Could it be that everyone has worked so hard to sit here and watch for so long, and the final outcome is actually the result of the cancellation of the game?Everyone was a little bit reconciled, after all, they had a player they liked more, and hoped that he could win the championship, but how could the elder's words be easily changed?

What's more, the elder is still angry now. If anyone who is not afraid of death goes up and says such words to the elder, I'm afraid he won't be able to stay in Dongsheng for long. I think everyone feels a little uncomfortable.

But there is no other way, the elder has no way to make up for it now, he can only suspend the game, go back and think about it, what should he do next.

Afterwards, the elder said to everyone in the field: "Since the matter has come to this, I have to go first. I really have no face to see that Dongsheng's students will do such things. What should I do?" Figure it out for yourself."

"And Lu Chen, this matter will be handled by you. Thanks to you who discovered the truth of the matter, this matter will be known to us, so you have credit for this matter. If you want any reward, just Go ahead and talk."

After hearing the elder's words, Lu Chen hesitated for a while. Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu off the field gave Lu Chen some winks. This is an excellent opportunity. Lu Chen has always wanted to I want to seek the scriptures with my big brother, but I can't participate in the competition.

Isn't it an opportunity right now? Now that the elders have started to speak, Lu Chen should also make demands on the elders.Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu were very excited in the audience. They didn't expect to get such an opportunity. Although they were not the two of them, Lu Chen was their brother.

If Lu Chen got this opportunity, the two of them would be so excited. Both of them looked at Lu Chen so obsessively, hoping that he could make a decision as soon as possible.

But who knows, after listening to the elder's words, Lu Chen standing on the stage was depressed, and then he raised his head and said to the elder: "Elder, I didn't do so many things to get any rewards, I just I hope to let everyone know the truth, and then not let everyone be kept in the dark, so I will do this."

"I don't ask for anything in return, so I don't want the rewards you give me. I just hope that there are fewer people like this in Dongsheng Academy. I hope the elders can strengthen management so that such things will happen less. If something happens, I'll be content."

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, the audience was in an uproar. I didn't expect this to happen. When everyone envied Lu Chen very much, Lu Chen would actually say such a thing. After hearing this, everyone cheered up. Applause, the applause instantly surrounded the audience.

When Lu Chen said these words, everyone really admired them very much. They admired a state of five-body surrender. No one thought that Lu Chen could give up such rewards and say such exciting words. It is impossible not to be admired.

And when the elder heard Lu Chen's words, he nodded at Lu Chen, and then said: "Are you sure you don't regret it, I can tell you, this opportunity is relatively rare, if you miss it, it will be gone." .”

The elder actually admired Chase Lu quite a bit. Not everyone has this opportunity, and it doesn't happen anytime, anywhere, but Chase Lu actually left all of these behind.

I hope that I can manage Dongsheng Academy more intensively. It can be seen that he really thinks about Dongsheng Academy in every way. The elder is quite relieved that Dongsheng Academy has such students.

When Lu Chen heard what the elder said, he seemed to have made up his mind, and said firmly to the elder: "When will there be room for change in what I said, Chen Lu? If I say I don't want to, I just don't want to. Thank you, Elder, for your kindness.”

After the elder heard Lu Chen's words, he praised Lu Chen a lot: "You are good, you have backbone, I appreciate students like you, I hope you can help me pay more attention to such students in Dongsheng College in the future. If things happen, I will increase the degree of management as you said."

"I hope you can live up to my entrustment and help me manage the situation in Dongsheng Academy. If you encounter this kind of thing, you don't have to report to me directly and just punish it. This is what I give you privilege."

After hearing the elder's words, Lu Chen immediately thanked the elder. After hearing this, the elder smiled and left the competition field. The elder was very angry before, but now he left with a smile , everyone admired Lu Chen's approach.

But Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu didn't think so. They felt that Lu Chen was just saving face for a while, and they would definitely regret it later. After all, they knew Lu Chen's thoughts.

The three of them had discussed together before, and today they came to this mountain opening ceremony, the ultimate goal is to hope to be able to come out on top and have a discussion with the big brother, but seeing that this idea will become a reality immediately, Lu Chen actually let him fly like this up.

The two really couldn't understand Chase Lu's approach, but what can they do now, the elders have left the venue, and now there are only these people left, so the two had to stand under the stage and sigh.

At this time, Li Wei, who was standing on the side, was also very impressed after hearing Lu Chen's words. Before that, Li Wei felt that Lu Chen was extraordinary, very different from other Dongsheng disciples, and he had a special feeling on his body. And it gives people a particularly comfortable look, and it is also very powerful in terms of strength.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Thinking of this, Li Wei raised his eyes and looked at Lu Chen, as if he had decided something, and immediately nodded, but at this time Lu Chen didn't pay much attention to these things, and didn't even pay attention to them. After that, he immediately looked at those who were discussing in a hurry.

Looking at them, he said: "I hope that all of you will not do such careless things like those people just now. Those are the behaviors of villains. I hope that the disciples in Dongsheng Academy are very friendly. It can't be too selfish, and it can't be filled with so much ambition."

"I hope you will use the kung fu you have learned from cultivation to good use, but not to hurt people, but to practice well and give full play to your mind, but not to use it for intrigue or crooked ways. Everyone should use it on the right path.”

"So I hope you can listen to my words carefully, you should understand, and this matter has already been learned from the past. Now the few people the elder just punished have also taught some lessons. I hope everyone can take good care of me. sucking and sucking."

"Although I, Lu Chen, speak lightly, I still have to tell you about this matter. I hope everyone can understand my painstaking efforts."

After Lu Chen said such words earnestly, there was a sudden silence in the audience. It's not that everyone couldn't understand Lu Chen's words, nor did they think that everyone disagreed with what Lu Chen said, but everyone was suddenly at a loss up.

After listening to Lu Chen's words, everyone felt that Lu Chen was really a good person. He actually thought of Dong Sheng everywhere, and he didn't ask for anything in return. Dong Sheng lacked such talents.

After everyone paused for a while, they suddenly came back to their senses. They were so silent before because they were shocked by what Lu Chen said. Now that they thought about it, they suddenly remembered There was a burst of violent applause, and everyone was cheering for Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen saw the applause given to him by those people off the field, he felt that his efforts were rewarded. Although this was not a material reward, it gave Lu Chen great spiritual support and gave him motivation .

Immediately afterwards, Chase Lu said to everyone: "Okay, now that we have said this, let's disperse, I hope you can firmly remember what I said today, okay, not much to say Said, take a good rest after going back, watched the game for a day today, and I am a little fatigued from scrutiny.”

After Lu Chen said such words to everyone, everyone immediately had a better impression of Lu Chen, while Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu in the audience stared wide-eyed, not daring to Imagine that these words actually came from Lu Chen's mouth.

How could Lu Chen be so caring? Didn't he like to quarrel and tease people before?Why is the Lu Chen in front of him a little different? Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu were completely confused and fell into a mess. They were reluctant to believe that the person in front of them was Lu Chen.

When everyone disbanded and went back to their respective residences or training grounds, Chase Lu stepped off the stage at this time, which means that the game is now officially over, although there cannot be one A happy ending, but through this incident, everyone can also understand something, and even learn a lesson.

Lu Chen walked towards Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu's position, and saw the two of them staring at him dully, Lu Chen shook his hands in front of the two of them, and pointed at the two of them. He said, "What's the matter with you two? Looking at me like this, is there something on my face?"

As soon as Lu Chen said this, Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu immediately ran towards Lu Chen, probed Lu Chen up and down, and groped for something on Lu Chen. Feeling itchy all over, he immediately shook his body.

He gritted his teeth at the two of them and said, "What's the matter with you two? You rubbed against me, did you take the wrong medicine?"

When they heard Lu Chen's angry voice coming from the top of the two people's heads, the two of them walked aside obediently for a moment, and nodded towards each other for a moment. It seems that he is a little puzzled.

He spoke to the two of them again: "What's the matter with you two? Did you really take the wrong medicine, or did you have a fever? You look really suspicious now." Lu Chen finished speaking.

Su Qiong immediately picked up Lu Chen's words and said: "You also said that we took the wrong medicine and had a fever. I think your appearance is suspicious. How did you look on stage just now? It's not the same as usual. "

"If the two of us hadn't heard you yelling at us just now, and the angry look brought us back to our senses, the two of us really thought that you had taken some wrong medicine, or that you were simply It's not Lu Chen anymore."

"You are too strange, why do you want to be a good person today? Is it because of the presence of the elders, so you are taking too much face, or what?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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