Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2533 Gift of the Sword

Chi Qianyu thought about it, and said directly to Lu Chen: "Tell me, why are you looking for me this time?" When Lu Chen heard this, he said to Chi Qianyu: " What? Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? Can't I come to chat with you? Don't you always like to run to my place when you have nothing to do? "

After hearing this, Chi Qianyu smiled, and said to Lu Chen, "I don't believe you, Mr. Lin, you came to me on purpose just to chat with me." Hearing Chi Qianyu's tone, Lu Chen seemed to have confirmed himself There is something to find him.He just said to Chi Qianyu without showing any weakness: "Why is this impossible?"

After hearing this, Chi Qianyu stopped joking at him, and said to Lu Chen directly: "Okay, okay, okay. If you have anything to do, please tell me quickly, otherwise if I have something later If it's something, I don't have much free time to spend here with you."

After listening to it, Lu Chen teased Chi Qianyu: "Why don't I know? What else will you do recently? Before I came to you, I inquired about your recent itinerary one by one. You have nothing to do recently." Chi Qianyu was obviously forced to have nothing to say after hearing this.

Then he directly pointed to Lu Chen, and said falteringly to him: "You, you, me..." After hearing this, Lu Chen felt awkward for a while.Then he said to Chi Qianyu: "Oh, it's okay, it's okay. Stop haggling about you, you, me, me and me. Actually, I came to see you today, and I really have something to tell you. You helped me."

"In the recent period of time, I have also made up all the learning courses that have been left behind. It's just that there is nothing to do in the recent period, but I feel a little idle, and I feel a little bit tired. I'm bored. That's why I want to come to you and ask you to help me supplement my knowledge of kendo."

"After all, you are very good at this aspect. I can't think of other people who can teach me how to learn swordsmanship. The only person who reminds me is you. It just so happens that you are free during this time. So please help me."

In fact, when Lu Chen said these words, he was flattering Chi Qianyu. After all, he still had something to ask of him, so he had to speak nicely.Sure enough, this trick was obviously very effective against Chi Qianyu. When Chi Qianyu heard Lu Chen's flattering words, he became more narcissistic.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Oh, do you still need to say this? I must be the best at this kind of swordsmanship, okay, since you have already told me like this, then I will teach you as hard as I can. After all, who told you to be my brother, although I am very reluctant, but let me teach you like this, it just so happens that I am free recently."

After Chi Qianyu finished talking to Lu Chen in this way, Lu Chen complained about what Chi Qianyu said to him in his heart.But on the surface, he still has to pretend to be very friendly and agree with Chi Qianyu's statement, after all, only in this way can others teach him to learn naturally.

In the next few days, Lu Chen rushed to Chi Qianyu's residence whenever he was free, and listened to him explain some knowledge about swordsmanship.Through the study of the past few days, Lu Chen also got a better understanding of swordsmanship.This study of swordsmanship is divided into three stages, the first is theoretical knowledge, the second is practical operation, and the third is to fight with others to see the improvement of one's own strength.

Now Lu Chen has mastered all the basic knowledge of this sword technique.It turns out that this sword technique is not what Lu Chen had thought in his mind before, it was just dancing around with a sword. He didn't expect that after hearing Chi Qianyu's narration, Lu Chen would reset it in his heart Take a look at my own concept of the way of swordsmanship.

This also refreshed Lu Chen's understanding of kendo.It turns out that the way of swordsmanship in real consciousness is not as simple as dancing around as Lu Chen thought before.There are also several types of kendo. The first is sword dancing. The so-called sword dancing is like martial arts, fighting and killing.

There is also the sword spirit, and the sword spirit is even more rare. If a sword is fully controlled, and if it is operated a little bit and exerts power, it will immediately split into many small swords. Spirit, that is, the form that one sword is divided into three that we often see before, and the continuous division will form countless swords.

Just after Chi Qianyu said this to Lu Chen, Lu Chen was extremely surprised and very emotional.I didn't expect that this kendo is not as simple as I thought before, but I learned this basic knowledge very smoothly.

Chi Qianyu then said to Lu Chen: "Now you have finished learning this basic knowledge, you have learned some functions and methods of kendo, and you have mastered it. Then, the next step is to take you to the formal introduction. Well, let me think about it for a while. , or, tomorrow morning, tomorrow morning we will actually operate it at the pavilion on the mountain, I would like to see how far you can go."

As soon as Chi Qianyu finished speaking, Lu Chen immediately responded, and he was eager to try, very active.Lu Chen seemed more eager, not like the talisman repairer before learning, a little sluggish and lacking energy.

It seems that this kendo is not so boring, but it is very novel.Thinking about it, Lu Chen felt extremely excited in his heart.Afterwards, he returned to his residence, and before reviewing the knowledge Chi Qianyu had taught him several times, he went back to his bed and took a rest.

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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After all, it is more difficult to learn how to dance swords and divide swords, and it also consumes a lot of physical energy.So Lu Chen decided to take a break and increase his physical strength, so that the effect tomorrow will be more obvious.

Early the next morning, after Lu Chen packed his things, he rushed to Chi Qianyu's residence to find Chi Qianyu, and asked him to lead him to the place agreed with him.After all, there are too many hills, and Chase Lu doesn't know which one it is.

Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen was coming towards him early in the morning, so he cleaned up early and took Lu Chen to the hill for actual operations.Then Chi Qianyu took Lu Chen to a pavilion on the hill, where he discussed with Lu Chen the actual operation method of this kendo and some knowledge.

Lu Chen stayed aside and listened obediently, but Chi Qianyu glanced at Lu Chen and probed up and down, but there was one place that made him feel a little awkward, so he yelled at Lu Chen: "Hey, Lu Chen , where is your sword?" When Lu Chen heard this, he took out the sword he carried with him.

However, Chi Qianyu glanced up and down, only to find that the sword was not sharp at all, and had no lethality.He just said to Lu Chen: "Is this still a sword? I see, your sword can't hurt anyone at all. Forget it, just treat me as merciful. I just happen to have a good one." Good sword, haven’t used it yet, I’ll give it to you now.”

Then he found a sword from his luggage and handed it to Lu Chen.When Lu Chen saw the sword, he was moved for a while. He never thought that Chi Qianyu would give him such a good sword.When Lu Chen saw it, he happily took the sword that Chi Qianyu handed to him.

Afterwards, dragging the scabbard, Lu Chen pulled out the sword, and the luster of the sword shone instantly. The sharp tip made Lu Chen a little obsessed, and there was such an exquisite sword.After Lu Chen saw it, he didn't like it very much, not to mention that he would use this sword for himself in the future, so Lu Chen was a little happy.

Chi Qianyu, who was on the side, also felt happy after seeing Lu Chen's appearance. The sword he gave as a gift, if Lu Chen likes it, it couldn't be better.Then back to the topic, Chi Qianyu stood in front of Lu Chen.

Explaining to him: "Next, you will use this sword to actually operate it, but you must remember to be careful, because this sword is really sharp, and it is indeed not suitable for novices. Get started, but I don't think it's too much to use it on you. After all, you have learned some sword skills before. Using this sharp sword will speed up your own learning progress, but, You'd better be careful."

After listening to his instructions, Lu Chen nodded at Chi Qianyu.Seeing this, Chi Qianyu immediately said some sword moves that Lu Chen wanted to complete: "First of all, uh, you have to learn how to dance the sword, and the aspect of sword dancing is relatively simple in the whole way of swordsmanship." , In this way, um, you sit here first, I will show you first, you must firmly remember my movements, wait a moment, you have to follow my example and complete these movements step by step .”

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt that there was no difficulty. After all, he was very good at imitating this.Lu Chen sat down obediently, and Chi Qianyu took the sword he was carrying with him, and came to Lu Chen, dancing in front of him.

Chi Qianyu pulled out the sword from his hand, and then danced it at an extremely fast speed. In an instant, dust flew up on the ground, and the peach blossoms on the peach tree beside him also swayed down like rain one after another. Overnight, the entire hill looks much more beautiful than before, and it looks very artistic.

Lu Chen was on the side, watching Chi Qianyu's movements with the fastest reaction speed, but felt that his eyes were already overwhelmed.After all, Chi Qianyu moved so quickly that Lu Chen couldn't catch all his movements at all.

It seemed a little helpless, and then Chi Qianyu's movements gradually slowed down, only to see that as soon as his movements stopped, those peach petals that were being scattered turned into powder in an instant, and sprinkled on the land.Seeing this, Lu Chen subconsciously stretched out his hands and applauded.

He didn't expect that Chi Qianyu would have such a profound skill that he couldn't usually see.Seeing that Lu Chen couldn't help but applaud himself, Chi Qianyu also bragged about it in front of him, only to see him walking towards Lu Chen, and said to Lu Chen: "Oh, it's just a small scene, I will This sword dance is still the most basic, so you must learn it from me."

After listening to Lu Chen, he couldn't help complaining in his heart, but remembering what Chi Qianyu said to himself before to imitate his movements, Lu Chen was very resistant in his heart.After all, I didn't see all his movements clearly just now, so I couldn't imitate them.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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