Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2515 Explained

Ye Zi scolded Lu Chen directly, but Lu Chen could only listen carefully to Ye Zi's accusations and insults, and could not refute Ye Ye.After all, I was wrong about this matter, if I refute Ye Zi, then I will be even more wrong.

Lu Chen stood aside and lowered his head, thinking about this. Ye Zi saw that his attitude was quite correct, and he didn't reprimand or refute himself, so he stopped his scolding.

Standing by Lu Chen's side, he said to Lu Chen earnestly: "Okay, I think it's useless for you to say more. Since you have admitted your mistake now, then I won't say anything more. I will definitely say more in the future." You have to practice hard, and you can't act recklessly like this time again, when you do anything, you must think carefully about the people behind you."

After listening to Ye Zi's reprimand, Lu Chen suddenly heard Ye Zi's earnest admonition to him, so he could only let the flow take its course and nodded to Ye Zi.After all, Ye Zi was very right in criticizing his own education, and Lu Chen also knew that he was wrong.

Then he said to Ye Zi: "Okay, I will definitely not do this again next time, and I won't go out again in the near future, I will only practice here." After hearing this, Ye Zi felt relieved nodded.

But suddenly, as if he remembered something, he looked at Lu Chen, and it was a little strange for Lu Chen to be looked at so suspiciously by Ye Zi.But then Ye Zi spoke her mind.

I only heard Ye Zi say to Lu Chen: "I was too busy scolding and admonishing you, but I didn't ask you, what did you do after you went out? Why did you go out at that time, it really made people angry, so let's put it down." In a word, I went out, and after going away for so long, Ye Zi started to ask questions and scold him endlessly."

After hearing this, Lu Chen helped his forehead, thinking that he still needs to explain to Ye Zi, otherwise, if Ye Zi asked himself later and scolded him, then he might not be able to accept it and would talk to her. Talk back.

Then he explained to Ye Zi: "Actually, when I was with you at the Dao Discussion Conference, when I heard those elders discussing the black shadow, I felt something was wrong. I looked around and found that there was a person Looking at me with suspicious and fierce eyes."

"So I was a little suspicious and walked towards him, but I didn't want to be found that I ran away after looking at him. I thought he must be tricky, so I chased after him, but with you by my side, I had to talk to him first. Say hello and go."

After hearing this, Ye Zi also accepted Lu Chen's explanation. After all, if Ye Zi saw such a situation at that time, he would also want to chase after him.But this incident didn't happen to me. I still felt that Lu Chen was too reckless, so I immediately looked at Lu Chen and asked him what happened next.

Lu Chen calmed down the restlessness and uneasiness in his heart, calmed down and started his narration to Ye Zi: "After I went there, I found that I had already chased outside the city, so I felt something was wrong, but I didn't want to cut off this clue, so I continued to chase after it."

"I knew it was a trap and an ambush, so I chased after it. Sure enough, there was really an ambush. I found that there were many people in it, all of whom were as fast and agile as the black shadow before, so I knew this team Someone must be manipulating it secretly, and it is clearly aimed at me."

So, I hit them right there, only to find that there was a constant stream of those teams.As long as I defeated the first team, and then another pair came, when I was about to escape and come to you, I was stopped by others, so I had to continue to attack them. Fortunately, I escaped there in the end. Otherwise, I might not really see you. "

Lu Chen told the whole story of the matter in one breath, Ye Zi kept all these words of Lu Chen in his heart.After hearing Ye Zi's description, she became more nervous and afraid.

There would be a powerful team targeting and attacking Lu Chen, so he sweated for him in his heart.Hearing Lu Chen said that he almost couldn't see himself, Ye Zi's heart began to soften.

He said softly to Lu Chen: "Then since you know it's dangerous there, you still have to run up to fight, aren't you courting death?" After hearing this, Lu Chen said to Ye Zi in a somewhat extreme way: " If I don't catch up, how can I know that there are so many men in black there, and that they are coming towards me? I discovered the action of the black shadow, and I must chase them. A thread is also broken."

Lu Chen said to Ye Zi with some excitement.After hearing this, Ye Zi became even more upset. This Chase Lu was really stubborn, and he still refused to listen to a few words of persuasion.Ye Zi was no longer as easy to talk as before, and directly became fierce towards Lu Chen.

Said to Lu Chen: "I don't care if you chase those men in black or not, and whether those people are targeting you, anyway, I hope that such things will never happen in the future. I am still your mentor here, and, Now that you are my assistant, I have the right to make certain arrangements for you and supervise you."

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long night fire

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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"So, you can only listen to me now, and I brought you here. You can't walk around at will, and you won't be able to in the future. You can't restore your strength until you return to Dongsheng and stop being my assistant. The former freedom." After hearing this, Lu Chen wanted to refute Ye Zi immediately.

But Ye Zi didn't give him any chance to speak, and said to Lu Chen again: "I don't care what your own inner thoughts are, whether you agree or not, anyway, you can't leave after all. Those by my side, I strongly order you now, you must stay by my side in the future, and you can't leave my side until the Dao Discussion Conference is over."

"If you can't even agree to this request, then I have nothing to say. I will immediately go back to Dongsheng to explain the situation to the elders, and you will no longer be my assistant. It's clear, there is nothing to do with it, you will regain your freedom, and I won't continue to care about you, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds, you should think about it for yourself if you want to stay by my side."

Lu Chen was unwilling at first, but after hearing what Ye Zi said, he also began to hesitate.Because Chase Lu wanted to find out the situation of those men in black very much. If he could not find out these things, Chase Lu would not be able to sleep peacefully, and he would never be at ease.

But now Ye Zi actually strongly demanded that he could not leave her side, Lu Chen had to listen to Ye Zi's words, after all, Ye Zi was also his mentor now.

Chase Lu was caught in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer Ye Zi.Immediately, Lu Chen wanted to observe Ye Zi. If she was still angry now, then he could only agree to Ye Zi. If she still had room to take it back, then Lu Chen would have to try boldly. Persuade leaves.

But when Lu Chen looked up and met Ye Zi's slightly angry eyes, he knew that there was no chance of turning things around.Lu Chen had no choice but to give up and agreed to Ye Zi.Although he is unwilling in every possible way, he has no right to speak now.

He said to Ye Zi: "Okay, then I promise you, I will not leave your side for a while. But you have to promise me that after the Dao Discussion Conference is over, you must let me I'll go check it out, these black shadow people, otherwise, I really won't feel at ease." After Ye Zi finished listening, Lu Chen finally agreed.

He also agreed with Lu Chen, and said to Lu Chen: "Deal, as long as you don't sneak out of my side again during this time, then I will support you in whatever you do in the future." After hearing Ye Zi agree Lu Chen also had nothing to say to Ye Zi.

So he had no choice but to walk towards the inn, Ye Zi looked at Lu Chen's lost back, and sighed inwardly.Lu Chen was so lost, but Ye Zi was also lost in his heart.

After Lu Chen left, Ye Zi felt a little uneasy in his heart. Ever since Lu Chen told himself that he was going to leave for a while, Ye Zi's heart beat up and down, thinking about Lu Chen all the time, fearing what would happen to Lu Chen, every day They are frightened, always have a premonition that something bad will happen.

And after Ye Zi also thought about it, if Lu Chen returned safely, he would treat him well and stop attacking him.But today Ye Zi was a slip of the tongue, because after she heard Lu Chen came back, she explained to herself and described the scene of him fighting with others before, and she felt distressed, but she didn't know why the distress came to her mouth but changed. It became a scolding to Chase Lu.

Ye Zi also knew how infuriating it would be for a person to be scolded by others after a life-and-death struggle with others for so long.But Ye Zi couldn't help it, and said some things that severely scolded Lu Chen.

Even so, Ye Zi still doesn't regret what he said. After all, it can also make Chase Lu realize his reckless behavior and correct it a little later, and it can also make him clearly understand that he will be right after he leaves like this. How much influence others have.

Ye Zi just wanted to let Lu Chen know this. She looked at Lu Chen's back and followed him.After the two arrived at the inn, Lu Chen immediately walked to his room, closed the door and never interacted with others again, wanting to isolate himself from the world.

Ye Zi saw him like this, it must be because of the very heavy words she just said.In fact, I have some thoughts in my heart, and I always want to comfort Lu Chen.But now Lu Chen is closing his door tightly, Ye Zi is a girl, if she enters Lu Chen's room so recklessly, then it is not good.

Therefore, Ye Zi wanted to wait for Chase Lu to come out.Because after all, she has something important to say to Lin Chen now, but time passed by, but Lu Chen didn't come out for a long time.Ye Zi was a little worried, fearing that Chase Lu, who was now angry, would do something bad to him, so he broke into the door directly.

It turned out that Chase Lu was dealing with his wound in the room.As soon as Ye Zi entered, she found that the tablecloth was covered with gauze, ointments, potions, medical cotton and the like.Then he looked at Chase Lu who was sitting on the bed bandaging his wound.Seeing Ye Zi coming in, Lu Chen subconsciously covered his body with the quilt.

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