Lu Chen has been observing the people around him, but he doesn't know which people are the powerful talisman cultivators in Ye Zi's mouth.

He was surrounded by a group of relatively unfamiliar faces.

They were all unfamiliar people, from all corners of the country, who hadn't looked at them directly, so it was difficult for Chase Lu to find them.

Thinking about it, Lu Chen carefully observed his surroundings, wanting to judge through their communication and their ability to deal with talisman cultivation, whether they are powerful talisman cultivation or not.

But I didn't expect that Chase Lu hadn't fully learned the technique of talisman repair.

It is impossible to judge their true strength from their words and deeds.

Lu Chen thought about it, so he had to go back to look for Ye Zi.

Since I wandered around, but couldn't find the god of talisman cultivation that Ye Zi said, I had no choice but to return to Ye Zi in embarrassment.

Seeing Lu Chen returning to her side with his head downcast, Ye Zi knew that Lu Chen must have failed to go out this time.

Lu Chen thought he would be ridiculed by Ye Zi, but he didn't expect Ye Zi to just say to him: "Didn't you find it?

That's right, it's quite difficult to find. People like you who are new to the Tao of Talisman generally have no possibility of finding it.

Forget it, let me take you to find it. "

As soon as Lu Chen heard this, he looked at Ye Zi, but found that Ye Zi's eyes had been staying on him. Lu Chen was a little puzzled, not knowing what happened to Ye Zi recently, and he didn't suppress him.

I wanted to ask Ye Zi if something happened.

However, Lu Chen thought that since Ye Zi had become so good, he didn't want her to change back to her previous state, so he didn't say anything more.

Ye Zi saw that Chase Lu had no opinion.

So she took him to walk around, looking for the great god of talisman cultivation she mentioned.

When Lu Chen followed Ye Zi all the way to investigate, he found a figure in front of him that Lu Chen felt very familiar with.

However, he couldn't see clearly what that person looked like, so Chase Lu was very curious and wanted to go up and check it out.

However, the leaf next to him was urging him: "Come here quickly, let's come here to check again."

Ye Zi pointed in the opposite direction to that person, and said to Lu Chen.

But now Lu Chen's eyes are fixed on the place where that person is, and he has no time to care about Ye Zi.

After Ye Zi saw that Lu Chen ignored him, she became a little angry, walked to Lu Chen's side slightly angrily, and shouted at him: "Hey, Lu Chen, did you listen to me?

Let me tell you, we're going over there, why are you staring here?

Why is there a master of talisman cultivation there? "

After hearing Ye Zi's words, Lu Chen suddenly threw a word to Ye Zi, "Maybe there really is."

As soon as Ye Zi heard it, she followed Lu Chen's gaze and looked over there.

Coincidentally, the man also turned around to look towards Lu Chen, but turned around immediately.

But when Chase Lu saw the person coming, he was a little excited and walked forward happily.

The vigilant Yu Wen felt behind him, as if someone was coming straight towards him, so he turned around immediately.

However, it was discovered that the person opposite was actually Lu Chen, and there was an unfamiliar woman behind Lu Chen.

After Lu Chen saw that the man was Yu Wen, he walked towards Yu Wen with a little excitement.

After all, after coming to this place of discussion, the first person I met was Yu Wen.

Lu Chen walked to Yu Wen's side, patted Yu Wen's shoulder, and said to him: "Yu Wen, why are you here?

What a coincidence. "

When Yu Wen heard that Lu Chen asked himself like this, he smiled and said to Lu Chen: "Shouldn't I say this to you?

Shouldn't you be staying in Dongsheng Academy at this time?

Why did you come to the west to participate in the discussion? You asked me why I came here. Don't you know that I am a talisman?

Now that there is such a lively discussion conference, I have to come and see it. "

As soon as Lu Chen finished listening, he felt a little embarrassed. He didn't think of Yu Wen as a powerful talisman.

What I said to Yu Wen just now was like a juggling monkey in front of the King of the Mountain.

Lu Chen lowered his head, because Yu Wen in front of him was very powerful.

He is now ranked second in the Western Academy, and the first is the unserious Liu Changqing I saw before.

Yu Wen in front of him is a weirdo with a talisman training body.

The reason why he is called a freak is because his strength is amazing, and he does not need anyone to teach, impart knowledge, and help him. His own strength can be controlled by himself.

Complete learning of talisman knowledge is personal self-study.

And he can also develop a whole body of skills, Lu Chen thinks he is a freak.

In fact, after seeing Lu Chen, Yu Wen also felt a little pleasantly surprised.

He didn't realize that Lu Chen would also be in this place of discussion. At first, he thought that he didn't have anyone he knew around him, and he couldn't talk to him, but after seeing Lu Chen, he became a little excited inexplicably, and said He also talked several times more than usual.

Afterwards, Yu Wen looked at Ye Zi behind Chen Lu. Although Ye Zi was not born before, she is quite powerful.

Although Ye Zi didn't go to their Fuxiu Daoist to compete before, it's true.

And few people can know the power of Ye Zi.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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However, in front of such a high-end talisman cultivator as Yu Wen, Ye Zi still has some popularity.

After seeing Ye Zi behind Chen Lu, Yu Wen also chatted more enthusiastically with the two of them, "Isn't this the famous Ye Zi of Dongsheng?

Are you also here today to participate in the Talisman Cultivation Discussion? "

Yu Wen crossed Chase Lu and asked Ye Zi.

Seeing that it was Yu Wen who came, Ye Zi became excited and surprised, because among all the talisman repair hands Ye Zi knew, the only well-known one was Yu Wen in front of him.

Seeing it now, Yu Wen in front of him is a little excited.

Although his own strength is also very strong, Yu Wen's ability cannot be surpassed by himself.

Then he nodded modestly to Yu Wen.

After Lu Chen saw Ye Zi looking at Yu Wen with such kind and excited eyes, he didn't know why he felt a little uncomfortable and unbalanced.

Lu Chen thought this feeling was because Ye Zi had never given him a good face before, but now he was so kind to a stranger he had never met before, so he couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable.

Lu Chen jumped out and stood between Ye Zi and Yu Wen.

Lu Chen blocked Ye Zi, and said to Yu Wen: "Hey, you are really not enough brothers, we just met, you actually abandoned me, and you have been ignoring me, I am angry, Yu Wen."

After hearing this, Yu Wen stopped chatting only to Ye Zi, and then greeted Lu Chen a few words.

Ye Zi stood aside, looking at Yu Wen all the time, Lu Chen was actually looking at Ye Zi from the corner of his eye, and seeing Ye Zi was actually staring at Yu Wen, he couldn't get out of his anger.

In fact, the reason why Ye Zi looks at Yu Wen is very simple, she wants to learn some basic things about talisman cultivation from Yu Wen.

But in Lu Chen's eyes, Ye Zi has committed a nympho to Yu Wen.

So Lu Chen immediately blocked Ye Zi's sight, and didn't want Ye Zi to stare at Yu Wen so openly again.

Yu Wen saw what Lu Chen was thinking, so he pushed Lu Chen and said to him, "Oh, Lu Chen, you are really good."

Seeing this, Lu Chen became a little angry, and continued to stand in front of the two of them.

Seeing Lu Chen, Ye Zi was inexplicably agitated, and even disturbed her to observe Yu Wen, so she said to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, get out of the way."

Lu Chen didn't want to talk to her at first, but when he thought that he couldn't talk back to Ye Zi now, because Ye Zi was his mentor after all, and now that he was in the place of discussion, he had no choice but to listen to Ye Zi's arrangement.

After Lu Chen retreated smoothly, the three of them were able to have a good chat.

Yu Wen could see that Lu Chen was afraid of Ye Zi, so he asked Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, what is the relationship between you and this Ye Zi girl?

I know Miss Ye Zi, after all, she is also from Fu Xiu, so I am not very surprised to come to participate in the discussion of Fu Xiu.

But why are you here too. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen immediately replied: "I am her assistant, and she is my mentor, I assist her in her work, and recently there is a talisman repair discussion?

She wanted me to come to study more and see more, saying that she didn't want me to embarrass her, so she brought me to study hard. "

After Yu Wen listened to this, he nodded his head and said: "So that's the case, then why did you guys push each other over there just now?

What on earth are you doing there? "

As soon as Ye Zi heard it, she understood what kind of question Yu Wen wanted to express, so she said to Yu Wen: "Actually, we just wanted to find some powerful talisman cultivators around, and then lead us I had a good time seeing you, but I didn't expect that Lu Chen actually found you in the crowd, so we walked over to you, but we didn't find that you knew Lu Chen."

After hearing this, Yu Wen smiled and said: "Oh, so that's the case, then have you found it now?"

After hearing Yu Wen's words, Lu Chen said to Yu Wen with a big smile: "I found it, didn't I find it?

Thanks to my ingenuity, we have now found a powerful ability user. "

Upon hearing this, Yu Wen asked, "Who is that?

Take me to see it too. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen smiled at him, and said to Yu Wen with a wicked smile: "Isn't it you?

It was you that I found. "

When Yu Wen heard this, he suddenly felt funny, and he didn't expect that the powerful person Lu Chen mentioned was actually himself.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "No way, you want me to guide you to see it, that's not possible, I have never brought anyone before, I don't know how to tell you.

So, you should change to another person. I think there are many powerful people around here, so you might as well look for them again. "

When Lu Chen heard that Yu Wen refused, he pretended to be a little angry and said to him: "No, since we have found it now, you actually asked us to give up. We will never give up. You should teach me quickly." Let's go.

Besides, how can there be a talisman more powerful than you around here?

I just searched with Ye Zi and couldn't find it.

So, just be honest and teach us obediently. "

As soon as Ye Zi heard it, he also echoed with Lu Chen. After all, it was hard to catch a relatively powerful talisman repairer, and the strength is very powerful, so he can't give up casually.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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