Lu Chen thought, or wait until everyone is busy with the internal affairs of Dongsheng Academy, and then investigate this unknown mysterious force together.

After all, I can't complete this arduous task by myself.

After that, Lu Chen went to look for Chi Qianyu, and he came to Chi Qianyu's residence.

Chi Qianyu was studying something carefully inside, and as soon as Lu Chen entered, he saw Chi Qianyu looked very serious.

Then he knocked on the door, and when Chi Qianyu saw that Lu Chen would take the initiative to come to his residence to look for him, he was also taken aback, because usually he went to look for Lu Chen by himself.

It is rare for Lu Chen to take the initiative to look for himself once, and he understands that there must be something he needs his help for.

He teased Lu Chen and said, "Hey, you are really a rare visitor. I have never seen you come to my place. What happened today?

Is the sun out in the west? "

Lu Chen felt a little embarrassed when he said this.

Lying at the door, he said to Chi Qianyu: "Actually, you should know what I'm here for. You saw it a few days ago. I can't just sit idly by and ignore the affairs of those killers.

Besides, they are also targeting me personally, I have to find out, if I can't find out, I can't rest in peace all night.

Qian Yu, please help me, I am really powerless by myself. "

Lu Chen begged Chi Qianyu, and after Chi Qianyu heard it, he looked indifferent.

Then he looked down at Chen Lu from a high position, and joked, "Hey, why did Mr. Chen Lu, who has always been so proud, come to me begging for mercy in such a low voice?"

Chi Qianyu obviously knew that Lu Chen asked him for that matter, but he still couldn't help but want to make fun of Lu Chen.

When Lu Chen saw this, he said directly to Chi Qianyu: "Come on, you just say a word, will you help my brother or not?"

As soon as Lu Chen finished speaking, Chi Qianyu immediately became serious, and said to Lu Chen: "I actually have a feeling that I hope to see the result of this matter, after all, this matter is quite strange.

You have never offended anyone on the road, why they would hold you tightly, I always can't understand this point, forget it, I will help you, who made you my good brother Woolen cloth. "

After finishing speaking, Chi Qianyu put his arm on Lu Chen's shoulder habitually. This time, Lu Chen didn't dislike him as much as before, and wanted to push him away.

Instead, he took his own hand and put it on Chi Qianyu's shoulder. The two of them looked at each other, and the affection in it became stronger and stronger.

In the next few days, Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen were deliberating over that force, and they both wanted to find some forces that used worms and self-destruct forces in the classics, and wanted to get some clues from them.

But in the end, they got nothing at all.

Lu Chen was obviously a little discouraged. The result of his own search before was like this, but he didn't expect that after a search with Chi Qianyu, it was still the same result.

Then I wondered if this organization was a special kind of mystery that couldn't be found at all.

Afterwards, Lu Chen thought of a way and wanted to continue to inquire.

But so far, there is definitely no way for Chase Lu to find out, so he put down what he was doing, and said to Chi Qianyu: "It's better not to inquire about anything in the recent period, the news that the outside world has specially sealed up and this mysterious organization, Just go back and rest for a while, and then save your energy to continue and devote yourself to this search.”

After hearing this, Chi Qianyu nodded in agreement. After all, they were a little tired from searching for information and looking for some clues these days, so they didn't say anything more.

After that, he returned to his residence, and Lu Chen was no longer as lost and sad as before.

He wanted to take advantage of this time to gather his spirits and find other people to help him solve this mystery, "Wow, Lu Chen, Lu Chen" suddenly there was a loud voice outside the door of Lu Chen's dormitory, Woke Lu Chen up for a while.

Lu Chen didn't know that someone would disturb him at this time, so he rushed to the door angrily, wanting to see who it was.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Lu Chen opened the door, he found that the man was Su Qiong.

Lu Chen knew it, and immediately closed the door. After all, this Su Qiong had always been a big mouth in Lu Chen's heart.

Lu Chen didn't want to listen any more, he was talking gossip.

However, when Lu Chen wanted to reach out to close the door, Su Qiong stopped him.

Su Qiong said to Lu Chen excitedly: "Lu Chen, don't close the door in a hurry, I want to tell you a great thing, that is, Lu Chen, congratulations, you won the lottery."

After hearing this, Lu Chen was a little confused, and didn't understand what kind of nonsense Su Qiong was talking about. He hadn't been out for a few days at all, and things like winning a lottery were simply nonsense.

After Lu Chen heard this, he didn't want to pay attention to Su Qiong, and wanted to close the door again on his own.

Unexpectedly, Su Qiong suddenly tore her throat loudly, and shouted to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, you are now number one in our Dongsheng list."

After hearing this, Lu Chen showed a look of horror, not expecting this to happen at all, and then looked at Su Qiong with a puzzled expression.

After Su Qiong received it, she felt that Lu Chen must not believe what she said, so she squeezed Lu Chen's shoulders excitedly, looked at him and said, "Really, really, don't believe it.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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I just saw the update of the Tianbang today, and it was you who ranked first. "

"I also never imagined, you talk about you, Lu Chen, I really never thought that you have never accepted challenges from others, nor participated in the ranking wars in the academy, why you will be on the throne of No.1 ?

I really can't figure it out, but this is also a great thing. "

After Lu Chen heard this, he suddenly lost his smile. He didn't expect that this matter would hit him on the head.

In fact, Lu Chen didn't think that this was a good thing. When he entered Dongsheng, he planned to keep hiding and hide his strength.

Because once too many people know about your strength, then you must be noticed by others, and you will be slandered, and even someone will challenge you from time to time. Chase Lu hates it very much, the feeling of being paid attention to by others .

And, to put it bluntly, it might even lead to death.

So Lu Chen didn't think it was a happy event, but felt that there was a very big scapegoat, and he would bear it next.

Lu Chen was very depressed, so Su Qiong was a little puzzled, why Lu Chen had been depressed all the time, with a black face on his face, he didn't understand why he was ranked first on the list, and he still did so.

However, when Su Qiong saw Lu Chen's appearance like this, she no longer wanted to be stared at like this, so she said to Lu Chen: "Then I'm done talking to you now, if you're good, then I'll leave right away." Because I still have things to attend to."

After Su Qiong finished speaking, she ran away without waiting for Chase Lu to answer.

After that, Chase Lu never left his dormitory.

Until one day, I really didn't have any food in my residence, so I went to the inside of Dongsheng Academy, wanting to eat something, but was pointed out by a group of people on the road.

Lu Chen understood that now that he was number one in the college's internal rankings, he would definitely be attacked by many people.

Even when Lu Chen went to the cafeteria to order food, he found that the student who ordered the food did not give him enough weight. Lu Chen was very angry and wanted to talk to them, but he heard a student next to him. Discuss your own affairs.

Lu Chen sat down and pretended to eat, trying to eavesdrop on what they were talking about.

Lu Chen pricked up his ears and listened carefully, but he heard something like this, "Hey, tell me, is there something behind the fact that Lu Chen is number one in our school's top list?

I don't think he looks like a person of any strength. When he was singled out with Ye Zi before, he also lost to Ye Zi. Why was Ye Zi squeezed out at this time?

Do you think it's strange? "

Then, another person said to the person who just spoke, "Yeah, I also think it's always been very strange. It wasn't long after the list was released, and I thought that Ye Zi would still rank first. But I didn't expect that this Lu Chen didn't know what he was doing, but he rushed to the first place in a blink of an eye."

"It's unbelievable. I also think he doesn't have much strength and ability. He is not as good as a girl like Ye Zi. I have seen him and the elders get closer. Do you think the elders will arrange this time, so he Did you just get to the first place?"

After the two finished talking, they felt very satisfied with this conclusion, and they both nodded towards each other. After hearing this, Lu Chen naturally felt a little uncomfortable, not to mention that he didn't want to be the number one. Looking at it now, I have been criticized by so many people, and I am very angry in my heart.

But if you are angry, you can't ask others to reason. After all, your mouth is on someone's face, and it's hard for you to say more.

However, in the next few days, those people seemed to be even worse, and they even started to feel like they wanted to isolate Chase Lu.

Lu Chen almost wanted to explode, but fortunately, he came out with Chi Qianyu today.

Seeing Lu Chen's appearance, Chi Qianyu quickly stopped Lu Chen.

Otherwise, Chase Lu is likely to retaliate against those people and fight.

Afterwards, Chi Qianyu sent Lu Chen back to his residence, and told Lu Chen to let him calm down, rest for a few days, and ignore what those people said.

But how could Lu not think about it?

Lu Chen remembered that since he was honored to be number one on this day's list, some people targeted him intentionally or unintentionally.

Lu Chen originally wanted to tolerate it, but later found that those people became more rampant, so he had to force Lu Chen to take compulsory measures to deal with them.

After all, there are still wives and friends now, if they let them do something to him, then what about his wife?

Moreover, these people don't seem to know who their wives are, and it would be terrible if they found out.

Lu Chen felt that they might reveal their identities at any time to discuss.

After all, this is the gossip ability of all the students in Dongsheng College. Compared with the students of other colleges, it is relatively strong.

But fortunately, Lu Chen is still a master at the fourth floor of the earth element. Although his cultivation base has not improved much during this period of time, his background is accumulating little by little, and it is slowly accumulating.

Therefore, Lu Chen's own strength will not be much worse.

The reason why no one dares to do anything to Lu Chen is that he is worried about his strength.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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