"There are many unfamiliar places, but we have heard a lot of your deeds when we first entered the first grade. I think you are very amazing, senior brother, can you take us with you? A few of us will not What a waste of your time."

When Lu Chen heard that they actually wanted to let him take them to practice, he wanted to decline, actually because Lu Chen was in a really bad mood today.If there were girls who came to strike up a conversation before, then Lu Chen would naturally not let them go.

But faced with such a complicated situation today, Lu Chen said to them: "I'm sorry, junior sisters, I know that you must come to me because you really like to practice, but, senior brother, today I am really There is no way to teach you, because I am busy with things today, and I don’t have time, so let’s go to another day, and when I have time, I will definitely find time to teach you well.”

After Lu Chen finished speaking, those girls were naturally a little unhappy, and they all surrounded him with pouting mouths, and begged Lu Chen: "Brother, we also have a hard time. I came to look for you, can you take some time now to help us?"

"We will be very grateful to senior brother in the future, and we know that you are busy, but we really want to let senior brother take us for a while. After all, we are just beginners, and we don't know how to practice. Well, senior brother, you can do it." Several girls hugged Lu Chen's arm and kissed your nickname, calling "Senior brother."

This immediately made Chase Lu feel a little embarrassed.I am in a very complicated mood now, and I don't want to teach any exercises, but in the face of so many junior sisters begging him, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent, so he is caught in a dilemma.

At this time, Bai Yu suddenly appeared in front of Lu Chen, because today Bai Yu wanted to look for him after hearing the news of Lu Chen's return.Unexpectedly, when she came out, she was very annoyed when she encountered such a scene.

The teeth were grinding in his mouth continuously, and the hands were clenched and tightened on both sides of the legs. This kind of behavior showed that Bai Yu was very angry now.

Seeing so many girls surrounded by Lu Chen, she naturally felt uncomfortable, because she likes Lu Chen, and I'm afraid the whole Dongsheng knows about it.Now she has to watch from the side, because she is not someone Lu Chen now, so it is not good to interfere in this matter, so she has to stand aside angrily.

But those girls became even more presumptuous. They tried their best to Lu Chen, and Bai Yu was also gnashing his teeth. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he rushed towards them.Suddenly Lu Chen's back was cold, and he found something interesting, why his back was so gloomy.

Lu Chen turned around and saw that Bai Yu was walking straight towards them with her murderous eyes.Loudly shouted towards Lu Chen: "What are you people doing? Do you know that you are very unruly now, and you have disturbed Dongsheng's image."

Then those little junior sisters hid behind Lu Chen with some grievances.Lu Chen looked at Bai Yu and wanted to use this incident to get rid of these junior sisters, so he said to them: "I'm sorry, everyone, I do have something to do today. I asked your senior sister to go to the classics library to look up information."

"So, there is really no way to accompany you to practice. If you want to find someone else to take you, it doesn't have to be me. I actually know quite a few people. I can ask them to come and take you .” Lu Chen just saw Bai Yu coming, so he wanted to push the boat along.

After hearing what Lu Chen said, those junior sisters all became very depressed, and said to Lu Chen: "Well, since Brother Lu Chen has already said that you have something to do, then we can no longer make trouble for no reason. If we continue to bother you, then we will leave first."

After those senior sisters were about to leave, they suddenly turned back and asked Lu Chen: "Brother, what is your relationship with this senior sister? Can you tell me? I think this senior sister seems to care about you." .”

After hearing this, Lu Chen waved his hands to them without hesitation, saying that Baiyu had nothing to do with him, and said to the younger junior sisters: "Your senior sister Baiyu and I are very close friends. There is nothing other than the relationship of friends, so stop thinking about it, go back and practice a lot, I believe that your strength will rise steadily in the future."

Those junior sisters were very happy after hearing what Lu Chen said, and returned a sweet smile to Lu Chen, and said to him: "Senior Brother, since Senior Sister has nothing to do with you, then we There is nothing else to do. Thank you, brother, for your support, we will not let you down, and if we encounter problems in the future, we will still come to see you, hope you can teach us next time?"

Seeing that he was about to get rid of these demons in front of him, Lu Chen repeatedly agreed and said to them: "Okay, fine, but I really don't have time today. If you come to me next time, I will definitely be fine." teach you."

Those girls finally got a satisfactory answer, and left one by one excitedly.At this moment, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally got rid of those girls, so he turned his head and wanted to thank Bai Yu well.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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But when he turned around, he found that Bai Yu had already looked at him coldly, and his eyes were so fierce.Lu Chen felt that something was wrong, so he shrank his body. After all, he knew that Baiyu was interesting to him, and Lu Chen couldn't see it, but it was hard to tell.

If everyone talks about breaking this relationship, then they may not even be friends in the future.He looked at Bai Yu, and when he saw her eyes, he passed directly over and said to her: "Thank you, if you didn't show up here in time today, I might be caught by these girls." How long will it be? Thank you, Bai Yu, it's a good thing you showed up in time."

After finishing speaking, he walked to Bai Yu's side and patted her on the shoulder. Bai Yu suddenly broke free from Lu Chen's shoulder and shouted at Lu Chen: "I see, you said thank you , In fact, your heart must be busy hating me. You probably think I'm bothering you, and your leisure and elegance are here to flirt with girls."

"There are so many girls around you, Lu Chen, shouldn't you be happy? I see you are surrounded by them, don't you look happy? It's a bit of a sister and brother." Bai Yu looked black. The look of his face, he said to Lu Chen.

Hearing Bai Yu's words, Lu Chen became a little unhappy. He didn't understand why Bai Yu would say that, and felt that Bai Yu was a little unreasonable, so he said to Bai Yu: "Bai Yu, I don't understand what you said. What do you mean, I really thank you very much in my heart, I don't know why you say so much irony, in short, today's matter is thank you, I have to go, goodbye."

Suddenly, Bai Yu turned around, hugged Lu Chen from behind, hugged Lu Chen tightly and said, "Lu Chen, I know you must know what I think about you, why do you keep avoiding me?" What about me? What's wrong with me? I can change what's wrong. You can tell me what's wrong. I'm willing to change anything. I really like you very much. It's not like you don't understand, Chase Lu. "

After hearing this, Lu Chen felt that it was a little difficult to deal with. Now that Bai Yu had pierced the window paper, he could no longer pretend to be confused, so he hugged Bai Yu's hand, and from his own The waist was broken off.

Turning around, looking at Baiyu, he said: "Baiyu, it's really not that you are not good enough, it's really because of me, I can't accept your liking for me, and it's impossible for me to be with you. Baiyu , just let me go, and yourself too, with your conditions, you will definitely find someone better than me. Don't continue to cry for me."

When Bai Yu heard it, she shook her head again and again, and said to Lu Chen with tears, "No, I don't want it, I don't want to find anyone else, I just want you, Lu Chen, don't you understand? Lu Chen, I I really like you for a long time." Seeing that Bai Yu still looked like this, Lu Chen shook his head and wanted to leave.

Seeing this, Bai Yu suddenly grabbed Lu Chen's hand, and refused to let him go. Lu Chen broke free a few times, but couldn't.Then he said to Bai Yu, "Goodbye." He hurriedly broke Bai Yu's hand from holding him, and it seemed that he had used a lot of strength.

Bai Yu looked at Lu Chen and turned his head.All the tears of grievance flowed straight down, and he said hoarsely at Lu Chen's back: "Lu Chen, we are no longer friends, and it is impossible anymore." After hearing this, Lu Chen immediately became red Eye sockets, now I have completely lost Bai Yu as a friend.

The two left with their backs facing each other.In the past few days, for some unknown reason, Chi Qianyu was in a good mood, so he forgave Lu Chen at once, and said to Lu Chen: "Lu Chen, you said that our group of brothers seems to have been together for a long time. Not together anymore."

"Why don't you take them out to sit with you while you're free today." Chen Qianyu still didn't say a word, Chi Qianyu felt a little strange, so he repeated it to Lin Luchen again, still nothing When he got the answer, he became a little anxious, and said to Lu Chen, "What's the matter with you? Tell me." Lu Chen still sat there dumbfounded and didn't speak.

Seeing him like this, Chi Qianyu felt that something had happened, so she knelt down in front of him and looked at him, staring straight into his pupils and said: "Lu Chen, what happened, you should tell it anyway. Ah, aren't we good brothers, let's share the burden together."

After hearing this, Lu Chen turned his head and looked at Chi Qianyu: "Yes, we are good brothers, how could we not be friends anymore?" Lu Chen said in a low voice, as if talking to himself Self-talk is average.

Seeing him like this, Chi Qianyu felt something was wrong.Seeing that Lu Chen is so out of state now, it is not easy to continue to ask Lu Chen, so he has to start with his nearest situation.

Finally, through Chi Qianyu's observations in recent days, he discovered that there seemed to be some contradiction between Lu Chen and Bai Yu.Both of them were angry and refused to see each other. Chi Qianyu guessed the clue. In fact, everyone knew that Bai Yu liked Lu Chen. Seeing the current situation, he must have guessed it too. a bit.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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