Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2694 Secret Broken

It's not that Lu Chen is reckless. Compared with before, Lu Chen has become a lot more tolerant now. If in the past, if someone wanted to harm him, the end could be imagined. It's just that Lu Chen has practiced for a long time. There will always be a feeling of tiredness and killing. He is not a murderous demon who kills people at the slightest disagreement. He is just Lu Chen with flesh and blood.

People always change people as they walk on the road.

However, if the two sides fought just now, Lu Chen would still be able to protect himself, even if there were several Tianyuan Realm powerhouses present.


At this moment, a pitch-black arm protruded from the shattered secret realm, no different from a human hand, but extremely black, like ink.

"Not good! The dark demon from the underground has come out, senior, stand back, we are here." The middle-aged man looked vigilant, and he stood in front of the Peacock King.

What are you kidding?The majestic Peacock King needs you mobs to protect him?Do you really think that my title of Peacock King is called for nothing?

The Peacock King sneered, she had lived a long time, so she naturally knew that he was showing his favor, so she didn't expose it, and let the middle-aged man from Tianhuo Academy act and retreat.

Dark Demon?

"That's the Dark Demon?" It was the first time Lu Chen heard this name. He looked at the broken space, a huge empty space, and half of the Dark Demon crawled out of it. At this moment, Lu Chen saw the thing's face clearly.

The blue-faced fangs, the sunken nose seemed to have been hammered, the big gaping mouth, salivating, very ugly.

Just looking at it, Lu Chen felt a sense of boredom in his heart, and then heard a sharp scream. The thing flew towards the crowd from the broken secret realm, and even the fragments that had not dissipated The storm was unstoppable, and the shattered space fragments hit the dark demon's body, making a metallic sound of collision, leaving only a little trace on the surface, as if to it, this was just a tickle.

Immediately, before a few Earth Element Realm powerhouses had time to respond, they were blown away by a black whirlwind, with blood gushing out of their mouths. They were obviously seriously injured and lost their fighting power.

"This dark demon is too strong, let's retreat." Before the real start, some people already wanted to retreat. There are people here who belong to major sects, and there are also various small sects. Their purpose of coming here is just to hunt for treasures. I thought I would encounter some kind of dark demon, and it would be better to leave this kind of demon slaying to those big troops, but Biebao was not found, so my fate is here.

"Everyone, don't panic, I, Tianhuo Academy, is a teacher of righteousness by subduing demons and defending Taoism. As long as there are fellow Taoists who are willing to help me get rid of this dark demon, Tianhuo is willing to give ten Earth Yuan Pills to everyone who has done their best! "The middle-aged man said, he sat on the horse, with a huge hammer in his hand, and a silver battle robe draped over him looked like a mighty tiger.

Ten Earth Yuan Pills!

Some people stopped in their tracks. Although these ten Earth Yuan Pills were not too many, they were not too few, but they were enough to make most people feel excited.

For those small sects or casual cultivators who are short on resources, ten Earth Yuan Pills are a considerable amount of resources. After all, most of the resources in this world are in the hands of these colleges and great teachers. Working hard for resources, after all, money touches people's hearts.

"Hufa Huang, why are you standing there? Run away quickly."

A man in yellow clothes stopped at the scene. He showed embarrassment. He had driven for more than half a month to come here, but he didn't catch a hair. He was just a guardian of a small sect. However, resources are scarce, so I have to trek here with a group of juniors to try my luck.

Right now, he is at the fifth level of the Earth Origin Realm, and there is only a thin line between him and the sixth level of the Earth Origin Realm. If he has these ten Earth Origin Pills, he will be able to break through the sixth level just around the corner. After reaching the fifth level, it is a strong person in the Earth Element Realm and the Back Realm who is firmly in the blue sky. There is a qualitative difference between the two.

"I'm about to break through, I'm going to decide on these ten Earth Yuan Pills!" Huang Hufa turned back, at least half of the people present except the big team were doing the same thing as Huang Hufa, they didn't understand the power of the dark demon, But if you just put in a little effort, you can have ten Earth Yuan Pills. It would be better to have more such beautiful things. After all, this dark demon has only seen one so far, but they are tens of thousands of people. No match for a mere dark demon?

At this time, Lu Chen, Li Wei and other disciples of Dongsheng Academy quietly left, and did not pay attention to this battlefield anymore, but they did not walk in the same direction as those people, but walked around the Tianze Secret Realm towards the rear.

The dark demon disappeared, and the boredom in Lu Chen's heart finally disappeared. The dark demon is a natural evil. He just glanced at it, and he felt uncomfortable. If he fights, he may not be able to exert [-]% of his strength .

It's no wonder that the dark demons disturbed the southern people. This thing not only has the ability to disgust people, but also has a steel body. When he left, he clearly saw the dark magic power against the space storm without any damage. This ability to resist beatings Lu Chen It is estimated that if he encounters him, whether he can break the defense is still another matter.

"Brother, where did this dark demon come from, why is there such an evil thing in the south, and how it was born." Lu Chen asked Li Wei, he wanted to know the existence of such a creature as dark demon.

Li Wei thought for a while and said, "I don't know much about the dark demons in the south. I just saw them in some books. There are hand-painted sketches on them. They really look like this. The seniors said it.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The origin of this dark demon is not too long. About 2000 years ago, humans saw this kind of thing for the first time. It took 500 years to plague the south before it was finally subdued and disappeared in the human world. "

"The dark demon that only appeared 2000 years ago, is this a mutant species, or an extraterrestrial creature?" Lu Chen asked.

Li Wei smiled and said: "No one will know about this, and I only heard some fragments of words, which can't be taken seriously, why don't you go back and take a closer look?"

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the brothers next to him turned pale. They were lucky to be able to escape, and they didn't want to go back and see that ugly dark demon again.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously." Li Wei smiled, which relieved everyone's atmosphere.

Lu Chen was silent, but he really wanted to go back and have a look. Thinking of the boredom in his heart, he couldn't help asking: "When you first saw the Dark Demon, did you feel bored in your heart?"

"Depressed mood?" Li Wei and other senior brothers stared at each other, as if no one was like Lu Chen.

Lu Chen felt more and more strange in his heart. Did this dark magic have its own weakening effect on him? It just happened that something happened when I came here, it's really evil.

Wait for the people from Tianhuo Academy to deal with the dark demon, and then find another opportunity to observe it later.After making up his mind, Lu Chen stopped thinking about it.

"By the way, when they attacked the secret realm, did anyone else come out?" Li Wei asked suddenly, he didn't see Shi Tao and others in the crowd just now.

Naturally, Lu Chen also discovered this problem. It stands to reason that Tianhuo Academy will definitely notify them in advance when they attack the dark demons in the secret realm. Seeing that they left in such a hurry, they probably knew about this problem, but they didn't tell me to wait.

Lu Chen sneered in his heart, and his favorability for Tianhuo Academy dropped to an extremely low position.

A junior said: "Before you came out, you have never seen other people come out. I have seen that Shi Tao. He didn't come out from the exit of the secret realm."

If you haven’t come out from the entrance of the secret realm, you will definitely not stay in the secret realm. There must be other passages in this secret realm. As for where it leads to, you don’t know. What is the attraction of that place?

"Have you heard some news outside? Do they have other goals?" Li Wei asked.

In the secret realm, except for Li Wei and Lu Chen, everyone else knows this place, and their local forces may know it.

The disciple thought for a while and said, "I heard some strange words, vaguely heard some bits and pieces of information about the statue and the iron cage, but I don't know if it has something to do with it."

"Statue? Cage?" Lu Chen thought for a while, and felt that these two things didn't seem to have much to do with these events.

Lu Chen and his party did not rush on their way, they just planned to go back from the back of the secret realm, but they met their peers.

The clothes of the north and the south are also slightly different. Judging from the clothes, the person should be a local. Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense, grabbed one of them by the collar, and quickly asked a few questions.

The short and domineering question-and-answer session let Lu Chen know some general information. The group originally saw Lu Chen as an outsider and didn't intend to answer, but after seeing Lu Chen's undisguised strength at the ninth level of the Earth Element Realm, they honestly and honestly went all out. confided.

The destination that this group of people went to was called Falling Demon Ridge, just behind the Daze Secret Realm, it was the place where the crazy swordsman fell, but the crazy swordsman did not die at the hands of the dark demon, and that is the real inheritance of the crazy swordsman .

A few short sentences contain a lot of information.

Crazy Sword Daoist had a good story in his early years, and he had some relationship with Dan Qing'an, but these information were some gossip topics of that person, maybe he talked about it vigorously, and chatted a few words by the way.

"I heard that no one has been in the Falling Demon Ridge for many years. I'd better advise you not to go in." said the man who was grabbed by the collar by Lu Chen.

"Why can't you go? Isn't the inheritance of this crazy swordsman fragrant? Could it be that you are afraid that I will compete with you for this inheritance." In fact, Lu Chen also found it very strange. He randomly detained a passer-by to know the real inheritance of the crazy swordsman. If you want to get the inheritance, there must be many difficulties in it.

The man said anxiously: "Of course it's not that it's not fragrant. I told you this out of good intentions. It's not that no one came to Falling Devil Ridge to look for opportunities before, but as long as I entered that place, I didn't hear that I could come out again." of."

After listening, Lu Chen said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about our safety. Is there a statue there? Tell me the exact location."

"Yes." Seeing that he couldn't persuade him, the man sighed and said, "Cross the mountain in front and you will find Falling Demon Ridge."

After finishing speaking, the man returned to his team without looking back, but he did not continue to choose to go with Chase Lu, and retreated after saying a few words to their team.

Lu Chen looked forward, and there were overlapping mountains not far away, and a majestic mountain peak stood in the center, which looked like a piercing sword piercing into the sky from a distance.

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