Not only the whole house is now overflowing with a black substance.

Those black substances expanded outward rapidly, and even tried to crawl outside. When Chase Lu saw the attempt of these black substances, he closed his door, and then wanted to sneak away and came to Ye Zi's side.

Ye Zi saw that he was in such a hurry, so she knew that Lu Chen had failed and returned.

Lu Chen looked at everything in his room anxiously. He thought that closing the door would prevent those black substances from flowing out, but he didn't expect that those black substances seemed to be stretchable, and suddenly shrunk. He took the opportunity to get out from the gap in the door of the room.

Seeing this, Lu Chen directly wanted to slap himself.

I didn't expect that my method not only failed, but also let these black substances flow out.

Seeing this, Ye Zi had nothing to say.

Both of them stared at the black matter in front of them speechlessly.

Suddenly Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, don't be too discouraged, I don't think this is our fault at all, and I can only blame that I didn't study this black substance well before, and didn't think of it. So many things can be bred, why don't we study it now, I think, since the previous two methods have failed, and these black substances have overflowed, it is already like this. Don't try again."

Ye Zi was asking Chase Lu what he thought, asking Chase Lu.

After seeing Ye Zi's remarks, Lu Chen also agreed with Ye Zi's idea, and the two then attacked the black substances.

However, this is only an attack on the overflowing black substances outside, because they really don't want to do anything to the black substances in Lu Chen's room.

After all, the black matter in Lu Chen's room seemed to be some old stubborn ones, stuck there tightly, and they couldn't be moved at all.

Now that some black substances have spilled out of the door, we must first think of ways to eliminate them.

If there is no way to eliminate them, it can only go with the flow.

Now Lu Chen and Ye Zi can only perform their duties, and use all the spells, Taoism and so on that they have learned all their lives one by one, and eliminate these black substances.

But there is still no idea that these black substances have subsided.

When Lu Chen and Ye Zi saw this, the formation method was completely useless to them, so they stopped wasting energy and energy to eliminate it.

If this goes on for a long time, not only will it not be able to solve it, but it will also exhaust my body, and even the black matter in front of my eyes will become more and more.

Lu Chen and Ye Zi couldn't solve the current problem.

The two of them were also exhausted, and they plausibly said: "My God, what is this?

I have never seen such a difficult thing in my life. "

Ye Zi couldn't help sighing, Lu Chen sighed and said to Ye Zi: "You see what I said, right, I said that I will find you if I can't solve it, come to help, if I can solve it, I will definitely not go looking for you."

After hearing this, Ye Zi remained silent and sat aside.

Now the two of them also intend not to continue to launch their own attacks on them. After all, they have already used countless methods. The two of them were exhausted and collapsed, but they could not be eliminated, and those black substances seemed to be even more rampant. .

From Lu Chen's room, it kept pouring out.

Even the yard in front has been overflowing with a black substance.

Even these black substances are no longer simply attached to the walls and ceilings, they have become alive, and even some black substances are constantly jumping around in the yard, climbing back and forth .

The two of them were also helpless, let go of their hands and just ignored them, sitting aside, watching these black substances crawling everywhere.

Suddenly, Ye Zi asked Lu Chen: "Then what are you going to do now?

Now the Dao Conference will take some time. Now that your house has been occupied by these black substances, where will you live next? "

Hearing Ye Zi's inquiries, Lu Chen said to Ye Zi: "What else can I do?

The house has already been let out, so I can only go outside to find another place to live.

It's just that I'm not well right now, so I'm going to explain the situation to the owner of this house.

After all, this matter is all because of me, so what am I going to do now? "

After hearing this, Ye Zi felt that she still needed to explain to the owner of the house.

After all, others gave Lu Chen a good house to live in, but Lu Chen made some black substances for him for no reason.

Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "I think you still have to explain to the owner of this house now."

After hearing this, Lu Chen nodded to Ye Zi.

Then he said: "It's just that if I don't get rid of these black substances for a day, I will feel panicked in my heart. Although they don't have any offensive ability, they are not good for people to see.

What if they overflowed the entire streets and alleys and the entire city of Talisman Cultivation in a few days?

Then I am afraid that Lu Chen's crime will be passed down through the ages. "

The more Lu Chen thought about it, he became flustered, Ye Zi could only comfort him and said: "Okay, okay, there is no such terrible thing as you said.

Maybe they will subside naturally in a few days, maybe. "

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Having said that, but given the current situation, what Ye Zi said was unlikely.

Lu Chen was already disheartened and no longer had any hope.

Afterwards, the two of them rested for a while, and saw that some of these black substances had grown, another small black substance.

With this discovery, Lu Chen suddenly widened his eyes.

Because he saw a pair of black substances, and another black substance grew in front of his eyes. Due to this phenomenon, Lu Chen began to stand up and think carefully.

Seeing this, Ye Zi also joined in.

Although both of them planned to let go of this matter, seeing that there is still a scene in front of them makes people feel very puzzled, and they don't care what they said before and don't care anymore.

The two walked straight towards the black matter in front, wanting to observe.

This investigation also made new discoveries. I saw that Chase Lu rushed up directly, squatting in front of a particularly large black substance that had just finished breeding black matter, and found that it was lying weakly on the ground. aside.

Lu Chen squatted down and observed it carefully, only to find that it was actually a female.

Lu Chen was startled, very excited in his heart, and shouted at Ye Zi: "Ye Zi, come here quickly, I have an important discovery here."

After Ye Zi heard Lu Chen said that he had made a major discovery, he rushed over in a hurry.

After seeing Ye Zi approaching, Lu Chen described Ye Zi: "Look, I just discovered that this black substance is divided into male and female.

God, look. "

Ye Zi looked at the maternal black matter lying on the ground that had just given birth to the black matter.

So he thought about this matter as it was, and suddenly seemed to understand something.

It turns out that this black substance is divided into male and female, and after the two are combined again, a new black substance will be born.

It's no wonder why overnight, the whole room will be filled with black matter.

But what surprised the two of them was that the black matter born by their male and female would grow so quickly.

The two were also puzzled, and there was only one black substance stripped from Lu Chen's body at that time. Why could so many black substances be bred from just one black substance?

With these thoughts in mind, Chase Lu surveyed them again.

It was found that these black substances are closely intertwined, and have such a viscous shape.

Curious about this point, Lu put on a glove casually, reached out and grabbed the black substances.

But I found that my grasp was nothing. I caught a female with one grasp. The female's body was very weak. After seeing this scene, all the black matter came to attack Lu Chen, and Lu Chen wanted to kick it. To step on.

It turned out that the black matter was fleeing in all directions as if in a panic.

Seeing this scene, Lu Chen and Ye Zi recalled the performance of these black substances in their hearts.

And now that they are in their state, they immediately guessed something.

Ye Zi suddenly said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, hurry up and hold the black substance in your hand, don't let go, because I have noticed the reason for them Now, maybe the one you are holding must be the source of all these black substances."

After Lu Chen heard this, he grabbed the black substance and held on tightly.

All the black matter fell into panic in an instant, and fled in a constant panic in all directions.

When Lu Chen saw that things had turned around now, they discovered that the black matter was the secret.

Naturally, Chase Lu would not let these black substances go. Seeing them fleeing in such a panic now, Chase Lu would naturally not let them escape right under his nose.

Afterwards, Chase Lu wanted to think of a way to trap them.

Lu Chen glanced at Ye Zi.

Seeing that Lu Chen could not make up his mind, Ye Zi said to her: "Think about how you can trap them now, well, I don't think you should use spells any more. One that can create a confined space and seal them off, that's it."

After hearing what Ye Zi said, Chase Lu quickly thought about the spell that he learned recently that can seal something.

But after thinking for a long time, he couldn't figure out how to trap them.

The two fell into confusion immediately, but right now they still had to get rid of these black substances as soon as possible, so as not to let them escape like this.

Chase Lu was a little eager to get rid of these black substances quickly, so he thought about some methods on the sidelines.

Suddenly, Chase Lu seemed to have an idea in his mind, that is, to use the law of space to drive these black substances aside.

At least in this way, they will not flee in all directions.

Because this law of space was only recently learned by Chase Lu, so he didn't practice it more practically. I don't know if the effect will be better.

But at present, it seems that this method can only be tried first, otherwise Lu Chen has no way to trap these black substances.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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