Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2532 Arrogant and Domineering

It was found that all the staff had arrived, and I was the only one left.

When Lu Chen first entered, everyone stared at Lu Chen intently.

Lu Chen didn't know, did he get something on his face?

He just sat back in his seat and hurriedly looked at what kind of thing was on his face, only to find that his face was very clean and there was nothing dirty about it.

Lu Chen was a little confused, and then he began to observe the students around him, only to find that they were still staring at him closely.

But there was no repulsion in those eyes, Chase Lu really couldn't figure it out, even if he tried his best, he couldn't figure out why their attitudes would take an eighteen-way turn towards him.

Finally, this doubt was not explained until Lu Chen got out of class.

After Chi Qianyu finished class, she immediately walked to Lu Chen's desk, and said to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, where have you been these few days?"

After hearing this, Lu Chen raised his eyes to look at Chi Qianyu, and said to him: "I have something to do these days, so I'm going out.

what happened?

Don't you miss me? "

Lu Chen started teasing Chi Qianyu without saying a word.

Chi Qianyu pretended to be shy after hearing this, and lay lazily on Lu Chen's desk.

Said to Lu Chen: "You don't know how much Bai Yu, Zhan Hong, Su Qiong and I have made great contributions to you during the time you left."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was very puzzled, not understanding what nonsense Chi Qianyu was talking about, so he asked Chi Qianyu with a look of doubt: "What did you say?

What did you guys do while I was away? "

After Chi Qianyu finished listening, he said to Lu Chen in a particularly soothing state: "Oh, don't be too nervous, don't press me like a prisoner, I just helped you a little , During the time you left, I called, Su Qiong and Bai Yu to discuss countermeasures."

"After all, there are not a few malicious targets against you in the academy. We want to let them know your strength, let them truly believe in you, stop targeting you, and suppress them a little, that is, go out and follow They challenged it, but they didn't expect that those people were a bunch of rookies."

"We were knocked down by a group of people within two strokes, and then we said something arrogant to them. In fact, the content was nothing more than that you can't even beat us, and you said that Lu Chen's strength is so weak , they were beaten a little by us, so they no longer continue to target you, after all, their strength is just like that, if they speak ill of you to others, then they will actually be insulted by others .”

After Lu Chen heard this, his inner thoughts swept over like a flood, with a lot of thoughts.

Lu Chen paused, words of gratitude flooded into his heart, and then he said to Chi Qianyu: "Okay, Chi Qianyu, I really don't regret it, I made a friend like you."

"At the critical moment, it has to be you people who come out to rescue me. Let me just say, why did some of these students treat me differently during the time I was out? It turns out that it was you people. , helped me behind the scenes."

Afterwards, Lu Chen raised his hand and clenched it into a fist, and hit Chi Qianyu hard on the shoulder.

After Chi Qianyu heard what Lu Chen said, he explained to Lu Chen again: "Actually, we just did some small things secretly in the middle, and what really worked was actually leaf."

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt a little curious. When he heard Chi Qianyu talking about Ye Zi, his eyes were full of admiration.

Lu Chen was even more puzzled. When Chi Qianyu actually stopped being so conflicted when he talked about Ye Zi, he wanted to hear what he said next.

After Chi Qianyu saw Lu Chen looking at him with curious eyes, he no longer tested Lu Chen's patience, so he directly said to Lu Chen: "Don't look at me like this, although I hate it. Ye Zi, and she is particularly dissatisfied with her, but after this incident, I have no choice but to convince me."

"Because the action she made really made me feel that I should treat her a little better.

do you know?

On the second day after you left, Ye Zi immediately summoned many Dongsheng students and issued a statement, claiming that your strength is very strong, and you may even surpass her rhythm, and when she serves as your leader During this period of assisting the tutor, I discovered that you have many abilities, and some abilities that others cannot compare with you at all. "

"So it's understandable that she fell to the first place in the Dongsheng Tian Ranking this time.

She lost willingly and was convinced. Therefore, after she said these things and the statement, Dongsheng's students also believed in your strength. After all, this leaf has always been in Dongsheng College. Word of mouth is not very good.

In other people's hearts, she gave people the feeling of being arrogant and domineering. "

"No one thought that such an arrogant and domineering person would take the initiative to explain it to you.

Everyone also believed what she said. Just this time, student Dongsheng stopped targeting you. She made a lot of statements. Therefore, most of the current situation is actually her contribution . "

After listening to Lu Chen, he was completely at a loss. After hearing Chi Qianyu's words, Lu Chen was a little confused.

No one thought that Ye Zi, who had always been arrogant and domineering, would actually help him so much behind his back.

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If Chi Qianyu hadn't said such things to himself today, Lu Chen really still couldn't understand the reason for this matter.

Thinking about this matter, Lu Chen didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Seeing this, Chi Qianyu patted his desktop. After hearing the loud noise, Lu Chen was also in a daze for a while, and finally came back to his senses.

Afterwards, Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen: "Now you should quickly sort out your emotions. The next lesson is about to start. You must study hard and cheer up. Don't delay this precious time. A chance to learn."

When Chi Qianyu finished speaking, he was full of expectations for Lu Chen.

Lu Chen looked at Chi Qianyu.

After listening, she nodded heavily at him.

Then Chi Qianyu returned to his seat, and not long after, the class bell rang again.

Immediately afterwards, the leaves came towards them.

After all, Ye Zi is still their tutor now, and also serves as the tutor of the subject of talisman repair.

After Ye Zi walked in, Lu Chen's eyes never took off from her.

Ye Zi felt someone's gaze on her, and followed her the whole way, so she looked down.

But he found that Lu Chen who was sitting on the side was particularly conspicuous, and his gaze was on himself.

Ye Zi was a little confused, and looked towards Lu Chen. When Lu Chen saw Ye Zi looking at him, he responded and gave her a smile. After all, Ye Zi would help him in secret. thanks.

Seeing Lu Chen smiling at herself suddenly, Ye Zi didn't understand, but a blush quickly flew across her face, which showed that she was shy.

Although Chase Lu just smiled at himself now, it did make Ye Zi shy for a while.

No one thought that Ye Zi, who was arrogant and domineering in Dongsheng Academy before, would be shy for so long because of a smile.

But the course still had to be taken after all, and it couldn't be because of personal reasons that delayed everyone's progress, Ye Zi quickly withdrew her personal emotions, and quickly started the course.

Everyone took enough notes below and listened carefully to Ye Zi's explanation, and they didn't hate Ye Zi as much as before.

After all, after getting along with each other in the past few days, I realized that Ye Zi is actually a likable person, so I no longer reject her.

In recent days, since Lu Chen returned to Dongsheng Academy, he hasn't stopped.

I have been busy studying, learning new knowledge, and learning some Taoism that I have not yet mastered.

Lu Chen has been running around non-stop. After all, he followed Ye Zi a few days ago, left Dongsheng together, went to the city of talisman repair, and participated in the Dao Discussion Conference, but he missed many internal courses of the college.

So now that I have returned to Dongsheng College, I must catch up with the progress of other students.

Therefore, Chase Lu has to supplement all the courses that he left behind one by one, and the recent days will appear to be relatively busy.

Some Dongsheng students were also more enthusiastic. Knowing that Lu Chen was making up for previous courses recently, they borrowed all their notes from Lu Chen.

Seeing this, Lu Chen was very moved.

Although it is just a few notebooks, it reflects that the relationship between Dongsheng and the students is also very good, very united and harmonious.

After being busy for a while, Chase Lu finally consolidated all the knowledge content of the courses he left behind.

However, it seems that I have nothing to do now. After all, I can't help myself to search for the mysterious forces. With the help of the Lord of Thunder silently behind him, Lu Chen gradually became idle.

Now there is no task for Chase Lu to complete, and then Chase Lu returned to his residence and began to rest.

However, the next few days were also particularly boring, with nothing to do.

Lu Chen had many ideas.

Lu Chen thought, anyway, there is nothing to do during this period of time, so he wants to learn some more, learning the Taoism that he has not touched before.

Lu Chen thought, he had already majored in a Taoism before, and now he has also learned a variety of array layouts, and he has also followed Ye Zi to learn talisman repair, so what else can he not know now?

Lu Chen thought carefully for a moment, and immediately came to a conclusion.

Before, Chi Qianyu had said that he would take Lu Chen to learn his kendo knowledge, but because Lu Chen was too busy before, he casually agreed to Chi Qianyu.

He never asked Chi Qianyu to teach him. It just so happened that he had nothing to do now, and Chi Qianyu didn't seem to have anything to do. Both of them had free time.

Lu Chen thought that it would be better to take advantage of this time to find Chi Qianyu to explore the knowledge of kendo, and let him guide him to get started.

Thinking that Lu Chen was looking for Chi Qianyu, Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen who suddenly looked for him, showing his doubts on his face.

Generally speaking, Lu Chen would come to look for himself if he had nothing to do, maybe Lu Chen came to look for himself, then there was something wrong.

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