Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2695 Chapter 2

In less than a moment, Chase Lu and his party arrived at the foot of the mountain. The road was not easy to walk, and the road below the mountain was full of bushes. In order not to attract attention, Chase Lu and his party deliberately did not fly.

"This is Falling Devil Ridge."

It was only when Lu Chen approached the Falling Demon Ridge that he realized that the terrain here was dangerous. A naturally formed road that was less than the width of the sole of his feet meandered around this mountain. This was the only road.

There are cliffs everywhere on the mountain. If you accidentally fall down the mountain, ordinary people can't go up at all. For practitioners such as Lu Chen, even if they accidentally fall, they can still fly up.

A group of people clinging to the mountain, the mighty 30 people walked for a while before finally reaching the halfway up the mountain, and a dilapidated small temple appeared in front of them.

I don't know which Bodhisattva is enshrined in this ordinary small temple. The statue is rough in workmanship and has been washed by rain all year round, so it can't see its original appearance.

In addition to the carved stone statue, there was a rotten table and a rotten chair in the temple, and there was a low, thunderous sound from under the chair.

Lu Chen and others took a closer look, and it turned out to be a person.

"Brother, you see they all flew up directly, are we being too cautious in doing this?" a disciple whispered.

"Shut up, this is called self-cultivation, learn more." Li Wei responded immediately.

Lu Chen walked around the temple and looked at the people lying on the ground.

This person was dressed in rags, with a fat belly, a string of Buddhist beads hanging around his neck, but he was holding a flagon in his hand, and he was so drunk that no one came to know.

Lu Chen put his hand in front of the man's forehead on the ground, covering the sunlight shining down, and said: "Senior, don't sleep, the dog is eating the sun."

I saw the fat man jumped up and muttered: "It's a solar eclipse, don't go, don't go," all he said was don't go.

Li Wei was taken aback by the fat man's reaction, and said puzzledly: "Why are you so afraid of the eclipse of the dog? It's too feudal. Someone has come out to refute the rumors, saying that the eclipse of the dog is just the moon blocking the sun. This monk I’m afraid it’s because I’ve never been down the mountain before, so the news is blocked like this.”

Lu Chen shook his head: "No, in the early days, Tiangou eclipse was often accompanied by some bad things. This is true."

Lu Chen pushed the fat monk who was still in a daze, and asked softly, "Senior is a monk from the temple in this mountain."

Pushed by Lu Chen, the fat monk came back to his senses, and then he noticed that there were so many people in his small temple, and he immediately put on a smile: "The poor monk is the abbot of this small temple." And abbot, all benefactors, don't be polite, just sit down wherever you want."

He entertained warmly, but he ignored that there was only one chair in his dilapidated temple, and if he wanted to sit, he could only sit on the ground.

Lu Chen didn't care so much, he pushed the chair to Li Wei, and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"This is the unique moon red in my temple, everyone may wish to try it."

The small temple is remote and simple, and it can be seen that there are no pilgrims who come here to worship on weekdays. It is rare for this fat monk to see so many people, and he can't help but feel happy from the bottom of his heart.He did not know where he got a tea set, poured the boiled water into a bowl, and then took a pinch of tea leaves from his cassock, which was clinging to his fat body. .

He divided them evenly, there was only one piece of tea in each cup, and the shriveled tea leaves turned into crescent-shaped scarlet and floated in the water, and immediately, the whole small temple was filled with a faint fragrance.

"This is October Flower, a common side-drug of Xingshen Pill."

Lu Chen picked up the teacup, sniffed it carefully, and said, "It's the first time I've seen people put October flowers into tea, but it does seem to be a bit of a surprise."

Lu Chen was about to drink it, but Li Wei stopped him. He didn't speak, but his expression was a little unnatural, as if he didn't believe the fat monk. Lu Chen waved his hand: "It's okay, this October flower has refreshing effect. No harm to people."

"The benefactor has good eyesight, there is a lack of good things on the mountain, and there is nothing good to entertain you." The old monk picked up the teacup and drank it down, and he clicked his tongue when he finished drinking, making people think he was drinking.

Li Wei and the others didn't want to touch the teacup, bored, they meditated and took a rest.

While sipping tea, Lu Chen chatted and asked, "Is there only one master in this temple in Zhuoming Ridge?"

The fat monk smiled and poured another cup of tea. The fat monk let out a long breath and said, "There were a few apprentices before, but most of them have gone down the mountain. Now only the clever boy Zongqi is willing Accompany me to endure hardships on this mountain."

Speaking of this, the fat monk's smiling face changed, and he sneered, "Oh, Falling Demon Ridge, who is the devil?"

In the incident of Falling Demon Ridge back then, the mad swordsman was caught by the dark devil. It may not be that he was defeated by the dark devil. Although the dark devil was powerful, the birth of the crazy swordsman shocked the world. Counting, I have entered and exited the magic cave three times and exited three times.

"How do you say that?" Lu Chen became interested.

Crazy Sword was just a commoner scholar in his early years. He insisted on practicing a blunt sword. People around him thought he was crazy, but in his middle age, he suddenly rose to prominence, and his shots were at their peak. He beheaded a dark demon leader on the spot and became famous. He was a late bloomer, but he died at the hands of the dark demon before he could bear the honor in a hurry.

Strange to say, although the geographical location of Falling Demon Ridge is remote, it is still the territory of human beings after all. Back then, the mad swordsman was so majestic with his sword intent that he wanted to fly to immortals, and he was in his own territory. In the hands of the devil, there may be other secrets behind this.

"This place wasn't called Falling Demon Ridge originally, but Zhutian Peak, so the mountain's shape resembles a sky-slashing sword, so it was named after it."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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The fat monk added a firewood to the stove, and said slowly: "Later, it was renamed Falling Demon Ridge because the mad swordsman died here." The fat monk expressed his sadness. On weekdays, the only one who can talk to him is his little apprentice.

"Are you here for his inheritance?" The fat monk added another firewood to the stove and asked without haste.

Lu Chen and Li Wei looked at each other and nodded. He could see that the fat monk was not malicious, and he didn't intend to cover it up, otherwise it would make people feel deliberate.

"What does the master mean by who is the devil just now?" Li Wei asked.

"The benefactor has seen the appearance of the dark demon before. Does it look a bit like a human, but it is a little ugly and has a pair of big wings. It looks neither human nor ghost." The fat monk asked, and Lu Chen nodded , but he didn't notice why the fat monk knew that the dark demon under the mountain was born.

The fat monk laughed and said: "A demon has the appearance of a demon, and it is understandable to do what a demon should do. However, some people have a human appearance but do what a demon does. Human nature is inherently evil, so I became a monk halfway to Suppress the demon in my heart and prevent it from taking root in my heart."

The fat monk was reluctant to part with his father and mother's hair, so he chose to practice on behalf of his parents, and instead of going to a legitimate Buddhist temple, he hid in this deep mountain to practice.

Lu Chen was silent, yes, people are human after all, they can't escape the seven emotions and six desires, they can't escape the six realms of reincarnation, even if they practice Taoism, they still have inherent bad roots, how many saints have there been since ancient times?

"Before the rise of the dark demons, there was a person who challenged the various sects and was defeated repeatedly. That person was named Zhu Kuangdao, and he went crazy just by using the sword. He used all his strength to kill chickens with a sledgehammer. This kind of sword technique is especially ridiculous in the eyes of those big men." Li Wei said: "Later he met a mad swordsman who had not yet become famous, and the two met to fight at Zhutian Peak. No one knows the outcome of that battle, but Later, that Zhu Kuangdao became a god with one sword, defeating all sects in a row, even the old dean of Tianhuo Academy of the older generation did not take it down, Zhu Kuangdao was famous for a while."

Lu Chen listened with gusto, Li Wei must have come here to secretly make up for the class, but I don't know why Li Wei said this, but Zhu Kuangdao can stir up the Southern Region forces with his own power, it is one of the few Many ruthless people.

The fat monk's expression remained unchanged, and he smiled and said, "The poor monk you mentioned has never seen him before. Well, the benefactor did not come here to chat with me. You only need to pay some incense money, and you can go up the mountain. This is According to the rules on the mountain, the poor monk asked my apprentice to give you a ride, he knows where it is."

This is the eviction order.

Lu Chen was surprised, he could see that there might be some connection between the fat monk and the mad knife in Li Wei's mouth, otherwise he would not have issued such an order to expel the guest for no reason.

Although the fat monk looked good, how could he be doing bandit business? Could it be that he said "I opened this mountain, so I left it to buy road money?" and other clichés.

The fat monk didn't want anything else, he just asked for some money for ordinary people, but Li Wei brought a lot of it, and felt that it was useless to keep it, so he simply gave it all.

Seeing how rich Li Wei was, the fat monk smiled and yelled directly at the top of the mountain: "Zongqi! Come down to eat."

The voice was long and long, running through the mountains and forests, and after a short while, a little monk half as tall as a man came down from the mountain. The little monk had a round head, a pair of copper bells, big eyes, and piercing eyes. A thick iron rod was wrapped with a thick cloth on both ends.

After giving the money, the fat monk asked the little monk with a smile on his face to take Lu Chen and others up the mountain.

The little monk looked unhappy: "Are you going up the mountain before you eat?"

The little monk named Zongqi saw so many people coming to the temple, so he didn't ask any more questions. He was just a little unhappy that his master had lied to him, but he still listened to his master's words honestly, and took Lu Chen up the mountain.

The terrain on the mountain was rugged, and it was approaching evening at this time, and the wild beasts rang in their ears.

The little monk led Chen Lu and others to walk on the mountain path. The road was very small, and the road was opened by the little monk himself.

Hearing the barking of wild animals on the mountain, Li Wei couldn't help laughing and said: "Your name is Zongqi? The fierce beasts on this mountain come and go frequently. As a young monk, you often stay on the mountain and you are not afraid of being eaten?"

Zongqi shook his head, his big copper bell eyes flashed a hint of disdain, and pointed to the stick behind him: "I have this, and now they dare not come to trouble me."

Lu Chen saw the black iron rod behind him covered with a thick layer of humiliating cloth. He didn't know what it was for, and asked, "Zong Qi, why is your iron rod wrapped in a layer of cloth?"

Zongqi replied: "Buddhism does not allow killing, but the beast is perverted, every time it passes by, it always bites me. The wooden sticks I used before have been broken several times. Now that I have replaced the iron sticks, they dare not come." .”

The little monk is indifferent, and he always has a sense of calmness in dealing with things. The only thing that makes him fluctuate is that his unreliable master often lies to him.

Li Wei sounded interesting, but wanted to tease the little monk, and asked: "Since Buddhism does not advocate killing, but you have replaced an iron rod, wrapped in a layer of cloth, can you block the killing intent of the iron root? What if you accidentally kill him?"

The little monk thought about it, and said: "The most important thing the master said is not that I will go to hell if I don't go to hell. He taught me that I only need to control my own demons so that I will not fall even if the outside world is turbid.

If it really happened by mistake, my master would be very happy. His cooking is really delicious. "

Li Wei: "Huh?"

Lu Chen: ""

Lu Chen was speechless, are you sure that your two masters and apprentices are regarded as Buddhist disciples?It also cooks delicious food, what do you mean?It seems that there is no shortage of big fish and meat on weekdays.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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