Junior Pharmacist

Chapter 2483 Energy Group

After seeing the row of talisman papers he held up high, the expert leader panicked and led the brothers around him, and hurriedly wanted to leave.

However, at this time, Chase Lu didn't give them any chance to escape, so he threw out the row of talisman papers in his hand. The talisman papers flew in the air, and they were still safe and sound, but fell on On the ground, there was only a "bang" sound of flames flashing, and a very thick layer of fog suddenly formed.

Those masters were all wounded one after another.Seeing this, Lu Chen hurriedly shouted, wow, shouted to the gang of brothers behind him: "Come on, brothers, let's annihilate them in one fell swoop now, and then go back to claim credit." Lu Chen led the gang behind him Those people went straight to the organization.

Lu Chen is full of hostility now, and the power on his body makes even the people on his side look a little scared.

He didn't speak, just rushed to the front immediately.

At this moment, the people in the organization were already frightened and fled in panic because of the loud explosion.

This time Lu Chen also ignited the desire to slaughter.

The masters in those organizations have all been seriously injured. At this moment, Chase Lu is coming again, not to mention that he is powerless, but at least he will suffer a lot from Chase Lu!

Therefore, Chase Lu has the upper hand in this situation.

In addition, Lu Chen was already enraged at this moment, and the more he killed, the braver he was, the people around him were a little afraid to come forward.

However, Lu Chen also kept an eye out, and only dealt with those masters after beheading a lot of people in the organization.

Lu Chen knew that although they were injured, their strength remained unabated.

It is actually more disadvantageous to fight alone with Lu Chen, so they deal with Lu Chen together.

Seeing that Lu Chen was at a disadvantage, Chi Qianyu wanted to help Lu Chen.But Lu Chen said to Chi Qianyu: "Don't, just leave me alone, I'm more than prepared to deal with these people, you go and help the brothers."

After Chi Qianyu heard what he said, he understood what Lu Chen meant.

He knew that Chase Lu wanted to deal with those members of the relatively powerful organization alone, so he turned to Chen Lu to help those weaker brothers.

This is not the so-called Tian Ji's horse racing strategy, and the reason is even very simple.

It's just that Chase Lu wanted to do something for everyone, so he fought alone.

The corners of Chi Qianyu's eyes couldn't help getting a little moist. It was beyond his expectation that Lu Chen could give so much.

For this reason, Chi Qianyu also used twelve tenths of his energy to deal with these people in front of him.

And the situation here is even more dangerous.

Although it was one-to-many, Lu Chen was not at all timid, and he got into a ball with them in an instant.

Those people were also smart, and surrounded Lu Chen in groups. Although their weapons were different, they had an extremely strange harmony.

The weapons of several people pointed at Lu Chen, and there were beeps in their hands, obviously there were still some things that Lu Chen didn't know.

Their expressions were all the same, but they were angry, and the blood stains on their faces was also a vivid and calm expression, and there will be another bloody storm next.

Lu Chen half-closed his eyes and looked at the front, only mocking these guys in his eyes.

He is not afraid of these guys at all. You must know that Chase Lu has been practicing since the accident in the Sifang Continent, but it is more than a dozen.

Now although the opponent is actually not weak, but to be honest, after the opponent doesn't have that kind of weird movement skills, Lu Chen really doesn't have the slightest fear.

Before Lu Chen moved, the other side was the first to lose his temper.

They bent down and swept their swords from Lu Chen's lower body. This move seemed a little sinister, but it was extremely effective.

Several swords come down together, at first glance, there is no place to dodge at all!

Moreover, some kind of restriction is used in it. It seems that the trick is simple, but it is extremely difficult to escape.

I saw Lu Chen made a leap, jumped up, and dodged the sword.Leaped into the air, hovered for a while, and fell to the ground.

It was obvious that he had fallen into some kind of trap, and in the eyes of others, Lu Chen was indeed a little reckless this time.

It's just that they never thought that Lu Chen was just playing a trick.

But the real Lu Chen quietly came behind them at this moment!

What's ridiculous is that those masters didn't notice it, and while watching "Lu Chen" lying on the ground, they didn't dare to approach, for fear of fraud.

On the other side, they were still looking for Chi Qianyu's figure.

If Chi Qianyu came to help, they really had to guard against it. '

It's just that what they didn't expect was that Chase Lu was no longer the Chase Lu just now.

Lu Chen grabbed one of them by the neck from behind, and the slight coolness made the poor little guy feel bad instantly.

It's a pity that it was too late to react at this time.

He was about to shout out, but he was already frozen in the air.

Because just now, Lu Chen's hand has been reversed counterclockwise along this direction.

There was only a "click" sound, and the man's neck was broken in response.

The blood stains left on it slowly waded across.

During this quiet time, there was already one person missing.

Lu Chen was not a little happy about the success of the blow, but shook his hand, as if he had encountered something unclean.

After that, he used his spiritual power to wash his hands thoroughly.

This shows how much Chase Lu hates these organizations.

Seeing Lu Chen being so humiliated, several people naturally couldn't wait to come up and fight Lu Chen to the death.

All of a sudden, the crowd rushed over again, and all kinds of moves flew together, making Lu Chen a little overwhelmed.

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I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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Fortunately, everyone used some mana before. Although it was an explosion at the moment, it was inevitable that they were a little tired.

After resisting the initial wave, Lu Chen was able to cope with it gradually.

In addition, by starting to fight with them, Chase Lu discovered that there are two of them whose strength is only a thread away from his own.

Lu Chen is not a fool, so he naturally put his focus on these two people.

According to his speculation, if there is no extremely special combination skill, only the attacks of these two people can pose a little threat to him.

As Lu Chen expected, after he was entangled, the two of them did not use their full strength, but silently prepared for something.

Although Chase Lu was tired of coping, his innate talent for fighting was a perfect reminder to him.

Seeing the actions of those two people, Lu Chen's heart was also tugged, but he was also silently preparing.

This variable seems to be only in one thought.

While dodging, Lu Chen carefully observed the two of them.

After a while, Lu Chen also felt that something was wrong.

The frequency and strength of those two attacks on Chase Lu seemed to be a little bit bigger!

A ruthless look flashed in Lu Chen's eyes. He felt that the other party was ready, so he just had to make a move!

The cyclone in his body also gradually exploded, and Chase Lu adjusted his whole body to the highest state.

No matter who Lu Chen is dealing with, unless it is his friends or juniors, he has always used his full strength.

Because he knows that the dangers in this world cannot be easily settled by him. Only by putting out 20.00% of his efforts in every game can he never be knocked down by others!

At this moment, he also completely released the spiritual energy in his body, the Dragon Transformation Art had been quietly activated, and Lu Chen's body surface gradually released with scales.

Repelling the person in front with one hand, Lu Chen flattened his palm backwards, and with his body skills, he reached the two of them.

The sword in the other hand has already been prepared, and at this moment, it is also handed out!

The principle of strike first is the strongest, no matter where it is applicable!

Seeing that Chase Lu rushed over like he was desperate for his life, the two were also a little frightened.But after all, there is still some sense.

The move that had been prepared for a long time was also handed out at this moment.

It was a small energy group, but the power attached to it was extremely strange. Chase Lu only felt that he had seen this power somewhere, but he felt that this power was very disgusting.

Although this energy group is in the shape of a small ball, it even looks a little cute.

But it contains countless spiritual power, and I don't know how many restrictions and assistances have been added to compress such a powerful spiritual power into such a small piece.

Lu Chen could tell at a glance that if this energy block exploded completely, the consequences would be unimaginable!

At this time, the few people behind him also took advantage of Lu Chen's unpreparedness to attack Lu Chen, and Lu Chen's ears moved, and they also quickly avoided.

It's just that the little ball still chased after Lu Chen reluctantly.

Lu Chen turned around first, led the ball not far away, and began to look at the ball.

What the ball gives you is just darkness and fear, but Chase Lu sees a trace of vanity.

Lu Chen was a little relieved, it seemed that his efforts just now were also effective.

It's just that the power of law carried by this small ball is too powerful. If Chase Lu is not mistaken, he seems to have no choice but to take this horror hard!

"bring it on!"

Lu Chen straddled his legs and formed a defensive posture. The moment his feet landed, there were a lot of waves of spiritual power scattered around.

It was a somewhat crude formation that Lu Chen had arranged in that little time before.

However, facing this terrifying small ball at this moment, it is natural to have an extra point and an extra guarantee.

Although the ball was small, it flew very fast, and in a blink of an eye, it was already in front of Lu Chen's eyebrows!


Lu Chen yelled violently, and the aura in his body also increased by three points.

He actually took it forward with both hands, ready to take this terrifying move head-on!

Although the formation next to it is simple, it has a significant effect, slowly dissipating the pressure on Lu Chen.


Two powerful forces collided, and this energy finally exploded under the influence of the booster!

The powerful shock wave shook the whole building a bit, not to mention Chase Lu in the center there.

At this moment, Lu Chen looked extremely embarrassed, and the clothes on his upper body had long been swept away by the spiritual power without a trace.

Even the lower body was only covered by a few strands of cloth.

Lu Chen let out a rough breath, his body was already covered with scars.

The joint attack launched by these two people was actually similar to Sheng Yang and Ji Yin before, but the artistic conception was a little different. If Lu Chen hadn't been prepared, he might have been seriously injured by this thing.

Although Lu Chen received the blow, his physical and spiritual strength were greatly consumed.

Those people naturally felt that there was an opportunity to take advantage of it. They originally wanted to kill Lu Chen. Although Lu Chen blocked this big move at the moment, it was a lot of consumption.

With the idea of ​​taking advantage of your illness to kill you, several people rushed towards Lu Chen frantically.

Originally, several of them dealt with Lu Chen together, so Lu Chen is very passive now.

He was able to equalize with everyone before, and he only relied on his superb fighting skills.

At this moment, everyone made another move together, naturally trying to kill Lu Chen here.

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