"These swords are carefully forged by me, and each of you only has three chances." The old voice came again: "These swords that I have carefully forged have their own tempers. If their will disagrees, You can't take it away, remember, each person only has three chances."

It doesn't mean that a random person can take the Excalibur, but also depends on the will of the Excalibur. What does the will of the Excalibur depend on?

strength?Or attributes?

Lu Chen thought for a while and gave up. He is a sword repairman, and his obsession with swords is far more than other people. If there is no sword that suits him, then it doesn't matter if he doesn't gain anything in this level.

This crazy swordsman is unparalleled in swordsmanship. All the swords here are probably the swords he has used all his life. Seeing a mountain of swords composed of divine swords in front of him, Lu Chen felt a little shocked.

What came into view was a piece of divine swords with countless shapes, and even a knife could be vaguely seen. The wide sword with a plain hilt looked like a two-handed giant knife no matter how you looked at it.

"Could it be that the crazy swordsman was once a sword cultivator, and later turned into a sword cultivator."

Only with the combination of sword and sword can the current reputation spread.As we all know, although the difference in form between a knife and a sword is not too great, there are differences in usage and power.

All single-knife skills for beginners are mainly to practice chopping, slashing, stabbing, gridming, piercing, pulling and other movements with the first hand. The range is relatively large, and the attack power is much stronger than that of the sword, but relatively, its defense power Weaker.

As for the sword, the attack and defense are balanced, not as brave as the sword, but it is used ingeniously, in that it moves like a dragon and a snake.

Combining the dominance of the sword with the softness of the sword, this crazy swordsman is so proficient in swordsmanship that even senior brother Li Wei, who is currently the No. 1 sword cultivator of the younger generation, is secretly speechless.

Not everyone can eat both ends like a crazy swordsman. If you don't understand either of the swords, you want to go to the two to practice together. It will not only waste time, but also make your own cultivation mottled. , encounters a blockage, thus terminating.

"Eldest brother first." Lu Chen gave in a step. Li Wei is a senior brother. In terms of seniority and strength, Li Wei is still one step ahead.

But unexpectedly, Li Wei shook his head, and he said with a smile: "I think your killing sword should also be eliminated. You should choose a weapon that is convenient for you. My current one is also pretty good. Don't worry."

Both of them were giving way, and they were from the same family, and Lu Chen was not a pretentious person, so Lu Chen simply thanked Li Wei and walked towards Jianshan.

The Sword Mountain was hanging in the air, and there was a foothold on the edge of the Sword Mountain. Lu Chen landed here lightly, but as soon as it landed, the Sword Mountain suddenly started to move.

It turned out that half of the sword mountain was trapped in the mountain, and the other half was exposed. As soon as Lu Chen went up, the sword mountain suddenly turned slowly, leaking half of the inside, and the speed was not fast. The speed of rotation in seconds.

The swords on this sword mountain are not only the outer half, but the other half is hidden in the belly of the mountain. This is to choose a sword that you like and accept yourself and take it out before the sword mountain turns into the mountain.

Observing for a while, Lu Chen chose a sword similar in shape to the Killing Sword. The sword just turned in front of Lu Chen. The hilt of the sword fell into Lu Chen's palm, suddenly a burst of light flashed as a whole, and then disappeared in an instant, the sword body remained motionless, and Lu Chen was almost swept in by the turning force.

This is considered a failure, the will of Excalibur does not match Lu Chen.

"What is the standard for the choice of this sword's will?"

Lu Chen didn't immediately use his only two chances left, he thought about it.

Since his spiritual power poured into the sword body just now, he felt an obvious sense of repulsion. His spiritual power did not increase any attributes, but he was repelled when he entered the sword body.

Does it mean that attributes need to be poured in?

Lu Chen is proficient in each of the five elements attributes, but he uses them less now.

But if attributes are required to activate, which attribute is another question, you must know that Chase Lu only has two chances, and there are not so many opportunities for him to try one by one.

"Brother, Senior Crazy Sword's attribute was wind attribute." Lu Chen asked downwards.

"Yes, he also has a set of flowing footwork to match his swordsmanship, which was unparalleled in the world at the time." Li Wei thought for a while, and added: "However, it is not ruled out that he has other attributes."

Lu Chen nodded, and he chose that sword again, this time pouring wind attribute power into it, but it still ended in failure.

How is this going?

"Let me try it." Li Wei said.

Li Wei didn't think too much about it. He had already found a sword that suited him from below. There were bursts of sword sounds, as if to celebrate that he had finally found his master.

Lu Chen was dumbfounded. He watched Li Wei get the Excalibur in such a casual way, but he missed two chances on the sword.

Could it be said that it is a sword with its own attitude, it will not follow others at will, and needs to visit the thatched cottage?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But Lu Chen only had one chance, and he couldn't help but hesitate, whether to stick to that one or choose another one.

"Don't be discouraged, maybe this has nothing to do with attribute strength, it really depends on the will of the sword." Li Wei said.

The will of the sword, in layman's terms, is to have the same aura between the two parties. As long as the divine sword thinks that you are someone who can be entrusted to him for life, he will choose you.

The mercenary who came in with Lu Chen and the others, his face was as usual, he didn't feel embarrassed because he had hugged Lu Chen's thigh before, and he didn't say a word since he came in, even though it was full of swords Jianshan seemed like a mortal thing in his eyes.

"Can you let me try it?" the mercenary asked.

Lu Chen gave him a place, and the mercenary thanked him. Then he took out a silver needle from his arms and turned it on his fingertip. The direction the silver needle pointed would determine which sword he chose.

That sword didn't look like anything special, it had a three-foot blade like most of the swords on the sword mountain.

I saw the mercenary step forward and draw his sword freely, and with a pleasant clear sound, the divine sword came out of the ground, and the divine light suddenly appeared.

There was a trace of surprise on the mercenary's face, and then he calmly put the divine sword back into the interspatial ring, stepped back from the sword-taking platform, and stood far away.

It was as if they were guarding against Lu Chen and Li Wei. Li Wei curled his lips when he saw this, but Lu Chen didn't say anything. They were both in the same camp, and there were not too many rules and restrictions here. There is nothing wrong with it, it is only natural for the mercenary to avoid the two of them.

Lu Chen didn't care about him.

But at this moment, Lu Chen's eyes lit up, and he saw a rusty sword lying quietly on a corner of the sword mountain, as if it had been randomly thrown aside by a mad swordsman, in a place where there was no Eye-catching corners.

The blade of the sword was already very thick, and because it was covered with rust, it looked like an old iron rod, but for some reason, when Lu Chen saw this excalibur that looked like an iron rod, a feeling arose in his heart. An inexplicable temptation.

That's it!

"That's it?" Li Wei was surprised, he didn't understand that Lu Chen chose such an unbearable iron rod instead of choosing so many swords.

Lu Chen didn't explain, but leaned over to pick up the rusty long sword, why did he say he picked it up?Because the other swords were dignifiedly inserted in the sword mountain, but it seemed to be left on the sword mountain casually.

There is no cool glare, and the feeling of starting is also a down-to-earth "iron stick", which is a bit heavy.Lu Chen danced a sword flower with an "iron rod" in his hand, but unexpectedly dropped the rust all over the place.

"This" made Lu Chen speechless for a while.

Lu Chen had no time to repent, and only heard a thick and old voice: "Everyone seems to have gained well, and you all got what you want. Not bad. The trial is over, everyone, please go back."

As soon as the words fell, a soft force sent Lu Chen and Li Wei out, and then the doors of the three main halls were closed tightly, as if they had never been opened.

The same people who were in several other halls were also sent out. In this narrow path, except for Lu Chen, the faces of the few people had more or less unconcealable joy, and they should all have obtained their favorite treasures. .

Tie Meng wore a pitch-black armor that radiated the light of the stars. It looked simple and chilling, and it was indeed a rare armor.

Like Tie Meng, it was Shi Tao who chose armor and equipment. His own defense was amazing. At this time, he chose a pair of shining golden armor. Wearing it on his body is like a god descending from the earth, and he looks down on all things in the world.

Only that beautiful girl couldn't see what she got, presumably it was put into the space ring, she just stood in the corner, she didn't want to attract other people's attention, she just had a good face, she didn't want to be caught It was hard to pay attention, and Shi Tao from Tianhuo Academy couldn't help but glanced at her several times.

"Everyone, let Shi Tao say goodbye. If you have the opportunity to come to our Skyfire Academy as a guest in the future, you will be warmly entertained."

At this time, Shi Tao from Tianhuo Academy bid farewell, and couldn't help but look at the beautiful woman a few more times when he left.

Then Tie Meng, the beautiful woman, said goodbye to the others one after another, and they all left in a hurry, it seemed that they didn't intend to go out together.

Finally, there are mercenaries. The mercenaries stopped where they were, as if they noticed that Lu Chen and the others hadn't left yet, so they looked at the surrounding environment. In this crowded corridor, only Lu Chen, Li Wei, and the three mercenaries remained. people.

"They walked strangely." Li Wei said via voice transmission.

Lu Chen nodded. These people were indeed a little strange, and Lu Chen couldn't tell where the strangeness was.

They left a little too hastily. They took the treasures they got out of this place early, perhaps because they were afraid that some of them would have malicious intentions. Judging from the scene, the two of them were the biggest threat to everyone present.

But being able to come here, everyone's hole cards have not yet been shown, Lu Chen always feels that there is something missing in this trip.

To say that other people have the same thoughts, that Tie Meng is warlike, and he is not afraid of Lu Chen and Li Wei at all, and he also got a treasure armor. It stands to reason that the battle between him and Lu Chen has not yet ended. After getting the treasure armor, Meng Zizi must fight Lu Chen again, but he left in such a hurry, which is very strange.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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