Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2681 You, shut up!

Since Lu Chen came to Dongsheng, no matter what happened, Lu Chen would meet that unknown dark force.

Here, no matter how you say it, Lu Chen is absolutely irreconcilable to that force, not to mention that that force even had Jiang Xinyue's idea before!

"Which side is it?" Chase Lu couldn't bear to wait, and asked again.

"They? Huh!" The dean was a little disdainful, and said sharply: "It's just a group of lackeys from outsiders!"

"Outsiders?" Hearing a new term, Lu Chen asked curiously.

"Yes, aliens!" The dean's eyes became sharper, and he said sternly: "They do all kinds of evil and destroy the world everywhere."

"And only by encroaching on other people's worlds can they have power!"

"What?" Li Wei and Lu Chen said in surprise at the same time, as if neither of them had ever heard of what it was.

"Sometimes, we also call him Heavenly Demon!"

"Heavenly Demon?" The two words firmly grasped Lu Chen's heart firmly, like a violent gust of wind, sweeping Lu Chen's entire heart!


Lu Chen's mind gradually became dizzy, as if he remembered some unbearable memories.

What is the so-called demon?

The more Chase Lu wanted to pursue it, the more intense the pain in his mind became, and he suddenly grabbed onto Chase Lu's heart, preventing him from going any further!

What exactly is Omen

Lu Chen slowly closed his eyes, falling asleep like a child.

In a secret room in the inner courtyard of Dongsheng College, Lu Chenchen slowly opened his eyes.There seemed to be a golden light shining in his eyes, and then he slowly restrained himself. After a while, these eyes became ordinary, without any flaws at all.

Ever since he was dizzy after hearing the news of the Heavenly Demon that day, Lu Chen stopped talking and just practiced silently.

Although looking at Lu Chen like this was a bit sad, Li Wei still let go of that heart.

He also understands Lu Chen's anxious heart. Only when he is stronger can he know more information!

After two years of retreat and two years of dry sitting, feeling the turbulent spiritual power in his veins, a smile finally appeared on the corner of Lu Chen's mouth.

It's just that two years have made the muscles on his face a little stiff, and in the end this smile just turned into a few slight twitches.

Stand up and move your muscles and bones slowly, feeling the powerful force brought by the breakthrough.

Lu Chen slowly opened his mouth, revealing a presumptuous smile.

At this age, he has already reached the ninth level of earth element, so it is really worth laughing, and he has the capital to laugh.

In the past two years, not much dust has fallen in this secret room, but it is not much different from when it was closed.

Just pushing open the door of the secret room, it seems to have come to a new world.

Seeing the strange-looking disciples coming in and out, Lu Chen felt that it was really a bit of a vicissitudes.

Cultivation never remembers the year, two years is a flick of a finger.Just looking at the scene outside for two years, he felt a little strange. It was hard to imagine those seniors who had been retreating for a hundred years, and what kind of scene it would be after they came out.

He didn't know any of these new disciples and had nothing to say.

In the entire inner courtyard, the only person who is familiar with him is Li Wei, the big brother from back then.

Lu Chen still remembered that at the beginning, it was the elder brother who sent him to retreat in person. Now that the broken pass has come out, naturally it is better to pay a visit.

Strolling forward, after two years of retreat, Lu Chen has reached the ninth level of earth element, and his mastery of his own spiritual power has almost reached the extreme. If he does not take the initiative to reveal it, there will be no trace of aura leaked from him, just like an ordinary person.

Of course, how could there be an ordinary person in the inner courtyard of Dongsheng Academy?

The disciples in the past naturally knew that this was a senior expert. Although they didn't know each other, they still respectfully saluted one by one.

Lu Chen didn't care, and went to find the big brother step by step.It seems that the pace is slow, but in fact it is very fast.

This step by step is not only the distance, not only the time, but also the memory of the past, or his perception of space.

In fact, if you simply break through from the fifth level of earth element to the ninth level of earth element, it would not take two years with Lu Chen's aptitude. During this time, he has been constantly comprehending the laws of space.

Although it is said that in just one year, it is too small for the law of space.

But he still has gained something, at least he has added a little bit of space power in terms of movement, which is a bit like the legendary so close to the world.

Although it is said that his step does not reach the ends of the earth, it is only about tens of meters away.

Going to Zhongyun Peak, Lu Chen knew that if there were no accidents, the big brother Li Wei should practice on the top of this mountain.

However, when he walked halfway up the mountain, he suddenly heard the slightest exclamation in the mountains and forests.

It seemed to be a woman who heard the soft cry, and there was also a man's obscene laughter.

For such a situation, Chase Lu shook his head and didn't want to go, minding his own business.

He's not the main character, so why would he do something like a hero to save the beauty when he has nothing to do?

The practice world has always been dark and cruel, and big fists are justified. To be able to be so unscrupulous in the inner courtyard of Dongsheng Academy must have a deep background, and Lu Chen may not be able to provoke it.

He took a few steps, wanting to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.However, sometimes, things are not what you want to hide, so you can really hide!

Just when he was about to leave the forest, suddenly a woman ran up to him in a panic.


Looking at this disheveled girl who appeared in front of him, the corners of Lu Chen's mouth twitched, he really didn't know what to say.

God, you are playing with me, aren't you?I said I don't want to be nosy, but I had to bump into it.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Senior brother save me!"

Although he didn't know why he met a senior brother here, Lin Xi still spoke quickly.

Even if you can't call for help, you can at least suspend the pursuit of the soldiers behind.

Before Chase Lu could speak, another man rushed out of the woods behind him.

The one who grows is Yushu Linfeng, who is wearing a beautiful gold robe, matched with a high-profile bun, bound by a purple gold crown.

Not to mention, this guy has a bit of a taste of Mr. Pianpian, but the smear of obscenity on his perfect face ruined all his temperament.

Speaking of which, Chase Lu didn't like others being more handsome than himself, so when he saw this guy, he couldn't help frowning, and he had to admit that he was indeed handsome.

"Boy, don't even ask, who is grandpa, and how dare you play a hero here to save the beauty?"

Seeing Lu Chen appear here, Du Fei has already figured out all the routines in his brain!Don't even inquire about it, the hero saved the beauty and saved your grandpa Du!

Think in your heart, get the head start!With a flick of the long sword in his hand, it turned into thousands of sword qi, and stabbed towards Lu Chen directly.

Seeing the sword energy attacking, Lu Chen frowned slightly, somewhat surprised in his heart.He has already recognized it, this move is exactly the ultimate move in Ling Xiao Poyun Style, and the situation is turbulent!

He remembered that senior brother Li Wei practiced this set of swordsmanship, and the two of them had a lot of sparring back then, so they knew something about it.

It's just that this is a group killing move, with area damage, and it's the first time I've encountered it for killing an enemy alone.


The tiptoe is slightly slightly, and the figure is a little illusory. In Ye Fei's eyes, the unattractive guy in front of him seems to have suddenly become a little blurred, and the sword energy that was originally locked on him has lost its target for a while.

Even if he hit the illusory shadow, it was like a mirror in the mirror, without any feeling.

One is that the turbulent wind and cloud hit the empty space completely, which made Du Fei feel somewhat dignified.

Even if he is a dandy who can hang out in this inner courtyard, he is not a real fool. Of course, he knows that some people are not easy to provoke even with his influence.

But that's the end of the matter, let's talk about it first!

Lu Chen also turned pale, and smiled bitterly in his heart. The one just now is a new skill developed by himself according to the law of space.

To put it simply, it is to use the mystery of space to adjust its position several times in small increments to avoid damage.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he used it, and he didn't expect it to consume so much mental energy.

Fortunately, although this guy's turbulent move is very powerful, it is not so easy to master. As soon as he makes a move, Lu Chen can see at least three flaws in his swordsmanship.

If it were a big brother to use it, it would not be so easy to avoid it.

It seems that there is still a lot of room for improvement in this type of virtual concealment developed by myself, but at least the direction is right for now.

Knowing Xuyin's disadvantages, Lu Chen didn't have the heart to play with him anymore.

"Sword come!"

With a soft shout, the killing sword in his hand was unsheathed.A clear circle was drawn while turning slightly, and there seemed to be a kind of suction between the circles, making Du Fei's sword involuntarily stab towards the circle.

The moment Du Fei's sword stabbed, the killing sword in Lu Chen's hand had already stuck to it, there was no collision between the blades, and then it began to rotate in this circle with a graceful force.

Du Fei's forehead was covered with cold sweat. Although he also admitted that his strength was not high, there were quite a few people who could defeat him in this inner court. Those who could be so weird that he couldn't even fight back were rare. many!

Although he is domineering and domineering on weekdays, he also knows who can be messed with and who can't be messed with.

I didn't expect to hit the iron plate here today!

After turning twice, the sword in Lu Chen's hand suddenly flicked lightly.

A force acted on Du Fei's sword, and it bounced directly until his sword came out of his hand and stuck upside down on the ground.

"you know"

"To shut up!"

Just as Du Fei was about to speak, the sharp blade was already on his neck, scaring him to swallow the words that followed.

How could it be possible for him to report his family name? In case he is said to be the son of an elder or the grandson of a dean, will he be given face or not?It's a problem after all.

How good it is now, if you didn't tell me, I'll pretend I don't know.

"I'm not in the mood to play house with you two! Don't mess with me."

With a light push, Lu Chen stuffed Lin Xi, who was already dumbfounded, back into Du Fei's arms, put away his sword, and quickly left under the bewildered eyes of the two.

"This is you"

"Would you like to continue?"

The beauty was in his arms, but Du Fei had lost his mind. The two looked at each other, and they bounced away instantly, but they were a little embarrassed.

Lin Xi has already started to scold her mother in her heart, how can you be like you, let's not talk about being a hero to save the beauty, but you still push me into the fire pit again?

It's just that what she didn't expect was that just after muttering a few words, the figure came back again!This guy won't have? "

Seeing that this guy came back again, both Du Fei and Lin Xi tightened their expressions. Although this guy didn't look like a bad guy, he didn't feel like a good guy anyway.

"Ask me, do any of you two know Li Wei? Do you know where he is?"

Du Fei and Lin Xi looked at each other, then shook their heads at the same time.

The head shaking turned out to be an incomparable tacit understanding, and the same rhythm also made Lu Chen speechless for a while.

If you don't know, you don't know, and you won't eat you, why are you all putting on a bitter face?It's really ugly, isn't it!

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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