Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2669 Herbal Medicine

Lu Chen couldn't hide his disappointment, but suddenly remembered the Sutra Pavilion. Maybe he could find some ancient books and things about these medicinal materials in it. At this time, Li Zhi's expression appeared inexplicably in Lu Chen's mind face.

Lu Chen could see that Li Zhi didn't welcome him to go there now, whether he could get in or not was still a problem, but if he didn't look it up now, it would be a waste of time today. .

Lu Chen made up his mind to investigate, even if he would be looked down upon by Li Zhi, it was better than not being able to practice alchemy in the future.

Soon, Lu Chen came to the door of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, and found that many people had checked it inside. Presumably Li Zhi, the person who manages the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, should also be inside.

Lu Chen originally thought that if he was not there, he could still take the opportunity to sneak in, but now he disrupted his plan again, so he had to discuss it with him head-on.

Li Zhi was just sorting out the books, but found a fiery gaze looking at him from outside the door. Looking towards the place with a very hot feeling in the distance, he found that Lu Chen outside the door had been staring at him.

Li Zhi was startled. Does Lu Chen want to come to him to check on the black forces again?Li Zhi just ignored Lu Chen directly, but found that he couldn't escape his scorching gaze no matter what.

I had no choice but to walk towards him, with a bad tone, and said to Lu Chen: "What? You haven't given up yet, and you still want to come to me to ask about that matter. Let me tell you, I won't tell you, don't you

"I didn't come to you to inquire about the black forces. I just wanted to come to the Sutra Pavilion to find some information, so you don't need to worry. You just need to let me go in and look up some information. I won't bother you too much time."

Lu Chen directly pointed out the words, and Li Zhi was a little surprised. Before Lu Chen came to look for him again and again, it was all because of that incident, but suddenly Lu Chen's temperament changed, and he no longer continued to question himself. It seemed a little strange, and Li Zhi was too embarrassed to refuse Lu Chen at this moment, so he had to invite him in.

Lu Chen looked at the huge Buddhist scripture pavilion and found that there were indeed a lot of classics in it, indicating that there must be information about those medicinal materials, but the same aspect made him feel very headache.

Just because there are so many classics, it is very troublesome to find them. What's more, for those medicinal materials, I only know some names, and I don't know what category they belong to.

Looking at the books in front of him, Lu Chen felt a little dazzled, and there was a lot of confusion in his mind. He couldn't tell which ones were books on medicinal materials and which ones were books on martial arts.

A burst of headaches made Lu Chen feel a little overwhelmed. It seems that it takes a lot of hard work to find these medicinal materials, but for Lu Chen, a novice in alchemy, he has never been exposed to these medicinal materials, and he doesn't know where to find them. start.

Chenchen was completely lost, as if he felt that he could not complete the task that Li Wei had given him, so what confidence did he have for him to teach him again.Lu Chen sighed, suddenly feeling that he was so useless.

But at this moment, his mind suddenly turned rapidly, as if he had found some way, remembering that the moment he entered the library just now, Lu Chen's mind was full of one person, and that was Li Zhi.

Come to think of it, Li Zhi is also a caretaker of the Zangshu Pavilion, and the elder ordered him to manage the Zangshu Pavilion, naturally because he has a wealth of knowledge in his head and also understands the Zangshu Pavilion.

So if you ask him about the knowledge of medicinal materials, he should know a little bit, and maybe he can really ask him for help. The books in Li Zhi's mind must have what he wants.

Lu Chen thought again and again, hesitant. He had just told Li Zhi that he was only here to inquire about some information. If he went to disturb him again, he might be misunderstood again. What should he do now?

Lu Chen was in a trance, and suddenly saw that Li Zhi was holding new classics and placing them on the wooden shelf.

Seeing his serious expression, Lu Chen felt that he still had to go all out, so he hurried to his side. Li Zhi, who was carefully arranging the books, felt the sound of panicked footsteps coming towards him behind him.

So he turned around, only to find that the person was actually Lu Chen, and suddenly his face gradually became serious. Didn't Lu Chen tell himself just now, did he just come to check it out?

Why are you looking for yourself now?Li Zhi couldn't figure out what he did today more and more, so he walked away from him.

Seeing his attitude towards him, Chase Lu regretted his pursuit of him before, which was why he was so unpopular today.Lu Chen couldn't hide his disappointment in his heart, but he didn't want to miss this opportunity, so he raised his leg and followed Li Zhi, followed behind him, thinking about opportunities to speak to him.

However, Li Zhi was already impatient at this time. He turned around and looked behind him, and said to Lu Chen who had been following him, "What exactly do you want to do? Are you still worried about the previous things? If it is If that's the case, then with all due respect, don't make fun of yourself anymore, if you still want to continue looking up information here, just be quiet, look up there honestly, and don't follow me anymore."

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As Lu Chen expected, Li Zhi really said such words to him, but it also made him look a little embarrassed. It seems that he has become that kind of scoundrel in Li Zhi's heart, and he wants to clean himself up. What I did before was really difficult.

But Lu Chen hadn't tried it yet. Looking at Li Zhi, who was so imposing and a little excited, he opened his mouth and said clearly: "I just followed you, and I really have a few questions I want to ask. You, but it's not about the black forces."

"If you have time, can you listen to my question? I really need your help. I just searched in this scripture pavilion, but found that there are too many classics, which makes me a little dazzled. It's gone."

"I just thought that since you are the manager of this Sutra Pavilion, you should know the contents of the books inside quite well, so I want you to do me a favor."

After hearing this, Li Zhi changed his attitude. It turned out that it was for this matter. Since he is a manager, he should have this responsibility to help everyone.

Li Zhi thought, since Lu Chen kept silent about the black forces, of course he would be willing to help him solve the problem, and then nodded in agreement with Lu Chen.

Asked: "Then you should hurry up and ask me the doubts in your heart. I may have some things to be busy later, and I can answer them for you while I am not busy yet."

"Well, let me just say it straight. Actually, I have to find some medicinal materials recently, but I found that I haven't even seen their faces."

"I don't know their characters and categories, so I just need to come to the library to see if there are any records of these medicinal materials, but I found that I haven't found them after searching for a long time, so I want to ask you, see if you Do you know these herbs?"

Li Zhi wondered, Lu Chen is a practitioner, why should he discuss these medicinal materials?But he didn't dare to ask too much. After all, this is someone else's business. Since he didn't want to ask himself the previous questions, but wanted to ask about the knowledge of medicinal materials, then Li Zhike is good at this. It seems that Chase Lu was asking the right person.

Li Zhi looked proudly, looked at Lu Chen and said: "It seems that you have a good eye, smart, I do understand the medicinal materials, but I don't know which medicinal materials you want to talk about." , because I'm not reading all the world's affairs, nor an encyclopedia, so I have to read the flavors you mentioned, whether I understand or not, then you can tell me, what flavors are they?"

As soon as Lu Chen heard this, he immediately smiled. Sure enough, his method was really good. Then he took a look, looked at Li Wei, and found that he was very proud, and his eyes were full of happiness. He must have a sense of accomplishment. If he could take the opportunity to ask Where they are, that would be great.

Immediately, Lu Chen said: "These herbs are blood-activating and stasis-removing grass, poppies, heartbroken fruit and ice silk lotus, do you know?"

When Li Zhi heard it, he found that these medicinal materials were extremely difficult to find, and the living environment was extremely difficult, belonging to extremely cold or extremely hot places. Why did Lu Chen insist on finding them, Li Zhi wondered.

Looking at his appearance, Lu Chen kept looking back and forth at his body, and felt very strange. After hearing those medicinal materials, why did Li Zhi look at him with such eyes? Is there anything strange about these medicinal materials? where?

But think about it again, this is what Senior Brother Li Wei told him, and he should not let himself get into trouble. These medicinal materials must be purely used for alchemy. Why did Li Zhi look at him with such strange eyes? What about yourself?

Just when Lu Chen was about to defend himself, Li Zhi suddenly said: "You know that these medicinal materials are extremely difficult to find, what are you looking for them for? I have to understand why you want to find them, so that I can think carefully whether to use them or not. Tell you."

When Lu Chen heard this, "What's so difficult? I'll tell you if it's a big deal, and it's not a big deal. In fact, I've been practicing hard in the art of swordsmanship recently, but I found that the practice is no longer effective, so I thought about relying on alchemy technique to help myself.”

"It just so happened that someone came to teach me, but I needed to find a few medicinal herbs below this level, so I came to look for them, but to no avail, so I can only come to you to inquire."

Without hesitation, Lu Chen told Li Zhi all the facts. After hearing this, Li Zhi hesitated for a moment, thought again and again, and combined the four kinds of medicinal materials together, it is indeed a better medicine list.

It seems that what Lu Chen said is true, so Li Zhi said to Lu Chen: "Okay, it seems that I have to tell you, in fact, the environment in which these four medicinal materials live is different, such as promoting blood circulation and removing stasis. It is suitable for extremely hot places, but the ice silk lotus you mentioned belongs to extremely cold places."

"There is a huge difference between the two. It can be said that if you want to gather these four herbs, you don't just have to search for a few days. It will take thousands of days. Do you want to wait until the thousand days pass before you go?" Alchemy?"

When Lu Chen heard this, he was startled, and it turned out to be like this. Since Li Wei was able to give this medicinal material, he must also know that the regions of these medicinal materials are different, so why did he tell himself?Isn't this intentional to punish yourself?

Lu Chen was puzzled, feeling so unwilling that after spending so much effort, he would get such an answer.

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