Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2670 Comprehension of Heavenly Dao Tower

"Did you make a mistake? Are you really talking about blood-activating and stasis-removing grass and ice silk lotus? Did you confuse them?" Lu Chen asked Li Zhi, because in his heart, Li Wei absolutely Don't lie and tell lies to yourself.

He entrusted himself to do this matter because he had his own intention, and he definitely wouldn't play tricks on himself.When Li Zhi heard that Lu Chen actually questioned him, he felt that this kind of favor really couldn't be given casually. He obviously answered him, but he was met with a counter-question.

"Do you not believe me? If you don't believe me, you don't have to listen to my opinion, just go to your four medicinal herbs. Why bother to come to my Buddhist scriptures pavilion to ask, since I answered You, you must have full confidence to do this, otherwise if I give the wrong answer, wouldn’t I be a sinner through the ages?”

Li Zhi was a little impatient now, and Lu Chen dared to question himself, so he walked away directly, not wanting to continue discussing with Lu Chen.At this time, Lu Chen stood aside dumbly, his mind was full of what Li Zhi said.

Is what he said really right?It seems that this matter is a bit difficult to handle, but why did Li Wei entrust such a big problem to himself?This has lasted for thousands of days. With this time, I am afraid that I may have already cultivated to become a god.

Thinking about it carefully, Li Wei must have his reasons, but the answer he got was far from satisfactory. What's going on?Lu Chen looked at Li Zhi whose back was fading away.

I thought to myself, "It seems that I can't stay here any longer. Just now Li Zhi looked at me with that man-eating eyes. He must have hated me again. It's better to go back to sleep and get a good night's sleep."

Lu Chen felt that what happened today was very bad. Just as he stepped out of the door of the Sutra Pavilion just now, Lu Chen received a very shocking news, and Liu Chenqing came towards him in a panic.

Lu Chen was surprised, how did Liu Chenqing know that he was here?I saw him coming over in a panic, panting heavily, and falteringly said to himself: "Lu, Chen Lu, I'll tell you something important."

"I just received a notice. The elder said that due to the reason of the last competition, he informed everyone to go to the next thing. He said that the Heavenly Dao Tower, which has not been opened for a thousand years, will be opened so that everyone can make preparations."

Liu Chenqing was so happy at this moment, Lu Chen still felt a little bit at a loss after hearing this, why did this sound so false, the Heavenly Dao Tower has not been opened for thousands of years, why did it open when it said it was open this time?

Elder, what is the purpose of this?Suddenly, Lu Chen's brain became hot, he didn't know whether to be happy or puzzled, and suddenly remembered what Li Wei said to him yesterday. Could it be that this is what he wanted to talk about?No wonder explaining tomorrow will keep me busy for a while.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be true. Li Wei is a senior in the inner court, and it should be possible for the elders to discuss this matter with him, so it is not surprising for Li Wei to know this matter.

This matter has only advantages and no disadvantages for Lu Chen, so Lu Chen can naturally accept it, and finally said to Liu Chenqing: "Okay, then let's make some preparations, I heard that the Tiandao Pagoda is among them You can comprehend the way of heaven."

"It's even possible to comprehend and understand some things in the world, and you can learn the way in it, so as to get the true inheritance. Are there any rumors?"

"It's so powerful, I want to see it. You can also try to see if your recent practice has achieved the effect, and will it have any effect? ​​By the way, it just comes in handy at this time."

Lu Chen suddenly thought of Liu Chenqing's cultivation in the past few days, so he said these words to Liu Chenqing.After thinking about it, Liu Chenqing also felt that what Lu said was indeed true, so the two returned to their residences, making preparations to go.

After a while, it was noon, and the crowd was dense now. After the two of them finished their preparations, they both came to the place where the mountain opening ceremony was held last time. The elders waited for everyone again. Lu Chen and Liu Chenqing couldn't hold back the surprise in their hearts.

Unexpectedly, this rumor turned out to be true. It seems that the preparations were not in vain. Looking at the shackles in front of him and the Heavenly Dao Pagoda, shining golden in everyone's eyes, Lu Chen was inexplicably emotional and impulsive.

It seems that as long as he gets God's will, he will be able to break through the fifth level of the Earth Origin Realm. Lu Chen's eyes flashed a bit in a trance. Li Wei also came to the scene and attended with the elders. This made Lu Chen never expect that he was really guessed by himself up.

What Li Wei told himself at the time was about the Tiandao Pagoda, but why did he arrange for himself to find those medicinal materials? Why didn't he directly teach himself to make alchemy to produce some medicinal materials, but asked himself to find them, let alone find them? up.

If you really want to gather these four medicinal materials, you have to search for them from all over the world, and you won’t be able to return within a thousand days. Lu Chen wonders if Li Wei is playing with him, and this idea is in Lu Chen’s heart again. Generated.

Looking at Li Wei's half-smile in front of him, Lu Chen only felt annoyed and conflicted

The elder began to speak: "I'm sorry, I gathered all of you here today. I just want to announce one thing. Because of the freshman competition at the opening ceremony last time, many people were disappointed, so I wanted to Find a time to make up for the regrets in everyone's hearts."

"In addition, the few people who made trouble before have also been dealt with, and I have also caught the real culprit behind it, so you don't have to worry about it anymore. Today I want to open the Heavenly Dao Tower that has not been opened to the public for thousands of years."

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"Presumably everyone has heard a little bit that this Heavenly Way Pagoda is the tower of knowing the will of heaven. If one can go up to it and comprehend the will of heaven, then this person will have a bright future. It must be forever."

"The Heavenly Dao Pagoda is here to help everyone, but don't go against the will of the heavens, follow the way to become better, and do your best. After you go up, you must pay attention to it with all your strength, concentrate on it, and use the way to complete your own cultivation and improvement. "

When the elder said so, everyone applauded one after another, as if they were already ready to move, looking forward to the training of the Heavenly Dao Tower. Thinking that the Heavenly Dao Tower, which was thought to be only seen from a distance, could go up today to understand its meaning, this is considered The above is a very big surprise.

The elder's decision made everyone's hearts surging, and it was very intense. The elder saw that the crowd had gathered and seemed to be looking forward to it, so he stopped talking nonsense.

Immediately afterwards, he said to everyone: "If this is the case, everyone must also understand the rules. In this way, you line up in order and go up in order, so that you can avoid congestion and everyone can focus on it better. Practice."

"But everyone is short of time, so everyone is only given one stick of incense time, and must complete the comprehension of the Heavenly Dao Pagoda within this stick of incense."

"If you can't understand it within a stick of incense, you can only come down so that the students behind can go up. Do you understand what I mean? As long as the time is over, you must come down and you can't drag on it."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone regretted that the time for a stick of incense is so short, I am afraid that only those with high mana can complete some difficult practice and comprehension. It is really not enough for those low-energy students To be fair, it is difficult for them to show their strength in such a short time.

However, since this is what the elder said, everyone has no way to protest, and it is not easy to be able to open the Tiandao Pagoda. Everyone wants to cherish this opportunity very much, so they no longer defend or refute the elder, and start to clear the air. With everyone, lined up in turn.

Then the incense was lit, and some students in the front were asked to go up first, while Liu Chenqing and Lu Chen were in the back, which was arranged by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen said to Liu Chenqing: "Actually, it's better for us to be in the back. We can observe every move of the higher-ups, and by the way, we can see how they do things up there, and give us some experience."

"What's more, the people in the front are under a lot of pressure, and the time is relatively short. If we are in the back, and there is still a long time, maybe the elders will give us more time."

As soon as these words came out, Liu Chenqing completely understood the meaning of Lu Chen, and felt that he really admired Lu Chen, but he was more thoughtful. If it was him, he would be stupidly ranked in the front. After all, the Tiandao Pagoda We all don't want to miss the opportunity.

I want to see and comprehend earlier, but everyone did not expect that there is still a big difference between praying mantises catching cicadas and orioles coming out earlier and later.The two stared at the front from the back, wanting to do some research, looking at some people who had already climbed up to the Tiandao Pagoda, Lu Chen stared intently.

"Go forward, come forward, you, you go up!" The Tiandao Pagoda was crowded with people, and the person behind kept urging the person in front.

But everyone's emotions are too heavy. Everyone's desire and curiosity are always too strong, and they completely suppressed their own strength. Seeing that the time for half a stick of incense is about to pass, but those people are still there. If you haven't done your work, go to comprehend the way of heaven.

It is rumored that this Heavenly Dao Pagoda is a precious pagoda. As long as one can exert force by standing on the tower and obtain the power of Heavenly Dao, then this person will definitely be a powerful person.

Lu Chen squinted half-eyed at the people in front of him who were vying for each other, and he became more and more curious. Now that he is at the fifth level of the Earth Element Realm, it is uncertain whether he can obtain the power of heaven, but if he is really I was hit by it, and if I had that kind of luck, it would be great.

Maybe it will break through the fifth level of the Earth Element Realm because of this, and successfully rise to the sixth level. Chase Lu has been waiting for an opportunity, looking for a suitable way, and there is still a chance to maximize his ability.

It seems that the mutual practice with Liu Chenqing a few days ago, during that time, the ability has been improved, and now it depends on whether he can reach a high-level class today.

"Hey, Chase Lu, I think it's quite dangerous up there. Those people seem to be on the verge of falling. Do you think we will be in the same situation as them when we get up there? I'm a little scared"

Liu Chenqing cautiously came to Lu Chen's side, and tugged at his sleeves. After all, seeing Lu Chen staring at the front, he must be paying attention to every move in front of him very seriously. If I don't remind him a little , Maybe he won't come back to talk to himself.

And when Lu Chen felt that there was a pull on his sleeve, he leaned over and looked over, and found that Liu Chenqing was already on the side, looking at him innocently with wide eyes.

Lu Chen felt very puzzled, but he can't be blamed for this. Who made him pay attention to the front so carefully just now, and it's no wonder that he couldn't hear it. Liu Chenqing had to admit that he was unlucky and told Lu Chen again.

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