Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2512 Smelly black substance

After imagining the stone pillar on the opposite side as his enemy, he used his mind to inject spiritual and mana power into Fu Xiuzhi's body.

The talisman paper felt that Lu Chen's mind was strong, and it exuded endless power.

Lu Chen wanted to manipulate the talisman paper well, but after a lot of effort and skill, he completely mastered the technique of how to manipulate the talisman paper.

The talisman paper is in Lu Chen's hands, and it can be easily manipulated.

The talisman paper burst out with shocking power, and it went directly towards the stone pillar. The energy that the talisman paper can use this time is the technique of blasting.

Chase Lu strengthened his thoughts, and the energy quickly spread out, and he hit the stone pillar fiercely, and then the talisman paper released a burst of attack power, and the stone pillar also began to explode when it received the power When he got up, he heard the sound of the stone pillar cracking, and Lu Chen was very excited.

But this mood made the talisman paper a little wobbly, because the thoughts in Lu Chen's heart determined the next step of the talisman paper.

Lu Chen sensed that he seemed to be unable to control the direction of the talisman paper, so he quickly wanted to calm down the joy in his heart.

The erratic thoughts of the talisman paper were immediately intercepted by Lu Chen in time.

Then, in Lu Chen's hands, he was accused obediently by him.

After Lu Chen saw that he could grasp some skills in talisman paper, he stopped this practice.

I started to think about how to face those people who have been practicing talisman cultivation since childhood in the small world.

After all, Chase Lu is different from them. What they learned before dawn is completely different from what they learned before. I am afraid that there will be some different opinions in the subsequent exchanges. Chase Lu is also thinking about how to proceed tomorrow in the small world. some discussion.

After sorting out the thoughts in his mind and the knowledge he had acquired recently, Chase Lu quickly decided what he should say and the content of his speech when he communicated tomorrow. After thinking about these, he went on to practice in it some.

It's just that this practice is not about practicing talisman cultivation. After all, talisman cultivation has been controlled by Lu Chen now.

Now he had to pick up what he had learned before, fearing that he would forget it in the future, so Lu Chen started his own practice.

During the process of cultivation, Lu Chen suddenly felt something happened to his body, and suddenly became a little painful.

Lu Chen felt the pain, and quickly stopped his cultivation, carefully checking his wounds.

In fact, when Lu Chen was bandaging before, he wanted to take care of it.

But he didn't expect that Ye Zi had already broken in at that time. After seeing Ye Zi broke in, Lu Chen couldn't continue to deal with it, so he had to put on his own clothes, so he didn't deal with it in time.

Ye Zi is not around now, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Lu Chen observed his wound, worried that the place would deteriorate. After all, he didn't check carefully before, so Lu Chen quickly cleaned his clothes, looked down at his Wounds all over the body.

Lu Chen found that the large and small wounds were actually injured by their swords, but there was no reason to make himself feel such pain aggravated.

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

This is very suspicious. Although Chase Lu fought fiercely with them this time, he has dealt with others before, and he has never been injured so seriously.

After that, looking at these small knife wounds on his body, he couldn't make himself so uncomfortable.

Lu Chen frowned, not quite understanding the reason.

The more Lu Chen thought about it, the more incredible he felt.

Although he was successfully attacked by them when he was fighting with them, but Chase Lu only received that blow. Chase Lu couldn't understand why there were so many wounds on his body.

So I wanted to find out quickly what was going on.

Lu Chen quickly checked his physical condition. Lu Chen was a little flustered, afraid that he seemed to have suffered some unknown attack. If there was poison in his body, then Lu Chen would probably die up.

But Chase Lu checked his body quickly, and all the conditions indicated that his body was fine, and there was no doubt about it, nor would he poison himself as Chase Lu had guessed before. .

All these signs indicate that Chase Lu is not in any danger to his life now.

Lu Chen was relieved, and Lu Chen suddenly raised his head and glanced at his wound, only to find that there seemed to be some kind of black substance shining on his wound.

Lu Chen was depressed, he didn't expect that his mana could not detect this.

Then he looked at the black substance on his injured wound, and touched it casually.

The black substance fell down, and Chase Lu felt a little unbelievable, but since the black substance had already fallen from his body, it was convenient for him to check it.

Lu Chen put it in the palm of his hand and observed it, but there was no doubt about it.

This is just a black substance, there is no other difference.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen connected this black substance with the previous mysterious organization, and also thought that this black substance might be a special thing injected into him by the previous mysterious organization, so he frowned unconsciously.

But now he swept away his previous thoughts, not necessarily that this piece of black substance was left at that time, Lu Chen felt that this piece of black substance seemed to have nothing to do with that mysterious organization.

Because Lu Chen felt that the feeling of this black substance was completely different from that of the mysterious organization, Lu Chen speculated that this black substance might have been accidentally contaminated when he left there.

When Lu Chen thought about it this way, he also panicked, and none of these signs pointed to Lu Chen.

These things are all coming towards Lu Chen. Recently, Lu Chen also feels a little dangerous, and many dangers are coming to him at the same time, so he is also a little frightened.

In the process of cultivation, unexpectedly encountered such an emergency, Lu Chen had no choice but to stop his cultivation and leave the small world.

Immediately closed the passage to the small world, returned to the room where he was meditating just now, and took back all the formations around his room one by one.

Now that his room has begun to connect with the outside world, Lu Chen thought that he must go to Liu Changqing and Ye Zi to discuss it the next day.

With this doubt, Lu Chen spent the night safely.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen urgently contacted Liu Changqing and Ye Zi.

Liu Changqing and Ye Zi came to Lu Chen in a hurry, wanting to find out what happened that made Lu Chen so flustered, so they came to them.

As soon as Liu Changqing entered the door, he asked Lu Chen straightforwardly: "Lu Chen, what happened to you?

Why are you in such a hurry?

Is something wrong? "

Lu Chen glanced at what Liu Changqing said to himself.

Then he said to Liu Changqing: "No, no, I called you here today because there is something I want you two to investigate."

Liu Changqing didn't know that Lu Chen had always been very shrewd and cautious, and he could solve problems if he wouldn't let the two of them help him.

Why do I have to ask him and Ye Zi to discuss it together today?

The only thing Liu Changqing could think of was this urgent matter, and even Lu Chen couldn't help it.

After hearing this, Ye Zi also didn't quite understand.

Usually Lu Chen does things vigorously and vigorously. He never needs anyone's help, and after discussing with others, he can make decisions and make up his own mind. Why is Lu Chen in such a situation today? Liu Changqing came to discuss together.

Lu Chen naturally understood the doubts in their hearts, but now it was too late to explain the reason to them, and began to look for the black substance he had just obtained in the small world.

During the search, I talked to them: "I came back directly after going through that fight before, but I didn't realize that my injury was so serious, but when I went to practice today , I actually found that I had large and small knife wounds on my body, but these didn't make me puzzled, but there was one thing I really didn't understand, because today I suddenly found a small black wound on the wound. Matter, I investigated him, but I didn't understand what kind of thing it was."

After Lu Chen finished speaking to them, he quickly took out the black substance from his pocket. After hearing this, Liu Changqing and Ye Zi looked at each other, a little puzzled.

Chase Lu brought the black substance to the eyes of the two of them for their observation so as to help him.

After listening to what Lu Chen said, Liu Changqing also understood the reason why Lu Chen called him and Ye Zi urgently.

Then he looked at the piece of black matter that Lu Chen was holding in his hand, and observed it carefully.

Of course, Ye Zi is no exception. After all, Lu said such an urgent matter, he must not stand idly by.

Ye Zi and Liu Changqing helped Chase Lu study the black substance here.

Lu Chen waited nervously by the side. After all, he had researched for a long time before, but he didn't come up with a result, so he was very disturbed in his heart, fearing that even big men like Liu Changqing and Ye Zi would not be able to research it.

Now Lu Chen could only worry on the sidelines. Liu Changqing took the black substance, put it in his hand and looked at it for a while, and found that it was just an ordinary black substance, which was not beneficial or special.

Inevitably, some felt puzzled.

But after holding it in his hand and examining it for a while, he felt that there was a strange feeling, but he couldn't explain why it was so strange.

Liu Changqing was a little puzzled, but if he only looked at its surface like this, he would definitely not find anything unusual.

So Liu Changqing planned to get closer. Liu Changqing got the black substance and put it in front of his nose, trying to smell something, so come from other places.

However, the black substance emitted a foul smell, which made Liu Changqing feel very sick and wanted to vomit.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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