Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2693 The Peacock King

Suddenly, the corridor trembled, and the whole palace began to shake, as if under a violent attack, huge stones rubbed against Lu Chen's body and fell down.At this moment, the gates of the three halls not far away were completely buried by falling stones.

"Let's get out quickly, this secret realm is about to collapse!" Li Wei said loudly, "No wonder those people left in a hurry, they must have known about it earlier."

Lu Chen smashed a boulder with the broken iron rod in his hand, looked at the mercenaries who had escaped from the ground and said, "The secret realm collapsed, will we die here?"

Li Wei shook his head. Although he is a big brother of Dongsheng College with rich experience and knowledge, he couldn't help being a little dazed when he heard this question asked by Lu Chen.

The Daze Secret Realm is a magical secret realm created by the crazy swordsman in order to find someone to inherit his mantle. Over the past 1000 years, countless people have flocked to it, but no one can really get his inheritance. Fortunately, here It is the least dangerous secret realm, because if you are in a fatal danger and survive, you will just be eliminated and lose the opportunity to compete for inheritance once every seven years.

But why at this moment, the secret realm collapsed.

Lu Chen couldn't figure it out. He came in a hurry and didn't know as much as Li Wei. Now is not a good time to ask questions. The most urgent thing is to exit the secret realm first.

Following the way they came in before, Lu Chen and Li Wei ran all the way, just passing by the hall equipped with magic weapons, Lu Chen thought that before the hall completely collapsed, he might as well go in to fish in troubled waters, and pick a set that suits him by the way. Armor or something, but then I thought about it again, if I can't wait, my life may be here.

Forget it, what kind of secret treasure, inheritance can't be taken care of at this moment.

Fang saw that the mercenary's earth escape technique was not bad, and he didn't know where the mercenary came from. It seemed that he had his own purpose, and he didn't just come here to hunt for treasure.

While running wildly, Lu Chen was restless. This trip was full of doubts. First of all, when the beautiful woman came in, Lu Chen noticed that the woman suddenly showed a dignified and complicated expression after entering the secret realm. On the other hand, he smiled strangely. Although it was only for a moment, he could see everything in Lu Chen's eyes.

Except for Tie Meng, a behemoth who practiced foreign skills, the few people who could reach the last level gave Chase Lu a strange feeling.

Outside the secret place, a large number of people had gathered at some point. They were divided into four groups. Each group was dressed in different clothes, and they were all well-dressed. One group of people wore the same clothes as Shi Tao, and they should be from Tianhuo Academy.

"Stop, our Dongsheng Academy disciples are still inside, what are you doing!"

At this time, the [-] disciples of Dongsheng College who followed Li Wei to practice here tried their best to stop them, and they were attacking the Daze Secret Realm in front of them with all their strength.

Compared with them, these [-] disciples of Dongsheng Academy are like decorations. If there is an armed conflict, they will definitely be crushed.

"The demon suppressed in the secret place of Daze is about to be born, and Dongsheng Academy from afar is obstructing you in every possible way. What's your intention?" A young man in the crowd with the same clothes as Shi Tao asked.

Except for the disciples of Dongsheng College who protested, no one dared to say that the current changes are not something they, such small sects and some casual cultivators, can participate in.

"Where are there any monsters? Isn't this the place where the mad swordsman inherits? A monster was born out of thin air. What do you mean?"

"No comment!"

The disciples of Dongsheng Academy were resentful and wished they could immediately raise their weapons to do a big fight, but seeing the disparity in strength between the two sides, they could only swallow their anger and silently prayed in their hearts that the two senior brothers were safe.


The sky was gloomy, and at some point dark clouds were densely covered. The sight of the disciples of Dongsheng Academy seemed to be obstructed, and the secret realm ahead collapsed under a burst of intensive attacks.

A burst of shattered void fragments rolled up a large amount of wind and dust, and the surrounding big trees were uprooted, involved and torn to pieces, and the opened up secret realm turned into a space storm like a tornado after being shattered. Not a blade of grass grows.

Fortunately, they are far away, otherwise it is hard to say that they will not be affected.

Such a space storm, the strong of the Earth Element Realm can't survive at all.

"The wind is quite strong. If the two brothers are still inside as you said, it may be too late to save them now." The young man teased: "If you are sensible, just stay aside and watch how we cast down the demons. Long experience."

Suddenly two figures broke through the sky, flew out from the ruins, and appeared in front of everyone.

"Brother! This way."

The disciples of Dongsheng College exclaimed when they saw Li Wei and Lu Chen coming out. They couldn't imagine that the two senior brothers could survive under such a storm. The brothers took revenge, but they didn't expect the two brothers to survive.

"What are you doing? Why are you attacking us?" Li Wei's face turned black, and there was still blood on his back, obviously he had been injured.

Lu Chen didn't talk nonsense, his face was cold, and he slapped the young man with a "slap" in a flash.Lu Chen's mental power far exceeds that of his peers, and he has already noticed the abnormalities in the outside world as early as in the secret realm.

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The man's ears buzzed immediately, and there were stars in his eyes. The slap Lu Chen had already withdrawn, otherwise the man's head would have flown out.

He is very angry now. Regardless of the safety of the people who are still in the secret realm, this group of people attacked this regardless of the reason, causing them to almost die. Li Wei blocked him just now and suffered serious injuries. Lu Chen cultivated the power of space, otherwise he might end up here today.He needs an explanation.

"How dare you make a move?" The young man was a little dazed when he was beaten. He never expected that Chase Lu would make a move in front of so many people. Everyone was watching. How could you slap me in the face?

Even Li Wei was surprised. He didn't expect Lu Chen to make a move. He wanted to dissuade Lu Chen, but when he thought that he and Lu Chen were almost killed because of these people, he couldn't help but sighed secretly, and retracted his outstretched hand. back.


"Anyone who dares to hurt my Skyfire Academy, seek death!"

The team of Tianhuo Academy roared to teach the ignorant Dongsheng Academy disciples. They had no remorse in their hearts. In their eyes, only obeying the interests of the majority is the so-called justice. If Lu Chen and Li Wei both Unfortunately, people died in the secret realm, and that was an insignificant price paid for justice.

But because of the lives of these two people, how many people will die if the underground monsters are released.


An old and hoarse voice came from the crowd. An elderly lady came out, and everyone made way for her. Judging from the exclamation of everyone, this person's status is not low.

"The Peacock King of Danqing Temple! Why is she here!" Someone recognized the elderly lady.

"Why are you here too?" A middle-aged man from the Tianhuo crowd quickly got off the carriage, stepped forward to hold the old lady's hand, with a very respectful attitude.

"I'm getting old, I'm going out to walk around, exercise my muscles and bones, why? Is your Tianhuo Academy still in charge of me, an old woman?" The old lady named Peacock King looked a little sullen, and said with her hands The cane poked the ground vigorously.

"Where, Peacock King Yaochi Spring is not old and Shouyu Rikaixiang, our Tianhuo Academy doesn't care about your old body, the old dean always misses you from time to time." The middle-aged man said with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye , as if she was afraid of the old lady in front of her.

Danqing'an is a special sect in the south. They usually disdain to join forces with other sects, and only participate in things at certain critical moments. Part of the reason why Danqing'an has such a status is because of its good background. Another part is that there are still two peacock kings alive, and the one in front of you is one of them.

"Well, if I don't care about him, he did bad things in his early years, and he will definitely die before me." The Peacock King is old, with creases and ravines on his face, the corners of her mouth moved slightly in disdain, and she changed the subject again Asked: "Have you seen my disappointing great-granddaughter?"

Although he was insulted to the elders of the academy in person, the middle-aged man still greeted him with a smile on his face, his expression unchanged, and his smile became even stronger: "Oh? Ms. Gu Luan has also come to this secret realm to play."

How could he not know that the new generation of Peacock King was about to go out?

The middle-aged man just pretended that he didn't know. Now that the news spread in the south, the new generation of Peacock King has already been chosen. It's Gu Luan who has both direct bloodlines and a celestial attitude. It's just that she is always fun. I don't like to practice, but it's only a matter of time before I become the Peacock King.

"But don't worry, Shi Tao told us that they have come out long before the secret realm collapsed, and he will take good care of Miss Gu Luan."

Due to the particularity of Danqing Temple, all the forces in the south want to have a relationship with it. Gu Luan's trip to the secret realm has been spread for a long time, but few people have seen the appearance of the hot new Peacock King, so In order to increase the chances of getting acquainted with the new Peacock King, Tianhuo Academy sent many outstanding inner disciples into the secret realm, but unexpectedly, it was Shi Tao who won the final.

Although Shi Tao is also an elite among the inner disciples, he is not one of the rare ones. If he is lucky enough to meet Gu Luan, it will be considered a first achievement, and the amount of resources allocated by the academy in the future must be different from the past.

"I've seen that little thing before, but his eyes are not clean." The Peacock King curled his lips: "But since this is the case, if you find my unworthy girl, please send her back."

Lu Chen was shocked when he heard it from the side. In terms of strength, Tianhuo Academy is stronger than Dongsheng Academy. Even forces like Tianhuo Academy are respectful to this Danqing Temple. If it is wrong, the beautiful woman in the secret realm is probably the new generation of Peacock King Gu Luan.

The middle-aged man was overjoyed. Although the first sentence of the Peacock King's words did not agree with Shi Tao, the second half of the sentence was a tacit agreement not to care about Gu Luan's relationship with the students of Tianhuo Academy. As long as the Peacock King nodded in agreement, then he could say anything.

"What about them?" The middle-aged man pointed to Lu Chen and others and asked.

The old lady didn't answer his words, she looked at Lu Chen with her cloudy eyes for a long time, as if she was in deep thought, and then murmured: "It really looks like it."

The middle-aged man was the closest, and he didn't dare to speculate on the words of the Peacock King in front of him. He just winked at the disciples who surrounded Lu Chen without thinking, and those disciples dispersed, giving way to Lu Chen and Li Wei. a road.

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