Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2534 Rescue

Then Lu Chen looked up and stood up. Seeing his helpless look, Chi Qianyu felt that something was wrong, but heard Lu Chen lightly said to Chi Qianyu: "I tell you, You moved too fast just now, and I simply didn't remember everything clearly, so I couldn't imitate this imitation at all."

After saying these words, Lu Chen went straight to the small pavilion, and after hearing these words, Chi Qianyu seemed a little dull.Unexpectedly, these words would actually come from Lu Chen's mouth, because in Chi Qianyu's heart, Lu Chen has always been relatively arrogant, and would never tell himself some things that he could not accomplish.

So, Chi Qianyu turned around and followed Lu Chen to the small pavilion, only to see Lu Chen sitting beside the pavilion without speaking.Chi Qianyu saw that he was a little embarrassed now, so he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, okay, since you can't imitate it, then let's forget about it, well, maybe my progress is faster, so you It’s normal to not keep up.”

"If not, let's consolidate and discuss the knowledge of kendo, how about it? Then there is nothing you can do if you can't practice it, but after all, we have come to this hill now, and we can't just go back without gaining anything." , Are you right?" Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen with an elder tone.

After Lu Chen heard this, he nodded at Chi Qianyu, and then the two discussed the way of swordsmanship in the pavilion on the hill.But there was a voice that interrupted the discussion between Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu.

I only saw a fat figure running towards Lu Chen in a hurry, and he was still saying Brother Lu Chen, Senior Brother Lu Chen.As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he signaled Chi Qianyu not to continue explaining to him, because it seemed that someone was looking for him.

When the man came to the front of the small pavilion, he put his hands in front of his knees out of breath, and said to Lu Chen: "I found you, I listened to people, and they all said You are here to study with Senior Brother Qian Yu, so I came here to find you."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was puzzled, because he didn't know the panting person in front of him at all, and he didn't feel that he looked familiar.Then he asked: "Student, do I know you? What is the purpose of you coming to see me?"

The student who hurried over just now said to Lu Chen after hearing this: "Brother, something is wrong!"

After the student finished speaking, he glanced at Chi Qianyu behind Chen Lu.

After listening to it, Lu Chen understood a little bit, and then motioned to the student to say, "It's okay, the relationship between Chi Qianyu and me is very special. If you have anything to say here, it doesn't matter if he's on the sidelines." .”

"Someone wants to harm your power!"

"It's not good for my power?" Lu Chen was half stunned in an instant. The group of people in Xuanwu Continent seem to have no acquaintances in Dongsheng here!

It can be seen that the tone and demeanor of the person who talked to Lu Chen did not seem to be lying to Lu Chen!

"Little brother, don't you spread the wrong word? Who dares to move my power? You are joking with me." Sitting in the pavilion, Lu Chen calmly faced the anxious man just now. said the student.

And after the student heard that Lu Chen didn't trust him, he quickly stood in front of Lu Chen and grabbed Lu Chen's sleeve.

As soon as Lu Chen realized it, he saw the student looking very flustered.

He looked terribly nervous, and said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu Chen, I am really reporting the truth to you. If you don't believe me anymore and go to save your power, then maybe your power will really be destroyed. re-existed."

After hearing these words, Lu Chen immediately stood up, pulled back the sleeve that was held by the student, and was stunned.

He thought about it carefully, but frowned again, thinking about his power in this area.But Chase Lu thought for a long time, but he didn't find any omissions.

Since I came to Dongsheng, I have hardly talked with others. What kind of influence did I bring here.

Now, how can anyone know their power?Could it be?Lu Chen suddenly thought for a moment, but shook his head firmly.

Immediately, looking around, the student who looked a little flustered and anxious in front of him was stunned, and then sat up again.

Chase Lu thought that the person who appeared suddenly might be his enemy.Besides, I don't have any familiarity with him, maybe this is a trap, clearly letting me jump into it.

Suddenly, Chase Lu frowned, pointed directly at the student who looked a little embarrassed on the ground, and said, "Since you said that someone is going to harm my power, then I want to ask you, what evidence can you come up with?" Come to convince me to believe you? If you are telling lies, then I will follow you to rescue, and I will fall into your trap."

After Lu Chen finished speaking to him, he walked out of the small pavilion. Afterwards, Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen had withdrawn and left, so he turned to follow. The student saw that both of them were about to leave his sight, Then he ran over in a panic, stopped Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu,

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Seeing this, Lu Chen frowned.Unexpectedly, this person would dare to stop him, and then he shook his sleeve at him.

He said to him angrily: "Little brother, don't continue chasing after me. I have already said that if you want me to rescue you, then you have to produce evidence. If you can't We won’t believe the evidence. Let’s go first, and if we think about it again, if we can convince you, then we will go to the rescue.”

What Lu Chen said was actually reasonable. After all, no one could be convinced by what he said.What's more, this Chen Lu had already planned. After coming to Dongsheng, he didn't tell others that he still had some power in this Dongsheng Academy.

Except for Bai Yu, Chi Qianyu, and Su Qiong and the others who knew it, the others had no way of knowing it.

However, after the man listened to what was said to him, he still didn't show any intention of leaving.Afterwards, that person said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu Chen, it's not that I don't want to give you evidence, it's just that because of the sudden incident, someone entrusted me to come to you for help, but they didn't bring any evidence. The proof is there."

"If you still don't believe me, you can go find out my identity. But now, things are more difficult, so I must ask you, and you must follow me to rescue.

Lu Chen stood there straight and listened to the man's narration.Then he took a look at him and saw that his eyes were full of anxiety, and his body was still trembling faintly.Judging from his expression and appearance, Lu Chen felt that he should not lie to himself.

However, how could one's own forces not know the situation? If someone wanted to harm them, then he should be the first to be notified.How could it be possible that someone he didn't know would notify him to rescue him?After listening to the man's words, Lu Chen also relaxed his eyebrows,

Then he said to him: "If this is the case, why don't you tell me who entrusted you to find me. If I really know that person, I am willing to go with you. "

After the man heard this, some excited factors were mixed in the anxious and flustered eyes, and then he said excitedly to Lu Chen loudly: "I am entrusted by Senior Brother Xu Feiyang to come to you and help them. Brother Lu Chen, you should know Xu Feiyang very well."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was a little dazed, and he didn't have Xu Feiyang in his impression, which was also very strange.Although Lu Chen couldn't remember knowing this person, he always felt that there was such an awkward and strange feeling in his heart.

"Senior brother Chen Lu, senior brother Chen Lu, do you remember?" Seeing that Chen Lu didn't answer him for a long time, the man asked Chase Lu again.A scene suddenly appeared in Lu Chen's mind, but he couldn't think of anything. This scene was very familiar to Lu Chen, so he felt a little headache.

Facing the man's question, Chase Lu raised his hand and waved him once to signal him, saying, "Wait a minute, let me think about it." Then Chase Lu thought for a while, and the scene in his mind suddenly gradually became clear After getting up, after Lu Chen thought for a while, he finally understood something, and Lu Chen was also slowly relieved.

Because the scene just now was a scene where he was training some disciples, through the scene he recalled just now, Lu Chen remembered what happened to him after he came to Dongsheng.

At that time, Lu Chen had just arrived. Although he came here with the forces of Xuanwu Continent, those forces had followed Lu Chen for a long time, and they were not very familiar with the things in Dongsheng.Lu Chen thought that it might be difficult to gain a foothold in Dongsheng, but one day, he met a little brother named Xu Feiyang, who was a student of Dongsheng and someone who knew the terrain better.

Lu Chen made friends with him and established a good relationship.Suddenly, Chase Lu thought that he might be able to set up his own small power in Dongsheng. After he settled the power on the Xuanwu Continent, he also established such a small power smoothly, and It was also handed over to Xu Feiyang to manage and help him.

It's just that this matter has passed, and it's been a long time.Lu Chen also wanted to govern his own forces in the Xuanwu Continent, so he had no time to manage that small force. After the full power was handed over to Xu Feiyang to manage, he completely let go.

Later, Chase Lu often received tasks and went to various places for training, and because of his own course study, some things explained by the elders, and participating in secret realms and various competitions, he was also busy. Desperate.What's more, I can't remember the little faction I founded before.

Lu Chen finally rang. After all, when he just heard the name Xu Feiyang, his heart was still itchy. Although he didn't remember it completely, he still felt a little strange.In this way, everything this person said to himself may be true.

After all, such a small force will be threatened by others, and it is very understandable to be targeted.However, looking back, some fog has not been lifted layer by layer.It seems that everything this small force has experienced is related to Chase Lu himself.

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