Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2683 Shan Kui

Compared with Lu Chen's depression, Uncle Yang became much happier. After all, when Lu Chen was not there, these questions were all asked to him.

Sometimes Lu Chen was also feeling emotional. Fortunately, it was a cute girl who asked himself these questions. If it was a bear child, he would have been slapped away by him long ago.

The carriage drove until about one o'clock in the middle of the night, and Uncle Yang found a leeward mountain and stopped the car.

"Miss, we've already traveled most of the night, the master won't catch up so quickly, why don't we take a rest here."

Hearing Uncle Yang's words, Liu Yun poked his head out of the carriage and looked at it privately. Unfortunately, it was too dark to see clearly, but he still nodded.

"Okay, let's take a rest here first, how about we have a cheerful bonfire party?"

Regarding Liu Yun's proposal, Lu Chen and Uncle Yang looked at each other, and in their eyes they saw the connection of fate.

Lu Chen really wanted to just leave like this. A rich lady who has never suffered and never came out, he didn't want to play house games with her at all.

But think about it, the fast and convenient dragon scale carriage, think about all kinds of delicious snacks

Well, how much firewood do you think the bonfire will use?

It is said to be a bonfire party, but in fact that is what it is.He lit a fire with the dry firewood he had picked up, and on the bonfire were roasted rabbits that Lu Chen had caught casually.

Although it is said that the roast is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, it is golden all over.But there is no seasoning, just sprinkle some salt, no matter how delicious it is, how can it be delicious?

Anyway, Liu Yun ate with relish, and Lu Chen ate dried meat from Liu Yun's car.

After dinner or supper, Liu Yun, who had been chattering all the way, was finally tired and went back to the carriage to rest.

And Uncle Yang leaned against the outside of the carriage, leaving Chase Lu alone by the campfire.

Resting or not is not necessary for a person with cultivation base, but there is nothing wrong with taking a rest anyway.

And when Lu Chen slowly closed his eyes, he suddenly felt a vague fishy smell wafting in the wind.


He quickly opened his eyes, did not stand up too excitedly, but looked around carefully.

The moon in the sky was covered by the dark clouds that drifted in at some time, and the only light source was the fire in front of him, and the flames were gradually shrinking.

Lu Chen noticed that Uncle Yang, who was leaning on the side of the carriage, also opened his eyes, obviously he also felt something was wrong.

The vague stench in the air became more intense, as if something was nearby.

Just with the faint light of the fire, Chase Lu didn't find anything wrong.

"Did I think too much? Maybe I was too nervous"

There seemed to be nothing wrong, Lu Chen shook his head slightly, smiled at himself, and closed his eyes again.

And at this moment, the Killing Sword that he placed in front of his knee suddenly came out of its sheath automatically, and a ray of cold light carried the sharp sword energy and slashed towards the back!

Behind Lu Chen, there was nothing in the pitch black!


A sound of metal and iron colliding was mixed with a few sparks, and with the shining light, Lu Chen finally saw clearly what was attacking him.

This is a thing that is more than one meter high. It looks like a child, but it is covered with hair.

The face is that of a monkey, with a mouth full of fangs, and it seems that there are shreds of meat hanging on it.

The forearms are much longer than normal humans, with sharp claws.

Obviously, it was this pair of iron claws that resisted his killing sword!

Seeing Lu Chen turn his head, this ghost-like thing bared its teeth and roared at him, jumped back instantly, and disappeared into the darkness.

Lu Chen could feel that the strength of this thing was not too strong, it was about the fifth or sixth floor of the earth element, and he could definitely keep this thing if he wanted.

It's just that he doesn't want to chase into the darkness, God knows what else is waiting for him in the darkness, and there may not be only one of this thing.

One or two is fine, if there are too many, it will definitely be a disaster for Lu Chen.

In fact, this kind of thing is a natural born assassin.

If it wasn't for the body odor being too heavy, even if Lu Chen's strength is far superior to this thing, he might get caught if he doesn't notice it for a while.

"Senior, I don't know what this thing is?"

Lu Chen turned his head and saw Uncle Yang sitting there looking like an old god, and he knew that this thing would never threaten his old man.

So he asked.

"You little doll is really alert! This thing is called Shankui. It is said that something like a monkey or a savage became a spirit. No one knows exactly how it came about.

It can be regarded as a kind of monster in the mountains, but one thing is certain!

Every time this thing is dispatched, it is in pairs, or even in groups of three or four.

If you rashly chased into the forest just now, the ones waiting for you must be attacked by groups, I am afraid there will be no good results, right? "

Hearing Uncle Yang's words, Lu Chen really felt a layer of cold sweat on his back. This old guy is not a good thing. Seeing himself wandering around at a critical moment, he didn't say a word to remind him!

Fortunately, I was cautious and didn't rush after him, otherwise, I might have explained it here today.

It was more than two o'clock at night, and the sky would be clear in a while, and they had to start on the road again.

Lu Chen moved the bonfire to this side and sat next to the bonfire.Waited until the sky was bright, but did not encounter any more attacks.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Those guys can also feel that these two are not easy to get along with, so naturally they won't keep an eye on them.

In fact, things like Shankui mainly hunt wild animals in the mountains, or women and children.

If it is not extremely hungry, even adult men rarely attack.

I don't know why they attacked Lu Chen and others yesterday.

The carriage was back on the road the next morning, and Liu Yun was really annoyed when he heard Lu Chen vividly recounting what happened last night.

For this adventurous girl, missing such a thing was enough to make her unhappy for a long time, and she secretly made up her mind that she must not go to bed early when she was resting tonight, maybe something else would happen.

It's just very unfortunate that the carriage for the day's itinerary happened to arrive at a small town, and he would naturally spend the night in an inn in the town, so nothing exciting for Liu Yun would happen.

The dragon-scaled horse was fast. Logically speaking, Li Wei and the others just set off a day earlier than Chen Lu.

They should have caught up with each other during the day, but they didn't meet at all along the way.

Even when Lu Chen asked the store with the description of Li Wei and others' appearance, he didn't get any useful information.

This made Chase Lu feel somewhat different, and gradually a little worried in his heart.

After a night of rest in this small town, nothing unexpected happened, but the mausoleum had been cultivating cross-legged all night, but he didn't fall asleep at all.

I really can't sleep, so I can only use my practice to keep the altar clear.

There is only one way to go to the secret place of Daze, which goes directly to Lingxi City.

Senior brother Li Wei, with Bai Yu and others, just set off a day earlier than him, with more time, so there was no reason to hurry on the road.

According to the speed of the dragon scale horse, he should have caught up with them long ago!

But on this journey, there was no news of them at all, so the mausoleum officials couldn't help worrying.

However, there is no news for the time being, but he has no choice but to follow Liu Yun and rush to Lingxi City.

I really hope to meet them in Lingxi City.

On the other side, Li Wei and the others, whom Lingchen had been thinking about all the time, did encounter a big problem.

Li Wei did not lead the disciples of Dongsheng Academy to take the big road, but opened a road across the mountains and built a bridge to the secret place of Daze in a straight line.

First of all, they are all practitioners, and they don't have heavy carriages, so naturally they don't have too many worries. Second, this can be regarded as a kind of practice, and they can feel and understand nature.

In this way, it will naturally not overlap with Lingchen's path, and there will be no news about them.

What they didn't expect was that they accidentally ran into a gang of bandits' den.

Although it is said that they have Li Wei's cultivation at the level of Tianling, this group of bandits is naturally easy to catch, but it also delays time.So at this moment, the mausoleum official has actually rushed to the front of Li Wei and the others, but he still doesn't know it, and is still rushing desperately.

After a night without talking, the next morning they pulled up the resting dragon-scaled horse. Liu Yun and Ling Chen continued on the road, stop and go. It would have taken more than ten days. Arrived within ten days.

Looking at the bustling city in front of him, although it has a different style, there are quite a lot of people coming and going. Even with Lingchen's current cultivation base, after so many days of traveling, it is inevitable that he will be a little dusty.

Liu Yun, whose cultivation base was weaker than Ling Chen's, was naturally exhausted, and only Yang Shu, who had been sitting outside the carriage, still looked like an ordinary old slave, and did not see any changes.

It's just that although he was exhausted after driving for several days, Liu Yun still wandered happily looking at this city with a local style.

Because the land is close to Daze, there are a lot of mountain people living near Lingxi City, and there are many local specialties. At this time, they all gather in this Lingxi City, which is naturally very lively.

The opening of the Daze Secret Realm every seven years is definitely a grand event in the local area.

When Ling Chen, Liu Yun and others entered the city, they could see that there were many planned stalls on both sides of the street in this city.

At this time, some people dressed as hunters in hand skins were sitting behind the booth, and a piece of leather was spread in front of them, which was considered a booth.

On top of the stalls, some strange stones were placed for some strange plants, old tree roots, rotten turf, everything.

Of course, the most sold are all kinds of leather scales, feathers, bones, and other materials from wild animals, as well as some strange fish.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains depends on water to drink water. For the people of Lingxi City, living in Daze naturally depends on Daze for their livelihood.

"Lingchen, look at this! Does it look like a sword?"

At this time, Liu Yun was holding a tooth of an unknown animal and asked Ling Chen. Behind them, Uncle Yang stood there with a smile on his face, like an ordinary old servant.

"That is the tusk of a bloodthirsty wild boar, which itself is the material for making a war knife.

It's just that we mostly use various metal minerals, and rarely use these bone products. "

Hearing Ling Chen's words, Liu Yun pouted, and put the fang on the stall again.

And at this time, the stall owner who was wearing animal skin behind the stall was indeed a little unhappy.

"What this little brother said makes no sense. A good bone tool is no worse than a metal magic weapon!"

After taking a closer look at this unremarkable guy in animal skin, Ling Chen became somewhat interested.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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