Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2639 Exceptional Qualifications

After hearing Su Qiong's words, Lu Chen squinted his eyes halfway. He didn't expect that he had done such a great good thing. The two of them ran over to question him. Lu Chen shook his head immediately, not wanting to pay attention Two fools.

Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen seemed to want to leave, and immediately rushed forward, wanting to question Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, why did you let such a great opportunity go, and you gave up on this opportunity? , your behavior like this is very suspicious, let me tell you, you have to hold on to the opportunity, why do you do this? I really can't figure it out. "

Chi Qianyu still felt that Lu Chen did something wrong with the previous matter, and had always been a little brooding about that matter, but after hearing Chi Qianyu's words, Lu Chen took a look at him.

Immediately, he casually said to Chi Qianyu: "Because I disdain, do you know how embarrassed I was when the elder said that he would give me a reward? If I really accepted any reward, then you know what's going on outside Will someone tell me something?"

"I have worked so hard to find the answer and the evidence, just to make the truth known to the public, but if I really accept the elder's reward, then everyone will think that I am looking for the evidence because I want to get the reward .”

"I don't want everyone to misinterpret my actions, so even if I miss this opportunity, I have no regrets. Can you understand my feelings?"

When Lu Chen finished speaking these words, Chi Qianyu suddenly understood something, and the two of them suddenly followed behind Lu Chen, silently, feeling that the current Lu Chen is really impressive. Strange distressed.

Chase Lu was really brave today, which made the two of them look at each other with admiration. They didn't expect to see Chase Lu like this. The two of them were also very happy. Putting aside these things, Chase Lu is really a great hero today.

Immediately afterwards, everyone was cleaning the venue. At this time, Li Wei suddenly came over and said to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, I quite admire your approach. I didn't expect it to be quite brave." After Li Wei said these words, Lu Chen suddenly felt a little shy, with two blushes on his cheeks.

I didn't expect that the senior brother would praise himself, who is the senior brother?That is an idol that everyone admires very much. To be able to hear him praise himself, Lu Chen was really a little embarrassed, and then he said to Li Wei: "No, I just did what a Dongsheng student should do Well, isn't that what it should be?"

After Lu Chen said this, Li Wei smiled, and then Lu Chen suddenly felt a little embarrassed, because the two hadn't known each other's identity when they were on the back mountain before, so they got along well. It was relatively harmonious, and there was nothing embarrassing about it.

But when Li Wei's identity was announced, Lu Chen felt a little depressed when he stood with him. Maybe it was because the person opposite him was so good. Lu Chen still feels this way now , Even standing in front of Li Wei like this, I still feel that kind of oppressive feeling spontaneously.

As expected, Lu Chen couldn't stand with such an outstanding person, not to mention that the outstanding person was still praising himself just now, and he was suddenly in an embarrassing state. Li Wei could see that he was a little embarrassed.

Just say to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, relax, you can imagine me as an ordinary disciple, just like we were in the back mountain, I don't want to become unfamiliar with you because of my identity , To be honest, I admire what you did just now."

"And I also know that you have some abilities, otherwise the Great Elder wouldn't value you so much. It can be seen that he treats you better, and you must be very good. You can relax, it's okay, we Why are you two talking about estrangement? Don’t you think so? The two of us have experienced it on the back mountain.”

After listening to Li Wei's words, Lu Chen immediately felt a little relieved, and finally he could open up and say something. If Li Wei hadn't persuaded himself to relax, Lu Chen might really have given up because of the other party's status as a big man. resulting in distance.

In fact, Lu Chen still wanted to have a chance to discuss with Li Wei. After all, successful and outstanding people often have their own methods.

But now it can't be as Lu Chen wished. After all, how can the method of Dongsheng disciple be spread as soon as it is spread, not to mention, Lu Chen has already wasted the opportunity just now.

Suddenly, Lu Chen seemed to have thought of something, and he woke up in an instant. He was still in a daze just now, thinking about himself all the time, as if he had forgotten something important. Now Lu Chen suddenly Remember, I still have to find that honest man, hoping to accept him as my little brother.

But just now, he forgot such an important matter, and had such a talk with Su Qiongchi and Qianyu, wasting so much time, how can he find him now.

As soon as the game ended, Lu Chen asked them to go back separately, but Lu Chen didn't know his name, nor where he lived, so what should he do now.

At this time, Li Wei saw Lu Chen's face suddenly changed, and thought that something bad had happened, and immediately asked Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, why did your face become so ugly? What's the matter? Do you need me to help you?"

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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As soon as Li Wei asked these words, Lu Chen immediately waved his hand at Li Wei, with a little panic in his eyes, and immediately said to Li Wei: "No, no, I have nothing to do, I just want to It seems that something has been forgotten, and there is nothing that needs your help."

What's more, you are a busy person, I dare not bother you, senior brother, you should go about your own business, I have something to leave first, so Lu Chen will leave first. "

Lu Chen bowed to Li Wei respectfully, Li Wei nodded, and Lu Chen immediately ran towards the distance impatiently.At this time, Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu followed Lu Chen immediately, both of them were a little at a loss, not knowing why Lu Chen was so impatient, and ran away in a hurry.

And Li Wei was even more puzzled. He wanted to continue talking to Lu Chen, but seeing him like this, he shook his head.

But since he also has something to do, it is inconvenient for me to say more to him. Looking at his disappearing figure, Li Wei just smiled. Anyway, the two of them have a long life, and they can still see each other in the future.

At this time, Lu Chen searched in a panic everywhere, thinking that he hadn't gone far, after all, he had consumed a lot of physical energy in the game just now, not to mention that it wasn't too long before he was disbanded. Long, he should not go anywhere.

Lu Chen searched around like this, and Su Qiong and Chi Qianyu followed. Because of Lu Chen's run just now, the two of them were also chasing. Stretched body, panting heavily.

He shouted at Lu Chen: "Hey, Lu Chen, what are you looking for? You run so fast that you almost can't keep up with you. Tell me, maybe the two of us can help you take it."

When Lu Chen heard Chi Qianyu's words, he thought about it and felt that a person seemed a little confused. Dongsheng College is very big, so how easy is it to find someone?What's more, he was still a person who didn't know his name or where he lived.

So Lu Chen also decided that it would be better to let two people help him find it together, so Lu Chen shouted at Chi Qianyu and Su Qiong who were panting heavily: "I want to find that before, at the end. The person who was judged as a loser in a game, I want to find him, so I hope you two can help me find him."

After Chi Qianyu and Su Qiong heard Lu Chen's words, they looked at each other. Why did Lu Chen want him?The eyes of the two were full of confusion, and Lu Chen could see that the two of them didn't quite understand what they were doing.

He just straight to the point and said to them: "I want to take him in as my younger brother. I think he has extraordinary aptitude and looks like he has great potential. Moreover, he is very kind-hearted. I can tell that. He is very honest, and he will definitely be able to be used by me, such a person will definitely be very loyal."

As soon as these words came out, Chi Qianyu and Su Qiong were even more confused, "What kind of brother are you looking for? Lu Chen, what are you talking about?" After hearing Lu Chen's words, Su Qiong asked Lu Chen also felt a little puzzled, isn't he usually fine?What are you looking for, brother.

At this time, Lu Chen heard what the two of them said, and seeing that they seemed to be chasing after them, he said to the two of them: "I think the power in Dongsheng Academy is better established. Better, this way you can expand and expand your business, and you don’t need me to do everything.”

"I mainly want to find some people to expand my influence within Dongsheng Academy, which can also reduce a lot of trouble."

When the two listened to Lu Chen's words, they also felt that they agreed very much. They immediately nodded at Lu Chen, and decided to listen to Lu Chen's words and help Lu Chen to search for it. The three of them reached an agreement immediately. Once they agree, they split up to find it.

But how can it be found in the huge Dongsheng Academy at once? Lu Chen thought, but suddenly wanted to slap himself. Why didn't he think of this just now? Things were forgotten.

When Lu Chen thought about it, he was very angry with himself, and the little fat sheep who was close to his mouth was just let go. Lu Chen felt this way at this moment.

Now I have to search desperately, and finally found such a younger brother who makes me more satisfied. If I can't make him submit to me smoothly, Lu Chen is really unwilling.

Just when Lu Chen was almost at a loss, suddenly, a figure walked by in front of him. Lu Chen opened his eyes wide and looked forward. He found that the voice was very familiar. He took a look, leaned over and looked, and found that he was right.

That man was the honest man before, and now Lu Chen was thinking about how to strike up a conversation with him. Could it be that he just walked over and asked him if he wanted to be his little brother?This is really inappropriate.

Chase Lu felt that he had to take his time, and maybe he could go out of his way first. Thinking of this, Chase Lu calmed down his emotions a bit, and walked forward slowly and immediately.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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