Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2673 Heavenly Power Match

It may not be possible to get it, there is no certainty, Lu Chen is only envious of Liu Chenqing at this moment, the power of thunder suddenly becomes extremely huge, swallowing the breath released by Lu Chen bit by bit.

Lu Chen felt as if his whole body and mind wanted to reach a certain state, his breath was all swallowed up, and he seemed to feel that his whole body was particularly bulky. What's going on?Didn't you mean Tianli?

No matter how I observed it just now, this pattern didn't come into being, so how could it happen to me?Not only did he not get the power of thunder to generate heavenly power, but his breath was swallowed by it, leaving him with no breath at all.

Lu Chen was very puzzled, could all this be unchangeable?Everyone acts like that. Some people succeed, but no matter how hard they try, they can't get it. It seems that I should go down and discuss the ability of cultivation.

Even Liu Chenqing was able to easily surpass himself. Just when Lu Chen was about to give up, he suddenly felt a blood spurt, and the circulation of those organs in his body expanded, and the power of thunder suddenly penetrated Lu Chen's body and mind.

But he didn't get the power of that day, and he didn't integrate with his own ability. Chase Lu wondered if there was some loophole, but he didn't understand how the loophole came about. He obviously had the same method as others.

Except for the rhetoric of loopholes, I have no other explanation to explain all of this. The time for a stick of incense is about to pass. The elder watched the time pass by little by little, but no one can obtain that state , I feel extremely uncomfortable.

It seems that today he lost his face and Dong Sheng's face. The elder immediately ordered a senior brother beside him, intending to ask him to stop, and advised Lu Chen and the others to come down quickly, but unexpectedly came again. He was stopped by Li Wei again.

The elder was also a little annoyed at the moment. It was understandable that he was stopped by Li Wei just now. After all, it was a matter of his face, but why did he stop him now?

The elder stood up and yelled at Li Wei angrily: "Li Wei, don't think that you are a senior in the inner court, I dare not touch you. Why do you stop me so many times? Now you have nothing to say. Let me explain it all."

And when Li Wei heard what the elder said, he smiled instead of anger: "Elder, you are our number one elder in Dongsheng. How could I restrict your freedom by relying on my status as a senior in the inner courtyard?"

"No, I just want to remind you to give some more time to the people on the Dao Pagoda that day. After all, they lined up at the back and there are not too many people crowded behind."

"Didn't your original intention at the time be to say that people's circulation can be expanded and less crowded, so you set up a stick of incense time? I think that kid will be ready soon, or give him some more time, maybe He really shines.”

"If there is a turning point, then Elder, you can at least save some face." Hearing Li Wei's words, the elder squinted his eyes and looked at Lu Chen who was struggling on the tower.

It was found that the infusion of the power of thunder was different from usual, actually eroding Chen Lu's body and mind, diluting his breath. Seeing that Chen Lu was already physically and mentally exhausted at this moment, he could really make some changes in the form that had already been determined by now ?The elders will not believe it.

But what Li Wei is generally certain of is not allowed to change, not to mention that his predictions have always been very accurate, otherwise as long as what he says, there will be no mistakes.

The elder calmed down a little, and saw that no one was urging him, so he followed him, sat in his seat and looked at him calmly again, and now he only hoped that Lu Chen could save him some face.

At this moment, the time when Lu Chen found a stick of incense was about to pass. Suddenly, the violent power in his body and the feeling of blood surging came towards his body and mind until it rushed to his mouth.

Lu Chen felt as if something wanted to rush out of his heart, and suddenly he rushed forward as if the joints of his whole body had been opened.

Lu Chen suddenly vomited blood. Liu Chenqing was terrified when he saw the scene in front of him. He didn't expect Lu Chen to vomit blood. What kind of bad omen is this?

Liu Chenqing, who had never seen such a scene, was a little scared now, and shouted: "Lu Chen, Lu Chen, you have nothing to do, if you really can't finish it, then don't continue, you are torturing yourself like this what."

Liu Chenqing's words were obviously worried about Lu Chen, but how could Lu Chen listen to it? As long as he can't succeed now, then Lu Chen will definitely try desperately, and the spectators standing in the audience also feel a little scared up.

The Tiandao Pagoda is opened once every thousand years, and accidents must be very normal, because there is no security guarantee at all, and Lu Chen's sudden appearance of such a situation made everyone's faces change drastically, and they were also afraid of what danger Lu Chen would encounter.

Everyone is trying their best to dissuade the elder to quickly end this Tiandao Pagoda and let him come down quickly.

The elder is well-informed and found that the power of that day suddenly penetrated into Lu Chen's viscera and poured into Lu Chen's body and mind. This is a very good omen. Maybe this kid Lu Chen can get the Dao Realm at once .

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The elder ignored everyone's dissuasion, and continued to carry out the Tiandao Pagoda ceremony, hoping to see Lu Chen give himself a wonderful performance.

After spitting out the mouthful of blood in the early morning, it was obvious that the breath had been fine-tuned again, as if it was slowly circling in the body.

After the breath was calmed and adjusted, that force seemed to have completely merged with Lu Chen in the dark. The power of cultivation and the power of thunder resonated with each other to form heavenly power, and even the physique seemed to be unexpected. less than change.

It is even much stronger than the Heavenly Energy obtained by other people, but Chase Lu still has some concerns. It is a bit strange why the Heavenly Energy he obtained is so different from others.

When Lu Chen was wondering, suddenly the Tiandao Pagoda was rendered golden yellow again, and a golden dragon was suspended in midair, and Lu Chen wanted to reach out and touch it.

It seems that as long as you stretch out your hand, you can touch the giant dragon. Unexpectedly, the dragon suddenly wrapped around Lu Chen, turned into a golden energy, and got into Lu Chen's mysterious spirit cover. A feeling of oppression, as if the whole body could not bear this powerful force, it was about to burst, the headache was severe, and the eyes were dark.

Lu Chen was almost on the verge of falling on the Tiandao Pagoda, and everyone was terrified. The Tiandao Pagoda was rickety, and there was nothing good for the people on it. Everyone held on firmly, and there was only Lu Chen on the side of the tower road. It was about to be shaken down.

Liu Chenqing was still desperately yelling at Lu Chen to bring him back to his senses, but at this moment, Lu Chen seemed to be bound by something and controlled, and his body fell forward involuntarily.

The elder saw that his physique had changed, and stood up directly from his seat, because he knew that Chase Lu's current symptoms were probably caused by breaking through the Dao realm.

But it seems that his own body is a little out of control now. If he can survive this catastrophe, he will be able to ascend to the Dao Realm level smoothly, and it will be no problem breaking through his Earth Element Realm level.

The elder decided to give it a go and let Lu Chen learn to control himself, but he didn't resist the public opinion on the side, and the few disciples outside were pointing at the elder and them.

"It seems that the elder Dongsheng is really powerful. Even his own student is about to collapse on the top, and he doesn't give orders to let him down. Looking at him like that, he won't gain any heavenly power."

"If you can't feel Tianli and can't be influenced by it, it's better to come down as soon as possible, so as not to lose face on it. I think if he doesn't come down again, he may fall down at any time, and it will attract those above. People in the same group are deeply involved.”

The elder just listened to their words word by word, but the elder didn't mean to be angry, nor did he immediately refute, and let them see their real strength when the time came, There is a final twist, let them taste what it feels like to be slapped in the face.

The elder trusted Lu Chen very much at this moment, and hoped that he would definitely complete the test of this class, and Li Wei on the side also meditated in his heart, seeing Lu Chen's uncomfortable look in front of him, he became more and more excited. It is the last step before obtaining Dao Realm.

As long as he can control the surge of power in his heart, adjust his mentality and restore his previous appearance, everything will be completed smoothly and successfully. Li Wei hopes that he can survive this catastrophe, which is also his challenge.

But Chase Lu couldn't control himself anymore at this moment, the surge in strength of his body suddenly seemed to conflict with his own spiritual power and aura, and he kept repelling it.

But how could his own power be repelled by him? The two forces seemed to be fighting each other in his own body, which made Lu Chen's breath unstable.

Although Chase Lu wanted to calm down as much as possible, he found that the energy in his body was constantly going on, and no matter how he tried to control it, he couldn't control it. Chase Lu wobbled like this on the Tiandao Pagoda. .

And Li Wei couldn't stand it anymore. If Lu Chen had been like this, maybe all of this would be over today, and he would not be able to obtain the heavenly power and dao realm on the Tiandao Pagoda.

Could it be that Lu Chen really couldn't even pass this level? Li Wei couldn't believe it, but there was only one thought in his mind, that is, he believed in Lu Chen. After all, his vision must not be wrong.

At this moment, Lu Chen was thinking of a way to calm down and adjust his breath.Does it mean that as long as he suppresses the energy in his body, and then let the newly obtained heavenly energy and thunder force fully fit with his body, then they won't let the two energies fight each other again?

As soon as Lu Chen thought about it, he planned to start doing this. Now that the Tiandao Pagoda is shaking more and more violently, and he can't control himself, he is about to wear down his will. If he doesn't control it in time, he may implicate many people.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen quickly blocked several acupuncture points on his body, and those few forces were completely blocked in an instant.

In the closed state, the energy doesn't seem to be increasing so fast, and his own domain and cultivation have been sealed by the acupuncture points he has set. Now he just needs to wait for the heavenly energy to completely match himself, then it will be fine.

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