Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2510 Manipulation Talisman Repair

"Yeah, why don't you just let us see and see. Although I am a person who studies talismans, I usually stay in Dongsheng College. I just study the knowledge in books. I haven't seen how others do it." Using Talisman to cultivate Taoism, I want to see it."

Both Chase Lu and Ye Zi turned to Yu Wen for help.

When Yu Wen heard this, he burst out laughing. Seeing that the two of them were like this, after wanting to let him teach them, he was too embarrassed to refuse, and then he agreed.

So both of them were very happy, waving like children.

Yu Wen looked at the two of them from the side.

Although I just heard Lu Chen say that the two of them are the relationship between the tutor and the tutor assistant, but no matter how Yu Wen looks at the two of them, I feel that although the two of them often pinch each other, they are not satisfied with each other's emotions. a very big improvement.

Yu Wen, who just appeared in front of them, can find that the two of them must be tricky, not to mention the previous shop owner and Liu Changqing.

But Yu Wen is not like the previous store owner and Liu Changqing who directly misunderstood them. Yu Wen is a smart person. I will not act rashly.

Although the relationship between the two is very close, but right now, he still can't express his thoughts casually, so Yu Wen stood aside and watched the two of them.

Finding that the two of them are now like a pair of children who got candy, dancing and swaying themselves non-stop, Yu Wen felt a little funny, even Ye Zi and Lu Chen didn't realize that the two of them could do it. Such a weird behavior.

When both of them realized what they were doing, they stopped quickly, pretending to be very calm, and coughed awkwardly. Lu Chen stared intently at Ye Zi in front of him, and found that Ye Zi showed a bright smile. I didn't expect Ye Zi's smile to be so beautiful, so I stared dumbfounded.

As for Ye Zi, who was stared at by Lu Chen, his smile gradually froze. He didn't realize that Lu had stared at him for so long, so he turned his head and looked away in embarrassment.

Yu Wen noticed the embarrassment of the two of them from the side.

He took the initiative to speak out, trying to ease the embarrassment between the two of them.

Yu Wen said to the two of them: "Since you want me to show you so much, then you can come with me.

Let me take you to take a good look at what the real talisman is like. "

As soon as the two heard it, Yu Wen was willing to teach them two, let them have a good experience, and also stopped the embarrassment just now.

With an excited face, he nodded heavily at Yu Wen.

Then Yu Wen said: "But, I still have to wait a while to show you.

Because I will show you one by one on the forum. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen and Ye Zi also expressed their understanding.

Afterwards, Yu Wen said that he still has other things to do and he can't stay with the two of them, so he planned to leave.

Lu Chen and Ye Zi said to him: "That's all right, see you later on the discussion."

Then Ye Zi also said to Lu Chen: "Now we have found a powerful talisman, and he also assured us that he will show us the skills of talisman in the following discussion, then you must be careful in the future." study."

After Ye Zi finished speaking, Lu Chen said to Ye Zi: "Okay, I will definitely study hard, and I will never embarrass you in the discussion."

After hearing Lu Chen's personal assurance, Ye Zi stopped talking and started wandering around.

Lu Chen was thinking hard in the same place, but he didn't expect to see Hun Yan here.

Lu Chen was a little bit disappointed. In fact, before Lu Chen came here, he thought he would see Hun Yan, so he was so excited. Who knows, he didn't even see Hun Yan's shadow, so Lu Chen was a little bit uncomfortable. Happy.

However, suddenly there was a voice from a microphone coming from Lu Chen's ear, which said, "The discussion of the Tao has officially begun, and the discussion of the Tao has officially begun."

After reading it several times in a row, Lu Chen realized that the discussion was about to start, so he hurried to Ye Zi's side.

After Ye Zi saw Chase Lu came back, she pulled him back to the center to watch, discuss and communicate. Unexpectedly, they just left for a while, and there were many people standing next to the center.

They still had to squeeze to get out, and Ye Zi easily got inside because of her petite body.

Due to Lu Chen's relatively large stature, he couldn't successfully enter the inside. In this way, one was inside and the other was outside, and the two could not communicate at all.

But in this situation, he couldn't get in, so Chase Lu shouted at Ye Zi: "Why don't you just watch it inside, I'll watch it outside, I promise you will be fine Listen, don't worry."

After hearing this, Ye Zi agreed, after all, Lu Chen couldn't squeeze in now.

After Chase Lu promised, Ye Zi was more at ease in front, watching this discussion conference.

But who knows, the Dao Discussion Conference did not go as expected by the two of them. After the host of the Dao Discussion Conference came to the stage, he was reciting the names of the guests and their deeds to show Tell them what they are good at, but there are no guests on stage for a long time.

And there is no any technique of talisman cultivation to be shown to everyone, as well as the settings for the talisman cultivation link.

Lu Chen kept listening to the host calling the names of several people outside the venue, but there was no knowledge about talisman repair, so he simply stopped listening.

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Then he walked around for a while, but after seeing people who were serious and serious around and continued to watch the Dao Discussion Conference, Lu Chen felt that it was very boring, and returned to the previous position and continued to listen.

Lu Chen wondered if Ye Zi was teasing him. After all, Ye Zi had teased him too much before. Maybe Ye Zi had other plans when he came here this time, and he just came to listen to the guests of the Dao Discussion Conference. The names, as well as their deeds, let oneself come only to tease oneself.

When Lu Chen thought that Ye Zi might be teasing him, he became furious and wanted to go to Ye Zi and scold her.

However, now that I couldn't squeeze in, I had no choice but to let it go.

Then he calmed down, and remembered how kind Ye Zi was when he took him to see the city of talisman repairs.

I also got some pretty big gains from my visit this time, so I didn't continue to insult Ye Zi in my heart.

After all, Lu Chen still hasn't forgotten the feeling when Ye Zi took him to watch the city of talisman repair.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the host on the forum suddenly took the microphone and continued his explanation. He said to everyone in the audience: "Now we will invite all the guests to come on stage and tell everyone one by one. , about the skills of talisman cultivation."

Seeing that the real explanation was finally about to start, Lu Chen quickly pricked up his ears to listen, but seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, he complained in his heart again.

But Chase Lu looked around, but no one was as impatient as he was. They all patiently waited for the host to let the guests come on stage to explain.

Lu Chen doesn't know, is it true that people who learn talisman cultivation are very peaceful in their hearts and can calm down?

But soon this idea was left behind by Chase Lu. After all, he had seen Ye Zi lose his temper, and Ye Zi lost his temper very violently.

Therefore, Lu Chen didn't think that people who practiced talisman would be able to calm down.

Maybe they have been furious for a long time, but because they are surrounded by a group of people who practice their own way, they didn't burst out their state of mind.

When Lu Chen thought about it, he felt funny. Now that he came to this place of discussion, he might be the only one who didn't major in talisman cultivation.

Lu Chen looked at everyone around him and rushed towards the center. From time to time, he was ready to pick up his notebook, wanting to make some notes about the knowledge of talisman cultivation and Taoism, and there were two people beside him who kept While discussing the Dao, I felt that such a scene seemed to be a social meeting, and I didn't feel the strong aura of talisman cultivation at all, I just felt that these people were flattering each other.

In fact, Ling Yezi himself did not expect that the Dao Discussion Conference would be like this, and he couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Thanks to my previous expectations, it seems that I am destined to learn nothing from this conference.

The leaves are very lost.

Chase Lu found a place outside and sat up. He didn't expect that this conference would be so boring.

His feet were numb from standing, so he quickly found a place to sit down.

Lu Chen thought to himself: "If I knew it, I wouldn't come to this place of discussion with Ye Zi. I didn't learn the skills of talisman repair, but my feet were numb, really."

As Lu Chen sat down, he kept complaining feebly.

Immediately, the Dao Discussion Conference officially started.

Under the host's explanation, all the guests gathered and stood on the front stage one after another. Sitting behind, Lu Chen wanted to cover his ears when he heard the host's irritating preaching voice.

However, as soon as he heard that a guest was about to come on stage and start explaining his opinions and skills about Fuxiu, he drooped his ears again and pricked up his ears to listen carefully. The atmosphere in the venue was very friendly, and everyone was listening quietly. All the guests went up to explain.

Lu Chen sat aside and listened carefully, and then someone came on stage and began to explain their opinions on some talisman repairs.

One of the guests said: "Actually, I think the Taoism of talisman cultivation is extremely easy, and it is the easiest to control among all the Taoisms."

"Because talisman cultivation is not like other Taoisms, which have many weapons and have to be trained into those weapons. Instead, as long as you have a piece of talisman paper on your body and can be used by you, then you can master and manipulate talisman cultivation as you like." power."

"As long as you can comprehend some of the principles of talisman cultivation and grasp the strength and power of talisman cultivation, then you can probably understand the whole knowledge of talisman cultivation."

"That's all I'm going to say. There will be some people who know more about talisman repair and tell you about it."

After he finished speaking, he left the stage, and there was a loud bang in the arena, and applause came from the front from time to time, and entered Lu Chen's ears.

After listening to Lu Chen, he also felt a lot. Before, he was the same, no matter how he practiced the talisman, he couldn't practice it, but later, because of Ye Zi's teaching, and explaining some difficulties he encountered, and through constant practice. Only by practicing can one understand some basic things.

Therefore, the most important thing to grasp in the practice of talisman repair is the control of the talisman paper. As long as the talisman paper can be controlled and operated well, then the power of the talisman paper is infinite.

After Lu Chen heard it, he felt very clear, and unconsciously praised the guests who had just come on stage.

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