After hearing what Lu Chen said, Ye Zi said to Lu Chen: "No, when I came here before, it was brightly lit inside, and it was very bright. I don't know what's going on. Where did these problems come from, and why do you look like this?" When Lu Chen heard this, Ye Zi didn't know why, so he became a little worried.

Ye Zi, when she heard Lu Chen's sigh, thought that since she was the one who dragged him to the Twelve Zizai Building, she must let Lu Chen feel the Twelve Zizai Building well, and feel its inside. Great.

"How about this, let's think of a way together to see if we can get some light inside." Ye Zi said.As soon as Lu Chen heard this, he felt that this method was feasible, and the two reached a consensus. After Lu Chen and Ye Zi high-fived, they began to want to create some light to fill the tower.

Lu Chen and Ye Zi studied carefully for a long time, but found that no matter what, there is no light in this tower. They also tried to cast spells to fill the cave with light, but their mana seemed to be at this point. The Twelve Zizai buildings were affected inside, as if they had disappeared.

They didn't just try to cast spells. They also thought of many ways to come up with this matter, but it was still fruitless.The cave is still very dark, and there is no reason to find out what made it look like this, and there is no way to light up the inside.

Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, and sighed.At this time, Ye Zi couldn't help but start talking: "Don't worry, this matter can definitely be resolved, even if there is no light inside, what should we do? Actually, it doesn't affect our coming here. Studying inside, it’s just that we can’t see clearly, why don’t we just meditate here now, feel the power of the Twelve Zizai Building and us, and see if there will be any changes in our cultivation realm afterwards.”

As soon as Lu Chen heard this, he nodded in agreement, so he and Ye Zi sat somewhere in the Twelve Zizai Building. In this dark and lightless tower, they meditated, and suddenly the spiritual energy gathered, and the whole tower The spiritual energy gradually merged into their bodies, and suddenly Lu Chen's mind was constantly startled by various pictures of him learning the formation before, and in the end, he actually stopped in front of a string of big characters.

It says that if you want to truly comprehend the way of the formation, you must be one with the formation, which is conducive to control and can bring the formation to its peak.These big characters appeared in Lu Chen's mind, and he got up quickly. After realizing that this was the method he had comprehended, he jumped up for joy and stopped meditating.

At this time, Ye Zi also further comprehended the skills of the talisman repair technique.Although the two of them have been in the dark all the time, they also realized the Tao through this Zizai Building.

All of a sudden, all the lights in the Twelve Free Building turned on, and the two of them were no longer trapped in the darkness before.Lu Chen saw clearly how convenient it was before him, and observed along the way, and found that the inside of the Twelve Free Buildings was simply magnificent, and, like the emperor's bedroom, luxurious and solemn.

The place where he and Ye Zi were just now was so small. The entire Twelve Building was in a small corner. How big it is.

Because of the Twelve Zizai Buildings, Lu Chen realized some important things, so he wanted to express his gratitude to Ye Zi, but for some reason, Ye Zi suddenly seemed a little indifferent to Lu Chen.Lu Chen looked at Ye Zi and found that there was an extremely serious hostility on Ye Zi's face.

Lu Chen thought it was him who offended Ye Zi, so he said to Ye Zi: "Ye Zi, what's wrong with you? Did I do something wrong? If you are angry, then you can just say it straight." After Lu Chen finished speaking to Ye Zi, he didn't expect Ye Zi to be so hostile towards Lu Chen.

Both of them have realized something now, and they want to leave here. At this moment, Ye Zi suddenly said to Lu Chen: "I heard that you are in Dongsheng, and you are actually the one who may get No.1." Why didn’t you take part in the evaluation competition of Dongsheng’s second school year?”

Maybe you can replace me and become No.1. In fact, I only want to have a duel with you because I heard many people say that you are better. Many people deny my strength. Some people even think that I may not be able to beat you in a fight with you, so I want to have a good fight with you now to prove that I am capable of taking the first position. "

Before leaving, Ye Zi actually made an appointment with Lu Chen. When Lu Chen heard it, he felt very incredible. Unexpectedly, now that he is still in the Twelve Zizai Building, Ye Zi can't wait to express her inner thoughts. .

Lu Chen understood that Ye Zi wanted to bring him to the Twelve Free Building to learn more about it. In fact, it was not for such a reason at all. She just wanted to call herself out and have a good fight. See , Can you prove your own strength?

After Lu Chen thought of this, he felt a little chilled. He didn't feel that Ye Zi was using him, but foolishly thought that Ye Zi had smashed such a good thing on his head. After hearing Ye Zi, he wanted to be with Ye Zi. After the words of his own battle, Lu Chen obviously didn't have so much emotion. The reason why he didn't want to participate in that competition before was that he didn't want to be defined as the first or the number one, because that would make him live more every day. Depressed, can't find my own fun.

Hearing that Ye Zi actually wanted to single out himself because of this matter, Lu Chen suddenly felt uncomfortable for a while, and blamed Ye Zi for using himself to bring him to the Twelve Freedom Building.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Ye Zi saw that Lu Chen was still unwilling to agree to her, so she thought, anyway, there will be more opportunities in the future, and she is not in a hurry for this moment.

What's more, there is a saying in ancient times that compromise is progress, and Ye Zi is also well versed in the truth.

Then he said to Lu Chen: "Okay, if you don't want to have a duel with me now, then I won't force you, but I won't give up. I believe we will have a good discussion."

Ye Zi gritted her teeth and said it, showing her arrogance and perseverance.

Unexpectedly, Lu Chen was a little disdainful. If he hadn't been prepared, maybe he would really have to fight this guy.

If Ye Zi really makes an appointment with Lu Chen, maybe Lu Chen will really agree to it when he is in a better mood.

But she was thinking of using this method to force Lu Chen to submit. To be honest, Lu Chen really looked down on this person now.

Thinking about it now, Lu Chen has already comprehended some formations, and has practiced well here. It is useless to stay here any longer, and naturally he has to go back to consolidate.

In addition, Ye Zi's previous actions also thoroughly annoyed Lu Chen. Lu Chen also wanted to leave the Twelve Free Building without saying a word, and didn't want to go back with Ye Zi, so he turned and left angrily.

Ye Zi didn't keep her. She knew what kind of mental state Lu Chen was in now. If she talked more, she might completely annoy Lu Chen, so she could only let Lu Chen leave angrily.

After Lu Chen left, Ye Zi didn't stay there too long, but waited to come back first, and then went back to Dongsheng.Lu Chen was thinking about what Ye Zi said to him along the way, and Lu Chen couldn't help but feel a little angry, because this Ye Zi actually tricked him to the Twelve Zizai Building in order to single out him.

Sure enough, you can't just look at people on the surface, and you need to get in touch with them more in the future. This time, I taught Lu Chen a lesson.

Ye Zi's behavior is still a bit excessive compared to Chi Qianyu before.

"That's right! Chi Qianyu!"

Thinking of Chi Qianyu, Lu Chen suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Ever since he and Chi Qianyu came back from that Chi's house, the relationship between them has become less tense than before, more like brothers.

On weekdays, he, Chi Qianyu, and Su Qiong were also talking and laughing, and the previous tension had long since disappeared.

Moreover, Chi Qianyu also used his own resources to help Lu Chen settle some of the disasters caused by Lu Chen when he first joined Dongsheng.

Lu Chen now pays great attention to Chi Qianyu's inner feelings!

In this Dongsheng, if it is said that Chi Qianyu was the most difficult to deal with, before that day, everyone might have blurted out that it was Lu Chen or Su Qiong, but after that battle, everyone answered that there was only one person.

That was Ye Zi who defeated Chi Qianyu with that weird talisman!

According to rumors, after Chi Qianyu lost to Ye Zi that day, he was severely mocked by Ye Zi, the specific words are now unknown.

But after Chi Qianyu came back that night, he didn't speak for a whole few days. Those who didn't understand the situation might think that he was practicing closed-mouth meditation!

And the relationship between the two of them, which was just an accidental acquaintance before, was completely destroyed.

How bad is the relationship between the two?Even if Lu Chen said the word "Yezi" beside Chi Qianyu, Chi Qianyu would be very unhappy.

When Chase Lu and Ye Zi go out, they will go directly to the entrance of the college!

Although Lu Chen deliberately avoided it at the time, but after all, there were so many people and mixed conversations, maybe Chi Qianyu also got the news.

Lu Chen was a little helpless. If he had told Chi Qianyu before, he would never allow Lu Chen to go with that guy's strange temper.

And Chase Lu was only thinking about the benefits of the Twelve Free Buildings at the time, and didn't think much about it. Now that the problem is in front of him, he realizes how big the trouble is.

"We have to go to Chi Qianyu first!" Lu Chen said secretly in his heart, and he also accelerated his flying speed on his feet.

No, after Lu Chen came back, he rushed to Chi Qianyu's room again and again, knocked on his door, and said to the inside: "Qianyu, I'm Lu Chen, I have something to tell you."

But no one responded to him, Lu Chen was a little strange, Chi Qianyu usually practiced in his room at this time!

Lu Chen knew that guy, since he was hit by Lu Chen and Ye Zi's double blow, he was a little lost, and he was indulging in cultivation all day, there should be nothing to make this guy come out!

"Could it be?" After Lu Chen thought about it carefully, he thought of a possibility—could it be that Chi Qianyu was trying to avoid him and just didn't respond?

Lu Chen knocked on the door again, but still no one responded. He felt a little lost in his heart, but he made another plan.

It seems that he has the key to Chi Qianyu's door!

At Su Qiong's suggestion, they also kept a lot of spare keys with each other.

As soon as this group of geniuses entered the state of cultivation, they stopped caring about other things and just practiced without distraction.

And if there is any important event in the world of them, it cannot be heard through the microphones arranged by the college in the cave, in order to prevent accidents in the cave where the isolation effect is so good, this method can only be used.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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