Of course, it is not ruled out that Bai Yu deliberately promoted it, and the purpose was to get a peek into Lu Chen's room.

Lu Chen scratched his head. After being stimulated by this series, he seemed to be in a trance, so he used the key to open the door and pushed it in.

I looked around and found that there was no one in the room.

"Is something really going out?"

Lu Chen was a little lost and frustrated, and a little bit incomprehensible. At this time, there is no major event in the college!

Just as he was about to leave, he saw a figure approaching from the distance of the door, and that person was undoubtedly Chi Qianyu.

Lu Chen then turned and walked towards him, reaching out his hand to block his whereabouts. Chi Qianyu glanced at Lu Chen, not wanting to talk to him, so he passed him and wanted to go back to his room.


The stone in Lu Chen's heart also fell, but it was so loud!

What he didn't want to happen the last time, did happen.

With Chi Qianyu like this, he obviously already knew it!

Seeing this, Lu Chen immediately hugged him up.Chi Qianyu struggled hard, but Lu Chen's strength was too great, no matter how much he resisted, it would be fruitless.

Chi Qianyu gave up struggling, stared at Lu Chen and said to him, "What on earth do you want to do? You come to me now because you want to fight me, right?"

"What's more, it's so decent to hug and hug like this!"

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he felt that Chi Qianyu had misunderstood him, and the misunderstanding was quite big, so he loosened again and again, hugged Chi Qianyu's hand tightly, and gently stroked his arm.

It's not that he was influenced by Liu Changqing, it's just that he was a bit wronged, and he didn't want to fight Chi Qianyu directly in his anger, so he was extremely honest.

Patting the dust on his body, Lu Chen also said to Chi Qianyu more courteously: "Qianyu, I came to you, just want to apologize to you properly. I was too impulsive for these things, I I didn't think it through at all, and I went without telling you. I was wrong in this matter. I didn't consider your feelings. May I ask Mr. Chi Qianyu if he has the slightest willingness to forgive me? "

After saying this, even Lu Chen himself almost vomited.

He's been a rough guy for so many years, it's impossible for this kind of suspected coquettish words to come out of Lu Chen's mouth!

It's just that Lu Chen knows that it is obviously more appropriate to use this method in this scene. He either doesn't understand Chi Qianyu's character, or he has a knife mouth and a bean curd heart.

He has already given up on his own side, and he doesn't believe that Chi Qianyu will come to quarrel with him again over such a trivial matter.

"I don't care what you think of her. My thoughts are the same as yours now, so Qian Yu, you just think that I was confused for a while before I said those words to you. We are good brothers. Could it be that Do you want to ruin such a good friendship between us because of such a person?"

Lu Chen slowly said these words to Chi Qianyu, which was already very sincere, and if Chi Qianyu didn't accept it, then he would have nothing to do.

After Chi Qianyu heard these words, the line of defense in Chi Qianyu's heart obviously relaxed a bit, and the look in his eyes became more colorful.

He raised his head to look at Lu Chen, saw that Lu Chen's eyes were full of sincerity, and he didn't participate in any lies, so he secretly smiled in his heart. He didn't expect to see Lu Chen who apologized so earnestly, Chi Qianyu also felt that Somewhat funny.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Why do you say Ye Zi, you finally know who he is, did she do anything to you?"

In fact, Chi Qianyu had lost most of his anger at this time, and just to see what Lu Chen would say, he suppressed his smile and popped out these few words.

After hearing this, Lu Chen pretended to be very angry, and said fiercely to Chi Qianyu: "Huh! Don't mention her to me, I feel angry when you mention her, you know? She went to practice in the Twelve Freedom Building together, obviously she invited me to go."

"In the end, her purpose was just for one thing, to be able to fight me one-on-one, to block everyone's mouths, so that everyone would admit that he is the number one in Dongsheng and no one can replace him. I think this kind of person is unavoidable. It's too scheming, it's too scary to take advantage of others for one's own benefit, I didn't believe it at first, but now I really believe what you told me about her. "

When Chi Qianyu heard this, his eyes rolled, and he fully understood what Lu Chen said, and he said to Lu Chen: "Look, I told you a long time ago, she is not a good person, you still don't know what to say." If you insist on arguing with me because of her, what are you doing? You, I think you have never treated me as a brother in your heart. Even a small outsider, if you don’t know what kind of person she is, just help her. Her. I won't be able to accept it for a while."

The conversation between the two of them was like two children venting their anger on each other, neither of them took it as a serious matter.

It's just pity for that leaf, who was verbally educated by the two of them for no reason.

Lu Chen felt a little helpless, and didn't know what else he could do to persuade Chi Qianyu. After hearing what he said, he said to Chi Qianyu, "Well, when will you be able to accept my apology? One month, or two months?

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Lu Chen asked this question with a questioning face, and he was also very cute.

After hearing what Lu Chen said, Chi Qianyu wanted to tease him, and said to him, "That depends on my mood." Then he turned around and walked back gracefully.

Lu Chen couldn't laugh or cry, looked at Chi Qianyu's back, smiled, and left.

He has to go back and consolidate what he has gained in the past few days!

In the next few days, Lu Chen has been practicing hard, and completely used what she learned in the Twelve Zizai Building in the formation, and his strength suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

Lu Chen was very excited. At this time, someone informed him that he was going to learn the talisman repair course. Lu Chen was reluctant to go, because after all, he would meet Ye Zi there.

But now I have no reason to quit that course, so I have to bite the bullet and go.

Secondly, although Chase Lu didn't want to see Ye Zi, he had to admit that her class level was indeed high, and Chase Lu also wanted to refer to the path of talisman cultivation to improve his own way, so naturally he had to.

During the class, Ye Zi saw Lu Chen and took a few glances, and Lu Chen could feel it himself.So he lowered his head, not wanting to meet Ye Zi's eyes, but Ye Zi seemed to be doing it on purpose, and always liked to ask Lu Chen to answer questions during class breaks.

Since he was a student in class, he had to respect the class no matter what, so Chase Lu had no choice but to stand up and answer his question.

I thought this matter could be passed like this, but I didn't expect that after class, Ye Zi asked several students to come to Lu Chen and asked him to go to his research room. Lu Chen was unwilling to go, but the gang The classmates have been blocking him.

Lu Chen couldn't turn those classmates around, so he had to go to Ye Zi. He came to Ye Zi's teaching and research room, and saw her sitting on his workbench as before, studying something.But this time, Chase Lu didn't sit obediently and wait for him, because Chase Lu already knew what kind of person Ye Zi was.

He walked straight over, knocked on Ye Zi's workbench a few times, and said to Ye Zi in a very cold tone: "Tell me, what is the matter you came to me for? If there is nothing, then I will gone."

Although I heard Lu Chen say that he was going to leave now, Ye Zi was still unhurried. She turned her head from the workbench, looked at Lu Chen and said to him, "I'm looking for you. There is nothing particularly important, I just want you to help me sort out these materials."

Ye Zi pointed at the information on the workbench with his finger. Lu Chen looked over and picked his eyes. He didn't understand why Ye Zi did these things now. He felt very puzzled and worried that Ye Zi would make some kind of conspiracy. ?

With a hint of suspicion in his eyes, he wanted to guess, what kind of medicine is sold in this leaf gourd?But Ye Zi saw his thoughts, and said to Lu Chen straightforwardly: "You don't have to doubt it, in fact, I came to you today because I really wanted you to help me sort out these materials That's all. After all, are you still a teacher-student relationship now? I don't want to, because the previous incident made the two of us too stiff."

After hearing what he said, although Chase Lu still had doubts in his heart, he couldn't show it on the face of it. After all, he had said so, so Chase Lu had no choice but to help him sort out the materials reluctantly.In the process of sorting out the information, Ye Zi took a closer look at Chase Lu and found that his inner strength was very deep.

Then he asked him: "I think you are very good, why didn't you participate in the selection competition at that time, maybe you will be the first after participating, haven't you thought about it?" Lu Chen heard, When he mentioned this matter again, he felt very noisy.

Hastily threw the documents in his hand onto the workbench, stared at Ye Zi and said: "I agreed that today I'm just here to help you sort out the documents, and now you're asking what to do with this matter?" Why? If I like to participate, I will participate. If I don’t like to participate, I don’t like to participate. Do you care about you? Who are you to me? Really.”

Lu Chen was also unwilling to give him and her some face now, so he rushed straight, and after saying this to Ye Zi, he turned and left angrily.Looking at the back of him leaving, Lu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled very coquettishly.He muttered in a low voice, "It's fun."

After Lu Chen left her teaching and research room, he felt very angry. He didn't expect there to be such a wonderful person in the world. He obviously told her again and again that he didn't want to mention the previous competition, and he never wanted to talk about it. I never thought about being Dongsheng No.1, this person was like I had never heard of it before, and when he told her about this thing again and again, Lu Chen felt very annoyed.

Suddenly, a group of girls came into Lu Chen's sight. After they saw Lu Chen, they came over very shyly and said to Lu Chen: "Brother Lu Chen, we are one grade younger than you. student."

Lu Chen looked at the girls in front of him, although he was extremely irritable in his heart, he couldn't express it to these students and said to them: "Oh, so you are junior sisters who are a year younger than me. "

Those girls, when they heard that Lu Chen took the initiative to talk to them, they nodded frantically there. Fortunately, there was still a sliver of reason to pull them back. The girl who took the lead said to Lu Chen: "Senior Brother , Actually, it is a bit abrupt for us to come to you today, we have just entered the first grade."

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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