Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2527 Take down the leader

Everyone was immediately attracted by the fairy light emitted by the talisman paper, and they all looked at the talisman paper with unison.

The talisman was suddenly in the air, bursting out its shining light, and it was spinning rapidly, as if it was brewing how to bloom its own power.

When Lu Chen saw that the talisman paper he took out actually possessed incomparably powerful power, he was secretly delighted in his heart.

However, this secret joy was only for a moment, because the next second, he fell into despair in an instant.

I saw the talisman paper spinning in the air, suddenly it became much darker, the leader on the opposite side jumped straight up and grabbed the talisman paper.

The talisman paper was held tightly in his big palm by the leader in an instant, and then the leader who lost his mind tore the talisman paper into pieces.

What everyone couldn't imagine was that the power of Talisman could not match the power of this leader, and everyone was caught in a state of tension.

Then the leader started his own brutal attack, and then he was nearby with a machete, and the whole area was hacking.

As soon as Lu Chen's back was cold, he told Dongsheng's disciples to be careful, and everyone avoided the leader one after another.

Suddenly, whoever made a scream, Lu Chen saw that the killer on the opposite side fell into a pool of blood, next to his arm that was cut off by the leader with a machete.

Ye Zi subconsciously covered her mouth and nose, she couldn't believe what was happening before her eyes, she didn't expect that the leader's strong injection of power would turn him into such a state, even if he was an enemy or a friend. He couldn't tell the difference, but he cut off his teammate's arm straight away.

The man fell into a pool of blood, using his right arm to try to connect his left arm to the place where the broken sleeve was, his shouting sound was so tearing, straight and shocking.

When Lu Chen saw him, he also felt that he was very pitiful, so he didn't give him the final blow.

It seems that right now, there is no way to deal with this leader.

Lu Chen had a plan, and wanted to use the formation to injure the leader, and then use the law of space to trap him.

However, Lu Chen's method was not realized in the end. After all, it is very difficult to control the leader with a formation.

Because before, such a powerful talisman cultivation power could not defeat the leader. Chase Lu seemed a little discouraged, and he didn't have any hope for this war.

He wanted to call Chi Qianyu and everyone to retreat one after another.

However, Chi Qianyu came over, patted Lu Chen on the shoulder and said to him, "Don't worry, Lu Chen, we will never lose this battle.

Although he is very powerful now, after all, this power is not his own. "

"I will find a way to find out his weakness. On the way to save you, I have made a plan early on. If I still can't find his weakness in the end, I will defeat him with one blow. If so, then I, Bai Yu and Zhan Hong will take coercive measures against him."

After hearing this, Lu Chen suddenly raised his eyes to look at Chi Qianyu. He didn't expect that Chi Qianyu had already made such a meticulous battle plan long ago. Lu Chen was convinced of Chi Qianyu's point, and Chi Qianyu took out With the sword I carry with me, I will use the way of swordsmanship against the leader.

? Chi Qianyu probed up and down, but there was no weakness in the leader, and he couldn't see anything at all. Seeing this, he could only attack him at will.

Chi Qianyu charged straight, and the leader rushed over.

The speed of the wind under his feet greatly enhanced Chi Qianyu's attack power.

Chi Qianyu quickly came to the leader's side, took out the sword without hesitation, pointed at him, and stabbed at the leader's lower abdomen with one stroke.

In an instant, the leader was in pain, and the pain gradually filled his whole body. The leader covered his lower abdomen with his hands, his eyes became fierce for a while, looking at Chi Qianyu who stabbed him, and then took out his own The machete slashed towards Chi Qianyu.

Chi Qianyu didn't have time to dodge, so he was slashed on the leg by the machete.

Seeing this, Lu Chen flew towards Chi Qianyu's position and rescued Chi Qianyu.

This move by Chi Qianyu seemed to have attracted the attention of the leader. Before the leader entered the daze, he didn't know the people around him at all, and he hacked randomly for a while.

But just after Chi Qianyu made a move towards him, the leader quickly locked the range and target.

Now it is only attacking Chi Qianyu alone, without giving Chi Qianyu any chance to breathe.

Seeing this, Lu Chen yelled at Chi Qianyu: "Qianyu, don't worry about anything now, don't think about using other methods, since you can't solve this big devil right now, then you all can't deal with it. Get rid of him with the method you have planned before."

Seeing the current situation, Lu Chen couldn't do anything about him, so he had to use the most extreme method. After Chi Qianyu heard this, he called Bai Yu and Zhan Hong to his side, and then they formed a triangle. In such a state, they all surrounded the leader one after another.

Seeing this, the leader felt something was wrong, and wanted to flee in a panic, but how could Chi Qianyu give him this opportunity to let him leave, so he said to Bai Yu and Zhan Hong, "Start taking action."

After that, Chi Qianyu took out an iron chain from his bag, turned it around, and threw it towards Bai Yu and Zhan Hong.

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Bai Yu received one end of the iron chain, and Zhan Hong also received the other end of the iron chain.

The three of them wandered around the devil from the beginning, and the leader of the enemy suddenly became a little unclear, and his eyes were blurred.

The speed of the three of them was so fast that he couldn't see the situation clearly. The three of them used this to tie him up, and saw that the iron chain was tightly wrapped around the leader's body .

Seeing this, the leader broke free from the chain.

Chi Qianyu obviously felt that the iron chain was about to be loosened.

Then he hurriedly shouted at Bai Yu and Zhan Hong: "Bai Yu, Zhan Hong, both of you try harder, pull him back quickly, and tie him up."

After Bai Yu and Zhan Hong heard it, they stretched the iron chain back and pulled it over with great effort.

Seeing this, Lu Chen called some of Dongsheng's students to quickly join the ranks of pulling the iron chain, and Dongsheng's students came to help Chi Qianyu and others one after another.

Only Ye Zi and some other disciples were left circling with those killers.

The leader seemed to be about to break free from the iron chain, and Chi Qianyu and the others were struggling very hard, and their mentality was almost about to collapse.

But it’s okay at this time, Chi Qianyu still has some ideas, and now the devil has not completely broken free from the iron chain, so he shouted at Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, come here quickly, you hurry to the middle , now he can't move, take this opportunity to finish it quickly."

Chi Qianyu told Lu Chen what was in his heart. After hearing this, Lu Chen looked around and found that there were no other disciples around him, so now he had to deal with the leader by himself.

I saw Lu Chen walking straight towards the leader with the sword in his hand.

Seeing Lu Chen walking towards him with a sword, the leader understood what Lu Chen meant, and then he yelled at Lu Chen.

But Lu Chen was not frightened by his appearance, but wanted to deal with him even more.

"Lu Chen, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore."

Chi Qianyu spoke to Lu Chen with a tearing voice.

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he took the sword and wanted to aim at the leader's heart and stab it directly.

But at this moment, the chain suddenly broke.

The leader happened to break free from the iron chain, and then, the energy he had accumulated for a long time finally burst out.

Everyone was repulsed by him, and they all fell to the ground one after another.

Seeing this, Lu Chen took his own sword and stabbed towards his heart at the right time, but he didn't want to. , In an instant, the strength of his whole body burst out.

? Straightforwardly, he took his machete and slashed down from Lu Chen's head. Fortunately, Lu Chen dodged it wittily.

Otherwise, he might be split in half. Seeing this, Ye Zi went to help Lu Chen, and together they tied the leader back.

But the leader was still struggling to break free from the iron chain, and the iron chain was quickly broken off by him again.

But this time the leader did not attack Chase Lu and Ye Zi, because he knew that if he still attacked them now, he would be the one who suffered.

After all, so many people now want to catch him, so he wants to take this opportunity to escape.

As soon as he got rid of the iron chain, he left towards the distance, but when Chi Qianyu saw this, he directly blocked his way.

After all, he has gone mad now, if he is allowed to return to the city of talisman repair, the people in the city will definitely panic.

Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen will definitely not let this leader go. After all, they have spent so much energy and energy to deal with him.

As soon as they saw him making this move, Lu Chen and Ye Zi immediately went up and besieged him. The leader saw that he couldn't get rid of their pursuit, so he didn't continue to run away.

He stopped, shot with his fierce eyes, and surrounded the people he was about to attack, but apparently Chi Qianyu, Lu Chen and others were not frightened by the fierce eyes.

Chi Qianyu stepped forward, wanting to tie up the leader again. Chi Qianyu felt that he would not be able to complete this huge task with his own strength, so he called Bai Yuzhanhong, Ye Zi and Lu Chen to go up together. Come to help yourself and tie him up. Everyone worked together to tie him up with another iron rope.

And the leader really had no strength in the end, that is, he no longer struggled.

Seeing this, everyone was extremely excited and excited. Finally, the leader's trouble was solved. The scene was very chaotic, with many dead and wounded, and the ground was covered in blood.

Lu Chen and Chi Qianyu both smiled at each other.

It can be seen that they have wasted a lot of thought in this battle, and it is a very happy thing to be able to catch this leader now.

Chi Qianyu wanted to hit the leader for the last time, but was stopped by Lu Chen.

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long night fire

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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