Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2496 Take the initiative to find the door

Lu Chen pushed the door out and walked through a garden where the flowers were all blooming brilliantly, so delicate and charming.

Various colors and postures were reflected in Lu Chen's eyes little by little.

Suddenly, Lu Chen's eyes seemed to be full of life.

Looking at it at a glance, people feel that they can regain their hope for life and beauty.

Being in such a beautiful scene, Lu Chen unconsciously wanted to stretch his waist, facing the sun, stretched his muscles and bones, breathed in the fresh air, and the fresh elements in the air entered Lu Chen one by one. In the middle of Chen's nose, Lu Chen became more energetic, no longer as pale and weak as before.

Lu Chen came to a small pool again.

Looking at the lotus flowers in the pond, the lotus leaves are so refreshing, the lotus flowers are so delicate, and there are many small goldfish swimming around.

This is also the finishing touch of the whole garden.

Lu Chen was very surprised. Ever since he entered Dongsheng, he hadn't found this garden so refreshing, so full of flowers and quiet, making people feel so comfortable.

It seems that he was too concerned about strength in the past, and he has been cultivating painstakingly, focusing on improving his own ability, while ignoring the beauty around him.

Under the sunlight, it seemed that Chase Lu was shining brightly.

Lu Chen thought, or just go shopping for a while, and then go back to practice.

So he continued walking towards the depths of the garden, but he didn't want to, and heard a familiar voice, "Look, how beautiful these flowers are."

Lu Chen looked for the sound and found that it was Bai Yu and Hua Ruoxi.

He was so frightened that he panicked and wanted to run away quickly. After all, he and Bai Yu were both in a very embarrassing situation. Now that they saw each other at this time, they didn't know what to do, so he wanted to leave here.

Afraid of bumping into him and not knowing what to do, in the end, because of his action, some small potted plants next to him fell down, causing a very big commotion, causing Hua Ruoxi and Bai Yu to look over in unison, In the end, he saw Lu Chen standing there at a loss.

The two just looked at each other, and Hua Ruoxi pulled Bai Yu forward when she saw this, brought her to Lu Chen's side, and said to Bai Yu: "By the way, Bai Yu, I forgot , Elder seems to have something to do with me, so I will take a step first."

No one knows the current situation of Bai Yu and Lu Chen. Hua Ruoxi sees that the distance between the two is gradually drifting away, so she immediately sweats for the two of them, and wants to continue to relieve them, so Then left here.

After seeing Hua Ruoxi leave voluntarily, Lu Chen also said to Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, I think I'm going back to practice, you can enjoy the flowers here slowly, I'll go first."

So he ran away in a hurry, but was called back by Bai Yu. Seeing his flustered back, Bai Yu shouted at him: "Lu Chen, please stop, I have something to tell you, please stop quickly!" .”

With his back to Bai Yu, Lu Chen tightly closed his eyes.

Now that Bai Yu told him to stop, if he didn't stop, he would seem to want to leave deliberately, so he turned his head, smiled at Bai Yu, and asked, "What else do you need?" Want to talk to me?"

Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen's wry smile, and became very depressed for a while, but he had something to say today, and he had to make it clear with Lu Chen.

Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen, walked forward, and got closer. When Lu Chen saw him making a move, he backed away in fright, because after all, he knew Bai Yu's thoughts about him, and Lu Chen didn't dare to continue. Pretend to be confused, after all, there has been a showdown between the two.

Bai Yu saw that Lu Chen hid himself as soon as he saw him, so he said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, you see me now and want to hide from me, I think you should not hide, I have already told you Promise, after you fight with Ye Zi, I will not continue to pester you, I, Bai Yu, will do what I say, and since you have done it, then I will not pester you again."

When Lu Chen heard that Bai Yu suddenly became so reasonable and said these words to himself, he was a little surprised.

Seeing his surprised expression, Bai Yu felt a little lost, and Lu Chen still didn't believe him.

Then he continued to talk to Lu Chen: "Although the two of us can't be lovers, let's continue to be good friends. Our current situation is very embarrassing. I don't want it, and because I am alone I like you bitterly, because I ruined the friendship between the two of us by being self-indulgent, so Lu Chen, let's continue to be good friends, never be embarrassed, and let this matter be like this Just forget about it, okay?"

Bai Yu was so tearful that he told Lu Chen what he said. After hearing this, Lu Chen's heart suddenly calmed down. It turned out that Bai Yu called him to stop him to talk about this matter, and he immediately looked at Bai Yu affectionately. .

He said to her, "Bai Yu, I never thought you could be so reasonable.

If you can understand my heart, that would be great, let's forget all the unpleasant things before, we will still be friends in the future, and it will never change. "

Lu Chen seemed relieved and said to Bai Yu what he had been holding back for a long time.

After hearing this, Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen affectionately, but this affectionate look was not as lustful as before, but looked at Lu Chen full of gratitude.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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The two just stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly Bai Yu started to sob, crying softly.

Everything about Bai Yu was seen by Lu Chen, seeing her so sad, he couldn't help but want to hug her.

But he was afraid that if he tried to comfort her, Bai Yu would misunderstand her again, so he stood at a distance from Bai Yu and looked at her like this.

And Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen with eyes full of tears, and suddenly flew into Lu Chen's arms.

Lu Chen was startled suddenly, he suddenly felt that what Bai Yu said to him before was all false, but then Bai Yu explained, she said to Lu Chen: "Can you, can you just let me hug you again? One last shot?

I'll hug her for the last time." Afterwards, Lu Chen's body was stunned for a moment, seeing her like this, it was hard to push her away.

He gently patted her back with his hand.

Bai Yu seemed to have received great comfort, sobbing in Lu Chen's arms.

The two stood there for such a long time, just when Lu Chen felt that it was getting late and wanted to go back and push Bai Yu away, Bai Yu suddenly left his embrace consciously.

And said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, thank you, then I will go first."

After finishing speaking, before Chase Lu could answer, he trotted away from Chase Lu's sight.

Lu Chen looked at Bai Yu's back and smiled.

Unexpectedly, after coming out today, there would be such a precious harvest, and Lu Chen was very pleased.

Glancing at the sky, he realized that it was getting late, so he wanted to go back to the dormitory.

Thinking along the way in the early morning, fortunately, after hearing what Chi Qianyu said, he went out for a walk, otherwise he would not have met Bai Yu, and would not have solved the problem with Bai Yu like this. After all, Chi Qianyu is also the thread people.

Lu Chen looked at the sun that was about to set in the sky, and the dots of red smudged the whole sky. He was in a good mood, brimming with a happy atmosphere, and trot all the way back to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory to rest for a while, I wanted to continue my practice, but at this moment, I found a knock on the door.

Lu Chen was bored unconsciously in his heart, and frowned. He went out for a stroll today, and he was a little tired when he came back. He didn't know who it was outside, knocking on the door so rudely.

Lu Chen wanted to open the door and immediately yelled, but after seeing the person who came, he was taken aback for a moment, feeling very surprised.

Because as soon as Lu Chen opened the door, he found that there were college staff in uniform standing at the door.

After they glanced at Chase Lu, they randomly went to his dormitory to observe around without Chase Lu's permission at all.

Lu Chen became even more confused immediately. He didn't know why the personnel of these colleges came to him, so he asked weakly from the side: "You guys, who are you looking for?"

After hearing Lu Chen's words, the college staff turned around and said to him seriously: "Do you know where Lu Chen is?"

When Lu Chen heard it, he was very puzzled. He didn't expect that these college staff came to find him, so he said to them: "I am Lu Chen, what do you want me for?"

Those college personnel stopped searching, and they all surrounded Chase Lu, and said to Chase Lu, "So you are Chase Lu, well, now we want to officially inform you about something, because we received a report from the school. Arranged, and there is a mentor applying for an assistant, we will now officially invite you to be our tutor assistant."

When Lu Chen heard this, he was even more confused. He didn't know why these college staff came to him to be the tutor assistant.

He remained silent, thinking about it, and when the college staff saw Chase Lu like this, they thought he was hesitating.

He said to Lu Chen: "You don't have to worry about any troubles in your studies at all, we will have specialized and authoritative personnel who will fully guide and guide you during the period when you are working as an assistant.

So we formally invite you to take a look at your own thoughts, oh, of course, if you yourself don’t want to be the mentor’s attention, then it’s also difficult for us to communicate, so you should think about it carefully, we also Don't want to give an incomplete answer to the above. "

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, and heard the tough tone of these academy staff, he knew that he must have been entrusted by someone, and he must let himself be the tutor assistant.

Lu Chen wondered who this mentor would be?

However, looking at the attitudes of these academy personnel, he will definitely not tell him who this person is.

Lu Chen held his hand, touched his chin, and kept thinking, not knowing whether to agree or not, but it seemed that being a mentor assistant would only benefit him and not harm him, so Lu Chen thought about it. Promise the academy staff.

Afterwards, Chase Lu showed a smile and said to the staff of the academy: "Okay, then I agree to be your tutor assistant, but the premise is that I must not delay my study and practice time. Look at you Is there anything more to ask in this regard?"

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