Junior Pharmacist

Familiar power

Even so, Lu Chen was still a little afraid, afraid that his wife would be discovered by those who wanted to target him. Danger.

Lu Chen himself is not worried about himself, but his family and friends, because if some evil forces want to really threaten Lu Chen, they will inevitably start with his family and friends.

Lu Chen thought about this, so without hesitation, he wanted to continue the unfinished search for the mysterious force, because this force posed a greater threat to Lu Chen.

For the previous black shadow incident and the incident of those killers, Chase Lu had to, must find them.

Because they were in the dark, and Lu Chen himself was in the light, forming such a division, so that Lu Chen is now gradually forced to be at a disadvantage.

Chase Lu had to notice them immediately.

Afterwards, Lu Chen urgently called Chi Qianyu, Bai Yuzhanhong, Su Qiong and others to hold a secret meeting.

And to give everyone the order he gave, that is to help him thoroughly investigate this mysterious force. Fortunately, everyone believes in Lu Chen more, and they also have a certain friendship with Lu Chen. They are all friends, so they are very happy. After hearing Lu Chen's order, the people who were willing to help Lu Chen hurriedly searched carefully.

And Lu Chen himself was also non-stop, and made an appointment with Li Zhi, the elder of Zangshuge, to explore together. I hope this mysterious black group can help him. After all, Zangshuge, Elder Li Zhi's knowledge is richer and more experienced than Lu Chen's.

Since there are many things recorded in Zangshu Pavilion, Li Zhi must know all of them. Lu Chen felt that it was right to find Li Zhi, and everyone fell into a busy life afterwards.

Everyone listened to Chase Lu's orders and completed their tasks one by one.

And Chase Lu himself was talking about some boring books with Li Zhi in Zangshu Pavilion every day. Chase Lu seemed to doubt himself a little, whether he was looking for the wrong person.

Every day when I was with Li Zhi, I was discussing knowledge about books, and there was no news about any mysterious black group.

However, it is obvious that there is no plan that Lu Chen wants in Zangshu Pavilion, but Li Zhi said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, you have to calm down when doing anything, not to say that you can finish it in a hurry, I will Now I am teaching you some basic knowledge, which will help you to find their special black group, so, just stay honest for a while, and then you will understand what I have done .”

After hearing this, Lu Chen had to accept Li Zhi's statement. After all, Li Zhi was a senior with high qualifications, and Lu Chen had no reason not to listen to what he said.

In addition, this mysterious black substance Lu Chen really has nothing to do with it, and he can only return to his cave first after he has no choice.

??????????????? Looking at the simple hut in front of him, Lu Chen couldn't help but smile.

Counting the time, Lu Chen has stayed in Dongsheng for a long time, but Lu Chen usually either stays in the small world to practice, or goes to the Buddhist scripture pavilion to check books. not much.

Except for Su Qiong Baiyu and a few familiar people, Lu Chen really didn't know anyone here in Dongsheng.

However, Lu Chen didn't care about it. As long as there are a few like-minded friends, the so-called cultivation path is enough.

Lu Chen smiled, and walked into his nest slowly.

Just halfway there, Lu Chen frowned suddenly.

"This is?"

Lu Chen slowly looked at the restriction of his hut, with some doubts in his eyes.

With a light move of his hand, Lu Chen's hand suddenly had a little more blue light.

After Lu Chen probed with his divine sense, he discovered the mystery of this.

"Look at this old man's strength has improved a lot!"

It turned out that this small brilliance was actually a message from the Lord Thunder, asking Lu Chen to tell him now.

Looking at the message, I found that the tone inside was rather anxious, and I planned to rush over.

However, Lu Chen was a little puzzled. The Lord of Thunder is still on the east coast at the moment, so how can he tell himself?

However, it turned out that Lu Chen was just worrying too much. There was only a surge of fluctuations, and a small silver door opened beside Lu Chen.

Lu Chen didn't even need to look, he knew who the person next to him was just by perception.

This familiar force was obviously an old acquaintance that Lu Chen hadn't seen for a long time-Space Lord.

The Holy Master of Space smiled, but waved to Lu Chen inside the door.

His move was also out of helplessness. Although he could connect this space, the real boss of Dongsheng also discovered his existence at the same time.

The Holy Master of Space knew in his heart that if he had any slight movement, it might be because his head was in a different place.

Looking at the appearance of the Holy Lord of Space, Lu Chen understood instantly, and walked in calmly.

Obviously, Dongsheng also sold Lu Chen a small face, otherwise the space lord might have died halfway through.

Lu Chen followed the Space Lord to the small space he opened.

Seeing that Lu Chen finally came, Lord Thunder smiled in relief.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Seeing the delicate expression of the Thunder Lord, accompanied by a touch of anxiety, Lu Chen understood that this matter must not be easy.

Otherwise, why would the Lord of Thunder summon him so urgently.

Lord Thunder was sitting on top of his throne, and Chase Lu just stood under him.

Then the Thunder Lord immediately stood up from the throne, looked down at Lu Chen and said to him: "Today, I summoned you so urgently, there is one thing I have to tell you, because of this The matter is very urgent, and it even concerns the entire Xuanwu Continent, as well as your safety."

After finishing speaking, Holy Master Thunder frowned.

Lu Chen was a little unclear why the Thunder Lord described things so horribly, because the Thunder Lord had always been relatively calm in Lu Chen's heart, and he was very relaxed and soothing every day. There is still such an anxious side, which inevitably makes Lu Chen realize the seriousness of the matter.

Then he raised his head and asked Holy Master Thunder, "Dare to ask Holy Master, what kind of thing is that, he will make you so nervous and call me over urgently."

Upon hearing this, the Thunder Lord walked slowly towards Lu Chen, and came to Lu Chen's side step by step, and walked straight facing him.

Seriously said to Lu Chen: "Actually, I only got the news a few days ago. Some of the eyeliners I sent were in this Xuanwu Continent, and all the places were investigated separately. As a result, the news he conveyed to me recently is Speaking of the recent unrest in the Xuanwu Continent, it seems that there are some disturbances."

"Afterwards, I went to inquire about it myself, only to find that a particularly mysterious force popped up around here.

And this force is also very powerful. I have searched a lot of news, but I have not been able to find their specific location and their internal details, and I think this force will definitely turn the Xuanwu Continent upside down, so I have to Those who want to find you, want to ask you, what is the best way to force out this force. "

After Lu Chen heard this, he suddenly realized.

It turned out that the Holy Lord of Thunder called him over because he was also having a headache because of the mysterious force.

But it happened that Lu Chen himself couldn't solve this mystery, so he couldn't just agree to the Thunder Lord casually.

Then he said to the Thunder Lord: "To tell you the truth, I was actually attacked by some mysterious forces in the past few days. Although there were some collisions with me, the mysterious people behind them were I have never had a formal meeting with me, so I don't know much about it."

"I only know that when I fought against them, I found that even their killers and some men in black had been trained in advance? The strength is not much different at all, so I think this force must be from before. We have made sufficient preparations, and now is the time to plan to deal with us."

"After I went back to Dongsheng these days, I kept searching for information about the mysterious forces, but I found nothing. From this aspect, the forces must have a super level and strength. How could they do such a thing?" No water leaks, no trace left when people check.”

After the Thunder Lord heard this, his face changed drastically.

Unexpectedly, Chase Lu, who has always been more capable, would say these words to himself.

However, since Lu Chen himself said that he could not find out the news of the mysterious force, the Thunder Lord could not just force Lu Chen like this.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "That's fine, since you can't find out about the mysterious forces, then let me handle this matter, and I'll go find some news about them. I have to worry about the safety of Xuanwu's entire continent and many people."

"Then Lu Chen, you should stop inquiring about the whereabouts of this mysterious force for a while, and leave everything to me. You should pay close attention to your cultivation during this time, and you have to be in the Dongsheng Academy. , study the courses in them carefully, since you have no idea, then I will check it later."

After hearing this, Lu Chen glanced at the Thunder Lord. The Thunder Lord's expression was so decisive, just like the one he said he must investigate to the end, but now he seemed a little discouraged, Lu Chen Do you think that the Lord of Thunder may not be able to find out? So he shook his head self-servingly.

But he couldn't say it out to attack the Lord of Thunder. Now that there is someone who can help him find out the news of the mysterious force in secret, then Lu Chen readily accepted it.

Now that he has returned to this sect, Lu Chen will naturally not sneak back after staying for a while foolishly, and seize the time to accompany Jiang Xinyue, for fear that he will be angry.

However, in order to prevent suspicion from above, Lu Chen didn't stay long and returned to Dongsheng.

Lu Chen thought about speeding up his pace and returning to Dongsheng Academy to avoid being slandered by others and framing him for what he did outside.

When Lu Chen returned to Dongsheng, he was surprised to find that the interior of Dongsheng had been calm recently, without any signs of chaos, which could not be compared with when Lu Chen had just left.

Lu Chen was very curious, what kind of things happened during the period when he left Dongsheng and rushed to the Thunder Lord, so that these people who were targeting him could shut up.

Lu Chen was a little puzzled, so he returned to his residence.

Then, I took a rest for a while, and when I recharged my batteries and felt that my physical strength and energy had recovered, I went to the classroom where I was studying the course.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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