I saw Ye Zi looking down at her now, and said arrogantly to Lu Chen: "It seems that your strength is nothing more than this."

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt a little ashamed.

What made him ashamed was not that Ye Zi could defeat him, but that he didn't understand Ye Zi's way at all!This sense of powerlessness is what Chase Lu hates the most.

He raised his head slowly, Ye Zi's smile seemed so dazzling to him at this moment.

Ye Zi didn't pay attention to so much, and ignored Lu Chen's small eyes, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said to Lu Chen: "According to the rules of the game, the side that loses, but the side that promises to win three required."

"Three requests?"

Lu Chen wondered for a moment, why did he seem to have seen this kind of plot somewhere?

However, Chase Lu accepted his fate. Ye Zi had already mentioned this matter before, but at that time, Chase Lu had enough confidence in his own strength, so he didn't pay attention to such things. Now it seems a bit reckless.

Lu Chen stood up slowly, ignored Ye Zi, and just walked forward on his own.

Bai Yu, Chi Qianyu and the others looked worried, and hurried forward, but before reaching Lu Chen's side, they were already stopped by Lu Chen.

Everyone didn't think about moving forward, they knew that they needed to give Lu Chen some time to be quiet.

Lu Chen walked back to his cave alone, but started to practice.

He knew that it was time for him to strengthen himself again. He was not unconvinced when he lost to Ye Zi, but it was just that he always felt a little blocked in his heart, which made him very unhappy.

As if he knew that Chase Lu could not be disturbed now, no one came to look for Chase Lu in the past two days.

There was also a hint of warmth in Lu Chen's heart, knowing that they were doing it for his own good, and practically speaking, if they really came to Lu Chen, it would actually affect Lu Chen's mood.

It is best to let Lu Chen sit quietly for a day or two.

Through these two days of continuous practice, Lu Chen's own strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

Thinking of losing to Ye Zi in the previous competition, Lu Chen felt unwilling, and wanted to wait for himself to go up to another level, and continue to challenge Ye Ye.

At this time, Chi Qianyu came suddenly.

He pushed the door and entered without saying hello to Chase Lu. After seeing him like this, Chase Lu felt a little annoyed and ignored him.

Seeing him like this, Chi Qianyu hurried forward to offer her hospitality.

He said kindly to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, don't stay in the dormitory all the time these few days.

Don't you feel a little bored staying in the dormitory?

Otherwise, let's go out for a walk. "

When Lu Chen heard that it turned out that Chi Qianyu came to him to let him go out, he immediately rejected Chi Qianyu's words.

He said to Chi Qianyu: "Chi Qianyu, you came to me from so far just because you want me to go out with you to get some fresh air and relax?"

"Then I think, we still don't need this. It's better to stay in the dormitory and practice hard. I don't want to be idle all day like you. Every day in Dongsheng, the entire campus, wandering around. With you Kung fu might as well hurry up and practice first, maybe.

With your current strength, if you practice a few more times, there will be a significant improvement. "

Chi Qianyu heard Lu Chen's words one by one. In his heart, he was a little angry. He didn't expect Lu Chen to say that he was idle all day long.

Then he yelled at Lu Chen loudly: "Hey, Lu Chen, what do you mean, you?

You just want to quarrel with me these days, right?

You see we have quarreled several times these days. "

"I came to you today because I want to persuade you, don't worry too much about your loss in the match with Ye Zi, after all, Ye Zi is so strong, and you know it yourself.

I see you, you stay all day, you don't go out in the dormitory, I thought you have been depressed and unable to go out since the last time you competed with Ye Zi, am I trying to persuade you now?

You really don't know good people.

Chase Lu, I think what's the point of you staying in the room every day?

It's better to go out and walk more.

Perhaps, there is something new to gain. "

When Lu Chen heard Chi Qianyu's words, his heart was also touched.

He didn't expect that Chi Qianyu, who looked foolish on the surface, was actually so delicate in his heart, and wanted to dissuade him.

Lu Chen immediately looked at Chi Qianyu, and Chi Qianyu subconsciously avoided Lu Chen's eyes when he saw Lu Chen looking at him like this.

However, Lu Chen's eyes were too sharp, no matter how Chi Qianyu avoided, the light in those eyes was always staring at him firmly.

So Chi Qianyu quickly turned around, met Lu Chen's eyes, and said to Lu Chen as if he was about to go to the battlefield: "Lu Chen, you are not angry at what I just said, are you? Why bother?" If you want to stare at me like this, I didn't do anything bad, and everything I said is true, whether you like it or not, you have to take it to heart."

Chi Qianyu thought Lu Chen looked at him like this because he was angry at what he just said.

After Lu Chen heard what he said, he laughed out loud, and suddenly felt that Chi Qianyu seemed inexplicably cute.

Chi Qianyu looked at Lu Chen and saw him laughing out loud. He didn't know what happened to make Lu Chen laugh so hard.

He put his hips on his hips and shouted at Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, what are you laughing at?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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What do you mean by laughing?

I kindly came to persuade you, but you didn't listen, and still laughed at me like that, forget it, I don't bother to say anything to you anymore.

I'm leaving now, and I won't get in your way here anymore. "

Speaking of Chi Qianyu, he wanted to push the door to go out, but at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly pulled him back.

Chi Qianyu straightened his body slowly, turned his head to look at Lu Chen's hand that was holding him, took a look, and then looked up at Lu Chen.

Seeing Lu Chen standing in front of him with a serious expression, Chi Qianyu felt a little strange when he saw this appearance. He hadn't seen Lu Chen with such a serious look for a long time. Something was about to happen, he swallowed, he swallowed because of nervousness.

When Lu Chen saw his timid look, he found it even more funny, but he was never allowed to laugh in such a serious scene now, so he forced himself to calm down, and said to Chi Qianyu in front of him: : "Qianyu, I know, you have been taking care of me in every possible way recently.

I also understand your thoughts. "

"Actually, since the last confrontation with Ye Zi, I didn't feel any depression or loss. Instead, I felt more, not because of the pain after the failure and the sigh of Ye Zi's strength.

Instead, I suddenly understood that it was actually my own fault to fight Ye Zi, my own strength was no match for Ye Zi, I recognized that, that's why I practiced in the dormitory for so long. "

"Chiba, you know what?

People live in this world, not to pursue a relaxed and happy life, but to pursue a reason to keep moving forward, and the reason for my practice this time is precisely because my strength is not enough, so I have to practice hard. Do you understand what I mean?

So don't worry about me, I am here to make myself better. "

After saying this, Lu Chen's body seemed to tremble slightly. Chi Qianyu felt the changes in his body, especially Lu Chen's hand holding Chi Qianyu was constantly shaking and trembling. From this, it can be seen that Lu Chen It took so much courage in Chen's heart to say these words.

Chi Qianyu couldn't help admiring Lu Chen.

Generally speaking from the standpoint of ordinary people, after being defeated by others, one must hate the other party very much, and will be unhappy, but unexpectedly Lu Chen is the exact opposite person, he always has a pursuit of things , he wanted to pursue a better and more perfect self through this failure, which made Chi Qianyu admire, and this was something Chi Qianyu couldn't do.

The two of them didn't speak for a long time, not because they had nothing to say between them.

It's that their minds are connected, and after the two of them can tell each other what happened in their hearts, they can understand each other in their hearts.

A true friend does not need to heal each other's wounds by comforting words, but can enter the depths of each other's heart with just one look. Chi Qianyu and Lu Chen just explained this.

Although they had a lot of friction before, they were able to resolve it in the end.

This is enough to prove that the friendship between the two of them can stand the test.

Afterwards, Chi Qianyu said to Lu Chen: "Okay, Lu Chen, since the matter is over, we still have to look ahead. After all, there are still unknown difficulties waiting for us to overcome."

"Although you are not cultivating here because of Ye Zi's affairs, I think it is not good to practice for a long time like this. After all, it is a kind of torture to the body. If the body collapses, then there is nothing to do. What's the use?

So Chase Lu, adjust yourself and relax. "

Lu Chen heard that Chi Qianyu was persuading himself again.

But I don't know why, but there is a warm current rushing to my heart.

Lu Chen didn't respond to Chi Qianyu for a long time.

Seeing him like this, Chi Qianyu didn't continue talking, and then he heard a soft "Okay, I see."

The source of this voice was Chase Lu.

When Chi Qianyu heard this sentence, his heart was satisfied, and he looked at Lu Chen with a smile. Then, he showed his white teeth, and his lips curled up, revealing a smile as bright as the sun. It is so dazzling.

The two looked at each other and smiled. After Chi Qianyu heard his promise, he couldn't stay any longer, so he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, then you must remember my words, and even if you are busy, you must take time to have a good rest. I'll go first, you must promise me, you can't cheat on what you promised."

Chi Qianyu asked again and again.

"Okay, I get it, don't be so babbling like an old woman, my thoughts have become confused again after being so messed up by you.

Chi Qianyu, you are really like an old woman, yelling in my ears all day long, hurry up, or I will send you away. "

Lu Chen pretended to be very angry and said to Chi Qianyu.

After Chi Qianyu finished listening, he hurriedly left Chase Lu's room.

Looking at his retreating back, Lu Chen suddenly found it funny.

He also firmly remembered the admonition that his good brother gave him today.

In the next few days, Lu Chen was still practicing in the room, but suddenly, he stopped practicing.

Thinking of what Chi Qianyu said to himself a few days ago, Lu Chen didn't want to deceive Chi Qianyu. Since he promised Chi Qianyu to take a good rest, he should stop practicing first, go out and have a look, and take a breath of fresh air. .

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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