They really wanted to listen, but at this moment, when the vicious man saw the person coming, he almost fell to the ground, very panicked.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen actually found him. It turned out that this person was the one who handed the honest man water before. What is the composition of the water, everyone will wait and see now.

Lu Chen took the bottle of water in his hand and shouted towards everyone: "The bottle of water in my hand is the evidence. I witnessed the whole process with my own eyes. In the preliminary round, because he himself failed , failing to make it to the finals is blaming the whole thing on the person he was dueling with."

"So I mixed some unknown ingredients into the water, and then gave it to a person, that is, the person standing next to me, and asked him to pass this bottle of water to the honest man who was judged as a failure by you just now. , and after I tested it, I found that this bottle of water is actually mixed with ingredients that have the effect of sleeping, and the dosage is also very large."

"The ingredients of this drug can make people dizzy and feel weak, and more can make people fall into a severe coma or even directly cause death of others, so this drug is very dangerous, but he But blatantly mixed this ingredient into this bottle of water."

"And I asked someone to pretend to be a water delivery person to give it to the honest man who just fought against him. Tell me, don't you believe what I'm saying now?"

"A person like him is too hypocritical. He still dare not admit what he has done. Do you want that honest man to admit what he has experienced today?"

When Lu Chen said this, his emotions were full of excitement, and the honest man in the audience heard a burst of fear in his eyes. He didn't expect that the bottle of water that he was about to drink just now was mixed with Fortunately, I didn't drink it, otherwise the consequences might be very serious.

When he heard Lu Chen speaking for himself, the honest man felt moved for a while. He met Lu Chen by accident, but he didn't expect that Lu Chen would go to great lengths for himself, and even hired these people to act Witness, if he hadn't come out in time to stop him from drinking the bottle of water, he might have fallen to the ground by now.

When the honest man thought about it, he locked his eyes on Lu Chen's face, and when he looked up at Lu Chen, he raised a bright smile. After hearing what Lu Chen said, everyone blamed him one after another. vicious people.

The vicious man suddenly became exhausted all over at this time, fell to the ground, looked at everyone, and said in a low voice: "It wasn't me, I didn't do it, I never did it, he is talking nonsense, you must believe it!" its me."

At this time, everyone would no longer listen to what he said. Immediately afterwards, Chase Lu asked the person who passed the water beside him to speak.

After seeing Lu Chen's instructions, the man said, "I'm very sorry for everyone, and I was also temporarily infatuated, so I helped him do those bad things. Now I will tell the things."

"I hope you don't blame me. It's a good thing he didn't drink that bottle of water just now. Otherwise, my crime would be serious. I hope everyone can forgive me for what I did. I will definitely reform and never make mistakes again. .”

After hearing what the people next to him said, Chen Lu nodded with satisfaction, and then said to everyone in the audience: "I also hope that everyone can forgive these two people. After all, people are driven by interests. It's hard to control your behavior."

"What's more, these people are the targets of this vicious person's perennial bullying. Since he has some brothers in the academy, they do evil everywhere and like to bully students younger than him, and they don't even pay attention to the discipline of the academy. Here, this time, everyone was kept in the dark."

"If I hadn't seen this incident today, I'm afraid this incident would never have been reported, and you have never been able to know the truth, so I hope that after you know the truth, you will not be as selfish as he is, relying on If I have some influence, I will do evil everywhere, and even make small moves behind my back."

"But please forgive the two witnesses around me. I found them before and hoped that they could testify for me. I thought they would definitely refuse, but I didn't expect them to be firm. They immediately agreed with me, because they Afterwards, you have realized your mistake.”

"They felt scared and uneasy, so they came to testify with me. I hope everyone can forgive them. After all, they can bravely stand on the stage and admit the mistakes they made before, and they can reform themselves."

After Chase Lu said these words, a burst of intense applause suddenly came to mind, and everyone immediately shouted at Chase Lu: "Good point." The vicious person looked over and began to accuse.

But the vicious man still refused to admit what he had done at this time, and even wanted to bite Lu Chen, but at this moment Lu Chen suddenly walked towards him, and shouted at him: "It's this time now, and you still dare not admit what you have done."

"I told you that if you told the truth of the matter, I wouldn't let you lose face like this, but now it seems that what I just did is extremely correct, God has eyes for me to see All of your insidious plans will be disrupted by me."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"Let me tell you, people like you are never allowed to exist in our Dongsheng Academy. You are too selfish and ambitious. You don't pay attention to Dongsheng's discipline at all. You don't deserve to be in our Dongsheng Academy." .”

After Lu Chen said these words, there was another uproar in the audience, everyone applauded again, and said to the stage: "Well said, everyone raised their hands in an instant.

He pointed at the stage and said: "Get him out, drive him out" Because of everyone's suggestions, and the elders also heard this kind of statement and then combined it. After actually thinking about it for a while, they felt that this kind of person It's also really horrible.

The elder felt that someone dared to do these things under his nose, not to mention that the elder explained at the very beginning of this game that this game must be fair, just and open, but he did not expect that someone would ignore his own existence, Ignore the rules set up by oneself, and the principle of nothing to win.

Doing such a bad thing really made Dongsheng lose face. Fortunately, this game is an internal game of Dongsheng, and it is not known to outsiders. If there is a competition between various colleges, what happens , then you have to die of shame.

The elder stood up angrily, and began to speak to the audience: "I didn't expect that the matter would turn out like this. If Lu Chen could stand on the stage today and tell the truth about this matter, we Maybe they will all be deceived by him.”

"It turns out how unfair this game was, not just to the person who was defeated just now, but even to all of us. I absolutely will not allow such a thing to happen in our Dongsheng Academy. At the beginning of the game, Everyone remember what I said."

"Our game is about fairness and justice, solidarity and cooperation. It is about finding experience and methods in the game, not intrigue, let alone selfishness, and doing things arbitrarily. Now that this player has violated the rules I said."

"And after this matter was revealed and everything was exposed, he still didn't know how to repent. I even saw that he seemed to be bullying other students in the college all the year round. I don't think such a person deserves to stay in the We are Dongsheng Academy, so I made up my mind to expel him from our academy, and never step in."

"I will never let such a person tarnish the style of study of our college. Our Dongsheng College also has some thresholds, so I hope everyone will abide by the rules in the future, and don't be like him."

After the elder said these words, everyone was silent. They didn't expect the matter to be so serious. The elder was obviously very angry. At this moment, the vicious man suddenly went crazy, shaking his head vigorously, Then the elder shouted: "I don't want the elder, I didn't make the elder, I don't want it, don't drive me away."

After hearing what he said, the elder said: "Through the matter now, you are still stubborn. We, Dongsheng, will not dare to accept such a person in the future. Also, don't think I don't know, what is the reason for you to bully others all the time? For what?"

"There must be some backer behind it. Let me tell you, after this incident, I will definitely search for the facts and the truth behind it. If I find out who it is, then I will definitely punish it severely."

After the elder finished speaking, he waved his sleeves and wanted to leave angrily. At this time, Lu Chen stopped the elder and said to the elder, "Elder, what about his little brothers?" ? How to deal with it?"

After the elder heard this, he glanced at the younger brothers who seemed to be a little flustered in the audience. They looked at the elder and immediately knelt down on the ground, begging for mercy. After seeing them like this, the elder thought about it. Thinking, at least they didn't dare to admit that they did something wrong like that vicious person.

He just said to Lu Chen: "Forget it, I think they know they are wrong now, but since they did something bad, I don't intend to just let it go, let them stay in the academy, I will do it after observing for a while Let’s make a conclusion, if they behaved well during this time, I can spare them, if they continue to do evil, then I will definitely not forgive them lightly.”

After Lu Chen heard it, he was about to say something more, and then the elder started to speak again: "Also, this game is over, I don't have the mood to watch it anymore, now this game is void, it's already like this , I can’t compete with the competition anymore, so let’s stop, after all, if it continues now, it will be unfair to many people, and it’s really uncomfortable to encounter such a thing.”

Lu Chen nodded after hearing this, but those contestants felt that such a decision was really inappropriate. Everyone had fought so hard for so many games, and it was unacceptable to say that it was invalid. How can this be?

Not only the contestants who entered the finals were resisting, but even some people who watched the game from the audience were also resisting. I didn't expect that after watching the game for so long, I would actually make such an own goal after watching the game for a whole day , After watching for so long, I didn't get a result, and was called to stop, and the game was cancelled.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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