One of the outer sect elders with the weakest strength quickly got up and picked up the invitation letter.The content inside is that Wang Zhi invited Lu Chen to participate in the refining ceremony.

At that time, Chase Lu hadn't joined the Artifact Refining Alliance.Naturally, there is no sect introduction, if it is this kind of invitation letter.Basically, they will be classified into the ranks of casual cultivators, and the outer disciples will lead them to the collective residence.

It was only after the elder of the outer sect picked up the jade talisman, especially after seeing the contents inside.Suddenly, his attitude took a sharp 180-degree turn, and a respectful smile appeared on his face.

This change made the onlookers who were always paying attention, as well as many inner and outer disciples.All eyes fell on the elders of the outer sect, even the three elders of the inner and outer sect who had just suppressed their throbbing hearts.I also looked over and waited for the next article.

"So it's the Artifact Refining Alliance, Junior Brother Xiao, the general leader candidate. Disrespect and disrespect!" Zhang Desha, the elder of the outer sect, had a flattering smile on his aged face.

Many elders of the inner and outer sects of Donghua Gate are honorary elders of the Artifact Refining Alliance.Enjoying all kinds of preferential benefits from the Refining Alliance, but just now it was difficult to be the young master of others.

Although it is only one of many candidates, it is a person who can become a candidate.Those are the existences of the Artifact Refining Alliance, carefully selected and passed the assessment.

This kind of person, not to mention the Donghuamen ranks the lowest among the top demon gates.Even the strongest top magic sect will treat candidates politely when they meet them.Thinking of what the four of them did just now, Zhang Desha blushed.

Hearing Zhang Desha's words, Sun Wei and the three immediately got up to respond.The originally indifferent expression suddenly changed into a smiling face.If I hadn't seen their faces just now, I wouldn't have believed the majestic elders of the inner and outer sects of Donghua sect.It is such a quality!

It interprets the meaning of being slapped in the face with eyes but no pearls!

The onlookers and many internal and external disciples were also dumbfounded at this time.Especially the few who laughed just now, their faces were burning with pain.Although the flesh does not hurt, but the heart is bleeding.

How exaggerated the smile just now is, how embarrassing it is now.

The title of having eyes but no eyes, as long as there is a place where Chase Lu appears.Will be with them for life, unless they can make everyone present amnesia.

This is the fate of laughing at others at will, and it is also a person who likes to watch the excitement.The most taboo thing, you can watch the excitement but you can't just chime in and laugh at it.Otherwise, it is easy to become a fool and be regarded as the object of teasing after dinner.

As for what he said just now, Chase Lu should be driven away.The two inner disciples who continued to pursue Wang Qimeng were now under the teasing eyes of their fellow disciples.I wish there was a crack in the ground for them to get in.

Shame, shame adults!

The few people who collected the news were also very shocked at this time.According to the intelligence they collected, there are only 35 candidates for the Refining Alliance.

But there is no Chase Lu among them, so Chase Lu has just joined the Artifact Refining Alliance recently.Becoming the No.30 six candidates, they have such a level of strength and refining level when they first entered.

This proves that even if Lu Chen is a casual cultivator, he is also a casual cultivator with a strong inheritance.This is very important, it seems that in the future Qi Dao.A strong new generation is about to be born!

Right now!

An old figure came from high above the mountain gate.He rushed down quickly, his face was covered with sweat because of his anxiety.

Lu Chen is the life-saving straw for Wang Zhi to break through the limit of his life, and Wang Zhi naturally relies heavily on Lu Chen.He was indeed busy with some things just now, but after hearing Wang Qimeng's summons.Immediately put down what was at hand and rushed over at full speed.

Compared with the task assigned by the magic gate, compared with the limit of his own life.Relatively speaking, the latter is more important, and he also learned that Lu Chen came here wearing a sixth-level purple robe.

Therefore, he was even more eager, and at the same time welcomed the four newly promoted elders at the mountain gate.I was scolded in my heart, this is the inheritance of the extraordinary master.

Moreover, he joined the Artifact Refining Alliance and became a candidate for the leader of the alliance.Even the great elders and sect masters should be polite when they see Lu Chen.What qualifications do you group of newly promoted elders have to ridicule and embarrass the guests?

As a veteran elder of the outer sect, although his status is not as high as that of an elder of the inner sect.But because Wang Zhi has a wide range of friends, his own strength has also reached the level of a magic general.

Can be ranked in the top three among all the elders of the outer sect, surpassing many elders of the inner sect.Therefore, in Donghuamen, they also have a certain right to speak.

"How do the four of you entertain distinguished guests? You are not afraid of embarrassing Momen."

After Wang Zhi landed, he cursed at the four elders.Then came to Lu Chen, laughed and said: "Brother Lu, you are here, brother was dealing with some things just now. I wasted a little time, but I didn't expect to make you wronged.

For my brother's sake, please don't blame Donghuamen on me.As for these four blind people, my brother, on behalf of Momen, will definitely give you a satisfactory explanation. "

Lu Chen would not pay attention to these four dogs who looked down on people, and it was not worthwhile to care about them.The purpose of coming to Donghuamen this time is to repay Wang Zhi's favor, and to seize the fire of Suzaku.Before these two things are done, unless someone deliberately finds fault.

Lu Chen didn't intend to pursue it directly, and whether it was time to make a move was another matter.

"Brother is serious." Lu Chen waved his hand.

The four elders of the inner and outer sects also looked embarrassing at this time.The four of them are newly promoted elders of the inner and outer sects, and they were all disciples of the inner sect before.It's just that he couldn't break through his own bottleneck for a long time, so he was arranged to become an elder.

So when it comes to dealing with the world, he is not as smooth and sophisticated as other elders.Thus ignoring that even the sixth-level weapon masters in casual cultivation are not something they can neglect.

Donghua Gate is about to hold a grand weapon refining ceremony, and the four of them will serve as welcoming elders.

Responsibility is to receive guests, if there is a problem in the reception.Naturally, they will be punished, and what the four of them did just now was a bit ill-considered.No matter how big the gap is in the expectation, the guests cannot be left alone.

If they are really pursued, at least they will be convicted of dereliction of duty.

So when Wang Zhi reprimanded them, the four of them also apologized sincerely.Whether you can be forgiven is not important, the important thing is not to let what happened today.If it reaches the ears of the Great Elder and the sect master, it will be regarded as a disaster.

If it still reaches the ears of the Great Elder and the sect master, then you can only ask for blessings!

In fact, the four of them complained somewhat to Lu Chen at this time.If Lu Chen hadn't opened his mouth to say that he was a casual cultivator, the four of them would not have neglected Lu Chen.But the four of them didn't think about it, other people's low-key was not the reason for them to make excuses.

I can't do my own job well, and I shirk responsibility when something goes wrong.No matter how high a person's position is, such a person can't become a climate.

Because of narrow-mindedness, the layout is too small!Vision is limited, not worth mentioning!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Wait for Wang Zhi and Wang Qimeng to disappear out of sight with Lu Chen.It wasn't until the onlookers and the disciples of the inner and outer sects realized that news was flying all over the sky.At the same time, Lu Chen's portrait also appeared in the major demonic forces in the Donglai Realm.

Donghuamen occupies a mountain range, so the territory is naturally extremely vast.A total of nine peaks and eighteen halls are scattered among the mountains.

The main peak is usually not open to the public, even when the sect master is discussing matters with the elders.They also choose to conduct it on other peaks. The main peak will only be open for a short time during the ancestor worship ceremony, that is, the grand event such as the refining ceremony.

According to legend, under Suzaku is just below the main peak.It's just that in less than a thousand years, even the strongest in the realm of the devil king can't find out its location.

From the mountain gate to the main peak, there is a straight path.You can choose to walk below, or you can choose to fly in the air.It's just that because of the existence of the mountain protection array, the flying height cannot exceed [-] meters.

All the way to control the flight at 50 meters in the air, and boarded the main peak half an hour later.Except for the central square where the Artifact Refining Ceremony is held, the rest of the place is full of various buildings.

At this time, the place was full of people, bustling and bustling.

There is still one day left before the opening of the Artifact Refining Ceremony.Lu Chen has also been in Donghua Gate for more than ten days, and has been staying in the courtyard to meditate these days.Didn't hang out or make new friends like everyone else.

Lu Chen did not respond to Wang Qimeng's invitation.Instead, he used retreat to dismiss it. Lu Chen was really afraid of this girl.No matter how she expresses it openly or secretly, this girl just refuses to listen.

Every day I come to Lu Chen's courtyard, wanting to meet Lu Chen.Or want to take Lu Chen to visit Donghuamen, the heart of Sima Zhao.

After doing this three times in a row, Lu Chen simply retreated directly in order to avoid her.

Anyway, there are plenty of resources and nothing to do.There is still half a month before the opening of the Artifact Refining Ceremony.It is enough to break through the realm once, and it is gratifying to succeed.If it fails, it is considered a retreat.

For half a month, Chase Lu practiced with peace of mind, even after consuming 1000 million low-grade magic stones.Successfully broke through to the late stage of the Demon General realm,

With the continuous improvement of the realm.The consumption of magic stones for each breakthrough is also increasing exponentially, this time it is only a breakthrough from the mid-term peak of the magic general realm to the late stage.

It cost 1000 million low-grade magic stones, and Chase Lu expects to accumulate from the later stage of practice to Dzogchen.Another 2000 million low-grade magic stones are needed, plus the 8000 million needed to break through to the demonic realm in the budget.

This is a [-] million low-grade magic stone, of course, if you practice ordinary skills.Maybe the consumption will be reduced by ten times, but Lu Chen doesn't want that kind of big-budget Lu Chen.Don't say [-] million, even if it is [-] billion, Chase Lu will earn it.

Now that you have to practice again, since you want to practice the strongest skills.

It took six days to break through, and it took another eight days for Lu Chen to consolidate.This retreat ended only three hours before the Artifact Refining Ceremony.

I took a hot bath and changed into a brand new purple robe.After two hours, Lu Chen walked out of the courtyard and saw him standing at the corner of the street.The pretty Wang Qimeng,

Just half a month no see.Wang Qimeng's face was a little haggard at this time, and there was no smiling face when he saw Lu Chen.There was still a hint of sadness in his eyes, which made Lu Chen even more dizzy.

Fortunately, Wang Zhi was standing next to her, otherwise Lu Chen would not know what to do.

It wasn't that Chase Lu was indecisive, or that Chase Lu was putting on airs.It's just surrounded by enemies from the devil world.It is difficult for Lu Chen, who is alone outside, to calm down and accept a new relationship.

If there is no threat from the enemy, Lu Chen may consider accepting Wang Qimeng's feelings.After all, who doesn't like beautiful women,

Even if it is three thousand in the harem.As long as you like it, it's fine, but in the current crisis-ridden situation, Lu Chen doesn't have such a big heart to mess with flowers and grass.

It can only be said that Wang Qimeng met the right person at the wrong time.

Although Wang Zhi was talking with Lu Chen, from the corner of his eyes, he noticed the apprentice's grievances.It's just a matter of feelings, and no one else can intervene.

Although Wang Qimeng was encouraged to go forward bravely, it was only for Lu Chen who was indifferent.He also had some headaches, so he couldn't force Chen Lu to accept his disciples.

From the building complex, come to the central square.Today's place is full of voices and heads.There is a huge platform in the center, and there is a transparent array mask every ten meters on the platform.

There is a refining tank in the mask, and there is an earth fire burning in the tank.There is also a shelf next to the refining tank, but there is nothing on it now.

The platform is the status of the contestants and the refining competition.There are stepped stands around, the higher up the decoration, the higher and higher, and the lower down, the more crude and crowded.

The location on the 99th floor is no longer a separate table, chair and sofa.It was a huge viewing room, and it was impossible to see the decorations inside because of the barriers.

At this moment, in the crowd ahead, everyone has a seat number in their hands.Entering through the ticket gate, and then being seated under the guidance of the disciple in charge of reception.

And some instrument masters holding the number plates that participated in the competition, such as those in Lu Chen's hands.Under the leadership of the receptionist, they all stepped onto the platform.Then, according to the echo of the number plate in hand and the formation mask on the platform, he walked into the masks one by one.

It was carried out in a messy but not chaotic manner, just when it was about to be Chase Lu's turn.Suddenly Lu Chen felt someone tightening his body, and his body flashed casually.Then he saw a small figure, almost threw himself on the ground.

I saw a cute girl of seven or eight years old, wearing an extremely eye-catching earth princess dress.Pouting his mouth, he looked at himself with a puffed face.

Then there is a beautiful and picturesque woman, wearing the same princess dress.When she appeared by the girl's side, everyone around her was shocked.The one big and one small are attracted by witches in colorful clothes, and the male beholders admire them.Women are envious and jealous.

"Brother smelly, what are you hiding?"

"Brother Lu, long time no see!"

Wang Zhi and Wang Qimeng, who were standing next to Lu Chen, heard the names of two beauties, one big and one small.Suddenly looked at Lu Chen in astonishment, and Lu Chen also had a confused face.

These two people are clearly Su Yurong and Su Panpan, and they came to watch the ceremony with the elders of Momen today.I just didn't expect that before entering the venue,

Met a familiar figure from behind.So Gu Panpan rushed towards that figure in the eyes of many elders.

Then I heard Su Yurong's words, which shocked the elders of Qianhuanzong.Immediately, he knew that the handsome and extraordinary man in front of him was the handsome big brother that Su Panpan had been talking about for the past month.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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