Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2497 Fighting

The academy staff breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Chase Lu finally agreed.Said to Lu Chen: "No, we don't have any conditions. We just need you to be responsible. As a tutor assistant, just do a good job. It will definitely not take up too much of your time. We are only teaching in peacetime. Organize things and help the mentor mainly, don't worry."

After hearing this, Lu Chen smiled with satisfaction, and asked: "Then what should I do next?" The college staff gave the answer, and said to Lu Chen: "You go to the research institute tomorrow, go inside Find the tutor you want to assist, help him sort out the course materials, and assist him to complete the course. This task is completed. The job of a tutor assistant is actually quite simple. Don’t worry, there will be corresponding personnel to meet you , to find your mentor."

After hearing this, Lu Chen nodded at them, and then said to the college staff: "Okay, then I will look for it tomorrow morning, so do you have anything else to say now?" Those college staff understood What Lu Chen meant, it was clear that he wanted them to leave, and they didn't continue to say anything.

"Since the matter has been explained, let's go back first, they said to Lu Chen." Lu Chen rushed, and they said: "Okay, go slowly." They immediately left Lu Chen's dormitory .

After they left, Lu Chen thought for a while, then sat down on his bed, and found that something was not right.Why did those staff members come to me suddenly, and the notice made by the academy was very unreasonable, why did they just randomly arrange positions for others without their permission.

Lu Chen really couldn't figure out why this happened.He thought about going to the elder to give him an answer, but seeing that it was getting late outside, it was not appropriate to disturb the elder, so he stopped his thought.Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and realized that he was indeed a little tired today. A lot of things happened today, and now he is not allowed to use his brain to think about these issues.

Anyway, there will definitely be an answer tomorrow, so there is no need to continue to think about it, so Lu Chen continued to practice.Early the next morning, Lu Chen got up from his bed, thinking about going to practice hard again, but suddenly remembered what those staff members said to him yesterday, and immediately realized that he was going to do it today. To go to the Institute to find that mentor.

Then he hurriedly tidied himself up, washed up, and tidied up his clothes. After all, what he was going to see today was his mentor.I must not make the slightest mistake. Maybe the instructor is very experienced, and I can learn from him or something.So, be sure to leave a good impression in front of him.

Lu Chen walked out of the dormitory in a hurry and went to the research institute. Along the way, he kept imagining what kind of person he was about to assist the mentor.In the end, Chase Lu confirmed that the mentor he wanted to assist should be a very kind or serious old man, otherwise why would he need such a young assistant to help him?

Maybe it's the kind of old man who is already unable to do what he wants.Thinking of this, Lu Chen felt that if he wanted to go to the elders, he had to be more energetic.Chase Lu stopped immediately, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked straight to the entrance of the research institute with solemn steps.

Lu Chen wanted to go in, but he didn't know what his mentor looked like, and how to find him.Lu Chen heard the staff's arrangement yesterday, saying that someone would come to meet him specially, so he thought about waiting here.So Chase Lu kept wandering around the entrance of the research institute, but found that there was still no one to meet him.

In his heart, he scolded all the college staff one by one, which was a waste of his time.Lu Chen thought in his heart that he might as well go home and practice hard.It was agreed that someone would come to meet him, but no one came to look for him.

In a fit of anger, Lu Chen wanted to leave the research institute, but at this time someone grabbed him from behind.Lu Chen turned around to look, only to find that it was Ye Zi, who was looking at him with a smile.As soon as Lu Chen saw that the person in front of him was Ye Zi, he felt that the atmosphere suddenly became so awkward.

Before, Chase Lu was talking big words, saying that he would definitely beat Ye Zi, but in the competition, Chase Lu lost to Ye Zi, and the loss was a mess.Now looking at Ye Zi naturally felt a little embarrassed.

Seeing Ye Zi holding him back, he asked, "What can you do?" Lu Chen yelled loudly at Ye Zi.After all, the person in front of him made him lose all face.Ye Zi looked at Lu Chen who was so angry, and felt that he was getting angry from embarrassment.

With a strong smile, he said to Lu Chen: "I'm here to find you and take you to meet the mentor you want to assist. If you don't want to go with me, then I can't help it." .It turned out that Ye Zi was the person sent by the college staff to meet him, although he was dissatisfied with Ye Zi and felt that she was arrogant.

However, seeing that he was going to find a mentor now, but he didn't know how to do it, so he could only rely on this leaf.Then he said to the leaves.Since you are the one who came to meet me, why did you arrive so late?Do you know that it is very impolite to make a person wait at the door for so long. "

After hearing Lin Luchen say this to herself, Ye Zi felt a little funny.He said to Lu Chen: "I'm sorry, I was indeed so late to meet you, but I didn't expect you to be alone at the gate of this research institute, wandering around, I thought you would go inside and wait first Let's go, and then look for it."

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I'm really not a Gescher

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When Lu Chen heard it, he wanted to beat Ye Zi up.What Ye Zi said was obviously saying that he was stupid, but Ye Zi was a girl, and Lu Chen didn't hit women, and didn't want to do anything to her.

Then he said to Ye Zi: "Okay, don't dawdle and talk to me any more. It's your own fault that you didn't come to pick me up. If you dawdle like this, you'll delay everyone's time." Time, but it’s not very good for each other, you can take me to see the instructor now, I have to help him sort out the materials to assist him in the course, if it is delayed, then you will be the culprit.”

In the early morning, he said these words without any anger, because he felt that the leaf in front of him was really arrogant, so he wanted to never lose to her in terms of momentum.After hearing this, Ye Zi was not angry, but laughed even harder, and said to Lu Chen: "That's all right, then please ask Assistant Lu, go in quickly, I will take you to see your mentor, after meeting you You'll be very surprised."

Ye Zi seems to be plotting some kind of plan, which is really unpredictable.What on earth was she thinking, Lu Chen looked at the leaves like this, and took more precautions in his heart.Then he followed Ye Zi into the research institute building, looking for the position of the mentor he was about to assist.

Seeing Ye Zi's expressionless face, she continued to walk forward. Lu Chen felt that she was walking too fast and too hastily. He just wanted to tell Ye Zi to walk slowly, but now Ye Zi was already walking, and he was very far away from him. Far away, Lu Chen felt that Ye Zi didn't mean to lead someone to find a mentor, but felt that Lu Chen had become Ye Zi's little follower instead.

When Lu Chen thought of this, he felt very upset, and secretly cursed this leaf in his heart.Immediately, he followed Ye Zi to the teaching and research room of the research institute.

Lu Chen went in and saw that there was no one there. He was about to ask Ye Zi why, when Ye Zi suddenly said to him: "You sit here now, wait a minute, I will go back as soon as I go. "Lu Chen thought that this was some kind of arrangement, so he obeyed Ye Zi's order and sat here waiting anxiously.

As soon as Ye Zi came back, he took an extra cup of tea, put it on the tea table in front of Lu Chen, and said, "Drink, this is the tea I brewed myself." Hearing this, Lu Chen became furious When I got up, I didn't expect that Ye Zi would make me wait so long, just to wait for her to make a cup of tea.

Lu Chen immediately stood up and accused Ye Zi: "Didn't you agree to take me to see the tutor I want to assist? Why did you ask me to bring this teaching and research room, but you made me wait so long? Is your cup of tea the one waiting for you? Ye Zi, let me tell you, if you delay my business, I will never end with you."

After hearing this, Ye Zi felt it was very funny, and couldn't hold back her smile, so she laughed out loud in front of Lu Chen.Seeing her like this, Lu Chen thought that Ye Zi was playing tricks on him, so he said to Ye Zi: "Ye Zi, I think you are obviously playing tricks on me, I actually believed your nonsense, forget it, I don't bother to follow What do you care about, I think you can sit here alone and drink your tea."

Said Lu Chen wanted to leave the teaching and research room, but was stopped by Ye Zi.When Lu Chen saw Ye Zi continued to stop him again, he felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and wanted to beat Ye Zi up.

Turning around, I heard Ye Zi say to him: "Hey, don't go, why am I playing tricks on you? I came to take you with good intentions, looking for your mentor, but you are so ungrateful, why don't you leave?" Said I was playing tricks on you." After Lu Chen heard what she said, he didn't expect that Ye Zi would come to this point, and he continued to pretend to be confused.

Wanting to fight with Ye Zi, Lu Chen pulled out the sword he carried with him. Ye Zi saw that his posture seemed to have another contest with him, so he didn't say much, and directly wanted to fight with Ye Zi. Chase Lu continued to fight one more time.

In fact, Lu Chen wanted to compete with Ye Zi again, not only because Ye Zi played him just now, but also because he had been practicing for a long time, and he wanted to compete with Ye Zi again to see how he could be. How much progress has been made.

Ye Zi took out her talisman paper and threw it into the air.Seeing this, Lu Chen jumped into the air and shot his talisman to the ground.Seeing this, Ye Zi suddenly sighed that Lu Chen's speed could be so fast.

When I competed with Chase Lu last time, I didn't realize that Chase Lu's reaction was so quick, but today I saw that it was really extraordinary.With Lu Chen's initial attack, Ye Zi no longer continued to be polite to Lu Chen.Seeing that, Lu Chen was about to strike at him with his sword.

Ye Zi dodged, and controlled the talisman paper that fell on the ground with spiritual power, and quickly wrote runes on it.Rune learned of the induction, and kept tracking Lu Chen non-stop. Seeing this, Lu Chen wanted to use his sword to swing it.

But found that those talisman papers seemed to be equipped with trackers, tightly entwined around Lu Chen.Lu Chen held back immediately, but he still didn't give up, and continued to swing his sword. His physical strength has been exhausted a lot now, and he thought of a way to make this talisman drop and stop following him.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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