Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2511 Death

After all, because those wounds were all on his body, he could only take off his clothes and bandage them there.

What Lu Chen didn't expect was that Ye Zi would barge in like this. When Ye Zi saw that Lu Chen was sitting shirtless on the bed and changing his dressing, he turned around shyly.

Then he said to Lu Chen abruptly: "How did you get such a serious injury?

Why didn't you tell me you were hurt? "

I didn't expect that Ye Zi would see such a scene when Ye Zi came in. Lu Chen actually sat there with scars all over his body, bandaging his body.

When Ye Zi thought about it, he became angry again. What was so angry was that Lu Chen didn't tell himself that he was seriously injured.

If Chase Lu had said these words to himself before, it would be impossible for him to reprimand Chase Lu outside that door for so long.

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Lu Chen sighed, and said helplessly to Ye Zi: "You were patronizing and scolding me before, and I listened humbly, so I forgot about it.

And I don't think there's any need to tell you, whoever went out to fight and came back without any injuries, besides, you said before that I was reckless, and now you don't knock on other people's doors, just like this Breaking in, do you know that, it's very impolite. "

After Ye Zi heard what Lu Chen said, she also realized that her behavior was a bit reckless.

Then he said awkwardly to Lu Chen: "I was standing outside the door before, and I wanted to wait for you to come out and discuss an important matter with you, but I didn't want to, you never came out, and I thought something happened to you I just broke in and didn't knock on the door beforehand. I'm sorry about this. I didn't expect this to happen. By the way, you" Ye Zi seemed to think of something, and then turned around, only to find that Chase Lu Already fully dressed, Ye Zi did not speak for a while.

Looking directly at Lu Chen, Lu Chen thought that there was something wrong with him when Ye Zi looked at him, and quickly began to look for something different about him.

But he didn't find anything unusual about him, so he said to Ye Zi: "What's wrong?

Is there something strange about me? "

Ye Zi, who was said by Lu Chen, retracted her gaze in a panic, and began to walk around in Lu Chen's room.

Then, he walked up to Lu Chen and said to Lu Chen, "Are you treating your wound like this?

You have so many injuries on your body, I advise you, you should take good care of them, otherwise the scars will not look good in the future. "

After Ye Zi finished speaking, she suddenly lowered her head shyly as if realizing something.

Lu Chen looked at Ye Zi with some puzzlement, not understanding why she quickly lowered her head after she said those words.

Lu Chen found that the blush that he had seen before undoubtedly appeared on Ye Zi's face.

Lu Chen thought about what Ye Zi said to himself just now, and finally he understood something.

Now the atmosphere is very embarrassing, Lu Chen wanted to tease Ye Zi, so he said to Ye Zi: "Oh?

You observe the wound on my body so carefully, then what else do you see? "

Lu Chen's smile suddenly became treacherous, and he stared at Ye Zi.

After hearing this, Ye Zi raised her head quickly.

But he ran into his treacherous and treacherous expression, and after hearing Lu Chen's joke, Ye Zi's face flushed again.

Then Ye Zi hesitated and wanted to explain to herself.

Lu Chen, on the other hand, observed Ye Zi's funny expression, and after seeing Ye Zi hesitating, not knowing what to say, he also found it funny.

Thinking about it, he also laughed out loud.

As soon as Ye Zi heard this, she knew that Lu Chen was deliberately teasing herself, so she glared at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen stopped in a hurry, and made some jokes to Ye Zi absently, and his expression immediately became serious.

Seeing that he finally became serious, Ye Zi breathed a sigh of relief. If Lu Chen kept asking, it would be difficult for him to answer. Fortunately, Lu Chen did not continue to ask himself.

The two of them stopped talking immediately, and suddenly Lu Chen asked Ye Zi: "You said that you just came in because you wanted to tell me something serious, what exactly is that thing?

You can say it now. "

Lu Chen suddenly remembered what Ye Zi said just now.

"Ah, oh, oh?"

As soon as Ye Zi heard it, she started talking in a daze, then scratched the back of her head, patted it lightly, and then remembered something.

Lu Chen had a panoramic view of Ye Zi's movements, and he couldn't help but feel that Ye Zi's actions were very cute, so he smiled at Ye Zi.

After Ye Zi heard Lu Chen's question, she also remembered the serious matter that she wanted to tell Lu Chen before.

Then he looked around and saw Chase Lu, the chair behind him, and walked towards it.

Sitting down, he explained to Lu Chen.

"During the time you were away, the Dao Discussion Conference urgently summoned me to a meeting.

Then, I knew that this Dao Discussion Conference seemed to be divided into three parts. At the beginning, we were going to listen to the opinions of those Fuxiuqiang people, and later, we were going to have some discussions there.

As for the third paragraph, I can't explain why. "

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"They didn't tell me what to do in the third paragraph, so I'm here to inform you today, to make a report and thoughts on the content of the second paragraph. After all, we will go to them to discuss it later. When the time comes It's not good to be ashamed."

When Lu Chen heard it, he also felt a little helpless.

Immediately frowned, it turned out that Ye Zi said these words to herself so urgently, because she didn't want to embarrass her in the Dao Discussion Conference.

In an instant, Lu Chen's face became very ugly. He thought that the Dao Discussion Conference would end very soon, and he would regain his freedom, but he didn't expect that this damn Dao Discussion Conference would be divided into three parts. This made Chase Lu really angry.

Seeing Lu Chen's rapid expression change, Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "Although it is divided into three sections, the time is very tight. Maybe in a few days, the Dao Discussion Conference will end, so you Just study hard, and you will never see so many talisman cultivators gather and discuss together."

After hearing what Ye Zi said, Lu Chen had no choice but to nod to Ye Zi.

After all, Ye Zi couldn't interfere with all the projects and meetings of the conference.

So these processes are all created by the person who opened the Dao Discussion Conference.

Lu Chen regained some sense, and felt that Ye Zi didn't know about it, so he said to Ye Zi: "Okay, I know, I will practice hard.

When the time comes to discuss with them, you will not lose face. "

Ye Zi also smiled happily after hearing this, and said to Lu Chen: "That's fine, but you should practice hard, but you must treat those wounds well before.

Also pay attention to your own physical matters, don't be too tired. "

When Lu Chen heard that Ye Zi still cared about him now, he nodded heavily at Ye Zi and said, "I understand."

After Ye Zi briefly explained these procedures to Chase Lu, he also left Chase Lu's room.

After Lu Chen saw Ye Zi left, he sat down on his bed in a daze.

Recalling the three paragraphs that Ye Zi said just now, and the opinions of those low-level talisman cultivators they had heard before.

There are still two paragraphs left, and Lu Chen also feels a little upset.

Lu Chen then counted the time, and heard from Ye Zi that although it is divided into three sections, the time is still very tight, and there may only be a few days left, so Lu Chen also gave him a good comfort in his heart.

But thinking of staying by Ye Zi's side these days, inexplicably, a burst of anger arose in his heart, and an uncomfortable feeling emerged spontaneously.

Lu Chen was very irritable. He looked at the bed behind him, lay down straight, and rolled over and over on the bed, which showed his inner impatience.

After lying on the bed for a while, I also felt that my body and mind were greatly relaxed, and my heart became more comfortable.

Feeling a little bored, Chase Lu thought that although he couldn't leave Ye Zi's side during this time, he could use this time to improve his skills and cultivation skills, so that he could take himself to a higher level.

After all, after all, it is also necessary to communicate and discuss with those talisman cultivators.

With my current skills, if I go to participate in the exchange and discussion, then I will definitely lose face and may lose face at any time.

Since I have promised Ye Zi that I will not embarrass him, then I must go to practice hard now.

Although I was very unhappy in it before, but one size counts for one size, it has reached this point, and Lu Chen no longer wants to be angry.

Immediately, he quickly sat up from the bed.

Looking around, I found that the surrounding area is not suitable for cultivation. After all, this is a bed and breakfast inn, and there are some guests around here. If I practice too much, I may make noise to them.

Lu Chen thought about going to the small world to practice. After all, time passes very slowly in the small world. As long as he practices in it for a few days, maybe only an hour or two hours can pass outside, and the inside is very slow. With spiritual power, if you practice in the small world, the speed of spiritual power will be stronger than outside, and it will be easier to absorb, and you will get twice the result with half the effort when you practice.

But now, I am not in Dongsheng Academy, and I still have to be vigilant outside.

If my consciousness travels into the small world now, and those men in black attack my body again at this time, then I may follow and be killed.

Chase Lu must ensure that his body will not be harmed in any way during this period of time, but if he wants to protect his body from harm, he must isolate his surroundings from the outside world.

Lu Chen thought about transfiguration and arranged a formation to seal his room from the outside world.

After Lu Chen arranged the formations around his room, he meditated on the bed.

He wanted to let his soul go to the small world with his mind, after a while his body was separated from the soul, and the soul entered the small world, while the body was still sitting on the bed, motionless there. with.

After entering the small world, Chase Lu began to go straight to the theme, which was to practice in it.

Now I have to practice the method of talisman cultivation, otherwise, I may be ashamed tomorrow.

After Lu Chen arrived in the small world, he took out the talisman paper, faced a stone pillar opposite, and began to attack.

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