Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2672 Thunder Resonance

This person in front of me looks so strange, without any sense of familiarity. I have never seen him before, let alone have anything to do with him. Why did he suddenly appear to block my way? At a loss.

He opened his mouth and asked tentatively: "I don't know this little junior, what do you want from me?" Judging from Lu Chen's clothes, he was dressed in a green robe, which was the symbol of Dongsheng, so he decided that he must be himself. younger brother.

The senior brother in the inner court looked at Lu Chen, as if he had seen through it, and felt that he must have something to come to him. When Lu Chen saw the person opposite him speak, he leaned over politely first, and moved towards him in a standard manner. He made a ninety-degree bow.

Then he said to him respectfully: "Hi, brother, I am Lu Chen, a disciple from the outer courtyard. I just saw your posture on the Tiandao Pagoda. I was really envious. I am going to the Tiandao Pagoda soon. For some reason, there is a feeling in my heart. An inexplicable uneasiness."

"I want to ask you how to get a good result on the Tiandao Pagoda. I believe that senior brother will not be stingy with this method. We are all in the same academy. If I can successfully comprehend God's will today, maybe I will do it again." Save some face for Dongsheng."

As soon as Lu Chen said this, the person on the opposite side obviously had concerns, but from what he said, if I didn't hand over this method to him today, it would mean that I was stingy. Lu Chen had a good mouth, and he didn't tell him.

It seems that today I have to tell him, "Oh, so you are a junior from the outer court, I see that you are so clever, is it exactly the same in the outer court, but I feel very angry about what happened today. "

"If it's true that only a few of our brothers from the inner court passed the Heavenly Dao Tower smoothly, then they will definitely be gossiped by others, so, little brother, if I tell you, you have to make good use of it , I just heard a few disciples from other colleges ridiculing our college, so you have to give us Dongsheng a face."

After hearing this, Lu Chen nodded, expressing his agreement with him, then leaned forward, put his ears together, and that senior brother directly told Lu Chen his method.

Lu Chen nodded again and again, it seems that it is really as he thought, everything in the world has a law to follow, as long as he masters the law, he can succeed.

Lu Chen was shocked. It seems that as long as he acts according to this rule, it is not impossible to succeed in the Tiandao Pagoda. But as for the stage of Dao Realm, although Lu Chen really wants to break through, he has never touched it.

And even those senior brothers in the inner courtyard can only obtain heavenly power, and I also learned this rule from them, so I am afraid that the said state cannot be completed today.

What needs to be done right now is to break this deadlock, make those outside disciples look at them differently, and save Dong Sheng's face. Basically, the students in the first few groups have completed the Tiandao Pagoda test, but few of them can pass.

Now it's time to go to Lu Chen's group, Liu Chenqing is still uneasy, holding onto Lu Chen tightly, Lu Chen feels his panic.

So he calmed down his heart and continued to say to him: "Chen Qing, you will have to take this step sooner or later. If you can really pass the level of Tiandao Pagoda, then I will definitely tell you some secrets again. Help you improve your cultivation, I wish you a good cultivator, you must have confidence in yourself."

Liu Chenqing got Lu Chen's promise, and suddenly realized that it seemed that all this was nothing. The big deal was to fail and fall into the Tiandao Tower, or to work hard and complete the Tiandao Tower test. Perhaps the shortcut to success in life would also become very difficult. Same.

The two roads ahead are in front of me, and now it depends on how my state of mind is. Liu Chenqing understands this deeply now, looking at Lu Chen's self-confidence that suddenly comes from the heart, Liu Chenqing suddenly feels The gap between him and Lu Chen is very large, maybe he just lacks that courage.

Suddenly, Liu Chenqing took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality to calm down, and looked at the precarious disciples in front of him. All of them had fallen from the Heavenly Dao Tower, but they were not as frightened as before.

Lu Chen's aura at the side is too great, it seems that he has swallowed all his fears. At this moment, a stick of incense time has been ignited. Lu Chen and Liu Chenqing are going to go to the Tiandao Pagoda for a test. Lu Chen With this rule, I walked forward with a peaceful mind.

But Liu Chenqing still felt very uneasy behind him, so he followed Lu Chen, and the two came to the Tiandao Pagoda. A howling cold wind pierced through their ears, and their hair was already messy.

The two stood on the Heavenly Dao Pagoda and looked at the people on the stage. The artistic conception was already different. Now that the two of them have become the people on the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, the feeling is completely different from those off the stage. The cold wind was so bitter that both of them couldn't help shrinking their necks.

When he came to the bridge tower, Lu Chen raised his hand and found that he could really feel the power of the sky, as if it was right above his head, but he couldn't touch it anyway. Maybe this is the Heavenly Dao Tower. It's magical, no wonder everyone yearns for it.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to obtain that power. Chase Lu followed the law and opened up the first step according to what the inner court brother said. First, he gathered all the strength of his body and mind, forced it out, and then released it randomly.

When half a stick of incense sticks, the heavenly energy is fused, and the power of the whole body is completely released, which will attract the power of thunder, and attract the power of physical and mental cultivation and the energy on the Heavenly Dao Pagoda until they resonate, and the heavenly power will be carried through the body. .

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Liu Chenqing has never seen this scene before, and usually can only stay in the corner, practicing silently by himself, but seeing Lu Chen, he is using his whole body to release his physical and mental cultivation ability and spiritual power, and then gather together.

Liu Chenqing had no choice but to follow Lu Chen's method, or else he would stay on the Tiandao Pagoda foolishly, which might be like this, and he would waste a stick of incense's time, maybe follow Lu Chen's method, and he really will succeed.

At this moment, the cloud peaks gather, the sky is dark, and the power of thunder reappears. Chase Lu wants to seize this moment to fuse his energy with it to become heavenly power, but he finds that his power is not at all. It cannot attract the power of thunder, nor can it resonate with it.

Lu Chen was stunned. He had already followed the rules, but he refused to come over for a long time. Could it be that the rules were changed?Lu Chen is a little distressed at the moment, even a little choked up, but the way of all things has its laws, and it will not be easily changed. What is going on?

Suddenly, Yunfeng gathered again, and the power of thunder followed by a flash of light suddenly approached Liu Chenqing's Xuanling Gai. In his blood.

At this moment, Liu Chenqing felt that her whole body seemed to be floating lightly among the clouds. It seemed that the pattern of her body had changed, she had been nurtured, and her energy had increased little by little.

Never thought that I could obtain this heavenly power by imitating Lu Chen's approach. Could it be that the power of thunder and my own energy can really resonate?

But why Lu Chen couldn't do it? Liu Chenqing looked eagerly at Lu Chen who was still working hard beside him when he was supported by this power. Instead, it poured directly into Liu Chenqing's body and mind.

Lu Chen was a little dissatisfied at the moment, but there was nothing he could do. It was a power, and he was not an emotional person. I don't know where this step is.

Liu Chenqing obviously just imitated his own practice, but he was able to win the heavenly power smoothly and easily, but even though he put in so much effort, he still couldn't succeed. Why is this?

At this moment, Lu Chen seriously suspects that maybe the energy has not been forced out, or the opportunity just now has not arrived. Liu Chenqing just happened to be lucky and met such an opportunity to get this heavenly benefit. Lu Chen really wanted to defend himself. But found that this is not the case.

Could it be that his energy pattern is limited, or is it that the power of thunder really can't resonate with his own cultivation power?Maybe he just picks out some people to get into their hearts and minds.

Lu Chen was annoyed, seeing that the time for burning incense was about to pass, could he just stand stupidly on the Tiandao Pagoda, watching everyone around him working hard, Lu Chen could not raise his hand for a while. What to do, Liu Chenqing was overjoyed.

Unexpectedly, this day, Tianli would actually choose him over Lu Chen, which really flattered him. In this way, he is getting closer and closer to being an excellent practitioner. Liu Chenqing still remembers Lu Chen just now. promise to yourself.

He said that as long as he can get Tianli, he will pass on all his lifelong learning and experience to him to help him, but after thinking about it, Liu Chenqing is not so happy when he sees Lu Chen's uncomfortable face. thought.

At this moment, Liu Chenqing also felt uncomfortable for Lu Chen, and it would be the same for anyone. Lu Chen was angry, what should he do now, seeing the sudden change of the situation, and the reappearance of Tianli, but he just couldn't grasp it, Lu Chen sighed .

"It's almost there, it's almost there." Li Wei murmured to himself, looking at the people on the tower, his eyes fixed on Lu Chen, seeing his A look of despair, but really happy.

"I'm afraid I will witness the birth of a powerful person again."

The elder was sitting by the side, and suddenly found that Li Wei next to him didn't know what he was muttering to himself, so he was curious, but when he recovered and looked at him again, he had already returned to his usual expression. The serious expression is really unpredictable.

Since it is not the last moment, Lu Chen will never give up this last chance, so he intends to use all his strength to obtain that day's power.

Afterwards, Lu Chen gathered all his strength again, and when the situation suddenly changed and Yunfeng gathered again, he exchanged his strength for breath and emitted all the breath, and his ability had reached the extreme.

But the power of thunder seemed to be limited, and he refused to resonate with the power of Chase Lu.

Chase Lu was annoyed, what kind of bottleneck is this?Why have I never met it before, and no one has told me that even Liu Chenqing can succeed. Although Liu Chenqing is my younger brother, I don't know why he is able to get the power of the sky ahead of me at this moment. And I'm still a little overwhelmed.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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