Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2682 Daze Secret Realm

Lu Chen went to Zhong Yunfeng to search around, but he didn't find Li Wei's whereabouts.

This Zhong Yunfeng can also be regarded as a teaching place in the inner courtyard, and many teachers stop here all the year round.On weekdays, Li Wei should practice swordsmanship here, but he didn't want to miss it today.

"I don't know this disciple, who are you and what are you doing here?"

Just as Lu Chen was looking around, suddenly a slightly old voice came from behind him.

Turning his head to look, he found that it turned out to be a white-haired old man. Judging from his clothes, he should be a professor of Eastern Provincial College.

"Disciple pays homage to the teacher. I am Lu Chen, a disciple of the inner court. I have been in seclusion for a long time. I finally left the seclusion today. I am here to look for senior brother Li Wei. I wonder if the teacher knows where Li Wei is?"

The white-haired old man known as the teacher stroked his beard on his chest, looked up and down at Chase Lu's cultivation, then nodded in satisfaction, and said:

"To be able to cultivate at the ninth level of the earth element at such a young age is quite talented! And it seems that he has the law of luck, which is very rare!

Your senior brother Li Wei is leading a group of students to the secret place of Daze. He just left yesterday. It will take some time for him to come back. "

Lu Chen heard that there was a slight difference. It seems that it is really a coincidence that he just left yesterday and today he broke through.

"Daze Secret Realm? This is"

Seeing Lu Chen's open-minded and studious appearance, the old man stroked his long beard and walked slowly in front, saying as he walked:

"The secret place of Daze is [-] miles away from the south of Dongsheng College, where there are deep mountains and great swamps, surrounded by miasma, which is extremely dangerous!

It should be a deserted place, but the more dangerous the place, the more often aura can be bred!

In the depths of this great swamp, there is a secret place surrounded by miasma.

And only once every seven years when the miasma dissipates, there is only one month to go in and out!

In the secret place of Daze, there are countless exotic flowers and plants, birds and beasts, and countless rare mineral veins, treasures left by the ancestors.

It can be said that it is a treasure house. If it is not restricted to enter the strength, I would like to go there in person under the spirit of the sky. "

Hearing what the old man said, Lu Chen couldn't help feeling a little itchy in his heart.I have become somewhat interested in this secret place of Daze. As a practitioner, all resources must be won with a pair of fists.

There are some things that sometimes you don’t want to fight, but you will lose them. Now that you have caught up, you can’t miss it. You will have to wait seven years later if you want to go next time!

Thinking of this, Chase Lu bowed his head slightly to salute the old man, and asked, "Teacher, I don't know where this secret place of Daze is, how can I get there?"

Hearing Lu Chen's words, the old man's eyes were full of smiles. The reason why he said such temptation was to make this kid willing to go!

"Daze Secret Realm is located south of Lingxi City in the south, and there is still more than half a month before the specific opening time. If you travel day and night, it is not difficult to get there!"

Lu Chen nodded, bid farewell to the old man, and returned to his residence.

I haven't lived here for two years. Although my room is still there, there is nothing worth nostalgic about.

I simply tidied up and brought a change of clothes and coils.

That night, Chase Lu left Dongsheng Academy and headed south to the secret place of Daze.

From Dongsheng College to Lingxi City, it is more than [-] miles in total. With Lu Chen's speed, more than ten days is enough, so there is no need to worry too much.

It's just that Li Wei wasn't there, and several of his friends also went to the secret realm with him.In this Dongcheng College, it can be said that there are all strange faces everywhere, so naturally there is nothing to treat.

He didn't ride a horse or use any other mounts. Based on his understanding of the laws of space, the simple version of the distance between the sky and the sky was far faster than ordinary mounts, and it could also deepen his understanding of the laws of space.

The more he studies, Lu Chenyue can feel the profoundness of the power of the law.

The traces he currently has are not even superficial, but the more so, the more he has to study this power and must not give up.

Walking, with the bright moon in the sky, feeling the birdsong in the forest, and the cool breeze blowing from the mountains, Lu Chen's mood became better for a while, and even the movement of spiritual power in his body became a little more agile point.

And at this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Drive! Drive!"

There was the shouting of the coachman, and the rolling sound of the wheels of the carriage on the ground, coming from far and near in this direction.

Lu Chen couldn't help being a little curious, how could there be a carriage in this time.

Turning his head and looking at the way he came from, he saw a carriage drawn by two horses, constantly galloping in this direction.

Pulling the cart were two tall maroon horses, and there seemed to be a faint halo of flames all over their bodies.

With Lu Chen's purpose, he could clearly see a dark red scale above the eyebrows of the two horses.

This is not an ordinary horse, but a legendary dragon-scaled horse with the blood of a dragon. Although it may be a joke to say that it has the blood of a dragon, its speed and endurance are definitely far superior to ordinary horses.

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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It is not ordinary people who can afford this dragon scale horse-drawn cart.

This is the first time for Liu Yun to go out of the house. She has heard that the Daze Secret Realm will open soon, and she has already planned everything.

But today, she finally found a chance, threw off the guards sent by her father, and escaped from Liuzhou City with only an old slave driving the carriage.

"Hmph! Daddy still wants to trap me, how is that possible! I must go to the Daze Secret Realm, otherwise I will have to wait seven years if I miss it!"

In fact, those things in the Daze Secret Realm are not very attractive to Liu Yun. After all, whether it is flowers, plants or birds and animals, they are not precious things to their family.

But what Liu Yun pursued was the thrill of exploring in person, which really gave Liu Cangshan a headache.

"Uncle Yang, do you think there is someone on the side of the road ahead?"

The driver who drove the car heard the voice of the lady in the car, and glanced towards the side of the road, just in time to see Chase Lu standing in front.

"Miss Hui, there is indeed someone."

"It's so late, and you're still standing alone by the side of the road. You must have encountered some difficulties. Uncle Yang, stop!"

The girl's voice sounded, with a hint of excitement in her tone, as if meeting a stranger on the side of the road was something to be happy about.

"Miss, you must go out"

"I know, you have to be careful when you go out! But you have to make friends when you go out, right? Help if you can. If you really meet bad people, you still have Uncle Yang!"

Now that the lady said so, Uncle Yang didn't say anything more, and stopped the carriage just beside Lu Chen.

Seeing the carriage suddenly stop beside him, Chase Lu was a little surprised.And at this moment, a voice like a yellow warbler suddenly sounded in the carriage.

"I don't know what happened to this brother, but he was driving alone late at night? If you don't mind, why don't we come to the car?"

Hehe, invite me to take a carriage?Lu Chen's heart moved, and he looked at the girl carefully. Her cultivation base was not very advanced, and she looked like three or four earth elements. There were a few hidden energy fluctuations on her body, and it seemed that she should have some trump cards.

In contrast, the old man on the side made Lu Chen even more afraid, although he didn't feel the slightest aura on him, and he was almost the same as ordinary people.

But Chase Lu could vaguely feel a threat from the old man, which was a fatal danger!

It is impossible to ride a carriage, and it is impossible to ride a carriage in this life, especially this kind of rich lady of unknown origin, accompanied by an unfathomable old servant, no matter how you look at it, she looks like the kind written in the novel Synonymous with trouble.

Everyone continued on the road, not to mention that the carriage was really well decorated, the inside was magnificent.

Accompanied by a girl with icy muscles, eating the snacks in the car, Lu Chen suddenly felt that this feeling was really good!

Liu Yun took out various snacks from the hidden compartment on the car and put them in front of Lu Chen, and asked him, "Brother Lu Chen, so you are a student of Dongsheng College, and you plan to go to Daze to enter the secret realm." yes?"

"Of course! After all, the Daze Secret Realm is a rare opportunity. It only happens once every seven years. It would be a pity to miss it."

"That's right! Let me just say, it's a pity to miss it. It's all my father's fault. I must not let me go, otherwise, I wouldn't have to bother so much!"

Seeming to have found some sympathy, Liu Yun answered casually, pursing his lips, showing unhappiness on his face.

Uncle Yang, who was sitting outside the carriage, heard Lu Chen's words and couldn't help frowning slightly and asked him:

"But I heard that the students of Dongsheng College have already set off this time, and the leader is Li Wei, the famous gentleman sword in the inner courtyard of Dongsheng College!

You are a student of Dongsheng College, why didn't you join the big army? "

Hearing the old man's question, Lu Chen also understood in his heart that although he told himself to stand up and get on the carriage, he was still worried about the old man.

"I have been in seclusion before, and I just left this morning. I heard that Senior Brother Li has led a team to the secret place of Daze, so I rushed all night."

Regarding the answer given by Lu Chen, Uncle Yang was noncommittal, but he didn't ask any more questions.

Along the way, there was chatter in the carriage, and the girl was like a little lark, constantly throwing out various questions.

Lu Chen felt a little regretful that he had boarded a pirate ship, but this girl had too many problems, which made people feel a little overwhelmed.

From realm practice to folklore, from exotic animals to ordinary flowers and plants, there is nothing she does not ask.

And the questions are always tricky and weird. For example, she would ask Chase Lu:

"When the six-eyed magic toad blinks, do all six eyes blink together, or do they blink one by one?"

"Is the black-feathered owl his father a cat, or his mother a cat?"

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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