But those people didn't realize their current situation at all.

Relying on their large number of people, they thought that the talisman paper was nothing at all, and rushed towards Lu Chen again, but this time they really miscalculated. With the power of this talisman paper, More than enough to deal with these people.

Those people rushed to attack Lu Chen, looking for death. The shocking power erupted from the talisman paper made everyone unable to open their eyes for an instant.

Afterwards, Chase Lu increased his thoughts from behind, and the power of Fu Xiuzhi became even stronger.

Chase Lu saw that they couldn't see what was in front of them clearly now, and they were so blinded by the light that they couldn't open their eyes.

He wanted to make a quick decision and defeat them.

Manipulating the talisman paper behind him was to attack them violently.

The talisman suddenly launched an attack, and all of them fell to the ground one after another.

In the past, Chase Lu didn't realize at all that he only needed to manipulate this talisman paper with his mind.

Since the Dao Discussion Conference, he has indeed learned some knowledge of the Dao of Talisman and has made some progress in this regard.

Now his talisman cultivation strength is not as basic as before, but has become even stronger.

Lu Chen was overjoyed, seeing the enemies in front of him, he wanted to use his newly learned talisman cultivation method on them even more.

In an instant, a shocking explosion erupted in this place of battle, and everyone fell into a pool of blood one after another.

Only those few people shrank aside, did not dare to come forward, and continued to attack.

Lu Chen felt that he could deal with the remaining people, so he took back his talisman repair paper.

Seeing that Chase Lu had such great power, those people didn't dare to act recklessly anymore, so they had to hide aside and keep silent.

Although there are a lot of them, they really don't know anything about Chase Lu's current state at all. If they haven't done enough homework, they can't defeat Chase Lu at all, and they can't become Chase Lu's opponent at all, so That's what led to the current situation. Everyone was lying in a pool of blood, and those people were too timid to come towards him.

When Lu Chen saw it, he wanted to have a good time with them. After taking back the talisman paper, Lu Chen felt that it was time to make good use of the Taoism he had practiced before.

After all, it has been a long time since I practiced, and I want to start practicing in this area. They can just practice for themselves now. I dare to say that Lu Chen is now using the enemies they left behind as his own. research object.

Lu Chen used the beast shadow formation on them, and began to set up the formation.

Lu Chen controlled the beast shadow, and attacked the opponent's enemies step by step.

Those people obviously didn't know the skill of this beast shadow, but now when they saw how powerful Lu Chen was, they started to shrink back unconsciously.

After all, they just stood aside and watched, and their teammates died tragically under Lu Chen's hands.

Seeing that Lu Chen had extended his claws towards him, he ran away in a panic.

After Lu Chen saw them cowering like this, he found it even more amusing.

They sent a few beast shadows to chase them all the time. Seeing that Lu Chen sent the beast shadows to chase them, those people felt that they couldn't escape, so they stopped straight and met the beast shadows commanded by Lu Chen. There was a fight.

How Nai's beast shadow is also very powerful, those people are no match for the beast shadow at all.

Everyone also died tragically in the hands of Beast Shadow. Seeing that all the enemies on the scene were cleared by him, Lu Chen also found it funny. These people came up to attack him without asking.

Lu Chen was thinking about why these people came to attack him, and who were their behind-the-scenes manipulators.

Chase Lu was very puzzled, and suddenly regretted it. He didn't ask clearly at that time and was attacking them, but even if Chase Lu asked them before, maybe they wouldn't say it.

Look at their posture, they will never give up until they kill themselves, or if they can't kill themselves, then they can only die here. These fighters must have been trained for a long time.

Lu Chen could see it.

They must have been instigated or threatened by someone to hold such a state and idea of ​​not returning to death.

It was difficult for Lu Chen to find out anything from their mouths. Now he saw that there was no one on the scene, only the corpses lying on the ground remained.

Lu Chen thought about leaving here. After all, he had been out for too long now. He told Ye Zi that he would go out for a while, but he didn't expect that this time would turn into a day.

Lu Chen was a little flustered, afraid that Ye Zi would worry blindly.

And I am not unscathed, and now I have a lot of wounds on my body, and those wounds are cracked one after another.

Next, Lu Chen thought about the previous battle and the current situation.

Thinking about it, he also had the intention of retreating, and wanted to leave here quickly, so Lu Chen started to act. After all, there was a team that was broken by him before, but another team came after him, and Lu Chen felt that it would be okay. Yes, maybe there will be a third and fourth team attacking him continuously, maybe that's also true.

So Chase Lu wanted to leave here before another wave of teams arrived. Just as he was about to leave, unexpectedly that group of teams had already started to attack Chase Lu at this time.

Unknowingly, Lu Chen had a headache.

I planned to leave, but now I have encountered such a state, but now I can't just leave so easily.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Those people seemed to see Lu Chen's intention to escape, so they kept attacking Lu Chen.

During the interval between the battles, Chase Lu thought about it. Now that he has been consuming with them, his physical strength and energy will definitely be consumed quickly. Early in the morning, he wanted to take the opportunity to leave, but he didn't want those people to realize what Chase Lu was thinking. He began to obstruct Lu Chen.

The current Lu Chen is a little embarrassed, after all, the realm he is in is a bit of a dilemma.

This dilemma made Chase Lu act a little flustered, and now he is neither advancing nor retreating.

If you want to continue to attack them, then this will be a huge physical and mental challenge.

If you plan to withdraw now, then these people will not agree.

It will also hinder him, so Lu Chen is a little troubled.

Now the pair on the opposite side were biting him again, so Lu Chen had no choice but to fight with them along the way.

However, in the process of fighting, he thought of some ways to help him escape from here.

Chase Lu had been looking for a way, and suddenly a new idea came to his mind.

That is to use the maze to help him escape from here. Since these people are not willing to let him go, then he has no choice but to use this method to escape.

I just hope that the last burst in my heart can repel everyone.

Lu Chen used the maze to start setting up, and the smoke surrounded the surroundings in an instant, and gradually the figures of the people around gradually became blurred.

Chase Lu couldn't see where they were now, and the other people couldn't see where Chase Lu was now, and everything around them gradually became blurred.

Lu Chen wanted to follow this opportunity to escape, but he didn't want to leave this trouble behind. He used spells to make himself see everything around him clearly.

Then they attacked those who couldn't see clearly one by one.

Everyone was a little scared. After all, Lu Chen could know their exact location now, but they couldn't see Lu Chen at all, so they wanted to retreat.

But Chase Lu doesn't want them to leave now, after all, he has a chance to attack them now.

Looking for this opportunity, Lu Chen annihilated them one by one, and everyone fell to the ground.

After the smoke and the formation ability disappeared, Lu Chen gradually saw his surroundings more clearly.

Everything around became clearer, and all the enemies on the scene were knocked down heavily by him.

Lu Chen was excited for a while. He didn't expect that he had been particularly successful in using this maze for the first time, and now the current trouble has been solved.

But Chase Lu didn't know if anyone would continue to attack him, so he wanted to get away quickly.

After successfully escaping, Chase Lu wanted to go back to the city immediately to find Ye Zi.

He didn't want Ye Zi to worry, so he had to go back immediately, and he didn't forget to observe the four weeks along the way.

Looking around, the road is full of suburban places, which are the easiest places to ambush.

Therefore, Chase Lu must be cautious and cannot tolerate sloppyness.

Lu Chen felt very uneasy and restless along the way.

These teams were obviously aimed at him, so Lu Chen felt that something was wrong. After seeing Ye Zi in the city, he must discuss it with them and go to investigate.

Otherwise, if he shows up again to deal with him later, it will be troublesome. This matter is related to his life and some secrets.

Lu Chen had to rush to the city to meet Ye Zi and talk to her about it.

Chase Lu quickly walked to the place where Ye Zi was waiting for him. Once he arrived in the city, he saw Ye Zi looking out anxiously. Chase Lu quickly stepped up to Ye Zi's side. After returning, the uneasy heart immediately calmed down.

"Leaves, I'm back."

Due to his fast pace just now, there was some panting in his voice, and this was the first sentence Lu Chen said when he saw Ye Zi.

Ye Zi frowned and looked towards Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen saw Ye Zi looking at him like this, he also understood Ye Zi, and he must be very worried in his heart, waiting here for a long time.

Then he walked to Ye Zi's side in a hurry, flattering Ye Zi and said: "Ye Zi, I'm sorry, I went here too late, and I didn't expect to come back so late, and I kept you waiting for a long time. I'm sorry."

Unexpectedly, Ye Zi ignored his apology at all, and directly lost her temper at Lu Chen, she yelled at Lu Chen: "Do you know how much you will make others worry about you?

Saying that you are going out for a while without saying a word, and then only come back now, do you know that your behavior is really infuriating, do you treat yourself as a child?

Even a child will not walk away without saying hello like you. "

"Don't you think it's really irritating for you to act like this? Besides, I brought you here. If something happens to you here, I will return to Dongsheng later. How should I explain to others? Woolen cloth?

You don't think about other people's worries, and other people's inner thoughts. If you are so reckless, you will suffer in the future, you know? "

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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