Chapter 470 Seventh: Annihilation of the Army

When Lu Chen heard this, he patted Chi Qianyu on the shoulder heavily, and said to him: "You can do it, you boy, you found that place really fast. Now I see, it's almost time to arrive. It's time to annihilate them, hurry up and take me to the place where they are hiding, let's take them down together, let them kneel on the ground and cry for their father and mother."

This is how Lu Chen's evil taste came up, and he has many methods of torturing people.Chi Qianyu glanced at Lu Chen.He said contemptuously to Lu Chen: "You don't even know the strength of their organization now, so you just talk big and empty. If you can't defeat those organizations and ask them to arrest them, then I will won't save you."

The brothers who are fighting each other are like this again, and they are tearing up.After hearing what Chi Qianyu said, Lu Chen became a little dissatisfied. He raised his fist and aimed straight at Chi Qianyu, who fainted.

Being fooled by him like this, but he still didn't forget the business of the two of them, he quickly corrected his voice, and said to Lu Chen: "Okay, Lu Chen is not the time for us to mess around, since we already know the secret of the mysterious organization. The location, why don't we go over there to check it now, so we can go there to learn more about it, now we don't know what the enemy situation is like, how can we wipe it out in one fell swoop?"

After Lu Chen heard what Chi Qianyu said, it was indeed 10% reasonable, so he said to Chi Qianyu: "Okay, then let's set off now to observe them." They first reported to the elders, Knowing that the two of them wanted to go to the hiding place of the mysterious organization, the Great Elder ordered a group of people to follow Chase Lu and also go to carry out this task secretly.

Although Lu Chen felt that if he brought too many people, it would be very easy to be exposed, but it was also to prevent the two of them from being exposed, and they couldn't beat so many people on the other side, so he still wanted to take them with him.

Afterwards, Chase Lu took a group of people there, and quietly searched for the location of the organization.A group of people sneaked to their hiding place and found the unknown things that the mysterious organizations were transporting.But those things are definitely not good things.Lu Chen guessed in his heart.

Seeing so many of them, Chi Qianyu was carrying them, and wanted to take the opportunity to attack them, but Lu Chen felt that doing so would only scare the snake away. After all, he still doesn't know how many people there are in their organization. It's just a small part of them, then they will fall down, then you say, what should we do.

"You always say no, that's no good, you have to think of a good way to come out." Chi Qianyu heard that Lu Chen relied on himself as the captain, and when he said no, he was also a little unhappy Lu Chen, and didn't want to quarrel with him , after all, at such a critical juncture, I was afraid that I might miss the business.

Then he said to him: "I think we should find out how many of them are there now? Let's make further plans after the observation." Although Chi Qianyu was a little dissatisfied.But right now the elders are also handing over all this matter to Lu Chen, and he can't command any more, so he nodded and said nothing.

In this way, when they arrived at the first room, they finally knew the approximate number of them. It must be more than a few thousand people. Otherwise, the entire team might be wiped out.

At night, Lu Chen also knew their number.So he thought about setting up the beast shadow method that the elder gave him here.After these days of continuous practice, he finally practiced the beast shadow formation, and now it is finally useful, because the enemy is clearly aware that they are in the dark, so it is best to set up a formation to try. .

Chase Lu can control the beast shadows in the formation from a long distance to attack those organized people, and wait for the opportunity after the formation is arranged.Lu Chen saw the timing, and controlled the beast shadows. The beast shadows seemed to come alive, and slowly crawled towards the organization.

The people in their organization didn't realize that the danger was approaching quietly, and the few people who were still carrying it might be the relatively low-level people among them, and they were all attacked by the shadow of the beast.Their resistance was relatively weak, and they were immediately overwhelmed by the beast shadow.

The deaths of these people disturbed the hearts of the people in the organization.Gradually the scene became chaotic.Chase Lu increased his control over the beast shadows to attack them, and the death toll in the organization was close to over a hundred.

Finally, he walked out of a tent, and there came a young man with a tall nose, a ferocious expression, and joyful brows. The young man seemed to hold real power, and he shouted at the people in the chaotic organization in front of him. He shouted: "Everyone stop quietly, there is nothing to be afraid of." Then the young man waved his hand.

The beast shadows set by Lu Chen seemed to be fleeing in a hurry, and they all retreated one after another. Looking at the young man, Lu Chen realized that his strength was extraordinary, it must be not easy, he is a master, So he no longer used this beast shadow formation to attack.

Immediately afterwards, he came out of the camp again. Among them, Chase Lu was the most skilled at seeing other people's skills. He hid aside and found that these young people were all very strong and well-developed muscles. They must also be masters.For a while, because Lu Chen made this beast shadow formation, many masters appeared in that organization.

The person in the lead realized that things were a bit complicated. They didn't understand why there was a large wave of beast shadows attacking them, so there must be someone secretly manipulating them.This made him keep an eye on his mind and observe everything around him carefully.

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Escape King

I'm really not a Gescher

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Temple of Heaven

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Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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He always felt that things were not that simple, so he held an urgent meeting, he pulled the leading people into the account, discussed it, and decided to strengthen the security around him, and went to check the surrounding areas by the way. Explore.

Lu Chen saw a few of them entering inside again from the outside, and it seemed that he had sent more people to guard against them.Then he beat his thigh vigorously, expressing some disappointment.

Chi Qianyu patted him on the back and said, "Lu Chen, don't worry too much about it. After all, there are a lot of them, and those people look like masters. It must not be that easy to defeat them. Let's find another way." After listening, Lu Chen agreed, and they observed quietly in the dark.

What will those masters do next?So they all waited for the opportunity to move, but they didn't move now, because those masters had already sensed the danger around them, and they couldn't bump into the muzzle of the gun at this time.I saw a pair of teams rushing in neatly, and checked the surroundings.

Lu Chen knew that they were patrolling now, so he said to the people in his team: "You have to be careful now, they have already become suspicious. Speak, don't be so loud, and report to me if you have any actions, don't be casual Walk around. Did you hear that?" After listening to those people, they respectfully replied to Lu Chen: "Okay, we know."

Lu Chen's nervous face turned red, and Chi Qianyu stood beside him to relieve him, but it didn't help at all. Lu Chen's body was obviously a little stiff.

Now that the two sides are so exhausted, it is not a solution. Chi Qianyu sees that they will be even more difficult to deal with after they have defense, and they are a little bit rotten.Then he said to Chi Qianyu: "Forget it, why don't we carry out the next step of the plan, it's impossible to stay in such a stalemate with them forever. It doesn't matter to them, they are just defending, and we are, If you stare at it for so long and you still can't beat it, it will really make people laugh."

Chase Lu is very concerned about his face. After all, he promised himself that the elder said that he would wipe out these mysterious organizations.So he wanted to set up another formation. Since the last time the beast shadow demonstration method failed to defeat them, then this time he would use the weapon formation.

Although you couldn't fully control those weapons when you used the weapon array last time?It almost hurt Chi Qianyu, but Lu Chen has been in a very good mood these days, and has been learning how to control the weapons he has deployed.

Therefore, his weapon array control has achieved a very qualitative leap.He didn't care so much now, and immediately opened the second formation, and cast the spell carefully to ensure the quality of the second formation.

Then he asked a group of people behind him to take out the weapons in their hands. Immediately, the number of weapons was sufficient, and the strength of the formation became stronger.With a push, Lu Chen went to the mysterious organization on the website where all the weapons were controlled. The inspectors found that there was an unknown object attacking them, and hurriedly told the experts.

Immediately, many weapons were shown to them from the sky, and they hit many people in the mysterious organization in one go. Hundreds of people have died now, and those masters still haven't appeared for a long time. Lu Chen didn't know about them What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd.

Those weapons all attacked the people in the organization, like the will of God mercilessly landed, as if the punishment of God was wantonly killing everyone.Chi Qianyu secretly shouted from the side: "Okay, hurry up and kill more villains."

Suddenly Lu Chen was unexpectedly excited and excited.But the fact is that they thought too much, and the matter was not so easy to end. In fact, those senior people had already expected that they would launch a second wave of attacks.So just wait for them to attack and sense their position.

In the end, those high-level people finally appeared. They sensed the direction of the flying weapons of the previous weapons with their induction force, and then accurately deduced the direction of Chase Lu and the others.Without thinking, he flew over there.

The people on Lu Chen's side were still unaware, until Lu Chen found out, and after those experts flew towards them, they hurriedly shouted: "Retreat, the enemy will find our position quickly." Everyone panicked fled around.

Seeing those people, Lu Chen was about to fly towards them, and when he was about to contend with them, Chi Qianyu took his hand and said to him, "Hurry up and retreat, why is Lu Chen still here? Are you Do you want to wait to die? There are so many of them, although our strength is not bad, but the number is really not enough, hurry up and go with me, let's get out of here."

But Lu Chen still didn't give up and didn't want to leave here.He couldn't hold back, so he went back to meet the elders like this, and then shook off Chi Qianyu's hand.It looks like something is going to be picked up on his body.

Seeing him like this, Chi Qianyu couldn't leave herself, so she had to stay with him, and when she saw those people, she came straight towards them.At this time, Lu Chen took out a row of talisman papers from his luggage with a straight face.

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long night fire

Emperor's son-in-law

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I'm really not a Gescher

Breaking through the galaxy starts with adding points

Temple of Heaven

North King Sword

Dragon's son-in-law

One Sword Sovereign

Dragon King Medical Son-in-law

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