sky, and the quantity is scarce.As a result, its value is infinitely elevated, and even if someone owns it.It will not be sold at will, even if Lu Chen is short of cultivation resources, Lu Chen will not sell them.

If it wasn't for Lu Chen already possessing the Heavenly Demon Physique, he really wanted to eat this Dragon Blood Fortune Fruit.It's just that compared to the body of the dragon man, the demon body of heaven is more suitable for Chase Lu's future path.

After closing the stone box, Chase Lu rearranged a miniature seven-level sealing formation.This is the strongest sealing formation that Lu Chen can arrange today. If it wasn't for his ability, he would have wanted to seal it with a magic-level formation.

Then Lu Chen put it into the space-time mirror of Qiankun and sealed it up separately.

In a good mood, Chase Lu collected all the resources and items.All moved into a space ring.The remaining spare storage bags and space rings are taken back into the space-time mirror of Qiankun, these collected storage bags and space rings.

Chase Lu will accumulate them to a certain amount, and then integrate them into the space-time mirror of Qiankun.Expand the space area in the mirror, but the number is still too small.

It can't be extended by a few meters at all, and Lu Chen is too lazy to move.

With excitement, Chase Lu encountered no obstacles in the next few days.I didn't meet the sect forces, but I met many teams of demon cultivators.However, Chase Lu didn't stop at all, and always kept a daily distance of [-] miles.

No. 16 days after setting off from the headquarters of the Refining Alliance, Chase Lu finally saw a mountain in the shape of a huge hammer.That is the sphere of influence of Donghuamen, and the outside world calls it Hammer Mountain Range.

It is said that an unknown number of years ago, a huge hammer fell from the sky.It fell into the mountains, and then it was called the Hammer Mountains.

It's just that the hammer has never been found. Instead, there was a ninth-level weapon master tens of thousands of years ago.A magic gate was established there, named Donghuamen.Later, the entire Hammer Mountain Range became the sphere of influence of the Demon Sect.

With Wang Zhi's explanation, Lu Chen knew that the legend was true.It's just that instead of a hammer falling from the sky, it was a wounded Suzaku.

The bearer's own hammer weapon fell from the sky, and then the first patriarch of Donghuamen.The Donghua Gate was established there, and the Hammer Mountain Range was enclosed as its sphere of influence.

The gate of the Suzaku, that is, the cave of the Suzaku will be opened once every thousand years.Then one hundred weapon masters below the Demon Realm can enter it, and the gate of Suzaku is very large.There are three passes inside and three passes outside.

The outer three passes are the three trial spaces, which progress step by step.The area of ​​each floor is very huge, and there are many high-level treasures of heaven and earth inside.

Naturally, many powerful monsters have been bred. To obtain the treasures of heaven, material and earth, one must not only kill monsters.Also be careful of being killed and seized treasure, so it is very dangerous inside.

The inner three passes are the core areas of the Suzaku Gate after passing the outer three passes.There is the place where Suzaku will be assessed, and it will be determined whether he can win the Suzaku Fire, as well as the various treasures of Suzaku Hammer.

Every time you pass a level, you will get some treasures.If you pass all three levels, you will get a chance, but no one knows what kind of chance it is.

Those who chose this opportunity in the past all died on the ground.The outside world naturally does not know the process and content, but it has also aroused more people's speculation and yearning.

Later, when rumors spread, it became that whoever can break through, the six barriers inside and outside the gate will have the opportunity to ascend to the sky in one step.

And in the six levels outside here, there are many relics left by the predecessor after his death.Every time a hundred people enter, the loss rate reaches 100%.That is, 50 people go in, and only about [-] people can come out alive each time.

So after stepping into Suzaku's gate, life and death are up to fate.

After walking out of Suzaku's gate, the grievances and grievances inside will naturally disappear.

In other words, no matter how fierce the competition inside is.Once outside, forget about it.As for not forgetting, it cannot be publicized.

When Chase Lu was thinking about these things, he had already advanced to the periphery of Hammer Mountain Range.The entire Hammer Mountain Range covers an area of ​​tens of thousands of miles.All are covered by a giant formation,

This giant formation has a portal, located at the foot of the mountain in the east.This is also where the mountain gate of Donghua Gate is located, and guests and disciples who come and go come and go.You must pass the inspection there before you can enter and exit Donghuamen.

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