Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2528 Operation failure ------------ Chapter 2529 Ranking update

Chi Qianyu was puzzled, so he asked Lu Chen: "What are you doing? Do you want to let him go again?" After hearing this, Lu Chen patted Chi Qianyu's shoulder and said to Chi Qianyu: "Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"There are two reasons why I told you not to hurt him. First, I want to find out what caused the power in his body. Second, I want to use him to explore the mysterious organization. So I left Seeing that he still has some effect, don't hurt him so quickly."

After hearing this, Chi Qianyu felt that what Lu Chen said was quite reasonable.After all, these people who came to intercept Lu Chen and Ye Zi suddenly were obviously instigated by others.And now that the leader has suddenly become like this, it is inevitable that people will want to explore the reasons for this, Chi Qianyu also thought so.

But Chase Lu believes that he must thoroughly investigate this mysterious organization.After all, for some reason, I have been meeting them all the time in the past few days. The first thing was that group of black shadows appearing, and the man in black attacked him.Finally, at the end of the Dao Discussion Conference, this time these killers' killing intentions towards themselves, all of which came to Lu Chen, Lu Chen must figure it out, otherwise, he will not be at ease in the next few days.

Seeing the sad feeling on Lu Chen's face, Chi Qianyu patted Lu Chen's shoulder and said to him: "That's all right, then you should investigate it carefully, I believe this matter will definitely happen. If there is a good result, you don't have to worry too much." After listening to Chi Qianyu's words, Lu Chen looked ahead.

I thought to myself, "How many difficulties are there ahead, waiting for me to break through?" Later, when Chase Lu saw the enemy leader who was captured on the spot, he wanted to trap him in the small world first , After that, stay in Dongsheng Academy and inquire carefully. This may help him to investigate the mysterious organization behind him.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen was about to start.Unexpectedly, at this time, the enemy leader actually swallowed something.Seeing this, Lu Chen felt that something bad was about to happen, and what followed was a violent explosion, which came from the leader's mouth.

Seeing this, Lu Chen yelled at everyone present: "Get out of here quickly." Then, he quickly fled from the leader's vicinity.After hearing this, everyone knew that there was a danger, and they all panicked and fled.

Although everyone knew the danger and fled there quickly, it was inevitable that some people suffered casualties.After waiting for the sound of the explosion to subside, Lu Chen anxiously rushed to the scene to observe, but found that the place had already been blown up, and it was so dark that it was impossible to see what it looked like.

Seeing this, Lu Chen felt a little regretful.Hateing that he didn't know what the leader was thinking before, and that he couldn't stop the leader in time, Lu Chen felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing Lu Chen's uncomfortable appearance, Chi Qianyu hurried up to comfort Lu Chen.

He understood that Chase Lu must have felt that after the enemy leader revealed himself, this clue was cut off.Chi Qianyu understood Lu Chen's thoughts.After all, they have experienced so many things before, and they also have a certain understanding of each other.

Everyone was surprised, they didn't expect that the leader of the enemy would make such a decisive decision to sacrifice himself!

The corners of Lu Chen's mouth couldn't help twitching. In his opinion, this was obviously the result of the people behind him threatening him.Thinking about it, Lu Chen couldn't bear to feel that the people behind him were very vicious. If his subordinates were caught, he would immediately let them blew themselves up.

This is not something so decisive, on the contrary, it reflects the horror of this organization.

Lu Chen couldn't bear it and became a little sad. It was sad and felt that now the clues about the enemy leader's ability to find out the mysterious person behind him had been broken.Chase Lu was also in a state of distress, and the scene was chaotic now.

Because of this self-exposure, many Dongsheng students were seriously injured.Lu Chen did not expect that when the enemy leader blew himself up, he caused tremendous damage to them. Many students could no longer stand up, and lay straight on the ground, motionless.

When Lu Chen saw it, he hurried over to help them heal their injuries, but found that their serious injuries were not only caused by the explosion, but even the spiritual energy in their bodies was abnormally disordered.

Even though Lu Chendang thought something was wrong, after careful inspection, he discovered that there was a very strange restraint in the explosion, which suppressed everyone's injuries.

This is a bit distressing, and the restriction is not impossible, but it is just too much of a waste of time.

It took Lu Chen painstaking efforts to heal them, and he lost a lot of physical strength and energy. After seeing Lu Chen so tired, Chi Qianyu went to help him.Soon after, some Dongsheng students had regained some physical strength, and even the virus was excreted from their bodies.

However, he failed to fully restore the previous state, so Lu Chen ordered those Dongsheng students who were not injured at all and who were in no condition to help them back to Dongsheng.Now all the disciples rushed to Dongsheng College first, only Lu Chen, Ye Zi, Bai Yuzhanhong and Chi Qianyu were left on the scene.

After all, there are still some enemies in front of them, that is, some killers who are still left before, and now they must be responsible for mopping up.Now the physical fitness of the people on Lu Chen's side has dropped a lot, and now the remaining killers have sufficient physical strength. Although their strength is not strong, Lu Chen's side obviously has no chance of winning.

It's just that they didn't expect that when they were about to start to attack, those killers unloaded their weapons, and even acted timidly, shrinking aside and not daring to step forward.Lu Chen couldn't understand why these killers were so brave before and refused to let them go, but now they look like weak people.

Lu Chen wanted to go up and deal with them together, but they all left in a hurry.Seeing that they were about to run away, Chi Qianyu planned to go up and chase them.But Lu Chen said to Chi Qianyu: "Don't chase them now, I want to see where they are going. Let's follow them secretly now."

After listening to Lu Chen's words, Chi Qianyu suddenly realized, and after considering this, he also responded to Lu Chen and agreed.Lu Chen's words made Chi Qianyu feel that Lu Chen was very thoughtful.

The reason why those people ran away was because they saw that such a powerful leader as themselves was wiped out by Chase Lu and his gang, so they felt that they couldn't run to death over their capabilities, so they had to retreat one after another.But when they ran away, they didn't expect Lu Chen and his group to follow them. They thought they had escaped from Lu Chen's clutches.

On the other hand, Chase Lu was caught off guard by Chi Qianyu and wanted to find out some clues about the people behind the scenes from their trajectories.Chase Lu followed them all the way, thinking all the way, who would be the big boss behind this?Who would inject a powerful evil force into that leader so viciously, and that evil force will make people lose their minds, and if they are not controlled, they will become obsessed, and they will not even know their relatives.

Lu Chen felt that this person was too venomous, and he had no impression in his mind at all. Lu Chen found some people who hated him and wanted to kill him.But for those who don't have such a powerful ability among those people, Chase Lu feels that he must be targeted by a mysterious force, and he doesn't know it.

Suddenly, they followed the killers all the way to a relatively open place.Lu Chen quickly withdrew his thoughts, and quickly stared at the front. He thought there would be some clues, and he could find the mysterious person behind this scene through the trajectory of these people, but he did not expect that these killers would actually One by one standing on the edge of the cliff.

Seeing them jumping down one by one, Lu Chen knew that they must want to commit suicide.Seeing this, Lu Chen stopped hiding, and rushed over directly, but at that time, countless killers had already jumped off the cliff.

Seeing that there is a glimmer of hope, Lu Chen has to hold on to these hopes to save a few.Lu Chen felt that they must have been threatened by others, and as long as the action failed, they would commit suicide immediately.Lu Chen was so anxious that he ran behind the killers in a panic, and then grabbed a few of them.

But with a slip of his hand, several killers jumped to the bottom of the cliff desperately. In the end, there were only two killers left on the scene who were successfully rescued by Chase Lu.Afterwards, Bai Yu and the others hurried over, they never expected that they would actually see the scene in front of them.

Fortunately, they listened to Lu Chen's words and hurriedly followed, otherwise they would not have known that these people came here to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff.In order to prevent them from jumping off the cliff again, Lu Chen held them tightly and pinned them to the ground so that they could not move.

But those people wanted to get rid of Chase Lu's imprisonment, so they struggled.Seeing this, Lu Chen asked Zhan Hong and the others to hurry up and hold them down, because Lu Chen wanted to question them.

Those two people's gazes were fixed on Lu Chen, and their eyes that were about to burst into flames almost saw a hole in Lu Chen.Lu Chen didn't think why they would look at him with such fierce eyes after he rescued them, and felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Afterwards, Lu Chen asked the two people who were pinned down on the ground: "Are you going to seek death after your actions fail?" Lu Chen's question was really simple and clear.But how could the person opposite answer Lu Chen?They didn't say a word, they just turned their eyes and looked at the ground.

After being so embarrassed for a few seconds, one of them suddenly looked up at Lu Chen and said, "The mission failed, and we have no face to live in this world." Hearing this, Lu Chen's heart tightened, and what they said It means that it is their own reason that they want to seek death, not the reason of the manipulator behind them.

But Lu Chen was obviously not satisfied with this answer. He didn't believe that these people would be so obedient and want to seek death without being accused by others.Then he said loudly to the two people below: "You think that jumping off a cliff like this is a heroic act, and you are very handsome, right? Let me tell you, this is obviously a cowardly performance, and you are evading this reality. Do you think that by doing this, you can give an explanation to the person behind the scenes?"

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"I can tell you very responsibly. In fact, as a killer, although you have lost and failed. Although you have failed as a killer, but if you are a person, then you must It was very successful because of your special loyalty. I would like to ask why you took such an extreme path? If you didn’t kill us, then you choose to live again, why do you want to do this.”

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Chase Lu said to them very patiently.I saw that the two killers who were firmly pressed to the ground had tears in their eyes, but their mouths were tightly pursed, refusing to speak.Seeing this, Lu Chen closed his eyes, looking a little helpless.

Unexpectedly, a voice suddenly hit Lu Chen unexpectedly, "We actually don't want to do this. In fact, he forced us to do this. Who would live and would rather die." After hearing this, Lu Chen turned around immediately Looking at them with eyes, showing his doubts.

Then those people continued to talk, "Actually, when we were about to complete this mission, he gave us a poison. If the mission cannot be completed, then we will also suffer from this poison for a certain period of time." The torment of the poison would make life worse than death, it would be better to get rid of it now."

The two killers were obviously in great pain. After hearing this, Lu Chen tightly clenched his hand into a fist.It sounded like their voices were so feeble and pale. They didn't expect that the mysterious person behind the scenes not only equipped the leader with self-exposure power, but also administered some kind of unknown poison to these killers.

As Lu Chen thought about it, he felt a little angry.Although these things happened to the enemy's killers, Lu Chen still felt a little heartbroken. After all, these killers are also human beings, born human beings who don't even have some basic rights of their own, let them just like this Chase Lu couldn't stand the slaughter, and secretly vowed in his heart that he would investigate this matter thoroughly.

But right now, he still has to think about how to help the two killers in front of him, and Lu Chen is caught in a complicated relationship. After all, these people also fought against them before.Now Lu Chen didn't know what to do, but seeing that the two of them were so miserable and pitiful, he wanted to help them.

Then Lu Chen squatted in front of the two killers, and said to them: "If you are willing, can you let me take a look for you, maybe I can find a way to force the poison out of your body." The two killers Immediately after listening, he raised his head, caught Lu Chen's upright and fiery eyes unexpectedly, and felt that he was going to die anyway, so it's better to let Lu Chen try.

They nodded lightly to Lu Chen. Seeing this, Lu Chen sat behind the two of them and began to perform kung fu therapy on them. His own kung fu therapy gradually invaded their bodies, as if he was Try to find out what toxins are in their bodies.

After Lu Chen, he was suddenly surprised for a while. He didn't expect that someone had forcibly planted a dose of worms in their bodies. Many worms were moving wantonly in their bodies. This poison would make people lose their minds. Half amnesiac, half insane, and will become particularly cruel, making their lives unable to take care of themselves, completely comparable to waste, and causing people special pain, living is better than dying.

This kind of poison is very rare, and Chase Lu has never encountered it, but there must be a solution.As soon as Lu Chen thought about it, he stepped up his treatment, and in an instant, he exhausted a lot of Lu Chen's skills, and his face was already covered with a dense layer of sweat.

Now we have to force all these worms out of their bodies, maybe the poison will dissipate, otherwise if the poison has accumulated in their bodies for a long time, maybe they will collapse immediately on the spot.

Lu Chen's sudden exercise has already exhausted his physical strength.Almost fainted, Chi Qianyu walked to his side and said to him: "Why don't you go to the side to rest for a while, and I'll help them heal next time, you look so special Weak, if in the end instead of curing them, but putting your body into it, it would be really bad."

When Chi Qian said this, Lu Chen immediately withdrew his own exercises, and signaled Chi Qianyu to let him go to them to recuperate now.Afterwards, Chi Qianyu hurriedly healed them, only to find that the worms in their bodies, even if he used any exercises, he couldn't force them out at all, just stuck in the bodies of those killers like a stubborn old man .

Chi Qianyu exhausted his physical strength to help them, but he was unable to force them out.Then he withdrew his mana, shook his head to Lu Chen and said, "I'm sorry, I really tried my best, but there is really no other way."

After hearing this, Lu Chen had no choice but to be disheartened. He didn't expect that with the strength of the two of them, there was no way to force the worms out of their bodies.What can we do now?Lu Chen thought so.

"Well, we still have no way to get rid of the toxins in your body. Otherwise, if you trust me, just follow us to Dongsheng. I guarantee that there should be someone there who can untie it for you. Those toxins in my body." Chase Lu was obviously a little embarrassed and said to the two killers, after all, he first said that he was treating them for them, but now he can't treat them.

The two killers seemed to be even more uncomfortable. Hearing that they could not return to normal now, they wanted to seek death wholeheartedly.Later, they only heard them say to Lu Chen: "Hey, thank you, although there is no way to cure us, but we are very grateful to you, I didn't expect you to be such a good person, but now I don't have any. Any courage to live. Sorry, delayed you, and almost killed you."

"Actually, we have no choice but to help the mysterious person behind. Oh, yes, I forgot to tell you. I think you should be more careful recently, but the mysterious person seems to have a particularly powerful influence. It seems to be targeting you specifically, he has sent several teams, besides us, there are many people who want to attack you."

"You still have to be careful. Although we really want to help you, we have never seen the mysterious person. He has never shown his true face to us. I think he must be cautious. There are arrangements and plans. Such a cruel and ruthless person, you must be careful." The two killers obviously learned to repay their kindness, and they all told Lu Chen not to slack off.

Then as soon as they finished speaking, they headed towards the cliff and jumped off without hesitation.Seeing this, Lu Chen hurriedly wanted to hold them back, but it was too late.The two of them had decided to go, and no one could stop them. Chase Lu just lay on the cliff like this, with one arm hanging on the edge of the cliff, his face ashen.

Thinking back to everything that happened just now, it is a shame that the mysterious person behind them did not leave them a way out.Chi Qianyu came over, patted Lu Chen on the shoulder, and said to him: "Okay, Lu Chen, don't be sad anymore. I know you are very kind, but you are not so emotional now. At that time, although that mysterious person was a bit hateful, we have to finish the current matter now."

"Look, we guys still have to go back to Dongsheng, right? Now Dongsheng has a lot of things that keep us busy, so let's go back now, after solving Dongsheng's matter , let's hurry up and find that mysterious man, and after we find it, let's deal with him together, what do you think? Lu Chen."

Chi Qianyu said so much to Lu Chenyu, and Lu Chen had to listen.He nodded heavily at him.Afterwards, since the matter here was resolved, they rushed to Dongsheng together.Everyone on the road didn't say much, probably because the incident just now caused a very low mood, so they didn't say anything.

But Ye Zi, who was walking aside, suddenly felt a sharp gaze coming towards him, so he searched around, only to find that the gaze was directed at him by Bai Yu, who was walking beside Lu Chen.Ye Zi didn't know why this Bai Yu looked at her with such deep eyes, after all, Ye Zi didn't have much contact with this Bai Yu, why she always looked at her eyes with some unknown meaning.

Ye Zi felt very puzzled, but found that Bai Yu was looking at her, so she had no choice but to respond to her with a faint smile.Bai Yu saw that Ye Zi was already looking towards him, so he withdrew his gaze, and the two of them stopped making too much eye contact.

Chi Qianyu hooked Lu Chen's shoulders all the way and said to him, "Oh, don't think so much. After returning to Dongsheng, there are still a lot of things to solve. Oh, yes, I heard that this The second ranking list is about to be announced, so I have to check it out quickly."

"Also, I heard that this update of the ranking list does not only focus on strength, but also compares the rankings of various aspects in turn. Maybe you may still be on the list." Chi Qianyu said. Said to Lu Chen jokingly.However, Lu Chen was always depressed because of what happened just now, so he ignored what Chi Qianyu said, and he didn't listen to what he said.

He just replied faintly to Chi Qianyu, "Yeah." Chi Qianyu was a little at a loss, and didn't know how he should comfort Lu Chen, after all, Lu Chen's mood now seemed so lost.However, now Lu Chen didn't want to talk to him, so he had no choice but to stay silent and stand by his side.

Afterwards, no one on the road made any comments, and everyone hurriedly hurried back to Dongsheng Academy, and everyone who returned to Dongsheng Academy went to their own business. Chen returned to his residence alone, thinking about everything that happened, he wanted to start a search.

After Lu Chen returned to Dongsheng in the past few days, he began to search for clues to the mysterious organization non-stop, while everyone was busy with things like Dongsheng Academy.

Although Lu Chen is a student of Dongsheng College, he feels that there are enough people in Dongsheng College now, so he doesn't want to join them. He just conducts his own investigation silently.But through these few days of investigation, Lu Chen found nothing, and it was impossible to start.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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