Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2671 Competing for Providence

When Lu Chen heard Liu Chenqing's concerns, he probably understood Liu Chenqing's fear. After all, he was still a novice. Really rare.

Liu Chenqing is a new disciple, and he has only climbed a few steps in his recent practice. It is inevitable that he will be a little scared, but as his little brother, Lu Chen does not allow Liu Chenqing to be afraid.

Lu Chen wants to train Liu Chenqing to be a qualified killer, who can assist him and help him a lot, but he will definitely not be as timid as he is now.

Seeing that the time for a stick of incense is about to burn out, and the next group is ready, all Lu Chen can do now is to appease Liu Chenqing and talk to him well.

Liu Chenqing's speech was a little hoarse at the moment, and her whole body was curled up and trembling, because just when the process was about to end, someone fell directly from the Tiandao Pagoda, and Liu Chenqing was terrified to see it.

However, fortunately, the power of the Great Elder was protecting and protecting him, so that person did not fall to the bottom, otherwise it would be possible for him to be smashed to pieces.

Lu Chen looked at Liu Chenqing, who was obviously a little scared standing beside him, and said to him: "Actually, the Tiandao Pagoda is not that difficult to deal with. Coming here today is just to give myself a chance. I want to train you and exercise well. Treat yourself."

"If we can get through the Tiandao Pagoda incident today, maybe our strength will be greatly improved. This seems to be a huge opportunity for you. It's actually not difficult. I think it's just that the person lacks It's just experience."

"Just rushing forward without thinking about whether to gain some experience or not. That person can only say that it is his own fault, and he will suffer the consequences. Such accidents are only a small part. As long as you are on top, you will not move around and use it wantonly. Willpower, absolutely nothing will happen.”

"If you can force out that power in your heart, maybe it will spurt out, attracting the fusion of God's will to obtain the source of this power, maybe it will really let you reach the realm of the earth element all at once."

Liu Chenqing listened, and swallowed aside, Lu Chen's words really moved him, after all, today is really a great opportunity.

As Lu Chen said, if he can really get through this Heavenly Dao Pagoda today and get some kind of providence, then his road of cultivation may not be so bumpy, and it is not certain that he will become an excellent practitioner.

Reassured by Lu Chen, Liu Chenqing got a little bit of comfort in his heart, and he mustered up his courage at the side. Seeing that the next group was ready to go forward, the two had to wait behind.

Seeing that Liu Chenqing was finally at ease, Lu Chen had no choice but to continue to look ahead, and found that the Tiandao Pagoda had suddenly changed into another color at this time, and the golden chain and the thunder power suddenly carried through and merged, turning the entire Tiandao Pagoda It sets off like a living dragon.

A golden thunder went through, this so-called is the meaning of the way of heaven, I didn't expect that person to have obtained such a powerful power of the way of heaven, Lu Chen took a closer look, and found that he was wearing a mysterious suit, as expected, he was a disciple of the inner court, something extraordinary , Lu Chen was really envious.

The elder is also very pleased, finally there is a disciple who can obtain that kind of power, the elder is afraid that if he invites everyone to participate in the Tiandao Pagoda today, he will be laughed at by the world, saying that none of Dongsheng's students can pass. It can be regarded as a relief to spend it safely.

I saw that all the two veins of Rentong on that person suddenly opened up, and the golden power was poured into it, and it was carried through together with the power of thunder, which immediately made the person feel a strong force pouring into his body and mind. At this moment he He finally understood that he had broken through the ranks and obtained one of the powers of the heavenly power, "Tianli."

But he didn't break through the "Tao Realm". Although the man felt sorry, it seemed that it was not easy to obtain heavenly power.

What's more, none of the group of people who came here could successfully resonate with them. Together with the power of thunder and the heavenly power and dao realm implemented on the Tiandao Pagoda, I have obtained a piece of heavenly power anyway, and I am very satisfied now Well, it's not like going back empty-handed.

Satisfied, the man passed smoothly, and he went down the Heavenly Dao Pagoda. The time of a stick of incense burned again, and the second pedestrian finally ended. Lu Chen stopped and watched from a distance, and discovered a law of the Heavenly Dao.

It turns out that as long as one pours one's own ability into it, releases it to feel God's will, and then forces one's own cultivation technique, if one can really resonate with it, the power of thunder will be born.

After penetrating into one's own mysterious spirit cover, the mysterious spirit cover is opened wide, and the heavenly power reappears, continuously pouring into one's body, then it is not difficult to collect the heavenly power at that time, but how to obtain this dao state?

Lu Chen didn't know something, the level of Dao Realm is considered to be the highest level in the Tiandao Pagoda, and it is not so easy to obtain Dao Realm.

What's more, the one just now was a disciple of the inner court, and even the disciples of the inner court didn't get anything, and there was no Dao realm at all, so how could I get him?

Lu Chen was a little disheartened at the moment. He thought it would be very simple, but he didn't expect it to become a very difficult thing.Liu Chenqing stared at the front for a long time, and realized that this was not at the level she could reach, and she also lowered her head in loss and sadness.

Suddenly, Chase Lu suddenly seemed to think of something. If there are rules to follow in the Tiandao Pagoda, does all this mean that as long as he follows the rules to complete the series, he can also obtain heavenly power?

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly became interested and wanted to find out, but found that time seemed to be only a stick of incense, so he had to use his housekeeping skills later. The trip was a waste of time.

The most important thing is that I have never shown anything in front of my little brother. What if Liu Chenqing feels that he is too bad and doesn't want to follow him if he messes up?

Even though Liu Chenqing looked desperate and loyal, he couldn't bear the thoughts in his heart. Lu Chen decided that it would be better to show a good performance in the future, but he couldn't tell his little brother to read the joke.

Sure enough, as everyone expected, except for that inner court disciple, there is no one else who can break through to obtain heavenly power, let alone the Dao realm.At this moment, many people were pointing fingers, especially the disciples outside.

This time, the Tiandao Pagoda opens once every thousand years, so the elder not only invited Dongsheng's disciples to participate, but also invited many outside disciples who had been coveting the Tiandao Pagoda and were waiting for the opening of the Tiandao Pagoda.

It seems that the opening of Tiandao Pagoda is not all a kind of guilt towards everyone, maybe the elder wants to personally plan this feast of Tiandao Pagoda.

But what he didn't expect was that none of Dongsheng's disciples cherished it. Except for those brothers in the inner courtyard who could barely pass, there was no possibility for other disciples to pass through the Dao Pagoda of that day.

The elder's face was more than half dark at this time, seeing that there was still a little time before the incense was about to burn out, but the disciples in the third group still had no intention of breaking through, while the disciples outside were still laughing With Dongsheng.

At this moment, the elder's heart is almost half-cold, but he can't blame others for this. It can only be said that the disciples in this class are really bad. The elder felt that his face was damaged, so he turned around and wanted to leave.

But he was stopped by Li Wei beside him. Li Wei looked at the elder's dignified eyes and appearance, and said to the elder earnestly: "I know that your current appearance makes you very ugly, but if you leave like this, Isn't it just to confirm your embarrassment?"

"Those outside disciples will think that you can't bear it, so they leave. If so, where should you put your face?"

Li Wei hit the nail on the head and made his words very clear. After hearing this, the elder felt that it was very reasonable. It is really not good to leave under the current situation.

So angrily, the elder sat back to the upper seat, overlooking the group of actors in front of him, where they continued to strive for God's will, but without any success.

After Lu Chen saw the current situation, he understood that it seemed that the Tiandao Pagoda matter had something to do with Dong Sheng's face. If no one could try his best to restore it, maybe the elders would be furious about it.

It seems that I have to observe and observe carefully, and learn a little bit of their experience, so that I can obtain some methods to be successful when I reach the Tiandao Pagoda.

Lu Chen stood aside, gearing up secretly.Trying to use his own strength to save Dong Sheng's face, Li Wei stood beside the elder and saw Lu Chen's face underneath, he was very relieved, and knew what was in Lu Chen's heart at the moment. What are you thinking.

Li Wei can be called a confidant, and he can guess what Lu Chen is thinking just by relying on Lu Chen's appearance.Before they knew it, all the members of the third group had descended from the Heavenly Dao Tower one after another. No one remained on the tower, and the surface of the tower did not show the same essence, which proved that no one was lucky enough to obtain heavenly power or Dao realm.

But at this moment, Lu Chen seemed to see something famous. All the brothers in the inner courtyard were able to pass. Did they discover any rules and secrets to see their appearance and skills? They are all the same, did Li Wei teach them any method?

Lu Chen looked suspiciously at Li Wei who was standing next to the elder on the stage, who was smiling very strangely. At this moment, Lu Chen couldn't figure out what Li Wei was thinking. Why did Li Wei do this?

But Lu Chen can only think about it this way, and there is no evidence to prove that Li Wei taught them some methods. Thinking about it this way, maybe he can still find those inner court brothers who just went down to the Tiandao Pagoda.

Ask them what kind of rules and methods they rely on to obtain heavenly energy. If you can really get some from their mouths, then you will definitely gain something from coming here today.

At that time, if he can really get the power of that day, he can even brag in front of his little brother Liu Chenqing, so that he can worship and worship himself.

Lu Chen wanted to go forward quickly, so he immediately stopped the inner court brother who was about to leave. Liu Chenqing watched from the side, very suspicious.

At this time, Lu Chen can't continue to wait for the notice to go to the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, and he still has the mind to manage the senior brother in the inner courtyard. Liu Chenqing is very puzzled what he wants, but he also feels that Lu Chen is doing this. , must have his own thoughts, so he didn't follow up and continued to wait there.

Lu Chen successfully stopped the senior brother from the inner court, but the senior brother from the inner court was full of doubts, what exactly did Chase Lu come to him for?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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