Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2499 Wangya Cave

What Lu Chen never expected was that during the process of talking with Ye Zi, the moon quietly appeared.Looking at the stars and the bright moonlight in the sky, Chase Lu couldn't help thinking about everything that happened today, but most of them were good things, which made Chase Lu feel a little relieved.

Go back and prepare to wash up, and step up training tomorrow, and there is still a long time before going to the west to exercise, so it is better to start accumulating some points from tomorrow, Lu Chen thought so, and went back to have a good rest.

Early the next morning, Chase Lu went around to reveal the list, wanting to accept tasks to earn points, but found that there were no tasks to accept around.Lu Chen felt a little frustrated, and murmured to himself, "Why are there so few tasks recently? What can I do? I want to save more points." He walked while thinking like this, and suddenly Seeing a crying person, ran over from him.

Lu Chen raised his eyes, wanting to see how the man was doing, the man wanted to leave in a hurry.Lu Chen felt a little confused when he saw it, and wanted to stop the man.But the man wanted to leave quickly at a fast pace.Seeing this, Lu Chen had no choice but to use force to stop him, because this person was so suspicious.

Unexpectedly, the man threw away Chase Lu. Seeing this, Chen Lu thought he was a bad guy, so he hurriedly fought him. Seeing that his strength was no match for Chase Lu, the man had no choice but to give up, standing aside and refusing to fight. Say nothing.

Seeing this, Lu Chen asked: "Who are you? You must be a student of our Dongsheng. Why did you want to run away quickly after seeing me since you were so nervous? If you don't give me an explanation today, I will I will definitely not let you go." Lu Chen said fiercely to the Dongsheng student.

The reason why he is said to be Dongsheng's student is because he is wearing Dongsheng's clothes, and only Dongsheng's student can roam freely in Dongsheng without being discovered. The Dongsheng student raised his head in horror. He shook his head, his face was covered with fine sweat, just about to speak to defend himself, but he stopped suddenly.

Looking at his twitchy look, Lu Chen didn't feel a little anxious, and shouted loudly to the student: "Who are you? If you don't say anything now, then I will hand you over to the student." It was handled by the Great Elder."

When the student heard that he was going to be handed over to the Great Elder, he really panicked.From his eyes, Lu Chen saw that he might have some hidden feelings, so he restrained his fierce tone before, and asked her softly: "Speak quickly, if you explain clearly to me , I will definitely not tell the Great Elder, maybe I can help you."

Seeing him like this, Lu Chen must be hiding something.The man glanced at Lu Chen and saw that he didn't look like a bad guy, so he said to Lu Chen: "Actually, I, I am a first-year student of Dongsheng. The reason why I wanted to escape just now is because Because today I and a classmate in our class went to a place other than Dongsheng Academy because of our fun."

"But my classmate didn't know what he ate by mistake, and now he is half unconscious and is about to lose consciousness. I was in a hurry just now to find a solution for him, but I was afraid that the elder would find out, so I came here Punish us, so I dare not tell anyone."

That classmate's eyes were full of tears, which almost flowed out of his eyes and whispered to Lu Chen, as if he was afraid of being heard by others.After Lu Chen heard what he said, he reprimanded him loudly: "Such a big thing happened, and you actually hid it and didn't dare to tell others. What if there is an accident at that time? Huh? Where is that classmate of yours? Quickly take me to see, if something happens, who will take the responsibility?"

The Dongsheng student immediately panicked, and said loudly to Lu Chen: "Okay, I will take you to find him now, I hope you can help us in a way, and he walked in one direction as he said that. past.

Chase Lu followed him along the way and found that this place was very remote.Until the student took him to a small shed, the shed looked very dilapidated, and the white cloth was floating quietly on the bamboo pole, which was tattered.

Lying under the shed was a person with a pale complexion, blue lips, and the eyeballs of both eyes were very round, as if he was dying.After looking at it, Lu Chen realized that something was wrong, so he looked at Dong Sheng's classmate and asked, "Where did you go today? He was injured so badly, and you didn't report it to the elder. Is it because you are afraid of being scolded?"

When the man heard it, he was a little overwhelmed, and said to Lu Chen with a slightly crying voice: "We just went to a bamboo forest in Dongsheng College, there are many plants in it, I watched him bend over and swallow a piece of bamboo. I don’t know what kind of grass, it has fallen down, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I don’t think I dare, I’m really afraid of being scolded by the elders, so I didn’t tell them, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” He said many words of sorry, and even bowed to Lu Chen.

Seeing him like this, Lu Chen didn't say anything more, and immediately squatted in front of the seriously injured classmate, wanting to check his injury.Lu Chen squatted down, looked at him, began to feel his pulse on his wrist, and used his index finger and middle finger to gently probe the classmate's neck wantonly.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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However, he found that there was an unknown poisonous insect walking through his body. Chase Lu looked at his eyelids again, but found that they were red and swollen.Such symptoms must have been eaten by mistake, poisonous weeds with poisonous insects.

This poisonous weed is very poisonous, at least it can make people half body naked and disabled, and at most it can cause people to suffocate and go into shock immediately.Looking at the injury now, it must have been a while. I didn't expect that the injury has deteriorated so quickly. I guess, I have to get the antidote now.Lu Chen knew where the antidote to this poisonous weed was.

The classmate saw that Lu Chen seemed to have a good idea, so he said to Lu Chen: "Well, I, I really can't help it. I picked a lot of herbs but it still didn't work. I think you seem There is a way, can you help me?"

Lu Chen saw that the man actually wanted something from him, but for some reason, Lu Chen just didn't want to help him with this favor.Then he said to the Dongsheng student: "You guys caused this problem, but now I need to fill in this hole. What if I don't cure this disease, and put this crime on me instead, how can I It's not miserable, so, you should deal with your affairs yourself."

The reason why Lu Chen said this was not because he didn't want to help that classmate, but because he wanted to test whether the other party had good intentions. In case he didn't really want Lu Chen to help, if Lu Chen put him to death , then maybe this person will break his promise and bite him back.

Seeing this, the classmate panicked, looked around at a loss, and didn't know what he was thinking. Suddenly he said to Lu Chen: "That's it, then this is a task. If you complete it, then I will give you all my points, if you fail to complete it, it will only be regarded as a failure of the mission, and I will bear the responsibility alone. Then do you think this is okay?"

That classmate looked at Lu Chen as if pleading, for fear that he would disagree, his eyes never left Lu Chen's body for a moment.When Lu Chen heard it, he thought about it thoughtfully. Although he didn't care much about the points, the student in front of him seemed to be unable to hold on soon. Saving a life is better than building a seven-level pagoda. If you don't save that little point, you have to save it.

So he said to the classmate who asked him just now: "Okay, then you take good care of him here first, remember to give him a drink of water every once in a while, don't wait for him to die after I come back." Shocked, you must remind him a lot next to him, talk to him a lot, do you hear me? I’ll go back as soon as I go, I’ll go now, and come back with the antidote.”

After Lu Chen finished speaking, before the man could speak, he quickly left the shed and went out in a hurry to find the antidote.Lu Chen speculated that the time he was injured now was about two hours, and the poisonous weeds took about an hour to grow. His physique is already very good and he can last for an hour.

Lu Chen has to hurry on the road now, fearing that if there is some delay, that classmate may die at any time.Linquan has been looking for the whereabouts of the poisonous magic grass all the way, because it needs poisonous magic grass to treat poisonous grass. Ordinary herbal medicine can't cure it. Maybe other herbs can suppress the poisonous time in the body, but if you want to If the root cause is to be cured, we can only rely on the poisonous magic grass to fight the poison with poison to heal the injury, otherwise I am afraid that a disability will be left behind. "

Lu Chen hurriedly went to Wangya Cave, where the poisonous magic grass is the most poisonous.Chase Lu had to retrieve it quickly.Lu Chen went to Wangya Grotto and found that it was a depression, not as open as before.Many people must have discovered the whereabouts of the poisonous magic grass in recent years, and they all came here to collect it.

Lu Chen came to the bottom of Wangya Grotto and wanted to look for the poisonous magic grass there, but found that no matter how hard he looked, he couldn't find it. There was only a pile of grass left there, and there were no green leaves. Lu Chen thought It must be poisonous magic grass, all of them were picked back.

Now that the poisonous magic grass could not be found, Lu Chen was a little impatient, worried that the student's injury would worsen.I was a little anxious.Since the poisonous magic grass could not be found at the bottom of the cave, Lu Chen thought about going up to search for it, maybe there would be something to gain there, because it was very steep and the terrain was extremely uneven, if he went to the top, it would be Very dangerous.

Presumably those who know the poisonous magic grass will not give up choosing the safe place under the cave, but choose to go to the dangerous place on the cliff. Thinking about it, Lu Chen wants to go to the cliff to see if there is any poisonous magic grass. whereabouts.

The more you walk up the cliff, the more you find that the terrain is getting steeper and steeper. It is not as peaceful and flat as the one at the foot of the cliff. Instead, you are always in danger. If you are not careful, you will fall down the cliff. Chase Lu has no extra time now Thinking about these things, I couldn't resist myself, so I had to rush all the way up until I reached the top of the cliff, and then I was relieved, and started to search for the poisonous magic grass, but it was still fruitless.

Lu Chen was a little at a loss, not knowing what was going on now.What else can I do to see the poisonous magic grass? In the early morning, I observed around here, but still got nothing, so I had to leave, but when I passed by the cliff, I found that there was a scorpion-like growth on the cliff in the middle of the cliff. The shape of grass stands on the stone wall of the cliff.

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