Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2498 Conspiracy

Chase Lu tried many methods, but it still didn't work.Immediately, he thought of a good idea, that is, Feiyue came to Ye Zi's side, and Chase Lu began to circle around Ye Zi, the speed was so fast that Ye Ye was a little dazzled, that talisman, near his master, It is not easy to launch an attack again, because they are afraid of hurting their master.

This is why those talisman papers did not wrap around Chase Lu for a long time.Seeing this, Lu Chen felt that the plan was very successful, and he still refused to leave by Ye Zi's side. Seeing this, Ye Zi found that Lu Chen had already unlocked the secret of her talisman paper, so he hurriedly wanted to push Lu Chen. Lu Chen just refused to leave, and kept entangled with Ye Zi.

Ye Zi couldn't bear it anymore, someone had cracked the secret of her talisman paper, so she picked up her knife angrily and slashed at Lu Chen. When Lu Chen saw that Ye Zi had already taken out the knife, she hurriedly Turning around and leaving Ye Zi's side, the talisman still attacked Lu Chen again.

Lu Chen couldn't get close to Ye Zi's body now, and was still tightly surrounded by this string of talisman papers, so he couldn't launch his fierce attack at all, so he had to resist the talisman papers there.All of a sudden, the talisman struck straight at dawn.Lu Chen missed for a moment, but he didn't stop in time, and Lu Chen fell to the ground in an instant.

Seeing him like this, Ye Zi was very satisfied, so she took back her talisman paper, only to hear Lu Chen say to him: "Do you think it's fun to tease others like this? Ye Zi, do you think that you are such a fool?" People are very boring? Take other people's boringness as your own happiness, do I think you are really sad? I really didn't expect that you would play me so openly and continue to fight with me. Come on humiliate me."

Ye Zi was not happy when she heard it, and stopped joking with Lu Chen, and said to Lu Chen: "How can I play with you? What I said is true, this teaching and research office is indeed the tutor you want to tutor Besides, who is going to compete with you, obviously you attacked me from the beginning, have you heard my explanation? Just treat me like this."

After Ye Zi said this, Lu Chen was a little confused for a while, and didn't understand why Ye Zi said that.He didn't believe Ye Zi very much, because he always felt that there was something in her words, and she was hurting other people's hearts all the time, so he didn't believe what Ye Zi said to her.

Seeing that she was like this in other people's hearts, Ye Zi couldn't help but feel a little sad. She withdrew her arrogant character and softly shouted to Lin Chen: "Hey, I really didn't lie to you. Forget it , seeing you like this, I will tell you, in fact, I am the tutor you want to tutor, so get along well in the future."

Saying that, Ye Zi stretched out her hand. After looking at her hand in disgust, Lu Chen suddenly realized what Ye Zi said just now, so he looked at Ye Zi with his eyes, Ye Zi shrugged himself with a smile shoulder, walked quickly to the desk and sat down.

With a strong smile, he said to Lu Chen: "Don't believe me, I am really your mentor. Seeing this, Lu Chen quickly got up from the ground, and immediately rushed to Ye Zi's desk, supporting the work table, said to Ye Zi with some temper: "What did you say?Are you saying you are my mentor?Impossible, absolutely impossible. "

Lu Chen seemed half doubtful, half talking to Ye Zi.After seeing his reaction, Ye Zi felt very satisfied, because Ye Zi had already guessed what kind of reaction Lu Chen would have when he knew that he was his mentor. Now it seems that it really is associated with himself almost.

Ye Zi didn't answer Lu Chen's question, and Lu Chen thought she had acquiesced when he saw this, so he said to Ye Zi: "Okay, since you are the mentor I want to assist, then why me? Why did you choose me to come?" How about being your assistant? You clearly know that the two of us have never gotten along, so why do you want me to help you with the courses? Tell me, what kind of conspiracy do you have?"

When Chase Lu learned that the mentor he wanted to assist was Ye Zi, he couldn't control his emotions completely, and broke out.

When Ye Zi heard this, she hooked her lips and said to Lu Chen: "Yes, it is because our two intentions are not compatible that I chose you to be my mentor assistant. After all, didn't you just say that? ? I am a boring person. I have always regarded other people’s boringness as happiness. Didn’t you say that just now? I’m going to show you this now.”

When Lu Chen heard it, he suddenly felt a little speechless, so he stood there and stopped talking.Seeing this, Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "Okay, don't worry, as my mentor assistant, I will never treat you badly. In fact, what I just said was just a joke."

"The reason why I let you be my mentor assistant is just the first condition I set for you after you lost the game last time. My first wish is to let you work hard." Ye Zi resumed her serious tone and said to Lu Chen.

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt that these words did not seem like what Ye Zi said when he was teasing him. Instead, Lu Chen felt that what Ye Zi said now had some credibility.

After all, when I lost the match with her before, I also agreed to obey Ye Zi's three arrangements. Now Ye Zi said that her first wish is to have a good job, so she can only complete her first wish. A request was made.

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What else can I do?It's impossible for Lu Chen to keep his word.Then he said to Ye Zi: "Since that's the case, didn't you say so? Why bother to make such a big detour, it will make others misunderstand you." After hearing what Lu Chen said, Lu Chen , looked up at Lu Chen, and saw Lu Chen's inexplicably angry expression, and felt even more funny.

Said to Lu Chen: "Then you didn't ask me at the beginning, who is your mentor? I didn't hear you ask, why did I tell you? I had to bring you to my office to see me."

As soon as Lu Chen heard what Ye Zi said, he wanted to beat Ye Zi up, but what Ye Zi said was true and true, and Lu Chen couldn't refute him.

I had no choice but to swallow my anger and stood up, and then said to Ye Zi: "Then why do you want me to help you now? How could you call me over, I'll just stay here all morning, I have to find something for you Let me do it." Chase Lu is in a moment now, and he can't be idle.

Seeing how proactive he was, Ye Zi told Lu Chen: "Okay, then you sit aside first, wait for me for a while, I will finish the matter at hand, and then I will give you the task." As soon as Lu Chen heard , he couldn't help being a little puzzled, he didn't know what Ye Zi wanted to do, but he had no choice but to obey Ye Zi's secret.

He slowly walked back to the place where he was sitting just now, just looking at Ye Zi, and found that Ye Zi's serious appearance was really good-looking, less the usual arrogance and domineering, but more serious Beautiful, very temperamental, and generous, revealing a touch of femininity.

Lu Chen was thinking about this in his mind, and suddenly he shook his head, patted his head and muttered to himself, "What are you thinking? Lu Chen, please don't take advantage of this witch. Think about it, she lives in this world purely for the purpose of torturing people." Chase Lu was instilling bad words against Ye Zi in his mind.

On the other hand, Ye Zi didn't have a lot of thoughts on her work. She glanced at Lu Chen, and found that Lu Chen was patting her head hard, and she felt very cute.

He laughed out loud, and when Lu Chen heard the laughter, he knew that his actions just now made someone laugh again, so he immediately stopped his actions, pretended to be very serious and continued to wait, Ye Zi gave him the task.

Ye Zi finished her work very quickly, and then walked to Lu Chen's side. Lu Chen was just in a daze, but didn't realize that Ye Zi had already walked to him.Looking back, he found that Ye Zi was so close to him, so he was startled, and quickly fell back.

Seeing him frightened like this, Ye Zi joked: "Lu Chen, are you still a man? Why are you so timid? Lu Chen stroked his eyebrows with his hand, looked at Ye Zi and said: "If you just looked like you I'm the same, I'm so scared, it's strange to see you don't pee your pants. "

Ye Zi looked at him, and found it very funny. Lu Chen looked at him with a smile on his face, and asked her: "Hey, have you finished your work? Send me a task quickly." Ah, didn't you say that you will tell me the task after you finish it? Don't be coy and silent, okay? This is a waste of time. "

Ye Zi saw that he was so impatient, so she had no choice but to stop teasing him, and told about the task she was going to assign to Lu Chen, and she took out a piece of talisman paper from the drawer of her work desk.

Said to Lu Chen: "First of all, as my assistant, first of all, your own strength must be excellent. I found that your strength is not weak in the process of comparing you with me before, but you still need to improve. Go to the West to participate in a talisman repair seminar, I can bring you along, you can study it yourself, this is the ticket."

After talking about Ye Zi, he gave the talisman paper in his hand to Lu Chen and said, "This talisman paper is the ticket." As soon as Lu Chen heard that, he took the talisman paper, thinking about going to experience it and increase his strength, but also It was a very good thing, after all, it didn't do me any harm, so I readily agreed to it.

"Since you have promised to go, then after you get there, you must study hard and experience a lot. After all, being an assistant to a tutor is not a small job, and you must work hard to do it well." Lu Chen listened to Ye Zi's words. As he spoke earnestly to himself, he stopped yelling at Ye Zi, looked at Ye Zi and nodded heavily.

Ye Zi glanced at him, then said to him: "Okay, I don't have anything to tell you now, if you have nothing to do, you can go out first, there are still some days to go to the west, this paragraph You can train yourself well during the time.”

After listening to Ye Zi, Lu Chen said to Ye Zi, "That's all right, I'll go first." After that, he walked out of the teaching and research room.

After Lu Chen left the teaching and research room, he patted his chest and abdomen in a panic, because Lu Chen really didn't expect that the mentor he wanted to assist would be Ye Zi.Lu Chen was dumbfounded at the moment. Although he was extremely unwilling, but after all, he did lose to Ye Zi in the competition, so he would definitely keep his promise. Lu Chen sighed and took long steps out of the research institute.

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